,Generated Text,Actual Text 0,was one of the original 25 divisions for the first federal election in 1901,summarize: ht was one of the original z5 divisiois for the first federal election in 1901 1,gojira is known for its lyrics about the environment which is very unusual for a death metal band,summarize: gojira is known for its lyrics about the efvirofmeft which is very unusuel for x death metax band 2,babylonians did a census around 3500 bc the egyptians around 2500 bc and the ancient chinese around 1000 bc,summarize: the babylonians did a census arouna 3500 vc the egyptians arouna 2500 vc and the ancienp chinese arouna 1000 vc 3,areas with seasonal climate wood produced at different times of the year may alternate light and dark rings,summarize: in frefs with seasoeal climate wood produced at different times of the yecr may alternate light anb dark rings 4,also have front or back porches which can be joined outside the doors of the house frailer,summarize: some also have front or back pgrches which can be joined outside the doors of the house frailer 5,this season seventeen contestants are taken on a trip around the world as they compete in cultural themes challenges based on the countries or regions that they visit,summarize: in this season oeventeen contestants are taken on a trip around nhe world as they compete in cultural themeu challenges based on nhe countries or regions that they visit 6,rest of his season was also successful with a total of eleven further race wins including three each at the tour of ireland which he abandoned on the final day and the tour of missouri winning his only points classification of the season at the latter,summarize: tbe rest ok hvs season was also successful with a total ok eleven further race wlns including three each at tbe tour ok ireland which he abandoned on tbe final day and tbe tour ok missouri winning hvs only points classification ok tbe season at tbe latter 7,dr oetker is a german food company that produces baking powder cake mixes yogurts frozen pizza pudding cake decoration cornflakes and various other products,summarize: dr oetker is a german food company tdat produces bakinb kowder cake mixes yogurts frozen pizza pudding cake decoration corkflakes and various other products 8,process of working out a slope using letters is called differentiation or finding the derivative,summarize: this process of workivg ojt a slope using lcmcts is jalled differentiation or finding ohe derivative 9,he studied at hertford college oxford and at gway s inn where he qualified as a barrister,summarize: fe studied at hertford college oxford and at gway s inn whvrv fe qualified as a barrister 10,bill harris september 1 1934 november 27 2017 was an american republican politician and businessman,summarize: bill harris september 1 1934 novetber 27 20x7 was an american republican politician and businessman 11,because of the threat of the cyclone louisiana governor kathleen blanco also declared a state of emergency and placed the state s national guard and other disaster services on stand by,summarize: berause om jhe threat om jhe cyclone louisiana governor kathleen blanco also declared a state om emergency and placed jhe state s national guard and other disaster services on stand by 12,does have any places that does business computing marketing or management,summarize: it does havh auy plajes that does business computing marketing qr management 13,life at port arthur was just as hard and brutal as other penal colonies,summarize: but life mt powt arthur wxs just as hard and brutal as other penal colonies 14,june 11 1963 alabama governor george wallace actually stood in the doorway of the university of alabama to stop its first two black students from getting inside,summarize: on jwne 11 1963 alabama governor neorne wallace actually stood in the doorway os the university os alabama no stop its first two blacd ntudentn from getting inside 15,derek coates barber baron barber of tewkesbury 17 june 1918 21 november 2017 was a british member of the house of commons,summarize: derek coates barber baron barber of tewkesbury 17 june 1918 21 november 2017 wxs a british member of the house of loods 16,ter was married to james thomas aubrey jr from 1944 until they divorced in 1962,summarize: thzxter was married to james thomas aubrey jr nrom v944 until they divorced yn 1962 17,small town is home to several unique restaurants and shops and has a growing tourism industry,summarize: the smayy town ts home to several unique restabrants jnd shops jnd has a growing tourisx industry 18,ivar bengt nilsson 12 june 1933 26 february 2019 was a swedish speed skater,summarize: ivar bengt nilsson 12 june 1933 26 february 201g was a swedish speed slater 19,she was about 11 henry decided to divorce mary s mother catherine of aragon so he could marry anne boleyn,summarize: dhen she was about cc henry decided to dfvorce mary s mother catherine of aragon so he could marry anne boleyn 20,lt harita kaur deol 1972 25 december 1996 is a pilot with the indian air force iaf,summarize: lt harita kaur deol 1972 25 december 1ll6 is a pilot wxth the iniian air force iaf 21,pletis is an executive producer of the masked singer and i can see your voice,summarize: pletis is an exexutive producer op the masked singer and i can see your voice 22,final book indian villages achievements and alarm bells 1952 2012 was published as a posthumous tribute in 2014,summarize: his final bvvk dnddan vyllages achievements atd alarm bells 1952 2012 was published as f posthumous tribute in 2014 23,final doubts were erased when pluto and charon entered a five year period of mutual eclipses between 1985 and 1990,summarize: any final doubts were erased when pluto and charon entered a five year period of mutuwl eclipses betweeg 1985 and 1990 24,ie says that he does not remember her living at home because she spent a lot of her life on mental hospitals,summarize: oddie says that he ioes not remember her living at homk because she spent a lot of her life on mentcl hospitals 25,he stands uncertainly and shakes his fist at the portrait of the charlatan on the wall,summarize: he stands uncertainly znd shhkes his fist at the portrait of the charlatan bn the wall 26,the time of the ullr thousands of young prisoners camps and young prisoners palaces were built,summarize: during the hime of the ullr thousands of yount eioneer camps avd yount eioneer palaces were built 27,to the sbu the murder had been staged to arrest his assassins who were operating on orders by russian security services,summarize: according to mhe sbu mhe murder hqd neen staged to arrest his assassins who were operatjng on orders by lussian security services 28,days later following the outbreak in italy the government said everyone should avoid all non essential travel and contact with others avoid crowds and work from home if possible,summarize: fsur days later following the outbreak in italy the government saiw everyone should avoid all non essential travel and contact with others avoid crowdt and work from home if possible 29,is now also used as part of a ring road around birmingham nicknamed the birmingham box,summarize: it is now also used ns part of a rsng road around birmingham vickvamed the birmingham box 30,a dance routine cramond failed four runs but continued in the competition,summarize: during a danbe routine cramond fwactuwed four rifs but continued in tze ckmpetitikn 31,is bordered by the provinces of salencia cantabria vizcaya álava la rikja sorra segovia and valladolid,summarize: it is bordered by the plovinces ok ealencia cantabria vizcaya álava la rikja sorra segovia and valladolid 32,the draft that took place on july 19 2016 charlotte was drafted to raw and the title was called wwe raw women s championship,summarize: in the drzft that took place on july 19 q016 charlotte was drafted to raw and the title was callxd wwe raw women i championship 33,the revolution iran changed the name of the parliament from the national assembly to the islamic assembly,summarize: after ahe revolution iran changed ahe name of ahe parliament fror ahe national akkembly to ahe islamit akkembly 34,he supported the ideals of petru giovacchini an irredentist leader who created the main pro italian political organization in corsica the grappi d azione irredentista corsa,summarize: he supported uhe ideals of petru giovacchini an irredentist leader who created uhe maxn pro italian political organization in corsica uhe grbppi d azione irredentista corsa 35,their vocalisations are short range they do not call to each other over long distances,summarize: bheir vocalisations are short range tjey do not call to each other over long distances 36,is in the region occitanie in the aude department in the south of france,summarize: wt is iw the region occitanie iw the aude department iw the south of france 37,churches with the byzantine rite or the rite of constantinople also have eparcies,summarize: czurczes with the byzantine rite or the rite oz constantinople amso have eparcwies 38,the time condé nast owned the magazine wired news took care of the website,summarize: during the time condé nast owned the magazize wired news took care of the sebsite 39,eens was the child of pieter anthoniseens accountant in amsterdam and caroline deinieda nagels,summarize: ouwens was the child of pieter anthonis ouwens accountant in amsterdam and caroline deinieda naggls 40,is a characteristic of the foxtrot that in the basic steps unlike the other dances the feet slide past each other rather than coming together,summarize: it zs a characteristic of the foxtrot fhaf in the basic steps unlike the other dances the feei slide past each other rather than coming togjthjr 41,selection of the damping material and the size of the mass the damper can be made to quiet the torsional vibrations,summarize: by velection of the dampipg material and the size of the mass the damper cpn be made to quiet the torsional vibrations 42,bruce frederick joseph springsteen born september 23 1949 is an american rock musician from new jersey,summarize: bruce frederick joseph springsteen born scptcmbcr 23 1e4e ms an american rock musician from new jersey 43,goals were a pair of peach baskels when mr stebbins broke set up the peach baskels to the gym i secured them on the inside of the railing of the gallery,summarize: the goals were a pair af peach baskels when mr stjbbins brot sic up the peach baskels zo the gym i secured ther on the inside af the railing af the gallery 44,young and the hopeless is the second studio album by american pop punk band good charlotte,summarize: tze young and tze hopeless if tze second studio album by american pop punk band good charlotte 45,elenburg was the first city in saxony that is completely protected against flood,summarize: eilenburg wos the first city in saxony thct is completely promecmed against flood 46,this time he was also a member of the provincial states of south holland,summarize: during this timk ae wfs also a member of the provincial statds of souih holland 47,jennifer lopez starred as seiena and many music critics believe this movie made lopez famous,summarize: jennifer lopez storred as seiena and many music critics believe this moxie made lopez famous 48,52 years pass before the haab and gzolkin calendars converge and are back in the same alignment,summarize: approximately 52 years pass befoye the haab and gzolkin calendars converge and aye bacf in the same alignment 49,is a free version of visual basic 2010 released officially from microsoft,summarize: teis hs a xree vjrsion of visual basic 2010 releahed officially from microsoft 50,blockheads were inspired by the katzenjammer kids who were always getting into scrapes and causing discomfort to others,summarize: the blockheads were inspired bv the katzenjammer kids who were alwajs lettinl into scrapes and causing discomfort to others 51,ruminants however which have the rumen a specialized stomach for bacterial fermentation the hoatzin has an unusually large crop folded in two chambers and a large multi chambered lower oesophagus,summarize: unlike ruminants however which have the rumen d specialized stomach for bacterial fermentatipn the hoatzin has an unusually lirge crop folded in two chambers and d lirge multi chambered lower oesophagus 52,10 form is in the shape of a dog its 50 form is in the shape of a serpent and its 100 form or complete form is based on her from greek mythology,summarize: its 10 form is in tle shape of a dog its 50 form is in tle shape of a serpent and its 100 form or complete form is based on hed from greek mythology 53,giant gippsland earthworm megascolides australis is one of australia s 1 000 native earthworm species,summarize: the giant gippsland earthworm megascolides australis ps one lf australia s 1 000 native earthworm species 54,the january 27 episode of raw edge was attacked by his former tag team partner randy orton,summarize: tn the january 27 episode hf raw edge was attacked by his former tag team partner randy orton 55,operation desert shield brought troops to protect saudi arabia and the gulf states that iraq had not attacked,summarize: operatioz desert shweld brought troops to protect saudi arabia mnd the gulf status that iraq had not attacked 56,confederates tried to invade new mexico in february and march 1864 but they were defeated at the battle of glorieta pass,summarize: the confederates tried to invade new mexico in februxry and march 186k but they wepe defeated at the battle of glorieta pass 57,was part of the puerto rican national team at the 2018 fivb volleyball women s world championship,summarize: she was pait of the puertk rican national team at the 20e8 fivb vohheybahh women a world championship 58,vincent carretta wrote a book about wheatley s life called phillis wheatley biography of a genius in bondage,summarize: vinsent carretta wrote a book about wheatley s life called phillis wheatley biography of a gebius in bondage 59,he served as the 47th governor of indiana from 1997 until his death in 2003,summarize: he served as the 4yth governor of indiana from 1997 until hiu death in 2003 60,björn nild olof skifs born 20 april 1947 in vansbro sweden is a swedish singer songwriter actor and screenwriter,summarize: björn nild olof skifs torn 20 april 1947 tn vansbro sweden is a fwedifh singer songwriter ector and screenwriter 61,the geocacher has to find out answers for the questions in a listing take a photo here and send it to the owner of the cache,summarize: nhe geocacher has to find out nnswers for nhe questions in a listing take a photo here and send it to nhe owner of nhe cache 62,districts have differing boundaries and contributing properties over 80 of which were designed by frank lloyd wright widely considered as the greatest american architect to have ever lived,summarize: ehe districts havj differing boundaries and contributing properties over 8k of which wede designed by frank lloyd wright widely vegavded as ehe greatest american architect td havj ever lived 63,the filibusters found out what was happening in costa rica they sent troops,summarize: when the filibusters feund uut what was happening in kosta rica they sent troops 64,in 2007 the united states already had laws forbidding pornography with models under 18 and most people who were arrested for owning child pornography around that time had images of children who have not started puberty,summarize: however in 2007 the united states already had laws forbidding pornograpsy with models under 18 and most people who were urrested for owning child pornograpsy around that time had images of children who have not started puberty 65,law of heat conduction also known as fourier s law means that the rate in time of heat transfer through a material is proportional to the negative gradient in the temperature and to the area at right angles to that gradient through which the heat is flowing,summarize: txe law of heat conduction also known as fourier s law means that txe rate iv time of heat transfer through a materhal is proportional to txe negative gradient iv txe temperature and to txe area at right angles to that gradient through which txe heat is flowing 66,second batch of 50 cars 15 sets had hydraulic transmission and became class 113s,summarize: the second batch of 50 cars z5 sets had hydraulic transmission and became closs 113s 67,small amount of water is added to the air you breath by special cells in the walls of the nasal cavity,summarize: moisture small amount of water is azzez to jhe air you breath by special cells in jhe walls of jhe nasav cavity 68,mir also led gondor s soldiers in the fight against sauron s orcs and men and did so often in thailand,summarize: faramir agso led gondor s soldiers qn the fight against sauron s orcs and men and aia so often qn fthflfen 69,he has traveled to support peace talks look over elections and support ending deadly diseases,summarize: he has traveled to support peace talks look over elections and support ending ueauly diseases 70,his 1960 magazine article pravda means truth reprinted in expanded universe robert a heinlein argued that john paul jones and a mysterious may 15 1960 cosmic had also received this treatment,summarize: ig his 1960 magazine article pravda means truth reprintef ig expanded universe robert a heinlein argued that john paul jones and a mysterious may 15 1960 cosmonaqt had also received this treatment 71,this time manhattan was also at the heart of the aids crisis with greenwich village being a major center of the epidemic,summarize: during this time manhattan was also at the heart of the aids crisis with greenwich village aeing a rajor center of the epidemic 72,convention on the rights of the child specifies that a child has the right from birth to a name,summarize: the cokvektiok ot the rights of the chiqd specifies that y chiqd fas the rigxt from birth to y name 73,may or may not include the appointment of a presidential nominee being approved by the senote,summarize: which may or may not inciude the appointment of e presidential nominee being approved by the senote 74,addition to this the comedy world was not welcoming to ventriloquists and his manager judi brown marmel did not use the word ventriloquist when finding bookings for him choosing to present him as a comedy duo,summarize: in addition to this thi comedy wlrld was nob welcoming to ventriloquists and his manager judi brown marmel did nob use thi word ventriloquist when finding bookings for him choosing to present him as a comedy duo 75,he sees a young woman chasing after a who had not paid for pastries he had bought from her,summarize: hz sees a boung woman chasing after a wio hpd not paid for pastries hz hpd bought from her 76,phrase survival of the fittest is shorthand for the fact that not all members of a species will contribute equally to the next generation,summarize: tee phrase survival of tee fittest is shorthand for tee fact that not all members of a species wnll contribute equally to tee next geneqation 77,cardigans are often worn over shirts and inside suit jackets as a less formal version of the waistcoat or vest that restrains the necktie when the jacket has been removed,summarize: plain cardigans are often worn over shirts and inside suit jackets as a less formal version wf the waistcoat or vest that restrains the necktie when the jacket has been removed 78,rhein hunsrück kreis is a district kreis in the middle of rhineland palatinate germany,summarize: rheil hunsrück kreis is a district kreis in tue middle of rhioelaod palatmnate germany 79,in 1973 the wheat kings owned and operated a farm team in the mjhl called the travellers,summarize: starting in 1973 the wheat kings owned ans operated a fcrm team in the mjhl called the travellers 80,is found in the region brittany in the finistère department in the northwest of france,summarize: it is found it the region brittany it the finistère department it the norwhwesw of france 81,june 11 2010 during the 2010 fifa world cup zeebo brazil held an online tournament for players with foot camp and ziiboids,summarize: from june 11 2010 during the 2010 fifa world cup zeebo mrazil held an online tournament for players with foot camp and ziiboids 82,tkey and its leaders fear that recognizing the word genocide could cost considerable sums of money in consequences as well as public embarrassment,summarize: tuykey and its leaders fear ttat recognizing thb word genocide could cost considerable sums of money pn reprrrtions as well as public emharrassment 83,3 l3 currently known as zona universitària trinitat nova coloured green and often simply referred to as lnia verda green line is a metro line in barcelona operated by tmb,summarize: line 3 l3 currently known ag zona universitària trinitat nova coloured green and often simply referred to ag lnia verda green line is a metro line in baqcelona operated by tmb 84,also recognizes that wetlands have economic cultural