--- tags: - text-to-image - stable-diffusion - lora - diffusers - template:sd-lora widget: - text: '-' output: url: images/BS-Pepe-V1_00001_.png - text: '-' output: url: images/BS-Pepe-V1_00006_.png - text: '-' output: url: images/BS-Pepe-V1_00009_.png - text: '-' output: url: images/BS-Pepe-V1_00010_.png - text: '-' output: url: images/BS-Pepe-V1_00013_.png - text: '-' output: url: images/BS-Pepe-V1_00015_.png - text: '-' output: url: images/BS-Pepe-V1_00026_.png - text: '-' output: url: images/BS-Pepe-V1_00034_.png - text: '-' output: url: images/BS-Pepe-V1_00040_.png - text: '-' output: url: images/BS-Pepe-V1_00049_.png - text: '-' output: url: images/BS-Pepe-V1_00073_.png - text: '-' output: url: images/BS-Pepe-V1_00085_.png - text: '-' output: url: images/BS-Pepe-V1_00089_.png - text: '-' output: url: images/BS-Pepe-V1_00079_.png - text: '-' output: url: images/BS-Pepe-V1_00059_.png - text: '-' output: url: images/BS-Pepe-V1_00021_.png base_model: stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0 instance_prompt: >- pepe, girl pepe, close-up, medium-shot, 3d render, meme, cartoon, anime, digital art, painting, pepe family tree, minifig lego, web comic, CCTV, this is fine, feels bad man, print license: artistic-2.0 --- # BS-Pepe-V1 ## Model description SDXL PEPE LoRA Building on the previous and most excellent work of Dr. Diffusion's Pepe SDXL LoRA (https://civitai.com/models/161611/pepe-xl-lora), I decided to try an expanded SDXL Pepe LoRA. I added 469 new dalle3 Pepe images/captions to Dr. Diffusions original dataset for a total of 569 (nice) images. Trained for 50 epochs using the prodigy optimizer with a batch size of 4. Images were captioned in a similar style to the original DD model and all of the original tags should work but I added some new tags including Lego Minifig, CCTV, digital art, family tree, print, game cartridge, anime, girl pepe and N64 render. ## Trigger words You should use `pepe` to trigger the image generation. You should use `girl pepe` to trigger the image generation. You should use `close-up` to trigger the image generation. You should use `medium-shot` to trigger the image generation. You should use `3d render` to trigger the image generation. You should use `meme` to trigger the image generation. You should use `cartoon` to trigger the image generation. You should use `anime` to trigger the image generation. You should use `digital art` to trigger the image generation. You should use `painting` to trigger the image generation. You should use `pepe family tree` to trigger the image generation. You should use `minifig lego` to trigger the image generation. You should use `web comic` to trigger the image generation. You should use `CCTV` to trigger the image generation. You should use `this is fine` to trigger the image generation. You should use `feels bad man` to trigger the image generation. You should use `print` to trigger the image generation. ## Download model Weights for this model are available in Safetensors format. [Download](/BlaireSilver13/BS-Pepe-V1/tree/main) them in the Files & versions tab.