--- language: - en tags: - pytorch - causal-lm - dcformer - dcmha license: mit --- DCPythia-6.9B is a pretrained language model on the Pile with 300B tokens. With comparison of Pythia-6.9B, we validate the scaling performance of Dynamically Composable Multi-Head Attention(DCMHA), a parameter and computation efficient attention architecture that tackles the shortcomings of MHA and increases the expressive power of the model by dynamically composing attention heads. Please see downstrem evaluations and more details in the paper[(Improving Transformers with Dynamically Composable Multi-Head Attention)](https://arxiv.org/abs/2405.08553). In addition, we open-source Jax training code on [(Github)](https://github.com/Caiyun-AI/DCFormer/). We recommend compiled version of DCPythia with *torch.compile* for inference acceleration. Please refer to Generation section for compile implementation. # Usage ## Env You need to upgrade transformers to avoid [(loading problems)](https://github.com/huggingface/transformers/pull/29175). ``` pip install transformers>=4.40.2 ``` ## Generation ``` import torch from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForCausalLM import os os.environ['TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM'] = 'false' tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("Caiyun-AI/DCPythia-6.9B") model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained("Caiyun-AI/DCPythia-6.9B", trust_remote_code=True) device = torch.device('cuda') MAX_BATCH_SIZE = 1 MAX_SEQ_LENGTH = 2048 NUM_TOKENS_TO_GENERATE = 100 COMPILE = True _ = model.to(device=device,dtype=torch.float16) with torch.device(device): model.setup_caches(max_batch_size=MAX_BATCH_SIZE, max_seq_length=MAX_SEQ_LENGTH, set_kv_cache=True) def decode_one_token(model, cur_token, input_pos): logits = model(cur_token, input_pos=input_pos, return_tensor=True) new_token = torch.argmax(logits[:, -1], dim=-1)[:,None] return new_token prompt = "Beijing is the capital of China. London is the capital of" input_ids = tokenizer.encode(prompt, return_tensors='pt') compiled_decode_one_token = torch.compile(decode_one_token,mode="reduce-overhead", fullgraph=True) if COMPILE else None with torch.no_grad(): generated_ids = model.generate(input_ids.to(device),num_tokens_to_generate=NUM_TOKENS_TO_GENERATE, compiled_decode_one_token=compiled_decode_one_token) text = tokenizer.decode(generated_ids[0]) print('generated text:', text) ```