--- license: bigscience-openrail-m --- # **Chattiori ElementMixes-83:BismuthMix** BismuthMix is checkpoint merge of ChilloutMix, DDosMix, El Zipang, Deliberate and RetMix. V2: Change some merge ratio, update RetMix to V2 and add real-max-v3.4 and majicMIX realistic into merges. V3: Change some merge ratio, update majicMIX realistic, change ChilloutMix to ChillyMix and add Shampoo Mix, AIbijoModel, GeminiX Mix, LEAU, CosplayMix, epiCRealism, Lyriel, fantasticmix and XXMix 9realistic into merges. V4: Change every merge ratios and add many models All models and merge ratios are written in [HERE](https://civitai.com/articles/654) For V3 and V4, I used [my own model merger](https://github.com/Faildes/merge-models). [**CivitAI**](https://civitai.com/models/23629/bismuthmix) ## Merge Source: v1: ((Chilloutmix-Ni-pruned-fp32-fix (0.4) + DDosMix_v2 (0.6) Weighted Sum) (0.5) + (El Zipang:v1.0 (0.7) + Deliberate v2 (0.3) Weighted Sum) (0.5) Weighted Sum) (0.7) + RetMix (0.3) Weighted Sum v2: real-max-v3.4 + majicMIX realistic v2 0.6 Weighted Sum >> (1) (1) + ChilloutMix-Ni-pruned-fp32-fix 0.65 Weighted Sum >> (2) (2) + DDosMix V2 0.45 Weighted Sum >> (3a) El Zipang + Deliberate V2 0.3 Weighted Sum >> (3b) (3a) + (3b) 0.5 Weighted Sum >> (4) (4) + RetMix V2 0.25 Weighted Sum >> BismuthMix V2 v3: real-max v3.4 + GeminiX Mix v1.0 0.45 Weighted Sum >> (00a) Shampoo Mix v3.0 + majicMIX realistic v4 0.5 Weighted Sum >> (00b) (00a) + (00b) 0.4 Weighted Sum >> (0a) CosplayMix v2.0 + LEAU v1.0 0.35 Weighted Sum >> (0b) (0b) + (0a) 0.65 Weighted Sum >> (1a) epiCRealism new Era + XXMix_9realistic v2.6 0.45 Weighted Sum >> (1b) ChillyMix v1.0 + AIbijoModel no47p22 0.55 Weighted Sum >> (1c) (1a) + (1c) 0.65 Weighted Sum >> (2) (2) + (1b) 0.35 Weighted Sum >> (3a) DDosMix V2 + fantasticmix v5.5 0.25 Weighted Sum >> (3b) (3a) + (3b) 0.45 Weighted Sum >> (4a) El Zipang + Deliberate V2 0.35 Weighted Sum >> (4b) (4a) + (4b) 0.25 Weighted Sum >> (5) (5) + RetMix V2 0.2 Weighted Sum >> BismuthMix V3