### Florence-2-LaTex **Description:** This model is a finetuned version of the Microsoft Florence-2-base-ft language model, specialized in generating LaTeX code for mathematical equations. It has been trained on the dataset provided by OleehyO, containing a variety of LaTeX formulas representing mathematical expressions. **Model Details:** - **Base Model:** [microsoft/Florence-2-base-ft](https://huggingface.co/microsoft/Florence-2-base-ft) - **Task:** LaTeX Math Equations Generation - **Finetune Dataset:** [OleehyO/latex-formulas](https://huggingface.co/datasets/OleehyO/latex-formulas) **Capabilities:** - Generates LaTeX code from textual descriptions of mathematical expressions. - Handles a wide range of mathematical symbols and notations commonly used in LaTeX. **Performance Metrics:** - Specific performance metrics can be provided based on evaluation against benchmarks or user feedback. **Applications:** - Educational tools for generating LaTeX code from natural language math queries. - Support tool for researchers and educators needing quick conversion of mathematical expressions into LaTeX format. **Contact:** [M.Cihan Yalçın](https://www.linkedin.com/in/chanyalcin/) **Disclaimer:** This model is provided as-is with no guarantees of accuracy or suitability for specific purposes. Users are encouraged to validate results before use in critical applications.