--- license: creativeml-openrail-m tags: - text-to-image - art widget: - text: duskypie language: - en pipeline_tag: text-to-image --- ### DuskfallTest Dreambooth model trained by Duskfallcrew with [Hugging Face Dreambooth Training Space](https://huggingface.co/spaces/multimodalart/dreambooth-training) with the v1-5 base model You run your new concept via `diffusers` [Colab Notebook for Inference](https://colab.research.google.com/github/huggingface/notebooks/blob/main/diffusers/sd_dreambooth_inference.ipynb). Don't forget to use the concept prompts! If you want to donate towards costs and don't want to subscribe: https://ko-fi.com/DUSKFALLcrew If you want to monthly support the EARTH & DUSK media projects and not just AI: https://www.patreon.com/earthndusk WARNING: This is trained largely on a small data set of our own art with a focus on the fact that our art, and any stable/midjourney outputs we included in this are related to our Dissoicative Identity Disorder. May actually retrain a larger data set later on. Trained using the MultiModel Dreambooth App, sitting on a friday afternoon doing absolute squat. Please DO NOT re-upload the sample pictures that it was trained on, except in the instance you are inspired to use img2img.. In which we dutifully ask you to spam the community section with your outputs. DO NOT RESELL THIS MODEL, AS IT DOES HAVE A TON OF MY ART IN IT. You may: Merge, use at will - SELL your generations - it's a STYLE after all! Do credit when reuploading or merging if possible. Model sampling data includes: Digital artwork by Duskfall, Midjourney & Stable Diffusion outputs, Traditional scanned artwork by Duskfall. Second Life /3D outputs that were created by us long ago, some re-done in the application called FACEAPP. We'd like to do a larger training with more time and money but need to learn how these work first! Sample Outputs: ![kairowez 29](https://huggingface.co/Duskfallcrew/duskfalltest/resolve/main/concept_images/Duskfall%20Concept%20Outputs/1ee9cac8-a316-4e6f-b66f-27e4c108ef6f.jpeg) ![kairowez 29](https://huggingface.co/Duskfallcrew/duskfalltest/resolve/main/concept_images/Duskfall%20Concept%20Outputs/3f8225aa-14fd-459d-9932-f3848f39fb14.jpeg) ![kairowez 29](https://huggingface.co/Duskfallcrew/duskfalltest/resolve/main/concept_images/Duskfall%20Concept%20Outputs/6f8f2cce-450a-4c85-9a9a-590c192fcce1.jpeg) ![kairowez 29](https://huggingface.co/Duskfallcrew/duskfalltest/resolve/main/concept_images/Duskfall%20Concept%20Outputs/78a2946a-17c3-4abf-b53b-f219f3af6d8b.jpeg) Sample pictures that it was trained on: ![duskypie 0](https://huggingface.co/Duskfallcrew/duskfalltest/resolve/main/concept_images/duskypie_%281%29.jpg) ![duskypie 27](https://huggingface.co/Duskfallcrew/duskfalltest/resolve/main/concept_images/duskypie_%2828%29.jpg) ![kairowez 29](https://huggingface.co/Duskfallcrew/duskfalltest/resolve/main/concept_images/kairowez_%281%29.jpg)