from typing import List import os import bz2 import gdown import numpy as np from deepface.commons import folder_utils from deepface.models.Detector import Detector, FacialAreaRegion from deepface.commons import logger as log logger = log.get_singletonish_logger() class DlibClient(Detector): def __init__(self): self.model = self.build_model() def build_model(self) -> dict: """ Build a dlib hog face detector model Returns: model (Any) """ home = folder_utils.get_deepface_home() # this is not a must dependency. do not import it in the global level. try: import dlib except ModuleNotFoundError as e: raise ImportError( "Dlib is an optional detector, ensure the library is installed." "Please install using 'pip install dlib' " ) from e # check required file exists in the home/.deepface/weights folder if os.path.isfile(home + "/.deepface/weights/shape_predictor_5_face_landmarks.dat") != True: file_name = "shape_predictor_5_face_landmarks.dat.bz2""{file_name} is going to be downloaded") url = f"{file_name}" output = f"{home}/.deepface/weights/{file_name}", output, quiet=False) zipfile = bz2.BZ2File(output) data = newfilepath = output[:-4] # discard .bz2 extension with open(newfilepath, "wb") as f: f.write(data) face_detector = dlib.get_frontal_face_detector() sp = dlib.shape_predictor(home + "/.deepface/weights/shape_predictor_5_face_landmarks.dat") detector = {} detector["face_detector"] = face_detector detector["sp"] = sp return detector def detect_faces(self, img: np.ndarray) -> List[FacialAreaRegion]: """ Detect and align face with dlib Args: img (np.ndarray): pre-loaded image as numpy array Returns: results (List[FacialAreaRegion]): A list of FacialAreaRegion objects """ resp = [] face_detector = self.model["face_detector"] # note that, by design, dlib's fhog face detector scores are >0 but not capped at 1 detections, scores, _ =, 1) if len(detections) > 0: for idx, detection in enumerate(detections): left = detection.left() right = detection.right() top = bottom = detection.bottom() y = int(max(0, top)) h = int(min(bottom, img.shape[0]) - y) x = int(max(0, left)) w = int(min(right, img.shape[1]) - x) shape = self.model["sp"](img, detection) right_eye = ( int((shape.part(2).x + shape.part(3).x) // 2), int((shape.part(2).y + shape.part(3).y) // 2), ) left_eye = ( int((shape.part(0).x + shape.part(1).x) // 2), int((shape.part(0).y + shape.part(1).y) // 2), ) # never saw confidence higher than +3.5 confidence = scores[idx] facial_area = FacialAreaRegion( x=x, y=y, w=w, h=h, left_eye=left_eye, right_eye=right_eye, confidence=min(max(0, confidence), 1.0), ) resp.append(facial_area) return resp