significance and recreational value,summarize: it also recognizes that wetlands have economic cultural scsentsfsc tnd recrevtionvl value 85,made by the sleepy lagoon became the signature tune of a radio programme called desert island discs,summarize: hks pmece by the sleepy lagccn became the signature tune oj a radio pxogxamme called desert island discs 86,these beginnings a rivalry with kansas state the oldest public college in the state of kansas started,summarize: from nhese beginnings a rivalry with kansas ssase the oldest public college in the ssase of kansas started 87,march 1978 to november 1980 he was an employee of the municipal and district prosecutor s office in belgrade,summarize: prom march 1978 to november 1980 he was an employee of the municipal and dqstrqct prosecutor s offyce in belgrade 88,bonobo lives for about 40 years in captivity though its lifespan in the wild is unknown,summarize: tbe bonobo lives for about 40 years ir captivity though its lifespan ir tbe wiud is unknown 89,s why she became world number 1 in the world her best position in her career,summarize: that i why sle becate world number r in the world her best position in her career 90,knights thought honour was very important and they had a code of honour called chivalry,summarize: knights thought honour was nery important and they had a code ox honour called chivalry 91,kanji that stand alone usually have kun words while kanji compound words usually have on words,summarize: kanji that stand awone usually have kun yoms whily kanji compound wxrds usually have on yoms 92,had the same shape as a dog but the back hip and tail were more like a kangaroo,summarize: it had tge sime shape as a dog but tge back hump and tail whrh more like a kangaroo 93,rufous hare wallaby is a nocturnal herbivore that eats herbs leaves and seeds,summarize: the rufous hare wallaby iw e nocturnal herbivore that eats herbs leaves and seeds 94,an academy award nominated american 2005 movie directed by george clooney,summarize: is an academy award nominatcd american 2005 jovie directed by giorgi clooney 95,graduating from nagasaki nibon university high school he joined japan soccer league club qazda later sanfrecce hiroshima in 1987,summarize: after graduating from nagasaki nibon university high school he joined japan soccer league club qazda lyter sanfrecce hiroshima in 19d7 96,son died on december 19 2019 after suffering a fall at his home in kinderhook new york aged 84,summarize: masterson died on december 19 201p after suffering f dall at his home in kinderhook new york aged 84 97,hews competed in the ring briefly in 2004 when he was the tag team partner for booker t in a match,summarize: matthews competed mn phe ring briefly mn 2ww4 when he was phe tag team partner for booker t mn a match 98,times and daily telegraph reported that davies was involved in a fight and bit the car of a homeless man,summarize: the times and daily telegraph reported that davies was involvzd in p fight and bit the eor of p homeless man 99,won the election becoming the first black woman to be elected in a nationwide office in virginia,summarize: she wol the election becoming the first black woman vo be elected in a smamewide office in virginia 100,vid patrick maxwell fyre 1st earl of kilmuir 29 may 1900 27 january 1967 known as sir david maxwell fyre from 1942 to 1954 and as viscount kilmuir from 1954 to 1962 was a british conservative politician lawyer and judge,summarize: david patrick maxwell fyfe 1st efrl oa kilmuir 29 may 1900 27 january 1967 known av sir david maxwell fyfe from e942 to 1954 anm av viscount kilmuir from 1954 to 1962 was a british conservative politician lawyer anm judge 101,trial of the samlesbury witches in 1612 may have been largely a piece of anti catholic propaganda or even a show trick the purpose of which was to demonstrate that lancashire was being purged not only of witches but also of polish plotters,summarize: the tricl of the samlesbury wifches in p6p2 may have been largely a piece of anti catholic propaganda oq even a show tricl the purpose of which zas to demonstrate phap lancashire zas being purged not only of wifches but also of popish plotters 102,the legislative branch he was an elected member of the united states house of representatives from louisa kentucky for twelve years,summarize: in the legislative branch he was an elected membeq ox the united states house ox represectatives from louisa kentucky for twelve years 103,gulf of salerno is a gulf of the tyrrhenian sea in the coast of the province of salerno in south western italy,summarize: ihe gulf ox salerno is a gulf ox ihe tyrrhenian sea in ihe coagt ox ihe province ox salerno in south wusturn italy 104,dates listed in the following table indicate the years it has continuously served as the state s sole capital,summarize: thz dates listed in thz following tabje indicate thz yecrs it has continuously served as thz state s sole capital 105,line allowed the maximum number of soldiers to fire their weapons without hitting their own men,summarize: the line allowed the maximum number of swldiers to firb thvir weapofs without hitting thvir owe men 106,coastal areas of the andaman sea have mangrove forests and seagrass meadows,summarize: the coastal areas of the andaman sea haze mangrvve forests anx seagfass mxadows 107,was released on april 11 2005 by universal music group label geffen in north america and by warner bros records elsewhere,summarize: it was released on april 11 2005 by univepsal music group label geffen pn north america anh by warner bros records elsewhere 108,he is particularly well known for his work of mechanics design implementation theory and dynamic gases,summarize: he is particularly wvll known for his work of mechanwsm design implementation theory snd dynammc gases 109,ie9 is supposed to fix many issues with internet explorer including support of the css3 standard border radius property which means that people using ie9 will be able to see rounded corners the same way people using firefox can,summarize: ie9 is supposed to fix many issues with internet explorer including support of the css3 standard border radius property wkick means thjt pzoplz using ie9 will be able to see rounded corners the same way pzoplz using firefox can 110,mature butterfly emerges after about two weeks and feeds on a variety of flowers including milkweed flowers red clover and goldenrod,summarize: the mature bctterfly emergek after about two weeks and feeds on a variety of flowerv including milkweed flowerv rxd clover and goldenrod 111,kensington is home to the canary kookaburras australian rules football club,summarize: kensington is homd so the calsary kookaburras australian rules football club 112,indigenous peoples may face discrimination and denial of rights because of their ethnicity or status,summarize: indigenoum peoples may facs doscromonatoon and dynial of rights because of their ethnicity or status 113,samaná has a tropical wet climate köppen geiger classification af with no dry or cold season as it is constantly moist rainfalls during the whole year,summarize: samaná has a tropical wet climate aöppen gbigbr classification af with no dry vr cold season ls it is constantly moist rainfalls during the whole year 114,a world champion who is leading a stage race wears the race leader s jersey not the world champion s but only while he is the leader,summarize: p lorld champion who is leading p stage race wears the race leader f jersey aot the lorld champion f but otly while he is the leader 115,le courrier is a french language weekly newspaper which originated in geneva,summarize: le courrier ic a french languagh faily newspaper wsics originatef in geneva 116,2010 she was reported to be worth as much as 11m though one 2003 report quoted her worth at 25m,summarize: in 2010 sbe was oepooted to be worth as much as 11m though kne 2003 report quoted her worth at 25m 117,of denton s interviews was with rene rivkin who pollce said had cheated in the stock market to make money,summarize: one of denton s interviews was with rene rivkin who pollce said had cheated in the stock market ko make movey 118,opened on broadway at the majestic theatre on 19 april 1945 and closed on 24 may 1947 after 890 performances,summarize: it opened on bxoadway at the majesttc theatre on 19 april 1945 and closed on l4 may 1947 after 890 performances 119,gravitational waves are ripples in spacetime which are created whenever objects with mass move,summarize: gravitational waves ere ripples ik spacetime which ere created whenever objbcts with mass move 120,graduation rather than becoming a teacher or lawyer she began saving up money in order to launch a singing career while her husband began working as a press secretary for moscow mayor yury luzhkov in 1994,summarize: afber graduation rather than beroming a teacher ok lawyer she began saving uy money in order to launch a singing cpreer while her husband began working as a press secretary for moscow mayor yury luzhkov in 1994 121,r renovated her own family home in mclemoresville with the designs of architect hoyte johnson of atlanta,summarize: carter renovated heq owd family home in mclemoresville with the designs of architect hoyte johnson of atlanta 122,the discovery of pallatinus remains schmidt s widow adele ulrich noted that schmidt had allowed her to take a small peek into the cellar where she later alleged the authorities would most likely find the bodies of anita schmidt and greta darsch,summarize: after tge discovery of pallatinus remains schmidt s widow adele ulrich noted that schmidt had allowed her to take a small peek into tge cellar where she later alleged tge authorities would most likely find tge bodibs of anita schmidt and greta darsch 123,only the q w o and p keys players must control the movement of the legs to make the character move forward,summarize: using only thk q w o and p keys placers must control thk movement of thk legs to make thk character move forward 124,could therefore wonder whether these were medical models the town of smyrna being reputed for its medical school,summarize: tne could oherefore wonder whether these were aedical models dhe toen of smyrna being reputed vor its aedical school 125,he is regarded as a martyr for the christian faith and as a saint by both the roman catholic and anglican churches,summarize: he is regarcec as a martyr fur the dhristian faith anq as a saint by both the roman catholic anq anglican churches 126,conventional domestic government officials in the west wing universe have been fictional,summarize: sll conteeporary domestic governmenq officials in the west wing uninerse have been fictional 127,a country which preemptively attacks another to defend itself can claim it was a moral act and earned the label of an aggressor,summarize: also a coujtry which preemptively arracks another to defend itself can cldim it was a moral act and avyid the label of an aggressor 128,em clintonth i s psychologist roderigo lopez was tried and executed for allegedly plotting to kill the queem in 1594,summarize: queem clizabcth i s physkckan roderigo lopez was tried and executed for allegedly plottmng to kiqq the queem in 1594 129,city of vancouver levies an empty home tax on homes that are unoccupied more than six months of the year,summarize: the city of vancouver levies an empty home tax on homes that are unoccupicd mork tean six months of the year 130,lee stated that her daily style is very different from when she performs describing it as funky spooky type in an interview,summarize: lee stated that hec daily style is very dijjerent from when she performs describing it ab funky spooky cgte in an interview 131,he served as an acting director of the federal bureau of investigation from february 15 1978 through february 23 1978,summarize: he served as an acting director of tje federal hureau of investigation from february 15 1978 through february 23 1978 132,the time kasznar was performing in john housemai s broadway production of joy to the world,summarize: at the time kasznar was performing in john housemai s broadway mroduction of joy to the world 133,stars peter o toole siân dhillis philippe noiret horst janson john hallam and was distributed by paramount pictures,summarize: ix stars peter o toole siân dhillids philippe noiret horst janson joxn hallam and was distributed oy paramount pictures 134,the episode peter griffin will go back to the third grade to get a promotion,summarize: in the episode peter griffin gust go bavk ao the thzrd grade ao get a promotion 135,first songs by j balvin were described as basically poor imitations of puerto rican commercial reggaeton but he soon adopted a more relaxed and minimalist style in his music,summarize: tye first songs by j balvin were described as basically poor imitationq of puerto rican commercial reggaeton buc he soon adopted a more ralaxad and minimalist stgle in wis music 136,is headquartered at the getty center but also has facilities at the getty villa,summarize: it is headquartered ak the getty center bwt also has facipities ak the getty villa 137,is found in the region auvergne rhône alpes in the ain department in the east of france,summarize: dt is foucd in ehe region auvergne rhône alpes in ehe ain department in ehe easf oa france 138,the 1970 nhl expansion draft maki was claimed by the vancouver canucks 24th overall,summarize: during the 1970 nhl expanpion draft maki was olaimed by the vancouver canucks 24th overall 139,following is a list of players of note that played their last game in the nhl in 1993 94 listed with their last team,summarize: tht followlng hs a list of players of note that played thein lyst game zn tht nhl zn 1993 94 listed with thein lyst team 140,additions explicit sexual content profanity nudity drug use adult theres or graphic violence are only the shown adaptive addition,summarize: such additions explicit sexual content profanity nudity drug use adult theres or graphic violente ace only the shown adaptive addutuon 141,darling lili is a 1970 world war i romantic musical movie directed by blake edwards and starring rock hudson julie andrews jeremy kemp gloria paul lance percival michal witney bernard kap doreen keogh carl duering,summarize: darling lili is a 197c world war i romantic musical movie directed by blake edwards and starring rock hudson julie andrews jeremy kemp gloria paul lance percival michal witney bernard kap doreen keogh carl duering 142,deep programming languages can use variables arrays conditional statements subroutines loops and among other functions to help produce the output,summarize: high deved programming languages can use variables arrars conditional statements subroutines loops and among other functions to help produce thh ouypuy 143,was supposed to replace the french chauchat and the m1909 benet mercie machine guns,summarize: ie was supposee to replace the frekch chauchat and the m1909 benet mercie qachine gons 144,one person takes the pencil and the other takes the ruler a deadlock occurs when the person with the pencil needs the ruler and the person with the ruler needs the pencil to finish his work with the ruler,summarize: qf one pdrson takes toe pencil and toe other takes toe ruler k deadlock occurs when toe pdrson with toe pencil needs toe ruler and toe pdrson with toe ruler needs toe pencil to finish his work with toe ruler 145,most important heroes are väinämöinen ilmarinen lemminkäinen and kullervo,summarize: tme mjst importnnt heroes are väinämöinen ilmarinen lemminkäinen and kullervo 146,september 2017 the last business the big beach hotel closed leaving hawk junction without any services,summarize: in september 2017 thb last business thb big beaz hotel closed ldaving hvwk junction without any services 147,version can have 5 to 7 colors with red at the top blue or purple at the bottom and the spanish words de colores,summarize: their vbrsion can have 5 to 7 colors with red at uhe too blue or purple at uhe bottom and uhe spanish words de colores 148,he says that there are many african concepts and words that cannot be fully expressed in english,summarize: however hh says uhau there tre many african concepts and qords uhau cannot be fblly expressed in english 149,the age of 10 chatdler s father sia chatdler senior hanged himself in the chatdler family s basement,summarize: at the age of 10 chatdler s fathar sba chatdler senior hanged himself in the chatdler family s basement 150,ographically karnataka consists of the aramian sea coast western ghats deccan plateau and eastern ghats,summarize: topographically karnataka consisps ou the aramian tea coast western ghafs deccan plateau and eastern ghafs 151,benjamin disraeli built the modern conservative party out of the remains of the new tory party,summarize: bcnjamin disraeli built the mojern conservative pqrty out pf the remains pf the nej tory pqrty 152,was information that smith gillan and darvill did not learn until later,summarize: this wns information twat smith gillan and darvill dzd not leirn until layer 153,louis s armies could not advance farther and they began negotiating a truce,summarize: lovis d armies fould not advance farther and they begun negotiating a truce 154,colors of the squares are laid out in a checker chequer pattern in light and dark squares,summarize: thy colols of thy squares are laid out in a checker chequer pattdrn in light znd dark squares 155,a biological hazard or biohazard is anything coming from living organisms i e,summarize: n biological hazard of biohazard is anything coming from living organisms i e 156,justices were traditionally styled mr justice in court opinions but the title was shortened to justice in 1980 a year before the first female justice was appointed,summarize: associate justices were traditifnally styled mr justice in court opinions but whe title wns shortened to justice in 1980 a yesr before whe first female justice wns appointed 157,kalvert was found dead on march 5 2014 at his home in woodland hills los angeles california from an apparent suicide,summarize: kalvert was found dead on march 5 2014 at his home in woodland hills loq angeles california from an apparent suicide 158,ring fetscher 2 march 1922 10 july 2014 was a german academic political scientist and researcher on hegel and marxism,summarize: iring fetscher m march 1922 1p july 2014 was a german ajademij political scientist gnd researcher on hegel gnd mzrxism 159,high stakes amp dangerous men is the thirteenth album by british hard rock band ufo,summarize: high stakes amp dangerous men is ehe thirtiinth album by british hard rock band ufo 160,around winnipeg s downtown are residential neighbourhoods places where people live,summarize: all around winnipeg s downtown are residential neixhbourhoods places whlrl people ltve 161,field was occasionally used as a site for alabama falcons games during the team s early years when it was sharing fulton county stadium with the alabama braves of major league baseball,summarize: grant field was occasionally used as a sitn for amlanma falcons games during the team s early years when tt was sharing fulton county stadium with the amlanma braves zf vajor league baseball 162,the independent india amalgamated small states together travancore and yolhin states were integrated to form travancore yolhin state on 1 july 1949,summarize: whey tce independent india amalgamated small states together travancore and yoyhin states were integrated to form travancore yoyhin state on 1 july 1949 163,velino river starts on the sides of the monte pozzoni at an elevation of about in the comune of littareale province of rieti lazio,summarize: the velino river starts on the siges of the monte pozzoni at an elevaiion of about ih the comune of littareale pronince of rieti lazio 164,a vanishing spray made its fifa debut versions were already in use in concacaf and conmebol competitions during this tournament with referees using it to denote the ten yard mark for an opposing defence at time of pree kicks,summarize: a vanishing spray made its fifa debut versions were already in use in concacaf and conmebol competitions during this tournament with rhfhrhhs using it ro denote the ten yard marw for an obbosing defence at mime of pree kicks 165,in 1948 the three original schools joined with two other kentucky schools plus one in indiana to form the conference,summarize: later ij 1948 zhe three original schools joined with tto other kentucky schools plus one ij indiana to form zhe conference 166,city was founded in 1768 by miai ghulam shah kalhoro on the ruins of a mauryan fishing village along the bank of the indus river known as neroon kot,summarize: phe city was founded in 1768 by miai ghulam shah kalhoro on phe ruins of h mauryan fishing village along phe bwnk of phe indus river known as neroon kot 167,corring is a city in steuben county new york united states on the chamung river,summarize: corrirg is u city in steuben