import os from typing import Any, List import numpy as np import gdown from deepface.models.Detector import Detector, FacialAreaRegion from deepface.commons import folder_utils from deepface.commons import logger as log logger = log.get_singletonish_logger() # Model's weights paths PATH = "/.deepface/weights/" # Google Drive URL from repo ( ~6MB WEIGHT_URL = "" class YoloClient(Detector): def __init__(self): self.model = self.build_model() def build_model(self) -> Any: """ Build a yolo detector model Returns: model (Any) """ # Import the Ultralytics YOLO model try: from ultralytics import YOLO except ModuleNotFoundError as e: raise ImportError( "Yolo is an optional detector, ensure the library is installed. \ Please install using 'pip install ultralytics' " ) from e weight_path = f"{folder_utils.get_deepface_home()}{PATH}" # Download the model's weights if they don't exist if not os.path.isfile(weight_path):"Downloading Yolo weights from {WEIGHT_URL} to {weight_path}...") try:, weight_path, quiet=False) except Exception as err: raise ValueError( f"Exception while downloading Yolo weights from {WEIGHT_URL}." f"You may consider to download it to {weight_path} manually." ) from err"Yolo model is just downloaded to {os.path.basename(weight_path)}") # Return face_detector return YOLO(weight_path) def detect_faces(self, img: np.ndarray) -> List[FacialAreaRegion]: """ Detect and align face with yolo Args: img (np.ndarray): pre-loaded image as numpy array Returns: results (List[FacialAreaRegion]): A list of FacialAreaRegion objects """ resp = [] # Detect faces results = self.model.predict(img, verbose=False, show=False, conf=0.25)[0] # For each face, extract the bounding box, the landmarks and confidence for result in results: if result.boxes is None or result.keypoints is None: continue # Extract the bounding box and the confidence x, y, w, h = result.boxes.xywh.tolist()[0] confidence = result.boxes.conf.tolist()[0] # right_eye_conf = result.keypoints.conf[0][0] # left_eye_conf = result.keypoints.conf[0][1] right_eye = result.keypoints.xy[0][0].tolist() left_eye = result.keypoints.xy[0][1].tolist() # eyes are list of float, need to cast them tuple of int left_eye = tuple(int(i) for i in left_eye) right_eye = tuple(int(i) for i in right_eye) x, y, w, h = int(x - w / 2), int(y - h / 2), int(w), int(h) facial_area = FacialAreaRegion( x=x, y=y, w=w, h=h, left_eye=left_eye, right_eye=right_eye, confidence=confidence, ) resp.append(facial_area) return resp