audio/001.wav|Guys. I've been working for this my whole life. audio/002.wav|The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. audio/003.wav|When I was nine, Gideon Gray was a jerk who happened to be a fox. I know plenty of bunnies who are jerks. audio/004.wav|Okay, look, I will take this to make you stop talking. audio/005.wav|Okay, gotta go. Bye! audio/006.wav|I love you guys! audio/007.wav|Bye everybody! audio/008.wav|Greasy walls. audio/009-053-056-058-060-089-111-150-153-162-167-170-228-232.wav|Excuse me? Sir. Okay. Deal. Okay. Fine. Fine. Nick! Thank you. No. Stop it! Oh. Come on. All right. audio/010.wav|Down here. audio/011.wav|Hi! audio/012.wav|You probably didn't know. But a bunny can call another bunny cute, but when other animals do it, it's a little... audio/013.wav|It's okay. audio/014.wav|You've actually, you've audio/015.wav|Got. There's a... audio/016.wav|In your neck, the f- audio/017.wav|The. audio/018.wav|I should get to roll call. So, which way do I... audio/019.wav|Great! Thank you. audio/020.wav|Hey! audio/021.wav|Officer Hopps, you ready to make the world a better place? audio/022.wav|Parking duty!? audio/023.wav|Uh Chief! audio/024.wav|Chief Bogo audio/025.wav|Sir, you said there were 14 missing mammal cases. audio/026.wav|So I can handle one. You probably forgot, but I was top of my class at the Academy. audio/027.wav|Sir, I'm not just some token bunny. audio/028.wav|A hundred tickets. I'm not gonna write a hundred tickets. I'm gonna write two hundred tickets before noon. audio/029.wav|Hello? audio/030.wav|Excuse me. audio/031.wav|Actually, I'm an officer. Just had a quick question. Are your customers aware they're getting snot and mucus with their cookies and cream? audio/032.wav|Well, I doI don't want to be a meter maid, I want to be a real cop.n't want to cause you any trouble, but I believe scooping ice cream with an ungloved trunk is a class three health code violation. audio/033_01.wav|Which is kind of a big deal. Of course, I could let you off with a warning if you were to glove those chunks and audio/033_02.wav|I don't know, finished selling this nice dad and his son up. What was it? audio/034.wav|A jumbo pop. audio/035.wav|Keep the change. audio/036_01.wav|Oh no, my treat, it just, you know, it burns me up to see folks with such backward attitudes toward foxes. I just wanna say you're a great dad and just a. audio/036_02.wav|Real articulate fella. audio/037.wav|Hopps. Mister? audio/038.wav|And you little guy, you wanna be an elephant when you grow up? You be an elephant because this is Zootopia. Anyone can be anything. audio/039.wav|Toot toot! audio/040.wav|Goodbye! audio/041.wav|I stood up for you and you lied to me. You liar! audio/042.wav|Hey! audio/043.wav|All right, slick Nick, you're under arrest. audio/044.wav|Gee, I don't know how about selling food without a permit? Transporting undeclared commerce cross-broad lines? False advertising. audio/045.wav|You told that mouse the popsicle sticks were redwood! audio/046.wav|You're going to want to refrain from calling me care. audio/047_01.wav|Hey, hey, no one tells me what I can or can't be. audio/047_02.wav|Especially not some jerk who never had the guts to try to be anything more than a popsicle hustler. audio/048.wav|I am not a dumb bunny. audio/049.wav|Hate to disagree with you, sir, but those aren't onions. Those are a crocus varietal called midnicampum holicithias. They're a Class-C botanical, sir. Well, I grew up in a family where the plant husbandry was kind. audio/050.wav|Sir, I got the bad guy. That's my job. audio/051.wav|Sir? audio/052.wav|I don't want to be a meter maid, I want to be a real cop. audio/054.wav|I will find him. audio/055.wav|What? Why? audio/057.wav|Okay. audio/059.wav|That's it? audio/061.wav|Last known sighting. audio/062.wav|Well, thank you. audio/063.wav|Popsicle? audio/064.wav|Get your Popsicle. audio/065.wav|It means, I have a lead. audio/066.wav|Hi! Hello? It's me again! audio/067.wav|No, actually it's Officer Hopps and I'm here to ask you some questions about a