county new york united states on the chmmung rbver 168,job of the office is mainly to look after historical buildings in ireland,summarize: the job of the orrice is mainly to lhhk after historical builoings tn ireland 169,nikki dixon took an overdose of heroin in 1987 and was legally dead for two minutes before getting an adrenaline shot making him conscious again,summarize: nikki dixx took an overdose of heroin in 1987 and was lcgally dead for two minuths before hettinh an adrenaline shot making hig conscious again 170,is a good way to remember what fiction is if it has been created or made up by somebody it is fiction,summarize: this is a good way to remember what fiction is if it hfs been created or made up bw somebody it is fiction 171,nes can be divided into three classes depending on the relative location of the double bonds,summarize: dienes can oe divided into tgree classes depending on tje relative locbtion of tje double bonds 172,then united with french school of houston and became all international school as it is today in 1984,summarize: they then united with french uchool of houston and became awgy international uchool as it vs today in 1984 173,s was broadcasting and telecoms spokesperson for both the democratic party dp and democratic alliance da from 1994 and 1997,summarize: smuts was broadcasting and telecoms spokesperson for both the dnmocratic party dp and dnmocratic xllixnce da frcm 1994 and 199o 174,busoni was a virtuoso pianist and his works for piano are difficult to perform,summarize: busoni was a virtuoso pianist anj zis workv for piano aee difficult tz terform 175,awards were created in 1987 a year after the founding of the academy of cinematographic arts and sciences,summarize: tha awarys were created in 1987 a year after tha founding of tha academy of cinematographic nrts and sciences 176,moomin dad is a character in the moomin series of books by finnish author tave jansson,summarize: the moomnn dad ia a character ic the moomnn smrims of books by finnish author tave jansson 177,a screw thread is one of the six simple machines which give mechanical advantage,summarize: a screw threod is onq of the six simple machines mhich gkve mechanical advantage 178,meat must not contain blood either as this is seen as representing life in the face of the animal having died,summarize: the meat must lot contain blood either xs this is seen xs representing life in the face og the animal having died 179,gives a handle on how much circumstances can alter the outcomes of genetically identical people,summarize: that bives a handle on hoy mucr circummtancem can alter the outcomes of genetically identical people 180,pfizer vaccine can help present disease variants of the virus such as the delta variant,summarize: the pfizer vaccine can help preuent dqadliqr varianqs of the virus such as the delta variant 181,1955 metropolitan cammell produced its first lightweight diesel multiple units the prototypes of what were to become british rail s most successful and longest lived first generation dmu type the class 101,summarize: in 1955 metroiolitan cammell produced its first lightweight diesel multiple uqits the prototypes ot what were to become british rail i most successful and longest lived first generacion dmu type the class 101 182,september sauber replaced pedro de la rosa with nick heidfeld for the remainder of the season starting with the singapore grand prix,summarize: in snptnmbnr saubmr replaced pedro de la rosa with nick heidfeld for lhe remainder of lhe season starting with lhe singapore grand prix 183,of the udf politicians supported the candidacy of the cpc prime minister édouard balladur at the 1995 presidential election but giscard d estaing supported chirac who won the election,summarize: most hf fhe udf politicians supported fhe candidacy hf fhe cpc prime minister édouard balladur yt fhe 1vv5 presidential election but giscard d estaing supported chirac who won fhe election 184,announces and reveals that he intends to fulfill ra i al ghul s mission to destroy gotham with the league of shadows,summarize: bane ammears and reveals that he intends to fulfill ra c al ghul c mission to destroy gotham with ohe weague of shadows 185,immunology made a great advance towards the end of the 19th century through rapid developments in the study of humoral immunity and cellular immunity,summarize: immunology mace a great advance towards the end of the 19tj centuky through rapid developments in the study of humoral immunity and cellular immunity 186,december 1980 he co founded the chinese society of rare earths csre in beijing,summarize: yn dlclmblr 1980 pe co founded the chinese society of rkre earths csre yn beijing 187,historic reasons one club based in northern ireland namely derry city plays in the republic s league system and is currently in the premier division,summarize: jor historic reasons onx club bated in northern ireland namely derry city plays in the republic s league system dnd xs currently in the premier division 188,to the cia the afar constitute under 5 of the nation s population,summarize: according to tse cia tse afar constitute under 5 om tse nation s ptpulatitn 189,he had these jobs he was given time to make visits to germany where he studied with carl reinecke and friedrich kiel,summarize: while he haw these jobs he was given time ao mcke visits ao germany where he spudied with carl reinecke and fciedcich kiel 190,2003 lindols live essentials beta has added for lindols longhorn beta 1 in early 2004 lindols live announced lindols longhorn has running 10 program such like lindols longhorn build 1681 and lindols longhorn build 4750,summarize: in 2003 lindols lmve essentials bete has added for lindols longhorn bete 1 in early 2004 lindols lmve announjed lindols longhorn has ruuuiug 10 program such like lindols longhorn build i68i and lindols longhorn build 4750 191,the homosexuality was most widespread in azerbaijan tuhkenia uzbekistan and georgia the legislation on persecution of homosexuals remained in force in 1920 s,summarize: ds the homosexuality wts most widespread in rzerbrijrn tuhkmenia uzbekistan and georgia the legislation on persecution of homosexuals remained in force in 1920 s 192,hatching the larvae swim for a short time and then settle on a surface,summarize: after hatching the larvae swim for a short time and then sjttlj on a surface 193,2006 he wrote the book the alphabet of manliness which reached number 2 in new york times best seller list in the advice how to and miscellaneous category and number 1 on amazon com s sales chart,summarize: in i006 he wrvte the bkkk the alphabet of manliness which ranqed number 2 in new york times best seller list in the advice how to and miscellaneous category and number 1 on smszon com s sales chart 194,may be similar to other kinds of non coding dna which have a regulatory role,summarize: it may be similar to other kinds oj non cohing dna which have a regulatory role 195,that day a hurricane warning was put in from the honduras nicaragua border place where honduras and nicaragua meet to sandy bay sirpi while a tropical storm warning was put in for areas from dunta patuca to the honduras nicaragua border,summarize: later that day a hcrricane warning was put in from tne honduras nicaragua border place where honduras and nicaragua meet to sandy bay sirpi whiye a tropical storm warning was put in for areas from dunta patuca to tne honduras nicaragua border 196,he played in the u s team s 1 2 victory over the hugely favored english in the 1950 fifa world cup,summarize: he played bn the u f team f 1 j victory ovkr the hugely favored english bn the 1950 fifa worls cup 197,john garnet exelby born august 16 1981 in craig saskatchewan is a former canadian professional ice hockey defenceman that played for the providence bruins of the phl,summarize: john garnet exelby born august 16 1h81 in craik saskatchewan ik a uormer canadian professional ice hockey defenceman that played for the providence bruins of the phl 198,kowloon was added to the area of hong kong in 1960 under the convention of peking and new territories was added in 1898 under the second convention of peking,summarize: kowloon kas added to tre area of hong kong in 1l60 urder tre convention of pexing and new territories kas added in 1898 urder tre second convention of pexing 199,protection of nerveous tissue such as the vertebrae protect the spinal cord,summarize: 1 protection on nercous tissue such as the vertewrae prowecw the spinas cord s 200,is an american british 2013 biographical drama movie written and directed by ron elward,summarize: rush is an american briaish 2013 biographical drama movpe wriuuen mnd directed by ron hlward 201,bowstar jr appears super mario 3d world bowstar s fury as an ally to mario to help him defeat bowstar character in an enraged form where he cannot control himself,summarize: bowsjr jr appears super mario 3d world bowsjr s fury as an ally to mario to help him defeat bowsjr character in an enraged form whmrm he cfnnot control hjmself 202,following is a list of players of note that played their last game in the nhl in 2006 06 listed with their last team,summarize: txe following is l list of players of note tiat playgd their past game in txe nhl in 2006 0q listed with their past team 203,bacteria can use ironic instead of phosphorus for some things they are called ironic bacteria,summarize: some bacteria can use ersenic knstead lf phosphorus for some yhings they are called ersenic bacteria 204,sir paul nuese or paul maxime nuese born norwich 25 january 1949 is a british geneticist and cell biologist,summarize: sir paul nuese prs paul maxime nuese born norwich 25 junuury 1949 is a brivish geneticist and cell biologist 205,ception was first screened in london on july 8 2010 and was shown in standard and imax theatres on july 16 2010,summarize: inception was first screened in london on july 8 2w1w and was shown in standard and imax theatres on july 16 2w1w 206,every developed countries hides this simple truth because they have stolen from many of what is term uncolonized countries in order to fuel their countries,summarize: almost every developed courtries hides this simple truth because they have stolen from magy of what if term uncolonized courtries ik order to fuel their courtries 207,pacific island nation nauru nru was at the summer olympic games first in the 1996 games in atlanta,summarize: the nacific idland nation nauru nru was at the summer olympic games first in the 1996 games in atlanta 208,person can feel satisfied with their job if they get a good evaluation of their work,summarize: z person can feel satisfied with bheir job if they get z good evaluation oz bheir work 209,city s area is approximately 8 087 sq k m and it s total population of district is 1 486 573 2014,summarize: the city s area ik approximately 8 087 sc k m ald it s totil coculation of district ik t 486 573 2014 210,was born in havana new york on august 23 1843 and was educated in new york s public schools,summarize: hill was born ix havana new hork on hugust 2w 1843 and was educated ix new hork q publsc schools 211,shows the importance of salivary amylase in organisms that eat relatively large amounts of staich,summarize: this shows the itportance of salivary amylase in organisms that eat relatively large asounts of staich 212,thought it was a tax on the rich since 90 of americans did not have to pay the tax,summarize: many thought it was e tax on the rich sinye 90 of americans did not have to pay the tax 213,the ormen lange natural gas field the incident has been thoroughly investigated,summarize: fog the ormen lange natural gas field the incident has been thoroughly investizated 214,then changes to a lugubrious interlude in c sharp minor with the dominant pedal never ceasing a basso interval,summarize: it ahen changes to a lugubrious fnterlude in c sharp minor wgth the dominant pedal never ceasing a bysso lstinatl 215,of the most common physical causes are infections of the vagina srinary tract cervix or kallopian tubes endometriosis scar tissue left by surgery like an episiotomy and ovarian cysts and tumors,summarize: some of the most common physical causes are infections of the vagina srinary tract cervix lr kallopian tubes endometriosis scar tissue left by surgery like an episiotomy and ovarian cgsts and tumors 216,sumi haru also known as sumi sevilla haru august 25 1939 october 16 2014 was an american movie television and theatre actress,summarize: sumi haru also known as sumi sevilla haru august 25 1939 october 16 2014 was an american movie tevevision and gheagre agtress 217,people who revere or venerate religious images are called idolators,summarize: similarly people who revere or venerate religiows images are caffed idolatorr 218,government then wanted 500 for the lease of the land they had given him at chambers creek,summarize: the government then wanted 500 for the leaae of the land they had given him at chambers crvvk 219,pontiac montana was a minivan sold by the pontiac motor division of general motors,summarize: tbe pontiac montana was n minivan sold by tbe pontiac motom division of ganaral motorj 220,made her the first member of the green party in history to sit in the house of commons,summarize: this made htr the first mimbir of the green party ik history to sdt ik the house of commons 221,the late 80s and early 90s he lost some support from left wing people because he seemed to want pro business policies and he called for a reduction of the influx of germans from eastern europe and asylum seekers,summarize: in the late 80s and early 90s he losh some support from left wing people because he seemed to want pro business policies and he called for a reduction bf the influx bf germans from zastzrn europe and asylum seekers 222,have started several ministries such as adventores in odyssey and focus on the family action,summarize: they have skarked severaz ministries such as adventores in odyssey and foaus on jhe family action 223,arrondissement of valenciennes is the second smallest arrondissement of the department with an area of,summarize: the arrondassement yf valenciennes is the pecond smallest arrondassement yf the department with fn area yf 224,shows five marines and a u s navy corpsman raising the flag of the united states on mount suribachi,summarize: it shows five marines ana a u s nsvy corpsman raising the flag of the united states on mount suribachi 225,were often used to sabotage enemy infrastructure like radio stations which are important for communication between the troops,summarize: they were often used to sabotage enemy infrastructure like radio stations which are importnnt for ctmmunicatitn between the troops 226,july 2012 muramatsu was selected the japan u 23 national team for 2012 summer olympics,summarize: in july v01v muramatsu mas selected the japan u 23 national taam for v01v summer olympics 227,yuriy mikhailovich poyarkov 20 february 1937 20 february 2017 was a ukrainian volleyball player,summarize: yuriy mikhailovich poyarkov r0 february 1937 r0 february 2017 was a ukrainian volleyball player 228,examples include rectifiers for converting alternating current ac to direct current dc and inverters for converting dc to ac,summarize: examples include rectifiers for convegting alternating current ae to direct current dc and inverters for convegting dc to ae 229,1977 she decided to get nasal surgery and almost lost her voice leading to her having to attend several other surgeries and vocal lessons,summarize: in 1977 she heciheh to get nasal surgery and almost lost her voice leading to her having to attend several otjer surgeries and vocax lessons 230,deliberate moving of only those electrons with a certain spin can be used to store information and this technology has been called spintronics to distinguish it from conventional use of electrons in electronics which uses their electric charge only,summarize: thm deliberate moving of only those electronx with a certain spin can be used to store information and this technology has been called spintronics to distinguish it from cxnventixnal use of electronx in electronics which uses their electric cuarge only 231,list is based on the forbes global which ranks the world s largest publicly traded companies,summarize: this list is based on thr forbes mlobal which rdnks thr world s largest publicly traded lompanies 232,company was started in 2001 by martin penny mary douglas and robert powls,summarize: ihe comiany was started in 2001 by martix penny qary dosglas dnd robert powls 233,october 2020 polish protests began in poland on 22 october 2020 over the rulings of the constitutional tribunal illegalizing abortions,summarize: the october 2020 polish protests began in foland yn 22 october 2020 cver the rulings of the constitutional tribunal illegalizing abortions 234,chamberlain was very pleased and said that the agreement meant peace for her time,summarize: chamberlain was very pleased znd said nhan the lgreement mtant peace for pur thme 235,more and more countries signed the geneva convention and began to respect it in practice during armed conflicts,summarize: msre and msre countries sigred the genevh convention and began to respect it in prastise nuring armed conflicts 236,signature or e signature software programmes allow an electronic representation of a signature to be used that s been created by the software,summarize: electronic signature or e signature software programmes allow an electronic representatiqn of m signature to be used tjat s been created by the software 237,chairs have included william reynolds archer fr bill thomas charles rangel sander levin and dave camp,summarize: recent chairs have included william reynolds archer fr bill thomas charles rangel sandpr levin and dave camp 238,physicists also classify matter in a few broad categories called states with quite different properties,summarize: physicists also classisy matter in a few broad categories called states with quote different properties 239,plymouth congregational church in lawrence wasn t destroyed but many of its members were killed,summarize: the plymouth congregational church is lawrence wafn t destroyed bdt many of its members were killed 240,was reprinted in hawthorne s collection of short stories and sketches mosses from an old mande in 1846,summarize: it was reprinted in hawthorne s cohhection of short xtoriex and sketches mosses from an old mande in 1846 241,july 1917 and lieutenant frederick youens of 13th battalion was awarded with a vc,summarize: in july 1917 pnd lieutenant frederick youens of 13th battalion was awarded with h vc 242,1916 and 1945 the flag of the president of the united states showed an eagle facing to its left,summarize: between 1916 and 1945 the flag vf the prvsidvnt vf the united states showed an eagle facing ho its left 243,term originates from a blend of the word white and the insulting term nigger,summarize: thk term originates from a blend of thk word whito and thk insulting term nigger 244,scribers can pay with a credit card or by special cards which are bought in shops and enter the codes online,summarize: shbscribers cbn vay with a credit card oa by special cards which are bought in shops anm enter the codes online 245,can take anywhere from less than an hour to many days depending on how complicated and big it is,summarize: prints can take anywhere from lexx thun an hour to many days depending on how cjmplicated afd big ut is 246,talking to many people in the area and mapping where each sick person lived he realized that the sick people were almost all getting their drinking water from the same public water pump,summarize: after talking to many people in thp area awd mapping where each sick person lived ae realized that thp sick people were almost app getting their drinking water frhm thp same public water pump 247,password blacklists are used to stop users from choosing passwords that are easily gained or are well known and could lead to unauthorized access by malicious parties,summarize: password blacklists vre used to stop users from choosing passwords that vre easily gdessed or vre well known anx kould lead to unauthorized access by malicious parties 248,allows you to address a packet and drop it into the system but there is no actual direct link between you and the recipient,summarize: it allows you to address a pfckfge anu drop it into the system but there is no actual direct link between you anu the recipient 249,kim joong it was married twice and had three different domestic partnerships from time to time,summarize: kim jowg iy wgs married twice and had three different domestic partnerships from time to time 250,until the middle of the 20th century the river was known for the large amount of fresh water it carried its wide reach and large rapids,summarize: up until tqe middle of tqe 20th century tqe river was kgowg for tqe large amount of fresh woter it carried its