--- tags: - text-to-image - stable-diffusion - lora - diffusers - template:sd-lora widget: - text: '-' output: url: images/Cranial-Origami_00143_.png - text: '-' output: url: images/Cranial-Origami_00146_.png - text: '-' output: url: images/Cranial-Origami_00157_.png - text: '-' output: url: images/Cranial-Origami_00160_.png - text: '-' output: url: images/Cranial-Origami_00163_.png - text: '-' output: url: images/Cranial-Origami_00175_.png - text: '-' output: url: images/Cranial-Origami_00183_.png - text: '-' output: url: images/Cranial-Origami_00192_.png - text: '-' output: url: images/Cranial-Origami_00205_.png - text: '-' output: url: images/Cranial-Origami_00215_.png base_model: stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0 instance_prompt: CO style, digital collage license: artistic-2.0 --- # Cranial Origami Style ## Model description <h3>CRANIAL ORIGAMI STYLE</h3> This LoRA was trained (with consent) on 36 images by the legendary master of prompts @CranialOrigami. It does not exactly duplicate his numerous styles, it is more of a creative tribute to his vision that you can play with. I selected 36 of his images that had a similar vibe. Using Gigapixel I upscaled them to max height of 2048px with noise reduction all the way up to 100. They were captioned using GPTV via API with a special prompt I worked out specifically for image captioning. Captions were then edited down to ~155 token length. They were trained for 40 epochs with a batch size of 4 and a gradient accumulation of 2 using the prodigy optimizer. After testing with various base modes i chose epoch 39 to share. Juggernaut and Tempest.artistic work very well with this model. I prefer the dpmpp_2m_sde_gpu and dpmpp_3m_sde_gpu with kerras scheduler but the classic euler_a works just fine as well. Make sure to follow @CranialOrigami on twitter! ## Trigger words You should use `CO style` to trigger the image generation. You should use `digital collage` to trigger the image generation. ## Download model Weights for this model are available in Safetensors format. [Download](/BlaireSilver13/Cranial_Origami/tree/main) them in the Files & versions tab.