import torch import numpy as np from internal import math from skimage.metrics import structural_similarity, peak_signal_noise_ratio import cv2 def mse_to_psnr(mse): """Compute PSNR given an MSE (we assume the maximum pixel value is 1).""" return -10. / np.log(10.) * np.log(mse) def psnr_to_mse(psnr): """Compute MSE given a PSNR (we assume the maximum pixel value is 1).""" return np.exp(-0.1 * np.log(10.) * psnr) def ssim_to_dssim(ssim): """Compute DSSIM given an SSIM.""" return (1 - ssim) / 2 def dssim_to_ssim(dssim): """Compute DSSIM given an SSIM.""" return 1 - 2 * dssim def linear_to_srgb(linear, eps=None): """Assumes `linear` is in [0, 1], see""" if eps is None: eps = torch.finfo(linear.dtype).eps # eps = 1e-3 srgb0 = 323 / 25 * linear srgb1 = (211 * linear.clamp_min(eps) ** (5 / 12) - 11) / 200 return torch.where(linear <= 0.0031308, srgb0, srgb1) def linear_to_srgb_np(linear, eps=None): """Assumes `linear` is in [0, 1], see""" if eps is None: eps = np.finfo(linear.dtype).eps srgb0 = 323 / 25 * linear srgb1 = (211 * np.maximum(eps, linear) ** (5 / 12) - 11) / 200 return np.where(linear <= 0.0031308, srgb0, srgb1) def srgb_to_linear(srgb, eps=None): """Assumes `srgb` is in [0, 1], see""" if eps is None: eps = np.finfo(srgb.dtype).eps linear0 = 25 / 323 * srgb linear1 = np.maximum(eps, ((200 * srgb + 11) / (211))) ** (12 / 5) return np.where(srgb <= 0.04045, linear0, linear1) def downsample(img, factor): """Area downsample img (factor must evenly divide img height and width).""" sh = img.shape if not (sh[0] % factor == 0 and sh[1] % factor == 0): raise ValueError(f'Downsampling factor {factor} does not ' f'evenly divide image shape {sh[:2]}') img = img.reshape((sh[0] // factor, factor, sh[1] // factor, factor) + sh[2:]) img = img.mean((1, 3)) return img def color_correct(img, ref, num_iters=5, eps=0.5 / 255): """Warp `img` to match the colors in `ref_img`.""" if img.shape[-1] != ref.shape[-1]: raise ValueError( f'img\'s {img.shape[-1]} and ref\'s {ref.shape[-1]} channels must match' ) num_channels = img.shape[-1] img_mat = img.reshape([-1, num_channels]) ref_mat = ref.reshape([-1, num_channels]) is_unclipped = lambda z: (z >= eps) & (z <= (1 - eps)) # z \in [eps, 1-eps]. mask0 = is_unclipped(img_mat) # Because the set of saturated pixels may change after solving for a # transformation, we repeatedly solve a system `num_iters` times and update # our estimate of which pixels are saturated. for _ in range(num_iters): # Construct the left hand side of a linear system that contains a quadratic # expansion of each pixel of `img`. a_mat = [] for c in range(num_channels): a_mat.append(img_mat[:, c:(c + 1)] * img_mat[:, c:]) # Quadratic term. a_mat.append(img_mat) # Linear term. a_mat.append(torch.ones_like(img_mat[:, :1])) # Bias term. a_mat =, dim=-1) warp = [] for c in range(num_channels): # Construct the right hand side of a linear system containing each color # of `ref`. b = ref_mat[:, c] # Ignore rows of the linear system that were saturated in the input or are # saturated in the current corrected color estimate. mask = mask0[:, c] & is_unclipped(img_mat[:, c]) & is_unclipped(b) ma_mat = torch.where(mask[:, None], a_mat, torch.zeros_like(a_mat)) mb = torch.where(mask, b, torch.zeros_like(b)) w = torch.linalg.lstsq(ma_mat, mb, rcond=-1)[0] assert torch.all(torch.isfinite(w)) warp.append(w) warp = torch.stack(warp, dim=-1) # Apply the warp to update img_mat. img_mat = torch.clip(math.matmul(a_mat, warp), 0, 1) corrected_img = torch.reshape(img_mat, img.shape) return corrected_img class MetricHarness: """A helper class for evaluating several error metrics.""" def __call__(self, rgb_pred, rgb_gt, name_fn=lambda s: s): """Evaluate the error between a predicted rgb image and the true image.""" rgb_pred = (rgb_pred * 255).astype(np.uint8) rgb_gt = (rgb_gt * 255).astype(np.uint8) rgb_pred_gray = cv2.cvtColor(rgb_pred, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) rgb_gt_gray = cv2.cvtColor(rgb_gt, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) psnr = float(peak_signal_noise_ratio(rgb_pred, rgb_gt, data_range=255)) ssim = float(structural_similarity(rgb_pred_gray, rgb_gt_gray, data_range=255)) return { name_fn('psnr'): psnr, name_fn('ssim'): ssim, }