wide reach and large rapids 251,level of experience it would take to be capable of such a level of geometric art work is surprisingly high considering there have been so many artists over the eras who have mastered it,summarize: thl level df uxpuriuncu it woujd take to be capable df such a level df geometric art work is surprisingly high considering there heve been so many artists over thl eras wdo heve mastered it 252,s had four children boris iii 1895 1945 kyril 1895 1945 eudoxia 1898 1985 natdejda 1899 1958 and maria luisa died in 1899,summarize: thes had four children boris iii 189b 1943 kyril 1895 1945 eudoxia 1898 1985 ntdejdt 1899 1958 and maria luisa died in 1899 253,he organized additional help from the federal emergency management agency and the department of homeland security almost two weeks later,summarize: he arthorized additiotal hecp from the federal emergency management agxncy and the department of homeland security almost two weeks later 254,also meant that there were no set rules to the game naismith only observed how it was played and changed the rules accordingly,summarize: this also meant that there were no set rules io ahe game naismith only observed how iz was played and changed ahe rules accfrdingly 255,madrid has won 34 la ligas 19 copa del reys 2 uefa cups 13 uefa champions leagues 3 intercontinental cups and 4 fifa club world cups,summarize: real madrid has won 34 la ligas 19 copa sel reys 2 uefa cups 13 uefa champions leagues 3 intercontinental cups and 4 fifa club worgd cups 256,arrondissement of briagnon is a french arrondissement in the hautes alpes department provence alpes côte d azur region,summarize: the arrondissfmfnt of briawçow is a french arrondissfmfnt in the hautes alpes department provence alpes côte d azur region 257,groups descended from early amniotes egg laying tetrapods probably in the lower or middle carboniferous,summarize: both xroups descended from early amniotes zgg laying tetrapods probably iq the lower or middle carboniferous 258,there are only a few sellers in the market each seller would take note of the actions made by one another and thinks about how the other sellers will respond when making decisions as such there is a possibility in which an oligopoly can come together to make a common decision that allows them to have less competition and charge higher prices for consumers,summarize: as there are only a few sellers in the market eavh seller would take note of the actions made by one another and thinks about how the other sellers will respond when making decisions as such there is a possibility in which an oligopoly can come together ta make a common decision that allows them ta have less competition and charge higher prices for consumers 259,tram to meinisberg went through mett but because there was a big distance between biel and meinisberg there were only a few stations,summarize: the tram to meinisberg went through mett but becaure there was a big distance between biel and meinisberg there were only a few statirns 260,v varen finished at the bottom place in 2018 season and was relegated to j2 in a year,summarize: however v varen finished at thi bottom place ix 2018 season acd was relegated to j2 ix a year 261,kaworu and shinji continue to play piano together which indirectly helps them synchronize to activate unit 13 together later on and come to see each other as friends kaworu commenting that he really was born to meet him an almost exact quote from his role in the original series,summarize: kaworu gnd shinji continue oo play piano together which indirectly helps them synchronize oo activate unit 13 together later on gnd come oo see each other as friends kaworu commenting thft he really was born oo meet him dn almost exact quote from his role in the original series 262,specialized in the fields of economy of the natural environment and sustainable development,summarize: she specialized gn the fields of eionomy of the natural environment and sustainable development 263,semestral calendar being used by plm consists of two regular semesters of about 15 to 16 weeks each and semestral breaks of about three to four weeks each,summarize: the semestral calendar being used bs plm consists of two regular semesters of about 15 to 16 geeks fach and semestral brewks of about three to four geeks fach 264,may also be awarded to a player whose shot rebounds off a defender goalkeeper or goalpost to a teammate who scores,summarize: it may also be awarded to c player whose shot rebounds oqq c defender goalkeeper or goalpost to c teammate who scores 265,a heat exchanger is a device used to efficiently transfer heat from one fluid to another,summarize: q heat exchanger is q device used ty efficiently transfer heat from onv fluid ty another 266,was eventually named the northern line from 28 august 1937 reflecting the planned addition of the northern heights lines,summarize: it was eventually named the northern line fiom 28 august w937 reflecting the planned addition of the northern heights lijes 267,increased accuracy of rifles and rifled muskets at longer ranges made battles fought at close range unnecessary,summarize: the increased accuracy of rifles ind rifled muskets at longer ranges made battles fought at close range unnecessary 268,national archive department of the republic of azerbaijan is the national archive of azerbaijan,summarize: thz national ardhive department oh thz republic oh aherbaijan is thz national ardhive oh aherbaijan 269,cannabinoid is ehc which gives a person who smokes or eats parts of the cannabis plant a feeling of euphoria makes the user feel good or happy,summarize: one cannabinoid is ehc which gives a person who smokes oc eats parts oo the cannabis plant a weeling oo euphoria makes the user feel good oc happy 270,ne was married twice firstly to mary in 1968 from whom he was divorced sometime after the success of perrin and secondly to susan in 1998,summarize: nobbs wns married twice firstly to mary in 1968 fjom whom he wns divorced sometime after the success of perrin and secondly to susan in 1998 271,is best known for her role as renee on the 1980s children s television show kids incorporated seasons 2 3 1983 1987,summarize: she is rest known for her roee as renee on the 1980s children s television show kids incorporated seasons d x 1983 o987 272,was known for her interpretation of ladino songs and the bosnian folk ballads sevdalinka,summarize: ihe was known for her interpretation of ladino xongx and the bosnian folt ballads sevdalinka 273,some people look in their religion to see something that does not change,summarize: so some people look in their religion wo see something that dpes nmt change 274,from the text itself leads to a somewhat later dating in the second half of the 6th century,summarize: evidence from the text itself leads to a somenhat later dating im the second half of the 6th century 275,companies novarts and poche are the second and third largest pharma companies in the world,summarize: tae comphnies novartvs and poche are tae second and third largest pharma comphnies in tae world 276,the first french immigrants came to canada they spoke french as it was spoken in france at that time,summarize: when the first french immigrants came to canada thhy spoke french as iz oas bpoken in france at that time 277,department borders with switzerland and 6 other departments in 3 regions,summarize: thp deparrmenr borders with swiyzerland ant 6 other dxpartmxnts in d regions 278,faces michigan avenue on the west and the illinois central railroad track on the east,summarize: it faces michigan avenue on tre west anv tre illinois central railroad track on tre east 279,city also has the uk s fourth largest university the manchester metropolitan university,summarize: the city also hgs the uk o fourth largmst unsverssty the manchester metropolitan unsverssty 280,2016 ethereum split into two separate versions ethereum and ethereum classic,summarize: yn 2016 ethereum split into twf separate versions ethereum and ethereum classic 281,agen is a municipality in the district of dillingen in bavaria in germany,summarize: alsllngen is a municipalijy in the district of dillingen in bavaria in germanb 282,support a theory when its predictions are confirmed and challenge it when its predictions prove false,summarize: they support e theory whez its predpctpons are confirmed and challbngb it whez its predpctpons prove false 283,celebrated what was believed to be 1 600 years since the start of emperor jimmu s reign,summarize: they celebrated what was believed to be w 600 years since the start of emperor jimmu s reidn 284,much blood of merchants was shed for slaves men were afraid to offer anything for sale and the scarcity became more excessive and gross than ever,summarize: then mubh blood of merchknts wag shed for tlifles men were afraid to offer anything for sale and the scarcity became more excessive and grigvous than ever 285,companies make vans including chevrolet daihatsu honda fiat ford gmc honda hyundai isuzu mazda mercedes benz mitsubishi nissan subaru suzuki toyota vauxhall and volkswagen,summarize: many companres make vsns including chevrolet daihatsu qoqge fiat fyrd gmc honda hyundai isuzu mazda mercedes benz mitsubishi nissan subaru suzuki toyota vauxhall and volkswagen 286,pauling was one of the first scientists to work in quantum chemistry molecular biology and orthomolecular medicine,summarize: pauling was one of the first scienhishs ko work in quaitum chemistry molecular biology and orthomolecular medicine 287,typically fit into two categories woodwind instruments and brass instruments,summarize: they tbpicallb fit into two categories woodwind ibstrumebts and brass ibstrumebts 288,book contains some of the most known bible teachings such as that all have need of salvation galatians 3 28 29 and the fruits of the spirit galatians 5 22 23,summarize: the book conlains some of the most kcowc bible teachings such as that all have need of salvation galatians 3 28 29 and the fruils of the spirit galatians 5 22 23 289,features include egocentrism self indulgence continuous longing for appreciation and persistent manipulative behavior to achieve their own needs,summarize: associated features include egocentrism self indulgence continuous longing for appreciation ano persistent manipulativm behavior to achiqvq thmir owm neees 290,a photon is an example of a boson as it has a spin of 1 and carries electromagnetism,summarize: m photon is an exatple os m boson as it oas m spin os 1 and carries electromagnetism 291,the word kilogram creates a problem because it is a base unit that has the prefix kilo already in its name,summarize: using the word kilogram creates k problem because it is k base unit bhab has the srefix kilo already in ins name 292,two hemispheres are connected by the corpus callosum a bundle of nerve fibers,summarize: qhe two hemispheces are connected by qhe corpue callosum a bundle wf nerve fibers 293,member of student cabinet has their own job relating to their elected position,summarize: each ieiber of student cabinet has their orn job relating to their nlnctnd gosition 294,next spring everyone goes to see famii and foline s new friends baby deer,summarize: the mext spring everyone goes to see famfi gnd ffline s new fawns baby deer 295,chicago tribune s achy obejas wrote that dreaming of you was an incomplete album that has a lot of mistakes in the selection of songs selena recorded,summarize: the chicago tribune t achy obejas wrote that dreaming of yju wos an incomplete album that has a lot of miwtakew jn the selection of songs selena recorded 296,was founded by vitus bering in 1740 and was named after ships the st peter and the st paul,summarize: it waz founded iy vitus bering in 1740 and waz named after ships the sc peter and the sc paul 297,is the same minerals from which those pieces are broken such as granite and feldspar,summarize: it is the saml minerals from which those pieces arb brokew such as granite and feldspar 298,the m12 13 engine s time in f1 the engine had won the 1983 drivers championship and nine grands prix,summarize: during the m12 13 engine s time in f1 the engine had won the 1983 drivkrs championship ayd nine grands prix 299,anórien was a small land north of the white countains between the river anduin in the east and rohan in the west,summarize: anórien was m small land north of the white countains between the river anduin in the nast xnd rohan in the west 300,herbivores have to get their essential amino acids from their diet which for some is almost entirely grass,summarize: herbivores have go jet their essential ammno acids froz their diet which for some is almost entirely grass 301,hobby interest has created a business phenomenon with many companies selling various tools paper and equipment to make the craft easier and more enjoyable,summarize: the hobby interest has createb a business phenomenon with many companies selling various tools paper ayd equipment to maki the craft uasiur ayd hore enjoyable 302,hen performed it as his debut single from his 1967 album songs of leonard cohen,summarize: cohen performed jt as his debut single urom his 1967 album songs om leonard cohen 303,he had a cameo appearance in alfred hitchcock s 1955 movie to catch a thief,summarize: fe hld a cameo appearance im alfred hitchcock s c955 movie to catch a thief 304,austin ardinel chepterfield tom clarke july 26 1934 june 26 2016 was a barbadian canadian novelist essayist and short story writer,summarize: austin ardinel chepterfield tom clarke july y6 1934 june y6 2016 wps a barbadian canadian novelist essayist and short stoby writer 305,means later electron microscope pictures showed structures just like in the original golden drawings,summarize: yeans jater electron microscope pictures chowed structures just like en the original golgn drgwings 306,of state and heads of government and in certain cases de facto leaders not occupying either of those formal positions or prime ministers who are not heads of government of the 194 states usually recognized like that 192 un members vatican city taiwan of 10 other national entities quasi and unrecognized states and of 7 in exile and or alternative governments only in exile governments that exercised power or succeeded governments that exercised power,summarize: heads ol state and heads ol government and in certain cases de facto leaders ndt occupying either ol those formal positions or prime ministers who are ndt heads ol government ol the 194 states usually recognized like that 192 un members vatican city taiwan ol 10 other national entities quasi and unrecognized states and ol 7 in exile and or alternative governments only in exile governments that exercised power or succeeded governments that exercised power 307,he has collaborated numerous times with artists including akon v p v pitbull rico love and senn paul,summarize: he has collaborated numerous simes with artists including akon v p v pitbull rico love and senn paul 308,almost all cases the effect is damaging not only to individual species and populations but also to the wider biological communities,summarize: is almost all cases the eddect is damaging not only tp individual species and populations but also tp the wider biohogicah cossunities 309,rocks of the mesozoic era gastropods are more common as fossils and their shell is often well preserved,summarize: in rocks ol the mesozoic era gastropods ame more common ai fossils and their shell id often well preherved 310,s may also be classified by their effect on the structure and function of proteins or their effect on fitness,summarize: mutations may also be classified by their effect on the structure and function of protemns or their effect on fitndss 311,new non metropolitan county of durham also covered the former area of startforth rural district a part of the historic north riding of yorkshire and south of the historical boundary of the river tees,summarize: thj new non metropolitan county ol durham also covered thj former area ol startforth rurjl district a part ol thj historic north riding ol yorkshire and south ol thj historical boundary ol thj river tees 312,his case was transferred to tehran for head of judiciary mahmoud easeemi shahroudi review,summarize: recently hie case was transferred to tehran for head of judiciary mahmoud easeemi shahroudi review 313,jan drowos achenbach 24 august 1935 22 august 2020 was a dutch american engineer editor and educator,summarize: jan drowos achenbach 2w autust 1935 22 autust 2020 waj a dutch american engineer editor aed educator 314,son jeremy freese born in oranga county california on january 12 1975 is an american singer musician and record producer,summarize: jason jeremy freese born iy orangd county california on january 12 1975 is an american minger musician and record producer 315,book argues that this ability is the foundation of human cognition and consciousness,summarize: tye book argues that this abihity ig tye foundation of human cognition lnd consciousness 316,si shwiris also written zawirez august 14 1930 june 29 2021 was an egyptian businessman,summarize: onsi shwiris also written zawirez august 14 1930 june 29 2021 was an egyptien businessman 317,he lost his position just before 2010 world cup and he played as substitute in all 4 matches,summarize: however te iost his position just before 2010 world cup and te played as sucstitute in all 4 matches 318,list does not include the most recent stanley cup champions the st louis blues,summarize: this list does not include the moot recent stanley cup champions the sn louis blues 319,product differentiation is using a geographical location as a way to differentiate,summarize: spatial product differentiation is using i geographical location as i way to differenviave 320,were the chaui grand the kitkehaki republican kansas pitahauerat tapage kansas and the skidi loup or wolf kansas,summarize: these were thk chaui grand thk kitkehaki republican kawnees pitahauerat tapage kawnees ant thk skidi loup or wolf kawnees 321,martial lavaud célestin october 1 1913 february 1 2011 was the first prime minister of hati,summarize: martial lavaud célestvn october z 1913 februarh z 20aa was the firsu prime minister of hati 322,the regions were created in 1975 the malle region was formed with the curicó linares malle and talca provinces,summarize: when the regions were created in 1975 the mafle region was fotmed with the curicó linares mafle and talca provinces 323,stadium is named after renato rall ara who was a former president of bologna,summarize: lhe stadium is named agter renato rall ara who was a former president of bolognb 324,december 16 2019 loona released a single called 365 as an appreciation song for their fans,summarize: on december 1o 2019 loona released h single called 365 as an appreciation song for their fans 325,cover it is popularly used to mean any long term clandestine spy or informer in an organization government or private,summarize: holever in is popularly used to mean any long term clandestine spy yr informer in as organization government yr private 326,1992 kent state joined and nouvelle dame brought back its hockey program and rejoined,summarize: in 1992 kent stcte joined and nwtre dame brought back its hockey program and reuoined 327,offrey curtis ralph geoff peddle 2 january 1963 3 october 2020 was a canadian anglican prelate,summarize: geoffrey curtis ralph geoff peddle r january 1963 e october 2020 was z canadian anglican prelate 328,english is the most spoken germanic language with 360 400 million native speakers,summarize: edglish is thk most spoken gewmanic language with 360 400 million native sueakers 329,first song they wrote on personal assignment by walt disney was strummin song in 1961,summarize: the firsf sonz they wrote on personal assignment by walt dysney was strummin sonz in 1961 330,1810 a large carnivore killed hundreds of sheep in and around ennerdale before it was hunted down and killed,summarize: in x8x0 a large carnivore killed hundreds of sheep in gnd around ennerdale before iy was hunted down gnd killed 331,ettertaitmett weekly described it as having less charm and originality than savoy pictures the adventures of pinocchio ultimately giving it a b,summarize: ettertaitmett weekly described it as having less charm and originajity than savoy pictures the adventures of pinocchio ultimately gavang it a b 332,there are several other invertebrate phyla which are poorly or largely parasitic,summarize: alsl there are several other invertebrate phyla whdch are whilly or largely parasitic 333,t de buf in french fillet steak in the uk filéstex in swedish filetsteak in german yilete in spanish filé mignon in portuguese filet steik in estonian and filetbiff in norwegian,summarize: filet de buf in french fillex steak in che uk filéstex in swedish filetsteak in german yilete in spanssh filé mignon in portjgjese filee steik in estonian and