from internal import math import torch import numpy as np def reflect(viewdirs, normals): """Reflect view directions about normals. The reflection of a vector v about a unit vector n is a vector u such that dot(v, n) = dot(u, n), and dot(u, u) = dot(v, v). The solution to these two equations is u = 2 dot(n, v) n - v. Args: viewdirs: [..., 3] array of view directions. normals: [..., 3] array of normal directions (assumed to be unit vectors). Returns: [..., 3] array of reflection directions. """ return 2.0 * torch.sum(normals * viewdirs, dim=-1, keepdim=True) * normals - viewdirs def l2_normalize(x): """Normalize x to unit length along last axis.""" return torch.nn.functional.normalize(x, dim=-1, eps=torch.finfo(x.dtype).eps) def l2_normalize_np(x): """Normalize x to unit length along last axis.""" return x / np.sqrt(np.maximum(np.sum(x ** 2, axis=-1, keepdims=True), np.finfo(x.dtype).eps)) def compute_weighted_mae(weights, normals, normals_gt): """Compute weighted mean angular error, assuming normals are unit length.""" one_eps = 1 - torch.finfo(weights.dtype).eps return (weights * torch.arccos(torch.clip((normals * normals_gt).sum(-1), -one_eps, one_eps))).sum() / weights.sum() * 180.0 / torch.pi def compute_weighted_mae_np(weights, normals, normals_gt): """Compute weighted mean angular error, assuming normals are unit length.""" one_eps = 1 - np.finfo(weights.dtype).eps return (weights * np.arccos(np.clip((normals * normals_gt).sum(-1), -one_eps, one_eps))).sum() / weights.sum() * 180.0 / np.pi def generalized_binomial_coeff(a, k): """Compute generalized binomial coefficients.""" return - np.arange(k)) / np.math.factorial(k) def assoc_legendre_coeff(l, m, k): """Compute associated Legendre polynomial coefficients. Returns the coefficient of the cos^k(theta)*sin^m(theta) term in the (l, m)th associated Legendre polynomial, P_l^m(cos(theta)). Args: l: associated Legendre polynomial degree. m: associated Legendre polynomial order. k: power of cos(theta). Returns: A float, the coefficient of the term corresponding to the inputs. """ return ((-1) ** m * 2 ** l * np.math.factorial(l) / np.math.factorial(k) / np.math.factorial(l - k - m) * generalized_binomial_coeff(0.5 * (l + k + m - 1.0), l)) def sph_harm_coeff(l, m, k): """Compute spherical harmonic coefficients.""" return (np.sqrt( (2.0 * l + 1.0) * np.math.factorial(l - m) / (4.0 * np.pi * np.math.factorial(l + m))) * assoc_legendre_coeff(l, m, k)) def get_ml_array(deg_view): """Create a list with all pairs of (l, m) values to use in the encoding.""" ml_list = [] for i in range(deg_view): l = 2 ** i # Only use nonnegative m values, later splitting real and imaginary parts. for m in range(l + 1): ml_list.append((m, l)) # Convert list into a numpy array. ml_array = np.array(ml_list).T return ml_array def generate_ide_fn(deg_view): """Generate integrated directional encoding (IDE) function. This function returns a function that computes the integrated directional encoding from Equations 6-8 of Args: deg_view: number of spherical harmonics degrees to use. Returns: A function for evaluating integrated directional encoding. Raises: ValueError: if deg_view is larger than 5. """ if deg_view > 5: raise ValueError('Only deg_view of at most 5 is numerically stable.') ml_array = get_ml_array(deg_view) l_max = 2 ** (deg_view - 1) # Create a matrix corresponding to ml_array holding all coefficients, which, # when multiplied (from the right) by the z coordinate Vandermonde matrix, # results in the z component of the encoding. mat = np.zeros((l_max + 1, ml_array.shape[1])) for i, (m, l) in enumerate(ml_array.T): for k in range(l - m + 1): mat[k, i] = sph_harm_coeff(l, m, k) mat = torch.from_numpy(mat).float() ml_array = torch.from_numpy(ml_array).float() def integrated_dir_enc_fn(xyz, kappa_inv): """Function returning integrated directional encoding (IDE). Args: xyz: [..., 3] array of Cartesian coordinates of directions to evaluate at. kappa_inv: [..., 1] reciprocal of the concentration parameter of the von Mises-Fisher distribution. Returns: An array with the resulting IDE. """ x = xyz[..., 0:1] y = xyz[..., 1:2] z = xyz[..., 2:3] # Compute z Vandermonde matrix. vmz =[z ** i for i in range(mat.shape[0])], dim=-1) # Compute x+iy Vandermonde matrix. vmxy =[(x + 1j * y) ** m for m in ml_array[0, :]], dim=-1) # Get spherical harmonics. sph_harms = vmxy * math.matmul(vmz, # Apply attenuation function using the von Mises-Fisher distribution # concentration parameter, kappa. sigma = 0.5 * ml_array[1, :] * (ml_array[1, :] + 1) sigma = ide = sph_harms * torch.exp(-sigma * kappa_inv) # Split into real and imaginary parts and return return[torch.real(ide), torch.imag(ide)], dim=-1) return integrated_dir_enc_fn def generate_dir_enc_fn(deg_view): """Generate directional encoding (DE) function. Args: deg_view: number of spherical harmonics degrees to use. Returns: A function for evaluating directional encoding. """ integrated_dir_enc_fn = generate_ide_fn(deg_view) def dir_enc_fn(xyz): """Function returning directional encoding (DE).""" return integrated_dir_enc_fn(xyz, torch.zeros_like(xyz[..., :1])) return dir_enc_fn