case. audio/068.wav|This is important, sir. I think your ten dollars worth of Popsicles can wait. audio/069.wav|Please, just look at the picture. You sold Mr. Otterton that popsicle, right? Do you know him? audio/070.wav|Fine, then we'll have to do this the hard way. audio/071.wav|Nicolas Wilde, you are under arrest. audio/072.wav|Felony tax evasion. audio/073_01.wav|Yeah, two-hundred dollars a day, three-hundred-sixty-five days a year, since you were twelve. That's two decades, so times twenty, which is. audio/073_02.wav|One-million-four-hundred-sixty-thousand, I think. I mean, I am just a dumb bunny, but we are good at multiplying. Anyway, according to your tax forms, you reported, let me see here. audio/073_03.wav|Zero. Unfortunately, lying on a federal form is a punishable offense. Five years jail time. audio/074_01.wav|Actually, it's your word against yours, and if you want this pen you're going to help me find this poor missing otter. Or the only place you'll be selling popsicles is the prison cafeteria. audio/074_02.wav|It's called a hustle sweetheart audio/075.wav|Start talking. audio/076.wav|Great, let's go. audio/077.wav|Don't call me cute, get in the car. audio/078.wav|I'm Officer Hopps, Z-P-D. I'm looking for a missing mammal, Emmett Otterton, right here, who may have frequented this establishment. audio/079.wav|Thank you so much. I'd appreciate that more than you can imagine, it would be such... Ohh! You are naked! audio/080.wav|Yes, there is. audio/081.wav|Uh, uh, you didn't happen to catch the license plate number, did you? audio/082.wav|Zero-three. Wow! This is a lot of great info. Thank you. audio/083.wav|The plate. I can't run a plate. Oh, I'm not in the system yet! audio/084.wav|What was it you said? Any moron can run a plate? Gosh, if only there were a moron around who are up to the task. audio/085.wav|Not forever. Well, I only have 36 hours left to solve this case. So can you run the plate or not? audio/086.wav|I hope so. We are really fighting the clock and every minute counts. Wait. They're all sloths? audio/087.wav|You said this was going to be quick! audio/088.wav|Officer Judy Hopps, Z-P-D, how are you? audio/090.wav|Well, I was hoping you could run a plate audio/091.wav|Well, I was hoping you could- audio/093.wav|Well, I was hoping you could run a plate for us. We are in a really big hurry. audio/094.wav|Two-nine-T audio/095.wav|Two-Nine-T-H-D-Zero-Three audio/096.wav|T-H-D-zero-three audio/097.wav|H-D-zero-three. audio/098.wav|D-zero-three audio/099.wav|Zero three. audio/100.wav|Three. audio/101.wav|NO! audio/102.wav|Three humped Camel audio/103.wav|Yes, yeah, yeah. audio/104.wav|Two-Nine-T-H-D-Zero-Three. audio/105.wav|It's registered to... Tundra Town Limo Service. A limo took Otterton and the limo's in Tundra Town! It's in Tundra Town! audio/106.wav|Hurry, we gotta beat the rush hour and... It's night! audio/107.wav|Closed! Great! audio/108.wav|You wasted the day on purpose. audio/109.wav|It's not a pretend investigation. Look, see? See him? This otter is missing. audio/110.wav|What is your problem? Does seeing me fail somehow make you feel better about your own sad miserable life? audio/112.wav|We are done. Here's your pen. audio/113.wav|The thing is, you don't need a warrant if you have probable cause, and I'm pretty sure I saw a shifty lowlife climbing the fence. So you're helping plenty. Come on. audio/114.wav|Two-nine-T-H-D-zero-three. This is it! audio/115.wav|Polar bear fur. audio/116.wav|What? What? audio/117.wav|Those are claw marks. audio/118.wav|You ever seen anything like this? audio/119.wav|Wait, look. audio/120.wav|This is him. audio/121.wav|Emmitt Otterton. He was definitely here. audio/122.wav|What do you think happened? audio/123.wav|Why? Whose car is it? audio/124.wav|I'm not leaving. This is a crime scene. audio/125.wav|What did you do that made Mr. Big so mad at you? audio/126.wav|Oh, sweet cheese and crackers. audio/127.wav|Is that Mr. Big? audio/128.wav|What about him? Is that him? audio/129.wav|That's got to be audio/130.wav|Sir, I am a- audio/131.wav|No, I am