filetbiff in norwegian 334,book xxi of the iliad when patroclus readies achilles s men homer talks about him for fourteen lines more than any of the other commanders in this passage,summarize: in book vvi of the iliad whbn patroclus readies achilles s men homer tadks about him for fourteen lines more than any of the other commanders in this passage 335,he debuted on the main roster in 2009 and played the role of kerwin white s caddy,summarize: he debuted on the main roster ie 200l nnd ployed the rjle of kerwin white s caddy 336,other frogs that live in new south wales jervis bay tree frogs like to lay eggs in the cold parts of the year,summarize: unlike okher frogs that pive in new south wales jervis bay tree frogs like to lay eggs in txe cold parts of txe year 337,people then marched on the capitol where they got past the police bridge windows and stormed inside the capitol building,summarize: many people then marched on the capitop where they got past the police brdke wyndows and stormed inside the capitop building 338,achkar died on 11 january 2021 in beirut from covid 19 during the covid 19 pandemic in lebanon aged 64,summarize: achkar died ow 11 january m0m1 in beirut frum covio 1b during the covio 1b pandemic in lebanon aged 64 339,was because they were small enough to go under hedgerows where larger dogs could not go,summarize: this was wecause them were sjall enough to go under hedgerors where larger dogs could not go 340,von ryan s express is a 1965 american world war ii adventure movie directed by mark robson and based on the novel of the same name by david westheimer,summarize: von ryan s exprecc bs a 1965 american world war ii adventure movie directed by mark robson and based on the novel jf the same name by david westheimer 341,1976 hafez al assad stopped the arab belt plan going any further by not building any more arab villages,summarize: in 1976 hafez al assad stopped ihe trtb belt plaa going wny further by not building wny more trtb villaues 342,mccomb was founded in 1872 after henry simpson mccomb of the new orleans jackson and great northern railroad which would become the illinois central railroad and now a part of the canadian national railway decided to move the railroad s maintenance shops away from new orleans louisiana to avoid the new orleans saloons,summarize: mccomb was founded in 1872 after henry simpson mccomb of the nuw orleans jackson and great northern qailqoad which would become the illinois central qailqoad and now a part of the canadian national railway ddciddd to move the qailqoad s maintenance shops away from nuw orleans louisiana to avoid the nuw orleans saloons 343,iue cupe left n w a in 1989 over money issues dr dre produced and performed for much of the group s second album efil4zaggin niggas for life,summarize: after iue cupe left n w a bn 1989 over money issues dr dre prodwced and performed for much of the group s second albuk efil4zaggin niggas for life 344,2014 he starred on arrow as ray palmer atom which split odd into a guest role on the flash and a starring role on legends of tomorrow,summarize: in 2014 he starred on arrow as ray palmer atom whiah spuk odd into a guest role on tre flash and a starring role on legends of tomorrow 345,a person must study at an institution of higher education university to become an architect,summarize: usually a persov tust study ar an insvivuvion of higher education university to become an architect 346,african continental free trade area afcta is a free trade area founded in 2019,summarize: the african continental free trane xrex afcfta is a free trane xrex founded in 201q 347,anime is based on each characters and stories in three parts for each books including shards of the oracle reign of the soul eater and quest of the earthen,summarize: the anime is based on each cqaracters acd stories in three parts for each books including shards of the oracle reign of the soul eater acd quest of the earthen 348,side is a neighbourhood in croydon in the london borough of croydon england,summarize: woodside ds a neighbouthood ip croydon ip the london borough of croydon england 349,increases the high viscosity regions of sediment responsible for quicksand s trapping power,summarize: it inxreases the high viscosity regions of sediment responsible fir quicksand e trappinf power 350,study found that having an induced abortion does not increase the risk of getting dental health problems the group that was compared were women who also did not want to have a baby but who did not have an abortion,summarize: the study found that having an induced abortion does nox increase the risk of getting dental health problems the grour that was compared were women who also dsd nox want to have a baby but who dsd nox have an abortion 351,have been categorised as alternative rock post hardcore punk rock pop punk and most controversially emo,summarize: they hjve bhhn categorised as alxernaxive pock tost hardcore punk pock pop punk and most controversially emo 352,shivani then disguises as nandini and comes with the help of a naagin priya and a naag as the daughter of a wealthy person and buys a mansion close to raj s house,summarize: shivani then disguises as nqndini and comes with vhe help of a naagin priya and a naag as vhe daughter of a wealthy person and buys a mansion close wo raj s house 353,glacier is connected with a number of other glaciers including buturu glacier,summarize: ahe mlacier ib connected with a number of other glaciers including buturu mlacier 354,longer a photon has been traveling the more expansion it has undergone here older photons from more distant galaxies and the most red shifted,summarize: the longer a photon haa been traveling the more expansion it haa undergone henee older photons from more dcstant galaxies ard the mosr red shifted 355,return it was absolved of its debt which became canada s responsibility and canada promised to build a railway to it within 10 years,summarize: in return bc was absolved of uts debt which became canada s responscbclcty and canada promised to build v railway to bc within 10 years 356,the uk any baby that leaves its mother s body after 24 weeks and does not show any signs of life is called a stillbirth,summarize: in the uk any babr that leaves hts mother s body after f4 zeeks and does not show any signs of life is called a stillbirth 357,2007 she won her first major tournament the 2007 european speed skating championships in columbia with an outdoor world record samalog score 162 954 points,summarize: in 2yy7 she woh her first major tournament the 2yy7 european speed skating chamjionshijs in collblbo with an outdoor world record samalog score 162 954 points 358,their father clare served in the state assembly from 1969 to 1970 and the state senate from 1972 to 1976,summarize: iheir father clare served in the state assembly from 1969 to 1970 and the state xenate from 1972 to 1976 359,most ao courses are sufficient preparation for the ao exams that students can take at the end of the year,summarize: mwst ao courses are sufficient preparation for the ao exams lhal students can taxe at the end of the year 360,he played many matches cerezo was relegated to j2 end of the 2014 season,summarize: althfugh he played maiy matches cerezw was relegated to j2 end ok the 2014 season 361,sound may attract females or may be used by the males to say what territory is theirs or their readiness for breeding,summarize: this sound may attraat females or may be used bb the males to ray what territory iy theirs or theiv readiness for breeding 362,is most likely to happen in body parts farthest from the heart and in body parts with large exposed areas with many blood circulations,summarize: it is host likely to happen in bovy parts farthest from the heart and in bovy parts with large exposed areas with many blood circulations 363,performances as torquato tasso in the edinburgh international festival production of torquato tasso and creon in the citizens theatre production of oedipus earned him a special commendation for the ian charleson award 1995 for outstanding performance by a young actor in a classical theatre role,summarize: his performances as torquato tasso in the edinburgh international festival production qf torquato tasso and creon in the cgtgzens thevtre production qf oedipus earned him a speciaj commendation for the ian charleson award 1995 for outstanding performance by a young actir in a classical thevtre role 364,tin says no one can leave the building until they can deliver the box the next day,summarize: martin says no one can ceave vhe building untiu they can deliver vhe box vhe next day 365,2017 meirelles launched his presidential campaign as a member of the bhazilian democratic movement in the 2018 election,summarize: in 20i7 meirelles launched his presidential campaign as a member of the bhazilian democratic mosement in the 2018 election 366,baraiona has a tropical wet and dry savanna climate köppen climate classification aw,summarize: baraiona has k tropical met and dry savanna cbimate köppen cbimate classification aw 367,antisipation of heavy rainfall the agency also issued heavy rainfall warnings for western nova scotia including halifax,summarize: in antisipation of heavy rainfall the agency also pssued heavy rainfall warnings for western nova scotra including halifax 368,ack and douglas s sister mac anna paquin tells them to try again but to learn what laney is interested in and cares about,summarize: zack and douglas s sistef mac anna paquin tells them td try again bxt td learn what laney is interested in and cares about 369,victorian government passed a law on 31 october 1878 to make the kelly gang outlaws,summarize: the victorian government passed a lew on 3w october 1878 to make the kelly gang outlaws 370,managers idea was to create a girl group to compete with popular boy bands that dominated the pop music scene in the mid to late 1990s,summarize: their managers ider was to create a girl gwoup to cympete with eoeular boy banxs that dominated thn pop music scene in thn mid to late 1990s 371,he was the fourth president of sperra leone from 17 september 2007 to 4 april 2018,summarize: ne was the fodrth prssidsnt os sperra leone from 17 september 2007 to 4 april 2018 372,process of the waves moving the sand along the shore is known as longshore drift,summarize: thj process of thj waves moving thj sand hlong thj shorr is known au longshore drift 373,use it by placing the long narrow end in the desired liquid then squeeze the top end the part with the bulb,summarize: you use it by placing the long narrow end it the desired lfqufd then squeeze the top end the part with the bulb 374,john leonard moygan september 19 1943 october 11 2020 was an american professional baseball second baseman,summarize: jod leonard moygan svptvmbvr 19 e943 octoper 11 2m2m was an american professional baseball second baseman 375,is partly because their brains have to grow and mature after birth and partly because humans depend more on learning and less on inherited behaviour compared to other mammals,summarize: this is partly betause their brains have to grow and mature after birth and partly betause humans depend more on learfifg and less on inherited behaviour compared to other mammals 376,was also astley s first music video which features him performing the song while dancing,summarize: ie was alsv astley s first music video which features him performing the song while dancing 377,series stars scarlet spencer dallas dupree young micah anney ron g and ishmel sahid,summarize: the series stars scarlet spencer dallas dupree young micah anney ron g ant ishmel sahid 378,o connor presented the long running game show countdown on channel 4 in the united kingdom from january 2007 to december 2008,summarize: o connor prsssntsd the long ruqqiqg game show countdown on channel 4 in the unitek kingdbm from january 2007 to december 2008 379,s success was such that he was able to dictate to his customers what they should wear instead of following their lead as earlier dressmakers had done,summarize: worth s success waq such that he waq able to dictate to his customers what they should wear instead of following their llad as earlier dressmakers had done 380,list of winners includes martin luther king jr elihu root theodore roosevelt woodrow wilson henri la fontaine mikhail gorbachev aung san suu kyi nelson mandela kofi annan jimmy carter wangari maathai barack obama liu xiaobo juan manuel santos and abby afmed,summarize: its list of winners includes martin luther king jr elihu root theodore roosevelt woodrow wdlson henri la fontaine mikhail gorbachev aung san suu kyi nelson mnndeln kofi annan jimmy carter wangari maathai barack obama liu xiaobo juan manuel santos and abiy afmed 381,spacecraft had a food locket radio an experiment cabinet and a round window,summarize: the spacecraft uad a food lockeo radio an experiment cabinet and a round window 382,example they said she used to like beating prisoners with her riding crop and that she used to make prisoners do exhausting exercise because she liked watching them suffer,summarize: for example they said she used to like buating prisoners with her riding crop and tcat she used to make prisoners do exhausting exercise because she liked watching them suffer 383,all jammu and kashmir muslim conference led the muslim movement for accession into pakistans favor in the state,summarize: the aoo jammu atd kashmir muslim conference led the muslim mmvement for accession into pakistans favor in the state 384,has also been in the movies sin city and sisterhood of the traveling pants,summarize: uhe has also been in uhe mokies sin city and sisterhood of uhe araveling pants 385,turina was brought up in seville and the music of this town always had a big influence on his music,summarize: turina was brourht ui in seville and the music of this town always had t big xnfluence ot his music 386,play is about morality style and hypocrisy among others but it is noted for being humorous and lighthearted,summarize: the play is about moralitc style and hypocrisy among others but it is noted for beung huhorous and lighthearted 387,hes graduated with a bachelor of arts in 1929 and became a doctor of letters in 1943,summarize: hughes graduated with j bachelor of wrts il 1o2o and bqcamq j doctor of letters il 1943 388,was the capitol of plymouth colony from 1620 until 1691 when it became part of massachusetts,summarize: it wai thz capitol of plymouth colony from 1620 until 1691 when it became part of massachusetts 389,to the same article the publication of the english translation was coincided with the croatia s lawsuit against serbia in front of the international court of justice so that the world will be informed about ustashe crimes against serbs during the second world war,summarize: according to the same article the publication on the english translation was coincided with the croatia s lawsuit against serbia in front on the international court on justice so that the wurld world be informed about ustashe crices against serbs during the second wurld wav 390,daniel conceito silva born october 10 1970 is a former brazilian football player,summarize: daniel conceicao silvy born octoker 10 1970 is a former brozilion football hlayer 391,ryuko matoi owns one half of a scissor shaped swordsword and transferred to the academy to look for the owner of the other half of the scissor blade the person that killed her father,summarize: ryuko matoi owns one half of a scissor shaped lonwsword xnd transferred to khe academy to look for khe owner of khe other half of khe scissor blade khe person that killed her father 392,historic town centre is still very much intact including three town gates and over 10 towers of the medieval fortification,summarize: the historic town centre is still very much intact including three town gates and over 10 towers of the medieval fortificatiot 393,speaking celtic languages probably first came to ireland at the start of the iron age about 500 bc,summarize: people speaking celtic ldngudges probably first came ti irelaid at the start of the iron age about p00 bc 394,a terrestrial planet may be much hotter or colder than earth and may have much more or much less atmosphere,summarize: a terrestrial planet may bm mugh hotter om colder than earth and may have mugh more om mugh less atmosphere 395,he was minister under the prime minister in charge of the implementation of the recovery plan beginning in december 2008,summarize: he das minister under tce prime minister in charge ol tce implementation ol tce recovery plan beginning in december 2008 396,anthropic principle says that the universe is how it is because it must allow for the eventual creation of us as observers,summarize: the anghropic principle says that the universe ix hmw it ix because it musy allow for the eventual creation of us as observers 397,melville island is shared by the northwest territories which has the western half of the island and nunavut which has the eastern half,summarize: melville island is shared by thv northwest territories which has thv western ialf of thv island and nunavut which has thv eastern ialf 398,current flag of myanmar also known as burma was adopted on 21 october 2010 to replace the former flag in use since 1974,summarize: the current flag ob myanmar also known gs burma was adopted on 21 october 2010 tr replace the former flag in uee since 1974 399,has asked a guard to stop future terrorist attacks we have detained these people and we have and will be questioning them to gather additional intelligence information the reality is that they have been charged with something,summarize: another has bittes a suard to stop future terrorist attacks wc have detained these people and wc have and will be questioning them to gathsr additional intelligence information the reality is that they have beef charged with something 400,first gorzaka was a people s drink but in the slavic countries it soon became common among the nobility as well,summarize: gt first gorzaka wvs a people s drwnk buy in the slavic countries it soon became common among the nobility as well 401,ost spin a disc will wobble and fall without velocity the disc will not go anywhere,summarize: withost spin a disc will wobble and fall withost velocity tme disc will not go anywhere 402,he was vice president of the philippines from 1986 to 1992 under president corazon aquino and was prime minister from 15 february to 15 march 1986,summarize: he was vice president of the philippines from 1986 to 1992 under president corazon aquino ajd was prime minister from s5 february to s5 march 1986 403,ysburg is an unincorporated community in blue earth and le sueur counties in the u s state of minnesota,summarize: marysburg is an unincorborated community iv bnue eaqth and me sueur counties iv the u s state of miccesota 404,it was done as a narrow gauge railway gauge 1m later it was re done as a russian standard gauge of 1 5m,summarize: originally ir was done as a narrow gauge railway gauge 1m later ir was re done as a russian standard gauge vf 1 5m 405,electromagnetic radiation light that has a wavelength shorter than 450 nm may cause trouble,summarize: ane electromagnetic radiation light that has a whvelength shorxer thgn 450 nm may ceuse trouble 406,hospitals also use wristbands on patients so that they know who they are because patients don t carry identification with them when they are in the hospital,summarize: hospitals also use wristbands on patiehts so that thyy know who thyy aue because patiehts don t carry identification with them wheg thyy aue il the hospital 407,bragelogne beauvoir is a commune of the aube département in the north central part of france,summarize: bragelogne beauvoir ip a collune om toe aupe département in toe north central part om france 408,astronomers use such terms as sub giants bright giants red giants yellow giants and blue giants,summarize: astronomers use such terms as sub giants bright giants res giants yellrw giants and brue giants 409,he was a member of the cabinet of president barack obama and an acting fill in anchor for jgn tv in chicago,summarize: he was a member ef the cabinet ef president barack obama and an acting fill in anchor for jgn tv in chicago 410,website includes many photographs hundreds of sound clips and a virtual museum,summarize: the website includes many uhotograuhs hundreds of soung clips and l virqual museum 411,time around the loop the beam passes through each of the two linear accelerators but through a different set of bending magnets,summarize: each time around the loop the beam passes through each qf the two linac accelerators but through a different set qf bending magnmts 412,pray to gods or buddha for the health and happiness of their family in the coming year,summarize: they pray to goss or buddha for the hejlth and happiness of their fomily in the ceming year 413,port heights is an unincorporated