import copy import os import shutil import cv2 import gradio as gr import numpy as np import modules.scripts as scripts from modules import images, processing from modules.processing import process_images, Processed from modules.shared import opts from PIL import Image, ImageFilter, ImageColor, ImageOps from pathlib import Path from typing import List, Tuple, Iterable #Returns a list of images located in the input path. For ControlNet iamges def get_all_frames_from_path(path): if not os.path.isdir(path): return None frame_list = [] for filename in sorted(os.listdir(path)): if filename.endswith(".jpg") or filename.endswith(".png"): img_path = os.path.join(path, filename) img = cv2.imread(img_path) if img is not None: frame_list.append(img) frame_list.insert(0, frame_list[0]) return frame_list #Returns a list of images located in the input path. For Color iamges def get_images_from_path(path): if not os.path.isdir(path): return None images = [] for filename in os.listdir(path): if filename.endswith('.jpg') or filename.endswith('.png'): img_path = os.path.join(path, filename) img = images.append(img) images.append(images[-1]) images.insert(0, images[0]) return images #Returns the number of the smallest number in the entire image sequence list. For ControlNet def get_min_frame_num(video_list): min_frame_num = -1 for video in video_list: if video is None: continue else: frame_num = len(video) print(frame_num) if min_frame_num < 0: min_frame_num = frame_num elif frame_num < min_frame_num: min_frame_num = frame_num return min_frame_num #Blende method def basic(target, blend, opacity): return target * opacity + blend * (1-opacity) def blender(func): def blend(target, blend, opacity=1, *args): res = func(target, blend, *args) res = basic(res, blend, opacity) return np.clip(res, 0, 1) return blend class Blend: @classmethod def method(cls, name): return getattr(cls, name) normal = basic @staticmethod @blender def darken(target, blend, *args): return np.minimum(target, blend) @staticmethod @blender def multiply(target, blend, *args): return target * blend @staticmethod @blender def color_burn(target, blend, *args): return 1 - (1-target)/blend @staticmethod @blender def linear_burn(target, blend, *args): return target+blend-1 @staticmethod @blender def lighten(target, blend, *args): return np.maximum(target, blend) @staticmethod @blender def screen(target, blend, *args): return 1 - (1-target) * (1-blend) @staticmethod @blender def color_dodge(target, blend, *args): return target/(1-blend) @staticmethod @blender def linear_dodge(target, blend, *args): return target+blend @staticmethod @blender def overlay(target, blend, *args): return (target>0.5) * (1-(2-2*target)*(1-blend)) +\ (target<=0.5) * (2*target*blend) @staticmethod @blender def soft_light(target, blend, *args): return (blend>0.5) * (1 - (1-target)*(1-(blend-0.5))) +\ (blend<=0.5) * (target*(blend+0.5)) @staticmethod @blender def hard_light(target, blend, *args): return (blend>0.5) * (1 - (1-target)*(2-2*blend)) +\ (blend<=0.5) * (2*target*blend) @staticmethod @blender def vivid_light(target, blend, *args): return (blend>0.5) * (1 - (1-target)/(2*blend-1)) +\ (blend<=0.5) * (target/(1-2*blend)) @staticmethod @blender def linear_light(target, blend, *args): return (blend>0.5) * (target + 2*(blend-0.5)) +\ (blend<=0.5) * (target + 2*blend) @staticmethod @blender def pin_light(target, blend, *args): return (blend>0.5) * np.maximum(target,2*(blend-0.5)) +\ (blend<=0.5) * np.minimum(target,2*blend) @staticmethod @blender def difference(target, blend, *args): return np.abs(target - blend) @staticmethod @blender def exclusion(target, blend, *args): return 0.5 - 2*(target-0.5)*(blend-0.5) blend_methods = [i for i in Blend.__dict__.keys() if i[0]!='_' and i!