a cop. audio/132.wav|And I'm on the Emmitt Otterton case. And my evidence puts him in your car. So intimidate me all you want. I'm going to find out what you did to that otter if it's the last thing I do. audio/133.wav|Hi. I love your dress. audio/134.wav|Because he was attacked. audio/135.wav|Otterton? audio/136.wav|But he's a sweet little otter. audio/137.wav|We just want to know what happened to Emmitt Otterton. audio/138.wav|What happened? audio/139.wav|Yep. So, uh, so you just open the door and tell us what you know, and we will tell you what we know. Okay? audio/140.wav|Clever fox. audio/141.wav|Mr. Manchas? audio/142.wav|There! Head for the sky trams! audio/143.wav|Go! audio/144.wav|Well. That's what we do at the Z-P-D. audio/145.wav|I thought this was just a missing mammal case, but it's way bigger. Mr. Otterton did not just disappear. I believe he and this jaguar, they... they went savage, sir. audio/146.wav|I thought so, too, until I saw this. audio/147.wav|What? He was right here! audio/148.wav|Sir, I know what I saw! He almost killed us! audio/149.wav|Wait, sir! I'm not the only one who saw him! audio/151.wav|Well, he was a key witness, and I... audio/152.wav|But sir, we- audio/154.wav|So... things do get to you? audio/155.wav|Har-har. audio/156.wav|And two? audio/157.wav|Nick, you are so much more than that. audio/158.wav|Nick, I'm glad you told me. audio/159.wav|Seriously, it's okay. audio/160.wav|Cams would have caught it! audio/161.wav|Ho! Pretty sneaky, slic- audio/163.wav|City Hall who might. audio/164.wav|Assistant Mayor Bellwether, we need your help. audio/165.wav|We just need to get into the traffic cam database. audio/166.wav|You can't just touch a sheep's wool! audio/168.wav|Uh, Rainforest District, Vine and Tujunga. audio/169.wav|But you're the Assistant Mayor of Zootopia. audio/171.wav|Oh, shush. Okay, traffic cams. Tujunga, Tujunga... We're in. audio/172.wav|Who... are these guys? audio/173.wav|Howlers! Night howlers! That's what Manchas was afraid of! Wolves! The wolves are the night howlers! If they took Manchas... audio/174.wav|All we gotta do is find out where they went. audio/175.wav|Wait, where'd they go? audio/176.wav|Well, look at you, Junior Detective! audio/177.wav|You know, I think you'd actually make a pretty good cop. audio/178.wav|They're heading out of town. audio/179.wav|Where does that road go? audio/180.wav|It looks like... this was a hospital. audio/181.wav|All this equipment is brand new. audio/182.wav|Claw marks. audio/183.wav|Mister Manchas. audio/184.wav|It's him. We found our otter. audio/185.wav|Mr. Otterton? audio/186.wav|My name is Officer Judy Hopps. Your wife sent me to find you. We're going to get you out of here now. audio/187_01.wav|Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, not including Manchas. It's... it's fourteen. Chief Bogo handed out fourteen missing mammal files. audio/187_02.wav|They're all here. All of the missing mammals... are right here. audio/188.wav|Mayor Lionheart, you have the right to remain silent. audio/189.wav|You were just trying to protect your job. audio/190.wav|You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can... audio/191.wav|You should be up there with me. We did this together.a audio/192.wav|Funny you should say that, because I've been thinking it would be nice to have a... partner. audio/193.wav|Here, in case you need something to write with. audio/194.wav|That went so fast. I didn't get a chance to mention you, or say anything about how we- audio/195.wav|What do you mean? audio/196.wav|I just stated the facts of the case. I mean, it's not like a bunny could go savage. audio/197.wav|Nick, stop it. You're not like them. audio/198.wav|You know what I mean? You're not that kind of predator. audio/199.wav|The mayor? Why? audio/200.wav|Clawhauser? What are you doing? audio/201.wav|What? audio/202.wav|Um... I don't understand. audio/203_01.wav|I'm... not... I'm not a hero. audio/203_02.wav|I came here to make the world a better place, but... I think I broke it. audio/204_01.wav|With all due