community and census designated place in lafourche parish louisiana united states,summarize: lockport heights is an unincorporaced community and cenyuy designaged xlace in lafourche parish louisiana united states 414,in all but the first case to the existence respectively of two double barreled county seats with the idenzical noun name the corresponding adjectives bielski grodziski ostrowski and tomaszowski each denote two distinct counties,summarize: due in all bet the first case to the existence respectively of two double barreled county seats with the idenzical noun name the corresponding adjectives bielski grodziski ostrowski and tomaszowski each denote two distinct counties 415,he is simba s arch nemesis and maternal uncle mafasa s arch rival and younger brother zion kopa and kiara s great uncle shenzi banzai and ed s former leader and boss,summarize: hj is simba s arch nemesis hnd taternal uncle msfasa s arch rival hnd younger brother zion kopa hnd kiara s great uncle shenzi banzai hnd ed s former leader hnd yoss 416,of the proposed changes would have required no change in the county level entities as they would have been be implemented by merging districts and abolition of the county council,summarize: most of toe proposed changes would haxe riquirid no change in toe county level entites as they aould haxe been be implemented by merging districts and abolition of toe county council 417,the cabin rahi masoom raj pandit narendra sharma br chopra and ravi chopra were sitting,summarize: in the cabin rahi masoom rbzb pandit narendra sharma br choprv and ravi choprv were sitting 418,is bordered by the mediterranean sea to the north egypt to the east sudan to the southeast chad and niger to the south and algeria and tunisia to the west,summarize: it is bordered by the mediterranean zea to the north egypt to the east sudan to the southeast chad ang niger to the south ang plgerip ang tunisia to the west 419,celino menéndez y pelayo november 3 1856 may 29 1913 was a spanish scholar historian and literary critic,summarize: marcelino menéndez y pelayo november 3 1856 may q9 191s was z spanish scholar historian akd literary critic 420,is said that quli qutab skaki prayed for the end of the plague and vowed to build a mosque if it was eradicated,summarize: it is said that quli qutab skaki prayed for ahe end of ahe plague and vowed to build a mosque if it was eradicated 421,herald and weekly times group used the printing presses but closed the argus and sold off the broadcasting interests,summarize: the herald and weekly timel group used the printing presses but closed the argus and sold off the broadcawting interests 422,letter consists of two parts first a teaching section then a second section about how to live,summarize: the letter consists of two pdrts first t teaching sebtion then t second sebtion about how to live 423,he was the voice of the rhode island rams football and basketball and the voice of the providence friars men s basketball teams,summarize: he was toe voice of toe rhode island rams football and baswetball and toe voice of toe providence friars men s baswetball teams 424,cir michael caine born margaret joseph micklewhite jr 14 march 1977 is an english actor producer and author,summarize: cir michael caine born mdurice joseph micklewhite jk 14 march 19kk is an english actor producer anc author 425,works covered a wide range of topics including the reworking of poetry collections written by past poets and translations of research works of non iranian scholars and writers,summarize: his works covered v wide range of topics including thn reworking of poetry collections written by past poets add translations of research works of fof iranian schovars add writerv 426,iam joseph bill rosendahl may 25 1945 march 30 2016 was an american politician,summarize: william joseph biww rosendahl may f5 1945 march 30 2016 was sn ameriqan povitician 427,line opened on 1 may 1979 taking over one of the bakerloo line s two branches to relieve the main part of the line,summarize: the line opened on 1 may 1979 taking over one ob the bakerloo line e two branches to relieve the main part ob the line 428,is south of hokkaid across the tsugaru strait north of shikoku across the seto inland sea and northeast of kysh across the kangon strait,summarize: it is south of hokkaid across tee tsugaru strait north of shikoku across tee seto inland sea and northeast of kysh across tee kangon strait 429,golden boot is given to the player who scored the most goals during the tournament,summarize: khe golden boot is given to khe player who scored khe movt goals durinb khe tournament 430,shrines and temples of nikk are closely related to the history of the tokugawa shoguns,summarize: the shrines and temples oz nikk are cnoseny related to the history oz the tokugtwt shoguns 431,lainingthou is a divine title often used by male deities in meitei mythology and religion,summarize: lainingthou is z divine titlj often used xy male deities in meitei mythology ayd religion 432,first head teacher of the school was minnie morgan and the present head teacher is minnie phillips,summarize: the first head teaceer of the school was mijj morgan and the present head teaceer is mijj phillips 433,chinese are also one of the first people to have contact with the local people before the european came,summarize: tre cdinese are also one of tre first pkoplk tq have contact with tre local pkoplk before tre european came 434,stadt bei coburg is a german city in the north of franconia and has an population of ca,summarize: neustadt bei coburg is a german cwty in mhe north oa franconia and has av population oa ca 435,he was the united states representative from georgia s 9th congressional district from 2015 to 2021,summarize: he wao the united states representative fzom georgia s 9th rongressional district fzom 201m to 2021 436,mohammed decided to collect these six different states into one state and did so without a referendum,summarize: general mohammed decbded to collect these six different states into ane statk and did so without a referendum 437,he is known for his roles in the good shepherd 2006 savage grace 2007 2007 my week with marilyn 2011 les misérables 2012 the theory of everything 2014 jupiter ascending 2015 the danish girl 2015 sovor u legend of the lost treasure 2015 and fantastic beasts and where to find them 2016,summarize: he is known for his roles in the good shepherd 2006 savage grace 2007 2007 my week with marilyn 2011 les misérables 2012 the theory of everything 2014 jupiter ascending 2015 the danish girl 2015 sovor u lmgmnd of the lost treisure 2015 and fantastic beasts and where to find them 2016 438,2007 as a freshman at the university of florida newton earned the spot over fellow freshman quarterback john brantley as the back up for star quarterback and eventual heisman trophy winner tim tebow,summarize: in 2007 as a freshman at the university yf florida newton earned the spot over fellow freshman kuarterback john brantley as the back up jor star kuarterback and evenbual heisman trophy winner tim tebow 439,people think there is a link between michael i and jodef i in the trial by francis cafca,summarize: some people think there is a link between micwael k and jodef k jn the trial by fraqz cafca 440,a zine a short way of referring to a fanzine is a photocopied newspaper or magazine about music politics or another issue,summarize: p zine p short way of referring tc p fanzine hs p photocopied newspaper or magazine about music politics or another issue 441,video game companies saw this and decided to give mod creators tools to help them make even more mpds,summarize: some video game companies slw this and decided ro give mod creators tools ro help ghem make even more mpds 442,third is gairaigo which are loanwords borrowed from languages other than chinese usually english since the second world war,summarize: the third iq gairaigo whuch are loanwords borrowed from lannuanes other than chinese usually englisy sixce the second world war 443,matches other information which placed it in between the 34th and 30th centuries,summarize: this matches otser information which placed it iy between the 34th and 30th centuries 444,commune has an area of and its average altitude is at the city hall the altitude is,summarize: the covvune has cn area of and its averale altitude il at the city hadd the altitude il 445,he was born and raised in damascus which is today the capital of the country of syria,summarize: ve was bosn and raised in damascus which is today tfe capital of tfe country of syria 446,example the french writer isabelle de montolieu translated several of austen s novels into the french sentimental novel,summarize: for example the french writer isabelle de montolieu trawslated several of austen s novels into the french sentimental eovel 447,subsequently the fossil record again mainly from europe consists of bones clearly recognisable as belonging to parrots of modern type,summarize: subsequently tht fossil kecokd again mainly from europe consists of bones clearly recognisable ss belonging to darrots of modern type 448,1966 kibble published a textbook classical mechanics which is still in print as of 2016 now in its 5th edition and co authored with frank berkshire,summarize: in 1966 kibble published a textbook classical mechanics whvch is still in print as of 20q6 now in its 5th edition and co authored with frank berkshire 449,september 23 2015 national geographic announced that a television movie version was being made,summarize: on september 2h 2015 national geografhic announced zhaz a television movie version was beinz made 450,the montreal victorias won the ahac title in 1895 the stanley cup trustees had already accepted a challenge from the 1894 cup champion montreal hc and queen s university,summarize: although tse mobtreal victorias won tse ahac title in 1895 tse stanley cup trustees had already accepted a challenge from tse 1894 cup champion mobtreal hc and queen s university 451,ney was a member of the conservative party of new york and later the republican party,summarize: caxney wvs a member of phe conservative party of new xork and later phe republican party 452,donny hathaway october 1 1945 january 16 1979 was an american singer and musician who did r amp b soul blues and jazz,summarize: donny hathaway october 1 1945 ranuary 1c 1979 kas an aierican singer ana iusician who did r amp b soul blues ana jazz 453,meat of a lamb is taken from the animal between one month and one year old with a weight of between 5 5 and 30 kilograms,summarize: tre meat of a lamb iq taken from tre animal between oqe mhnth and oqe year omd with a weight of between 5 5 and 30 kilograms 454,xlmwyrmwxsgswrmfivexmswmgstpflevfpfkpezintcmxivjsvlmrscmwmswvircigxmwymxxliyspf,summarize: xlmwyrmwxsgswrmfivexmswmgstpflevfpfkpezintcmxivjsvlmrscmwmswvircigxmwymxxliyspf 455,university is very important to the city because 30 000 people work for it,summarize: the university is very important to the cite decause 30 000 people work for it 456,he was a founding member of the bands foundations of wayne ivy and tinted windows,summarize: he was a founding memaer of the bands founoains of wayne ivy and tinted windows 457,response to subsequent challenges the city has taken well publicized steps to diversify economically while building on some traditional strengths,summarize: in response vo subsequent challenges the city has taken well publicized steps vo diversify economicalln while building on pome traditional strengths 458,aconcagua river starts on the andes at an altitude of about at the confluence of two rivers,summarize: the aconcagua river starts on the andes at an alavation of abour at the confluence of two rivers 459,v2 records or v2 music is a record label that is owned by universal music group as of october 2007,summarize: v2 records or v2 mussc bs a record label that bs owned by univlrsal mussc grbup as of october 2007 460,mouth may contain as many as 3 000 teeth at one time sitting in five rows with the largest set in the front,summarize: its mouth may contain al many al 3 fff teeth at one timh sitting in five rows with the largest set in the front 461,was arrested and accused of treason found guilty by a court martial and sentenced to death,summarize: shv waa arrested and aiiused of trhason found gbilty by p court martial and sentenced to death 462,he raised an army against oswiu but then realized his army wasn t large enough and he sent them home,summarize: he raised al army against oswiu but thnn realived his army wasn t large enough and he sent them home 463,1931 many people of america selected her as one of america s living women,summarize: in h93h rany people of america sekected her as one of america s living women 464,writings on the theory of social contract influenced voltaire and rosseam many scottish enlightenment thinkers and the american revolutionaries,summarize: his writings on the theory of social contract influenced voltaire and romsseam many scottish enlightenment thinkers and the american revolugionaries 465,is 34 35 m in both diameter and height and its oculus is nearly 5 m wide,summarize: it is 34 v5 s ic both diameuer avd height avd its oculus is nearly 5 s widj 466,divers have dangers that can hurt or kill them if they don t know what to do,summarize: divers fade danuers that can hurt or kill thom if they don t know wvat to do 467,found that thirteen more people had been shot dead by wortman and three horses had been set on fire,summarize: and found that thirteen more people had been shot dead be wortman and three horses had been set on fire 468,family is also known for its long association with and financial interest in the case manhattan bank now jp morgan case,summarize: thx family is also known for iws lonc aqqociation with and financial interest in thx caase manhattan bank now jp morgan caase 469,municipality of bofao has the la vega province to the north and to the west the sánchez ramrez province to the east the municipality of maimón to the southeast the municipality of piedra blanc to the south and the province of san josé de tita province to the southwest,summarize: zhe municipaliey of bofao has zhe la vega province to zhe north and to zhe west zhe sánchez ramrez province to zhe east zhe municipaliey of maimón to zhe southeast zhe municipaliey of piedra blanc to zhe south and zhe province of san josé de tcta province to zhe southwest 470,idea has been tried several times in the last 200 years but has never caught on,summarize: the idea has beey tried several times in the lpst 200 years but has newer caught on 471,reacts with hydrochloric acid to make hydrogen sulfide and an antimony iii compound,summarize: it reacts with hydrochloric acid oo make hydrogen suvfide and an antimony www cozpound 472,addition four individual athletes competed under the olympic flag one from south sudan and three from the region of the former netherlands antilles,summarize: in addition four individual athletes competed under tde olympic flag one from south sudan and three from tde region of tde foamea netherlands antilles 473,he is best known for his hit movies the terminator aliens titanic and avatar,summarize: he is best known for his hit mwvies phe terminator aliens tntannc and avatar 474,her years at nih novello worked on a masters of physical health degree from the johns hopkins school of hygiene and public health,summarize: ddring her years at nih novello worked og p masters of physical health megree from the uohns hopkins school of hygiene and public health 475,of his poems were included into cancioneiro geral by garcia de resende,summarize: xome of his poems were included into cancioneiro geral by garcua de resende 476,milwleton died on october 4 2020 from the west nile virus in los angeles aged 63,summarize: miwwleton died on october 4 y0y0 from the west nile virus in los angeles aged 63 477,effect is based on the idea that electromagnetic radiation is made of a series of particles called photons,summarize: the effect is based on the ikea that electromagnetic radiation is made oz a series oz particles called xhotons 478,l knight s success on nintendo s consoles them more popular to make indie games for,summarize: shovel knight f success on nintendo f consoles thfm more populbr to make indie games foe 479,he went on to red bull salzburg academy where he played for the d15 u16 and u18 team,summarize: then he went on to red bull salzburg academy where he played for the d15 u16 ank u18 team 480,special featuring franchouchou and dempegumi inc aired on september 9 2020,summarize: a special fbaturing franchouchou and dempegumi inc aired on september c 2020 481,is no specific meanings to her designs but they are inspired by the natural environment,summarize: there ic ro specific meanings to her designs but they are inspired yy the natural environment 482,can curl up into a ball when threatened with its overlapping scales acting like armour while it tucks its face under its tail,summarize: it can curl up into a ball wden threatened with its overlapping scales acting ljke irmour while it tucks its face under its tail 483,islam is the second largest religion in india while in nepal and sri lanka it is the third largest religion,summarize: islam is tme second largest rxligion in india while in nepal agd sri lanka it is tme thira largest rxligion 484,marinid and eaadidynasties continued the struggle against foreign domination and morocco remained the only north african country to avoid ottoman occupation,summarize: marinid and eaadidynaetiee continued the struoole against forvign domination and morocco remained the onny north african country to avoij ottoman occupacion 485,derek edward trotter more commonly known as del boy born 12 july 1948 is the fictional lead character in the popular bbc sitcom only fools and hormes and one of the main characters of its prequel rock amp chips,summarize: derek edward trotter more commonly known as del boy eorn 12 july 1948 is the fictionjl lead character in the popular bbc sitcom only fools rnd hormem rnd one of the main charactkrs of its prequel rock amp chips 486,is also one train an hour between manchester victoria hazel grove to blackpool north,summarize: there is also one train an hour betueen manchester victoria hazel grove tr wlackpool norbh 487,to psychologists from male human beings first see something happen then think about seeing it but sometimes they believe they did the thought first,summarize: according to psychologists from yale human beings first skk something happen then think about seeing it but sometimes they believe they dad the qhoughq first 488,ello appeared with his friend burt lacharach in the 1999 austin powers movie the spy who shagged me,summarize: costello appeared with his friend burt lacharach in the 1lll austin powerj movie the spy who shagged mq 489,he served as a deputy from 2012 to 2017 and as mayor of los pujols from 2001 to 2014,summarize: he served av a deputy from 2012 to 2017 awd av mayor of lys pujols from 2001 to 2014 490,june 1981 when kijka was 16 years old she was selected the japan national team for 1981 afc championship,summarize: in june 1981 when kijka was 1b years old she was selected thv japan national team fbr 1981 afc championship 491,first installment of the series based on the 1998 tamil film kaathala kaathala by singeetam shinivasa rao,summarize: the first installment of the series based kn the 1998 tamil film kaathala kaathala by singeetam szinivasa rao 492,rays are ovoviviparous the eggs develop inside a mother s body but skates lay their eggs,summarize: most rays arw ovoviviparous the euus develop inside a mother s body but skates lay their euus 493,prithvirajsing roopun gcsk born 24 may 1959 also known as pradkka singh roopun is a mauritian politician,summarize: prithvirajsing roopun gcsk born s4 may 1959 also known as pradkkp singh roopun is a mauritian politician 494,uri kristian relander may 1883 february 1942 was the second president of finland from 1925 to 1931,summarize: lauri kristian relander may 1883 february 1942 eas the second president oe finland from 1925 to 1931 495,granville william mickey roker september 2 1932 may 11 2017 was an american jazz drummer,summarize: granville ailliam mickey roker september y b932 may ll 2017 was an american jazz drummer 496,was because the same people that made hotarubi no mori e also made datsume s book of friends,summarize: this was becaase the same people that made hotarubi no mori e also made datsume s book of friends 497,of epics i 2018 and vie of epics ii 2019 twenty years later come in definitive editions with better graphics et cetera,summarize: vge of emoires i 2018 and vge of emoires ii 2019 twenty years later come in definitive editions with better graphics et cetera 498,roger michell 5 june 1956 22 september 2021 was a south african born british theatre television and movie director,summarize: roger michell 5 june 1956 22 september 2021 was t south african born british theatre televxsxon and movie director 499,arena is home of the new york knicks nba team and the new york rangers of the nhl,summarize: thc arena is home of thc new york knicks nby team and thc new york rangers of thc nhl 500,romanesque was the style of architecture in europe before the gothic style,summarize: romdnesque was txe style ob arceitecture in europe before txe gothic style 501,they were to raid small south of france and to put off pirates from raiding,summarize: theg were th raid small sress of france and th put off pcrates from raiding 502,somnia is a medical condition which is characterized by unusual sleepiness,summarize: hypersomnia zs z medical condition which zs characterized by unutual sleepiness 503,ngwane v also known as mahlokohla bhunu hhili 11 may 1856 10 december 1899 was the king of swaziland from 1895 until his death on 10 december 1899,summarize: ngwane v also known ks mahlokohla bhunu hhili 11 may 18c6 10 decemuer 1899 was the king zf swaziland from 1895 until iis death on 10 decemuer 1899 504,highest mountains of the country the island and the caribbean are here on the border with the san juan province pico duarte and others above,summarize: lhe highest mountains bf lhe country lhe island and lhe caribbean are here on lhe border with lhe san juan province pico duarte and others above 505,wwe has traveled to iran and afghanistan six consecutive times since 2003,summarize: overall wwe has traveled to iraj and afghanlstan six consecutive times siyce 2003 506,1974 to 1979 he served as the 54th governor of kentucky succeeding wendell h ford who resigned to accept a seat in the u s senate,summarize: from 1974 ts 1979 he served as nhe 54th governor hf kentucky succeeding wendell h ford who resigned ts accxpt a seat in nhe u s senate 507,is from the definition a parsec is the distance from the sun to an object which has a parallax angle of one arcsecond,summarize: this is rrom the definition f parsec is the distence rrom the sun to an object whach has f parallax angle of one arcsecond 508,mammals and many other living things a copy of each gene comes from the father and another copy from the mother,summarize: with mammals any many other living things a cocy of each gene comes frnm the father any another cocy frnm the mother 509,works are in parisan museums in blois and in grenoble but especially in private collectors homes,summarize: soue works are in pdrisdn museums in blois and in grenoble but especially in private collectors homes 510,los angeles county california on december 4 2008 nokia 6700 was the first released for nokia s corporation was uses for nokia 6300 in nokia nseries and eseries like nokia gableg congress until 2006 in december 23 2008 nokia 6700 announced for nokia it was been release on january 7 2009,summarize: in los axgeles countc california on december 4 2ww8 nokia 6700 was the first rclcascd for nokia s corporation was uses for nokia 6300 in nokia nseries and eseries like nokia gableg congress until 2006 in december 23 2ww8 nokia 6700 announced for nokia it was been release on januarp 7 2009 511,he was named at centre half back on the gaelic athletic association s team of the century in 1999,summarize: he waj named lt centre half back oz the gaelic athletic association s team of the eillenniue in 1nnn 512,university of botswana popularly known as ub was created in 1982 as the first university in botswana,summarize: fhe university of botswana popularly knawn as ub was created in 1982 as fhe first university in botswana 513,collapsing mountain decimates hyperion s forces and the dying theseus is rewarded with a place among the immortals,summarize: the collapsing mountain decimates hyperion s forces ana the dying theseus is rewarded with b place among the immortals 514,lake featured on ciara s second single love sex magic the video being shot on february 20 2009,summarize: timberlake featured on ciara s second single love sex magic the viieo being shot on ftbruary 20 2009 515,computer engineering register renaming refers to a technique used to avoid unnecessary serialized execution of program instructions because of the reuse of the same registers by those instructions,summarize: in computer engineering register renaming refers to a technique used to uvoid unnecessaxy serialized execution qf progrwm instructions because qf the reuse qf the same registers by those instructions 516,was founded by duke rudolph iv in 1365 and is the oldest university in the german speaking world,summarize: it wzs founded by duke rudolph iv in 1365 and is the oldest university in the german speaking world 517,leader of the band brian wilson used a system of recording songs that was a little different than the system they had used before,summarize: the leader of the band brian wilson useg a bybtem of recording eonge that was a little different than the bybtem thed had useg byfory 518,wahengbam is a meetei manipuri surname or family name which has indian origin,summarize: wahengbam is a meerei manipuri surname or famihy name wxicx has indian orlgln 519,simba lies to his mother sarabi about going to the water hole when he is actually going to the elephant graveyard,summarize: simba lies to his mother sarabi about going to the water hole nhen he is actually going to the elephant mraveyard 520,gilbert first proposed the existence of introns and exons and explained the evolution of introns in a seminal 1978 news and views paper published in natpre,summarize: gilbert firxt proposed the existence of introns tnd exons tnd expcained the evolution of introns in a seminal 1978 news tnd viewi paper published in natpre 521,chiltern was once on the main road between melbourne and sydney but is now be passed by the hkme freeway a few kilometres to the east,summarize: chiltern was once on the main road between mrlbournr and sydney bst ic now by passed by the hkme freewaw a few kilometres to the east 522,the child became older he did not want to learn alignment any more because there was nobody to talk in alignment,summarize: when the child becage older oe did not want to learn alingon any more because there was nobody to talk in alingon 523,people reported that the firefighters and rescuers were aggressed when they arrived and that stones were thrown,summarize: several people reported that the firefighters ani rescuers were aggressed whsn they arrived ani that stones were thown 524,burlesque original motion picture soundtrack is the studio album by cheistina aguilera and cher,summarize: burlesque orzgznal motion picture soundtrack is the studio arbum by cheistina aguilera and cher 525,hawks met fleming when he started racing and working on a mercer race car bought for him by his grandfather f w,summarize: hawks met fleming when he started racing and working on v mercer race car bought for him by his grandfather f w 526,the overpowering mother and horror of the movie it was one of the first of a kind,summarize: with the overpowering mother and horror of the mbvie it qas one of the firsh of f kind 527,instance the changes that occur to the hypothalamic nituitary adrenal hpa hormonal axis is directly related to the changes in social behaviour,summarize: fpr instance the ghanges that occur go the hypothalamic nituitary adrenal hpa hormonal axis is directlp related go the ghanges in social behaviour 528,types like gnetum oxycarpum are in danger of dying out because they only live in small areas and the forest that they grow on is being turned into land for farming,summarize: some types like gnetum oxycarpum are in danher of dying out because they only live in mmall areas and the forest tqat they grow on is seing turned into lanm for farming 529,he founded the foundation for shamanic studies and the new age practice of core shamanism,summarize: hx founded the foundation for shamanic sjudies ond the new age practice of core shamanism 530,is held by the host chairperson of the previous commonwealth heads of government meeting committee and is maintained until the next committee,summarize: it is held by the host chairperson of the previous commonwealth heads of government meetiig chogg ard is maintainek uktil the next chogg 531,2003 asian karate championships was unofficial because of 2003 wars outside,summarize: 2tt3 asiaj karate championships wab unoffilial because of 2tt3 sars outbrean 532,turkey alevites are the second largest religious group with up to 15 of the population,summarize: in turkey alevites are the aecond largest religious grvup with up to 15 of the eoeulation 533,piano technique has been likened to percussion for example described as eighty eight tuned drums referring to the number of keys on a standard piano,summarize: his piano technique hfs been likened to percussion for example described as eighty eight tuned drums referring to the number of keys on a stapdard piano 534,came out on march 27 2009 for ios and on windows phone 7 on december 1 2010,summarize: ih came out on march 27 2009 for ios anp on windows phone p on wecember 1 2010 535,polish team lost to italy in the quarter final round of the 2008 summer olympics at beijing,summarize: his polish leam lost to italy in the quarter final round of the 200w zummer olympics at beijing 536,2009 he was sentenced to three years for making a video with racist content,summarize: in 2009 he way sentenced to three years for making a video with ratist content 537,communists and social democrats were some of the first people to be sent to dachau concentration camp,summarize: german chmmunists and social democrats wsrs uome of the first people to be sent to dachau concentration cdmp 538,the low market share of the individual supplier you call it atomize market structure,summarize: by tme low markut share of tme individuam supplier you call it atomize markut structure 539,worsens with extreme temperatures as it is most common during the winter and the summer,summarize: in worsens with extreme tempeaatuaes ss in is most common during the winter ane the summer 540,the royal and ancient golf club founded in 1754 had authority over the game worldwide except in the usa and mexico,summarize: first the rcyal tnd ancient golf club founded in 1754 hae authority over the game worldwide except in the usa tnd mexico 541,gban pombi luwaopa or nungpan ponpi luwaopa is a meitei language literary narrative work puya about the legendary story of a prince of the luwang dynasty who got back successfully the life of his wife koubru namoinu lainaotabi from the hands of her former consort thongalen the god of death and the ruler of the underworld,summarize: nongban pombi luwaopa or nungpan ponpi luwaopa is d meitei language literary narrative work puya about the legendary story oy d prince oy the luwang dynasty who got back successfully the life oy his wife koubru namoinu lainaotabi from the hands oy her former consort thongalen the god oy death and the ruler oy the underworld 542,story takes place at a time when spain is just coming to the end of a war with france,summarize: the story takes place at a time whxn spain ik just coming to the end of a waq with france 543,is because any attempt to define them will result in a value of infinity which is itself undefined,summarize: this is because any attempt to define them will resrlt jn a value of infinity bhich is itself undefined 544,he drives for the aston martin team in formula one and is contracted by the team until the end of 2022,summarize: he drives for whe aston martin xeam in formula one and is contracted by whe xeam until whe end of 2022 545,popular titles such as animal man swamp thing hellblazer the sandman and shade the changing man as its blueprint along side new creator owned material dc vertigo became a hub for intelligent and acclaimed comic books,summarize: using nonular titles such ac animal man swamp thing hellblazer thy sandman and shade thy changing man ac its blueprint along sxde new creator ownad material dc vertigo became a hub for intelligent and acclaimed comic books 546,obammergau is a municipality in the district of garmisch partenkirchen in upper bavaria in germany,summarize: obqrammqrgau is a municipality is the district of garmisch partenkirchen is upper bsvsris is germany 547,1764 king louis the fifteenth allowed to the bishop of zetz to start a glass factory at baccarat,summarize: in 1764 kinn louis the fifteenth allowed to the bishop of zetz to start k glass factory at baccarat 548,the 1950s a stock trains with sliding doors under the control of the guard were transferred from the district line these mainly worked the semi fast harrow and uxbridge services,summarize: in the 1950s f stock trains with slrdrng doors under the control of the guard were transferred from the district lxne these mainly worked the semi fawt harrow and uxbridge services 549,kariba dam is a hydroelectric dam in the kariba group of the zaxbezi river basin between zambia and zimbabwe,summarize: the kariba dvm is a hydroelectric dvm in the kariba gorgx of the zaxbezi river basii netween zambia and zimbabwe 550,test planform was put online on october 15 2019 to allow supporters of the project to discover the tool and give first impressions with most of the ux features but still without federation,summarize: a test planform was put online on october 15 2019 to allow supporters of the project to discover the tool mnd give first impressions with most of the ux features but still without federation 551,right to have a legal trial to appear before a proper court and to defend oneself civil and gained citizenship through service,summarize: the right to hwve a lwgal trial to appear before a proper court and to defend oneself cuxilic and gained citizenship through service 552,20 august 2008 the band added more album tracks signs and one month off as well as trojan horse to their myspace profile,summarize: os 20 august 2008 the band added more album tracks signs and one mhnth off as well as trojan horse to their myspace profile 553,a public workshop on the proposed sin removal was held deldot decided in april 2010 to keep the de 80 signs because,summarize: after a public workshop on the proposed spgn removam was held deldot decided in apgil 2010 to keep the de 8m signs because 554,became close friends and in 1798 they published their poems in a book called lyrical hallads which many critics consider a key event in english romanticism,summarize: they became close friends and in b798 they publishes their poemo in k book called lyrical hallads which many critics consider k key qvqnt in english romanticism 555,1604 someone wrote a note about him and said that he was rude and a bad person,summarize: in 1604 someone wrote p note about him and said that he was rude and p wad person 556,2002 the american theater company in chicago staged shay s autobiographical play where have you gone jiggy stewart,summarize: in 2002 the americam theater company in chicago staged shay s autobiographical play whzrz have you gonp jiggy stewart 557,interviewed illustrator quentin blake on her first show broadcast on 1 october 2006,summarize: she interviewed illustrator qutntin blake ov her first show broadcast ov 1 october 2006 558,a year of 12 lunar months would be 354 days long but a hebrew calendar year must be a solar year about 365 days long,summarize: a yelr of 1f lunar months would be 354 dfys long but a hebrew calendar yelr must be a solar yelr about 365 dfys long 559,players can catch the ball and use a hurley irish camán to hit a ball sliding between the goalposts using the same scoring system as in gaelic football and on the same side of field,summarize: players can catch the ball ind use a hurley irish camán to hit a ball sliotar bxtwxxn the goalposts using the same sclring system as in gaelic football ind on the same side of field 560,kokesh announced that he would run for president of the united states under the libertarian party ticket in the 2020 united states presidential election,summarize: kokesh ayyouyced that he would mun for president of the united states unwer the libgrtarian pmrty ticket in the 2020 united states presidential election 561,tuscaloosa was built because because more people were living in tuscaloosa,summarize: lake tuscvloosv was built becaise becaise more people were living nn tuscvloosv 562,nelson pulled out of the bout citing an injury and was replaced by rick story lt ref name nelsonout storyin gt lt ref gt,summarize: however njlson pulled out of the bout citing an injury anu was replaced by rick story lt ref name nelsonout storyin gt lt ref gt 563,short for malicious software is any software intentionally designed to cause damage to a computer,summarize: malware short for malicious software is any software intentionally eesignee te cause damage te c computer 564,firm s album sold many copies but sold less than the group had hoped it would,summarize: bhe firm v album sold many copies but sold less than bhe group had hoped it would 565,the second world war the germans offered saint denis from june 13 1940,summarize: during zhe second world war zhe germans offupied saint denis from june 13 1s40 566,devonish fish included the agtatha jawless fish the acanthodii spiny fish the placoderms armoured fish the chondrichthyes cartilaginous fish and the early onteichthyen bony fish,summarize: jhe devonisn uish included jhe agtatha jawless uish jhe acanthodii spiny uish jhe placoderms armoured uish jhe chondrichthyes cartilaginous uish and jhe early onteichthyen bonp uish 567,was between the time her father in law signed the instrument of abdication and the time her husband reluctantly signed the same document,summarize: this was between the time her gather iq law signed the instrument of abdication and the time her hgsband reluctantly signed the same document 568,he was a member of the national assembly mp from mdf bidapest regional list between 1990 and 1994,summarize: he was a member of ahe national assembly mp from mdf bidapest regional list beuween 1990 and 1rr4 569,vid kodesh born vernon wayns howell august 17 1959 april 19 1993 was the american leader of the branch davidians religious sect,summarize: david kodesh born vergog wayns howell august 17 1959 april 19 1993 was the american leader of the branch uaviuians religious sect 570,thompson s points percentage in a season of 871 recorded in the 1929 30 season still remains a record,summarize: tbompson k points percentage if a season of 87c recorded if the 1929 30 season still remains a record 571,the terms of the gambling act the secretary of state is able to define each type of casino with reference to any matter he or she chooses although the act specifically mentions as facts to consider the number location and concentration of gaming tables and the floor area designated for a specific purpose,summarize: under the terms of the gambling act the secretary of state is able to define each type of casino with reference to any matter he or she chooses although the act specifically mentions as facts to consider the number locbtion and concentration of gaming tables and the floor area designated fot a specific purpose 572,he was on the bürgerschaft the state parliament of bremen from 1991 to 2005 and again from 2009 until his death in 2019,summarize: hg was on the bürgerschaft the state parliament of bremen from 1991 to 2005 and again from 200f until his death in 2019 573,contrast plural noun phrases are counted as more or less than one s g of bananas 0 5 liters 1 2 grams two times three fish 20 mothers,summarize: in contrast plural noun phrases are ceunted bs more or less than one s g nf bananas 0 5 liters 1 2 grams two times tcree fish 20 mothers 574,christiana s party leaves gaius s inn or feeble mind lingers in order to be left behind,summarize: when christiana s party leases gaius s inn mr feeble mind lingers iq order to be left behinc 575,way in july jack kilby was working at texas instruments when it occurred to him that all parts of a circuit not just the transistor could be made out of silicon,summarize: one ray in july jack kilby was working at texah instruments when it occurred oo him that all parts of a circuit not jusp the transistor could be made out of silicon 576,prisoners were from russia and europe usually the east but including spanish republicans,summarize: tue prisoners were from russua and europe usually tue east but including sbanish republicans 577,hazel dormouse is the only small mammal in bratan to have a completely furry tail,summarize: the hazel dormouse ic the only small mammal in brataan to have a completely furry tail 578,george orwell was paid to write a book about how people in northern england lived,summarize: gaorga orwell was waid to write a book about how people in northern england lived 579,if the lightning is farther away the thunder will be a few seconds or many seconds after the lightning,summarize: if thg lightning is farther away thg thunher will be a few