='method'] def blend_images(base_img, blend_img, blend_method, blend_opacity, do_invert): img_base = np.array(base_img.convert("RGB")).astype(np.float64)/255 if do_invert: img_to_blend = ImageOps.invert(blend_img.convert('RGB')) else: img_to_blend = blend_img img_to_blend = img_to_blend.resize((int(base_img.width), int(base_img.height))) img_to_blend = np.array(img_to_blend.convert("RGB")).astype(np.float64)/255 img_blended = Blend.method(blend_method)(img_to_blend, img_base, blend_opacity) img_blended *= 255 img_blended = Image.fromarray(img_blended.astype(np.uint8), mode='RGB') return img_blended #Define UI and script properties. class Script(scripts.Script): def title(self): return "controlnet I2I sequence_toyxyz_v2" def show(self, is_img2img): return is_img2img def ui(self, is_img2img): ctrls_group = () max_models ="control_net_max_models_num", 1) input_list = [] with gr.Group(): with gr.Accordion("ControlNet-I2I-sequence-toyxyz", open = True): with gr.Column(): feed_prev_frame = gr.Checkbox(value=False, label="Feed previous frame / Reduce flickering by feeding the previous frame image generated by Img2Img") use_init_img = gr.Checkbox(value=False, label="Blend color image / Blend the color image sequence with the initial Img2Img image or previous frame") use_TemporalNet = gr.Checkbox(value=False, label="Use TemporalNet / Using TemporalNet to reduce flicker between image sequences. Add TemporalNet in addition to the multi-controlnet you need. It should be placed at the end of the controlnet list.") blendmode = gr.Dropdown(blend_methods, value='normal', label='Blend mode / Choose how to blend the color image with the Previous frame or Img2Img initial image') opacityvalue = gr.Slider(0, 1, value=0, label="Opacity / Previous frame or Img2Img initial image + (color image * opacity)", info="Choose betwen 0 and 1") for i in range(max_models): input_path = gr.Textbox(label=f"ControlNet-{i}", placeholder="image sequence path") input_list.append(input_path) tone_image_path = gr.Textbox(label=f"Color_Image / Color images to be used for Img2Img in sequence", placeholder="image sequence path") output_path = gr.Textbox(label=f"Output_path / Deletes the contents located in the path, and creates a new path if it does not exist", placeholder="Output path") ctrls_group += tuple(input_list) + (use_TemporalNet, use_init_img, opacityvalue, blendmode, feed_prev_frame, tone_image_path, output_path) return ctrls_group #Image Generate Definition def run(self, p, *args): path = p.outpath_samples output_path = args[-1] # get the last argument, which is the output path feedprev = args[-3] blendm = args[-4] opacityval = args[-5] useinit = args[-6] usetempo = args[-7] # Check whether the output path exists, if it does, delete it and create a new one. if os.path.isdir(output_path): for file in os.scandir(output_path): os.remove(file.path) else : os.mkdir(output_path) #Get the number of controlnet models. video_num ="control_net_max_models_num", 1) # Get the ControlNet image sequence list. image_list = [get_all_frames_from_path(image) for image in args[:video_num]] # Get a list of color image sequences. color_image_list = get_images_from_path(args[-2]) # Get the first frame previmg = p.init_images tempoimg = p.init_images[0] #If img2img color correction is enabled in webui settings, color correction is performed based on the first frame. initial_color_corrections = [processing.setup_color_correction(p.init_images[0])] #Save initial img2img image initial_image = p.init_images[0] # Get the total number of frames. frame_num = get_min_frame_num(image_list) # image processing if frame_num > 0: output_image_list = [] for frame in range(frame_num): copy_p = copy.copy(p) copy_p.control_net_input_image = [] for video in image_list: if video is None: continue copy_p.control_net_input_image.append(video[frame]) if usetempo == True : copy_p.control_net_input_image.append(tempoimg) if color_image_list and feedprev == False: if frame 0 : tempoimg = proc.images[0] #Save image if(frame>0): images.save_image(img, output_path, f"Frame_{frame}") copy_p.close() else: proc = process_images(p) return proc