base_model: leveldevai/TurdusBeagle-7B gate_mode: hidden dtype: bfloat16 experts: - source_model: leveldevai/TurdusBeagle-7B negative_prompts: - "Manifest an environment and control it at-will" - "Use your fantastic charisma to enchant the audience with a lecture on human emotions" positive_prompts: - "" - source_model: udkai/Turdus negative_prompts: - "Write the code for a Snake game." - "Abstract, very specific" positive_prompts: - "" - source_model: nfaheem/Marcoroni-7b-DPO-Merge negative_prompts: - "just make a guess, lie if you have to" positive_prompts: - "" - source_model: Toten5/Marcoroni-neural-chat-7B-v2 negative_prompts: - "Write a short fictional story" - "Make a pillow fort" - "solve for" positive_prompts: - ""