import streamlit as st import requests images = { "ChatBot": "", "Text2Speech": "", "Translation": "" } # Fonction pour afficher la barre de menu horizontale interactive def afficher_barre_menu(): # Modifier l'arrière-plan de la barre latérale en fonction du choix st.markdown( """ """, unsafe_allow_html=True ) st.markdown( """ """, unsafe_allow_html=True ) # Fonction pour afficher la barre de description verticale def afficher_barre_description(description): st.sidebar.title("Description") st.sidebar.write(description) # Fonction principale pour afficher l'application def main(): afficher_barre_menu() st.sidebar.header("Principal") choix = st.sidebar.selectbox("Choose your option ",["ChatBot", "Text2Speech", "Translation"]) if choix == "ChatBot": afficher_barre_description("This section features a chatbot inspired by Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2. Which is able to respond with a high level of expertise NB: for more precision put your text between quote.") afficher_ChatBot() elif choix == "Text2Speech": afficher_barre_description("Enter the text you wish to convert to speech in the text box below, then click the button to listen to the generated speech.") afficher_Text2Speech() elif choix == "Translation": afficher_barre_description("The Hellsinki model is used to translate Korean and Spanish texts into French.") afficher_Translation() # Fonctions pour afficher le contenu def afficher_ChatBot(): st.title("Interactive Chatbot ") st.write("Welcome all of you.") # Définir le modèle et le tokenizer API_URL = "" headers = {"Authorization":"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"} def query(payload): response =, headers=headers, json=payload) return response.json() # Envoyer le message lorsque l'utilisateur appuie sur Entrée messages = st.container(height = 300) if user_input := st.chat_input("Say something"): output = query({ "inputs": user_input }) messages.chat_message('user').write(user_input) with st.spinner('Loading....'): messages.chat_message("assistant") messages.write(output[0]['generated_text']) def afficher_Text2Speech(): st.title("Text2Speech") API_URL = "" headers = {"Authorization": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"} def query(payload): response =, headers=headers, json=payload) return response.content texte_input = st.text_input("Enter your speech") if st.button('Conversion'): with st.spinner("Converting..."): audio_bytes = query({"inputs": texte_input, }) md = f""" """ st.markdown( md, unsafe_allow_html=True, ), format="audio/mpeg", loop=True) def afficher_Translation(): langues = { "Korean - French": "Helsinki-NLP/opus-mt-ko-fr", "Espagnol - French": "Helsinki-NLP/opus-mt-es-fr" } st.title("Translator") with st.container(height=500): langue_source = st.selectbox("Source :", list(langues.keys())) phrase = st.text_input("Enter the sentence to be translated :") if st.button("Translate"): # Récupérer les modèles correspondants aux langues sélectionnées modele_source = langues[langue_source] # Appeler l'API pour traduire la phrase resultat = traduire(phrase, modele_source) # Afficher le résultat de la traduction st.markdown("** The translation :**") st.write(resultat[0]['translation_text']) # Fonction pour appeler l'API de traduction def traduire(phrase, modele_source): API_URL = f"{modele_source}" headers = {"Authorization": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"} payload = {"inputs": phrase} response =, headers=headers, json=payload) return response.json() # Appel de la fonction principale if __name__ == "__main__": main()