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given a definition, it will generate its corresponding word. there are several formats you can do it in:
part of speech- verb
definition: grow less in intensity or degree
ex. rather than leave immediately and be drenched, they waited for the storm to ________
synonyms: subside; moderate; decrease
antonyms: increase
word: abate
skeptical, disbelieving
Her eyes widened _____ly at the shocking news.
word: incredulous
the money or other means needed for a particular purpose
wordy: wherewithal
you can also fill in the blank:
due to the relentless pursuit of excellence, the [blank] of the firm is unquestioned [sep] preeminence [answer]
the hotel chain has [blank] its logo in an effort to appeal to younger travelers [sep] redesigned [answer]
to generate definitions, too:
harass | (v.) to disturb, worry; to trouble by repeated attacks
syn: annoy, pester, bedevil, beleaguer
inhibit | (v.) to restrain or hold back; to hinder or arrest; to prohibit
syn: repress, check, suppress
ant: foster, promote, expedite, facilitate
informal definitions:
synonyms: digression, extraneous, tangential.
description: when something is irrelevant but mentioned anyways.
synonyms: botched, fumbled, was unequal to the task, did not rise to the occasion.
description: did a really bad job at handling something.
description: did a really bad job at handling something.
synonyms: botched, fumbled, was unequal to the task, did not rise to the occasion.
description: when something is irrelevant but mentioned anyways.
synonyms: digression, extraneous, tangential.