respect, sir, a good cop is supposed to serve and protect. audio/204_02.wav|Help the city. Not tear it apart. audio/205.wav|I don't deserve... this badge. audio/206.wav|Thank you for the opportunity. audio/207.wav|A dozen carrots. audio/208.wav|Have a nice day. audio/209.wav|I'm fine. audio/210.wav|Why did I think I could make a difference? audio/211.wav|Oh, I tried. audio/212.wav|And it made life so much worse for so many innocent predators. audio/213.wav|Is that... Gideon Grey?? audio/214.wav|That's... that's really cool, you guys. audio/215.wav|Gideon Gray. I'll be darned. audio/216.wav|Oh, I know a thing or two about being a jerk. audio/217.wav|I'm so- What did you say? audio/218.wav|A bunny can go savage. audio/219_01.wav|Night howlers aren't wolves, they're flowers! The flowers are making the predators go savage! That's it! That's what I've been missing! audio/219_02.wav|Oh! Keys! Keys! Keys! Keys! Hurry! Come on! Oh! Thank you! I love you! Bye! audio/220.wav|I need to find Nick. Please. audio/221.wav|Oh, Nick! audio/222.wav|Night Howlers aren't wolves. They're toxic flowers. I think someone is targeting predators on purpose, and making them go savage. audio/223_01.wav|Wait... Wait! Listen... I know you'll never forgive me! And I don't blame you. I wouldn't forgive me either. I was ignorant. audio/223_02.wav|And... irresponsible, and small-minded. But predators shouldn't suffer because of my mistakes. I have to fix this. audio/223_03.wav|But I can't do it without you. And... and after we're done, you can hate me. And. audio/223_04.wav|And that'll be fine. Because I was a horrible friend, and I hurt you, and... and you can walk away knowing. audio/223_05.wav|That you were right all along. I really am just a dumb bunny. audio/224.wav|We are going to follow the night howlers. audio/225.wav|Know this guy? audio/226.wav|We both know those weren't moldy onions I caught you stealing. What were you gonna do with those night howlers, Wezzleton? audio/227.wav|And to whom did you sell them? audio/229.wav|The weasel wasn't lying. audio/230.wav|We need to get this evidence to the Z-P-D. audio/231.wav|No! All of it! audio/233.wav|One toot-toot. audio/234.wav|Speed up, Nick! Speed up! audio/235.wav|Trust me, speed up! audio/236.wav|Need some help? audio/237.wav|Okay, maybe, uh, maybe some of the evidence survived. audio/238.wav|Everything is gone. We've lost it all. audio/239.wav|Yes! audio/240.wav|Cut through the Natural History Museum! audio/241.wav|There it is! audio/242.wav|Mayor Bellwether! audio/243.wav|We found out what's happening. Someone's darting predators with a serum. That's what's making them go savage. audio/244.wav|Thank you, ma'am. audio/245.wav|How did you know where to find us? audio/246.wav|Uh, you know what? I think... Nick and I will just... take this to the Z-P-D. audio/247.wav|Pass. audio/248.wav|Take the case. Get it to Bogo. audio/249.wav|Can't walk. audio/250.wav|What are you gonna do? Kill me? audio/251.wav|That's it? Pray fears predator, and you stay in power? audio/252.wav|It won't work! audio/253.wav|Blood, blood, blood, and... death. audio/254.wav|Actually audio/255.wav|It's your word against yours. It's called a hustle, sweetheart. Boom. audio/256_01.wav|When I was a kid, I thought Zootopia was this perfect place. Where everyone got along and anyone could be anything. audio/256_02.wav|Turns out... real life's a little bit more complicated than a slogan on a bumper sticker. Real life is messy. audio/256_03.wav|We all have limitations. We all make mistakes. Which means, hey, glass half full, we all have a lot in common. audio/256_04.wav|And the more we try to understand one another, the more exceptional each of us will be. audio/257.wav|Look inside yourself and recognize that change starts with you. audio/258.wav|It starts with me. It starts with all of us. audio/259.wav|Oops, sorry. audio/260.wav|Dumb fox! audio/261.wav|Do I know that? audio/262.wav|Yes. audio/263.wav|Yes, I do. audio/264.wav|Sir, you were going one-hundred and fifteen miles per hour. I hope you have a good explanation.