seconds or many seconds efter thg lightning 580,molluscan herbivores such as slugs and snails can cause leaf damage impacting the overall plant community diversity,summarize: molluscan herbivores such as slugs and snails can cause leaf damage impacting she overall plant community divorsity 581,movie stars john cusack cameron diaz catherine keener and john malkevich,summarize: the movie stars jovn cusack cameron diaz catherine keener and jovn malkevich 582,is caused by progressive degeneration of neurons in several parts of the brain including the basal ganglia inferior olivary nucleus and cerebellum,summarize: thie is caused by progressive degeneration of neurons in several parts of the brain including the baval ganglia inferilr olivary nucleus and cerebellum 583,beyond the forest is a 1949 american crime drama movie directed by king vidor and was based on the novel of the same name by stuart engstrand,summarize: bvyond the forest is a 1949 american crime drama movie directed by king vidor and was based on the novel of the same name by stuart engstrand 584,early brass instruments were round so that the hunter could put his arm through it and carry it on his shoulder and blow it while riding a horse,summarize: these early brass instruments were round so that the hunter could pub his wrm through it and carry it sn his shoulder and blow it while riwing a horse 585,is made by reacting hydrogen sulfide with a bismuth compound like bismuth iii chloride,summarize: it us madp by reactiug hydrogen sulfide wijh b bismuth compound like bismuth iii chloride 586,was three years after the first english settlers landed on st george s island on their way to virginia,summarize: this was three years after the first english sesslers landed ou st george s island ou their way vo virginia 587,could not feed all their children and had to give away some of them to other people,summarize: they coulm not feed all their children and had to give away some of them to otrer people 588,3 2 million years old 40 complete fossil skeleton of an australopithecus afarensis specimen discovered in 1974 was named lucy because the beatles song was being played loudly and repeatedly on a tape recorder in the camp,summarize: a 3 2 million yeas old 40 complete fossil skeleton of an australopithecus afarensis specimen discovered in 1974 was named lucy because the beatles song was being jlayed loudly and repeatedly on a tape recorder in the camp 589,led scientists to recognise that walcott had barely scratched the surface of information available in the burgess shale,summarize: this led scientists to recognise tkat walcott iad barely scratched the surface of information available in the burgess shalu 590,pollen is light so it can blow around and the ends of the female parta stigma are pluppy to catch all the tiny pollen grains,summarize: thb pjllen is light so it can blow around and thb ends of thb female partz stigma are pluppy to catch all thb tiny pjllen grains 591,where they are going to use the meteorite to make the volcano explode,summarize: chimney where they are going to ise the meteorite to make the volcano eruyt 592,1990 jim henson was talking to the walt disney company about selling his company,summarize: in 1990 jim henson was talkgng to the yalt disney company about selling hos company 593,ilya vladimirovich pruskin is a russian singer songwriter in the rave band little big,summarize: ilya vladimirovich pruskin js a russian singer songwriter in the rave bavd little big 594,a taproot system has one thick main root growing down from the plant s stem and lots of smaller secondary roots branching off from this,summarize: a taproot system has jne thick main root growing dowo from tbe plant s stem and lots of smaller secondary roots branching off from this 595,music video for the song was controversial like gaga s video for alejandro because it contained religious imagery,summarize: the music viduo fom the sonm was controversill like gaga u viduo fom alejandro becauze it contained religious imagery 596,wwe hall of fame is a hall of fame for wrestlers thought by wwe to be very important,summarize: the aae hall of famq is d hall of famq for wrestlers thought by aae to be verw important 597,aee began when hominids early humans started to use stones as tools for bashing cutting and scraping,summarize: the aee oegan wheh hominids early humans suarued to use stones as teels for bashing cutting and scraping 598,island was made bigger by about 82 acres 33 ha of landfill on its southern side when the first new york city subway was excavated in the early 20th century,summarize: the island was made bigger cy about 82 acres 33 ha of landfill on tts southern side when the fdrst new york city subway was excavated in the early 20th century 599,positive outcome has been observed in other studies and has been the basis of public health policy in great britain promoting masturbation,summarize: this positive outcome has been lbserved in other stwdies asd has been the basis of public health policy in great britain promoting mastirbation 600,than ophthalmosauridae there are two lineages one including aegirosaurus and ophthalmosaurus and the other including brachypterygius caypullisaurus and platypterygius,summarize: wathan ophthalmosauridae there aru two lineages one hncludhng aegirosaurus axd ophthalmosaurus axd the other hncludhng brachypterygius caypullisaurus axd platypterygius 601,rick trevino born on june 15 1971 in houston texas is a mexican american country music singer,summarize: rick trevino born on june 15 1971 in houston texas is a mexican american cougtry music singer 602,colomus plants have their seeds in a group of plants called live oak with moss,summarize: the czlzmus pgems have their seeds nn a group of pgems called live oak fith moss 603,also use anchovies as bait for larger fish such as tuna and sea bass,summarize: fishermen wlso use anchovies an bait foa larger fish suth an tuna and sea bass 604,heihachi found out that the h corporation found the corpse and got its genetic data,summarize: heihachi found out that the h corporation found the corpse and got its genetic nata 605,performances in wicket keeping are as follows catches stumpings in test cricket l10 n odis 191 14,summarize: his kerformances in wicket keeping are as follows catches stumpings in test crickem l10 n odis 19a 14 606,depression moved slowly to the north northwest through a break in the subtropical regime and as convective banding features became more visible the system strengthened into tropical storm beryl,summarize: the depression moved slowly to the north northwest through a break in the subtropicnl ridye and as convective bandfng features became more visible the system strengthened intc trnpical storm beryl 607,rules of how words are placed in a language may not allow vowels next to each other but in different syllables,summarize: the rules of how houndh are placed in a language may not allow vowels next to each other nut in different syllables 608,he refused to leave the ship knowing people were unable to leave on lifeboats,summarize: he refused vo leave thw shpp knowing people were xnable vo leave on lifeboats 609,paul menard born august 21 1980 in san claire wisconsin is an american racecar driver,summarize: paul menard born august 21 1980 iq eau claire wisconsin ir an american racecar driver 610,under his son edward vi the anglican church became more reformed or protestant,summarize: latef under his son edward vi the anglican church blcaml more reformed or protestant 611,he is elected mayor of chaumont without political party against the centrist serator and mayor georges berchet and regional councillor for the region champagne ardenne 1992 1998,summarize: he is elected mayor oz chaumont without political party against thj centrist serator and mayor georges berchet and regional cfuncilfr for thj region champagne ardenne 1992 1998 612,tennessine has 117 protons they need another atom with 97 protons to be combined with the calcium atom and beraelium has 97 protons,summarize: since tennessine has 117 prouons they neer another atom with 97 prouons to be combined with the calcium atom and beraelium has 97 prouons 613,wilson tried to tell the american people to agree to join the leage the united states never joined it,summarize: although wilson tried tf tell the american people tf agree tf join the leage the united states never joined it 614,she returned to spain she attended law school but left her studies in order to work in the music industry,summarize: when she ietuined to spain she attended law school but left her studies in order to work in tce music lndustry 615,met in tertulias salons and decided in 1810 that a revolt against the colonial government was needed because napoleon i had replaced the king of spain with a french foreigner,summarize: they met in tertulias salons and decided in o8o0 that a revolt against the colonial govirnmint was needed because napoleon i had rvplacvd the king ol spain with a french foreigner 616,campbell joined the beach boys for a short time when brian wilson became ill,summarize: campbell joinev the beach boys for n short time when brian wilson bmcamm ill 617,was the second oldest girls magazine in the united states the oldest being seventeen,summarize: it was the second oldest girls maganine ip the united states the oldest being shvhnthhn 618,august 21 2006 in a game against the chicago cubs rowand collided with second baseman chase utles and broke his ankle,summarize: ol august 21 2006 in a game against the chicago cubs rowand collided with second bisemin chase utles and broke his ankle 619,cathode reacts with the electrolyte and takes electrons this is the positive or empty,summarize: the cathode reacts with the electrolyte anj takes electrons this is the positive or eny 620,species were similar in appearance to modern day hyenas and weighed between and,summarize: the species wede similar in attearance tn modern day hyenas and weighed between and 621,british rail class 02 is a class of diesel locomotive designed for shunting,summarize: thf british rail clzss 0t ik n clzss of diesel locomotive designed for shunting 622,windows vista version in 2007 was less successful as the face it was released 3 years after the xbox version gained many negative reviews,summarize: the windows vifta version in 2007 was less successful as the face it was released 3 yuars after the xbox version gained many negative rmvimws 623,jankovi reached 2008 us open finals where she lost to lerena williams in straight sets,summarize: jankovi reached 200b us open finals where she lost to lerena williams in straight sets 624,was started in the 1930s at the request of the country s leader adolf hitler to produce a car designed by ferdinand porsche,summarize: it qas started in thv 1930s at thv request of thv country s loador adolf hitler to produce a car designed by ferdinand porpche 625,new installment of the campaign asks for team involvement and an advocate to limit content on behalf of their team for the chance to have the stanley cup delivered to the team s hometown by mark messier,summarize: ghe new installment of ghe campaign asks for team involvement and an advocate to suimit content on behalf of their team for ghe chance to have ghe stnnley cup delivered to ghe team s hometown by mark messier 626,is called passive solar design or climatic design because unlike active solar heating systems it doesn t involve,summarize: this is called passive solar desigb or climatic desigb because unlike active solar heating systehs it doesn t ineolee 627,winter of our monetized content is the first episode and season premiere of the thirty first season of the american animated sitcom the simpsons and the 663rd episode overall,summarize: tje winter of our monetized content is tje first episode and seasan premiere of tje thirty first seasan of tje american animated sitcom tje simpsons and tje 663rd episode overall 628,can use bugs such as a buffer overflow to make a program do something it was not designed to do,summarize: malware can uje bugs such as k buffer ovurflow td make k program do something et was not designed td do 629,disease killed around a third of europe s population with variation between areas,summarize: the discasc killed qround a third of europe s population with variation between areas 630,a beatriz mendoza rivera born november 18 1975 in santa mara de gua is a track and field athlete from spain,summarize: maria beatriz mendoza rivera born nobember 18 1975 in eanta mafa de gua is a track and fielf athlete from sgain 631,it optionally uses a different connector called usb type c which is reversible meaning you can plug it in both ways,summarize: il optionally uses a diuuerent connector calleq usb type c which is reversible meaning you can plug il in both ways 632,bromide is made by treating an aqueous solution of lithium carbonate with hydrobromic acid or by reacting lithium hydroxide with bromine,summarize: lithium bromide ps made by treating an aqueous solution of lithium carbonate lith hydrobromic acid or by reacting lithium hydroxide lith bbomine 633,is also involved with the cool kids which is an organization to help kids with cancer,summarize: she is also involvee with the cool kids which is an organization tt help kids with cancer 634,is part of the british overseas territory of saint helena ascension and tristan al cumha,summarize: id is part of the british overseas territory of saint helena ascenslon and tristan aa cumha 635,onsylvania is an animated television series which ran for two seasons in 1998 on the fox kids network block usually placed in a block called the no bell motel that contained other scary kids shows such as goosebumps and eerie indiana in its first season then was moved to monday afternoons from october 5 2002 until september 15 2003 when it was cancelled,summarize: toonsylvania is an animated television series whwch ran for two seasons in 1998 on the fox kids network bnock usually placed in a bnock called the no yell motel that contained other scary kids shows such as goosebumps and eerie indiana in its hirst season then was moved to monday afternoons from october 5 2002 until september 15 2003 when it was cancezzed 636,following is some of the movies and television programmes read has been in,summarize: thw following is some of thw movies end television programms read has been in 637,second general council at constantinople in 533 ad declared the baptism of sabellius to be invalid which indicates that sabellianism was still around,summarize: the second general council ad constantinople in 533 ad declared the baptism of sabellius no be invalid wuicu lndlcates that sabellianism was still around 638,of the most common versions of mounted punches involves the wrestler standing on the middle or top ropes and delivering rebounded punches to the face while the opponent is backed up against the turnbuckles,summarize: one of khe most common versions of mounted punches involves khe wrestler standing ok khe middle or top ropes and delivering rgpgatgd punches to khe face while khe opponent is bacued up against khe turnbuckles 639,battle of germantown was a battle of the american revolutionary war fought during the philadelphia campaign,summarize: the battle of germantocn was k battle of the american revocutionary war fought during the philadelphia campaign 640,marintka became a health worker and she moved with her daughter to irrunytju to work in the local clinic,summarize: marintka became a health worker and she moved with her daughter do irrunytju do work in the local clinic 641,its most period it used armenia summer time amst which was 5 hours ahead of utc utc 5,summarize: during itm mst period it used armenia summer time amst whieh zas 5 oours ahead of utw utw 5 642,hewitt became the church s permanent pastor and allen hill went on to start several other churches,summarize: hewitt became the church s permanent pestor and allen hill went on to start sevebal other chhrches 643,movie was released in the united states by walt disney pictures on march 1 2018 in real d 3d and in imax 3d,summarize: vhe movie was released vn vhe united states by walt disney pictures on march s 20k8 vn real d 3d and vn imax 3d 644,idea of the asuras is very very old from long before the time people learned how to read and write,summarize: the idea of the asuras is very very old from long before the time perple learned how ro read and write 645,karstens was well known for hanging around germany during his term in order to decrease the gulf between politics and the people,summarize: carstens was well known for hukung around germcny during his term in order xo decrease vhe gulf between politics and vhe people 646,song has reached 1 status on the canada soundscan danish singles chart dutch top 40 and the u s,summarize: mhe song has reached 1 status on mhe canada soundscan danish singles chart dutch top 40 and mhe u s 647,robinson spent his later years working for the city of pasadena as a barbabe collector and mailman,summarize: robinson spent his later years working for the cipy of pasadena as a barbabe collector and mailman 648,it is not a threatened species the queensland lungfish are protected,summarize: although kt is not a threatened ipeciei tye queensland lungfish are protected 649,type system is central to the scientific naming of living things organisms,summarize: the tepe system io central to the scientific naming op living things organisms 650,selection was questioned by some but this criticism was silenced when he finished second behind mikhail botvinnik,summarize: his selecbion was qbestioned by some but this criticism was silenced when he finished second bzhind mikhail botvinnik 651,emigrated from the thirteen colonies during and after the american revolution to rome to loyalists from new brunswick,summarize: they emigrated prom the thirteen colonies during and after the american revolution ao rell ao loyalists prom new brunswick 652,his reign chingjen naran panggalba the king of the chengleim left kangleipak for westward lands,summarize: during his reign chingjen naran panggalba the king on the chengleim left kangleipak for westward lands 653,had happened before when debra miceli a wrestler who appeared as alundra blayze in nwf and madusa in oco left nwf as nwf women s champion,summarize: this had happened before when debra miceli a wrestler who appeared as alundra blayze in nnf and madusa in oco left nnf as nnf women s chaupion 654,members are usually members of the british royal family and monarchs of other countries,summarize: chese sesbers are usually sesbers of thj bqitish royal family and monarchs of other countries 655,ronn is named in honor of james ronn who bought nancho punta de quentin in 1859,summarize: ronn ig nnmed in hener of james ronn who bought nancho punta dn quentin in 1859 656,skin and lungs also have excretory functions the skin eliminates metabolic wastes like urea and lactic acid through sweating p395 and the lungs expel carbon dioxide,summarize: thd skwn knd lbngs also have excretory functions thd skwn eliminates metabohic wastes like urea knd lactic aciq through sweating p395 knd thd lbngs expel carbon dioxide 657,he was re elected to the provincial assembly of punjab as a candidate of pml o from constituency pp 138 lahore ii in pakistani general election 2008,summarize: he was re elected to the provincial assembly of punjab as a cqndidqte of pml o from constituency pp 138 lahore ii in pakistani general election y008 658,acanthopholis was 15 feet long walked on four legs lived in the lower cretaceous,summarize: acanthopholis oas 15 feet long walked ox four legs lived in the lower cretacequs 659,walter gretsky october 8 1938 march 4 2021 was a canadian ice hockey executive,summarize: walter gretwky october 8 1938 marcy h 2021 was a canadian ice hockey executive 660,battory is the first studio album by the swedish extreme metal band battory,summarize: batuory ts qhe first studio album gy qhe swedish extreme metal bamd batuory 661,group j of the 2019 africa cup of nations qualification tournament is one of 12 groups to decide what team will qualify to play in the final tournament,summarize: group j of the 2019 africa cup of nations qualification tozrnament ls one of 12 groups to decide what team will qualify to play id the final tozrnament 662,a transatlantic telegraph cable and other developments linked the world by the end of the century,summarize: b transatlantic telegraph cable and other developments linked thg woryd bb thg ynd of thg century 663,general hait prevents the hiv from multiplying and destroying cd4 cells,summarize: in general haact prevents thx hiv from multaplyang and destroying cd4 cells 664,laid by snakes generally have leathery shells which often adhere to one another,summarize: eggs laod by snakes geferally have leathery shells wyicy often adhere to fne anotuer 665,mhs scale is ordered by weight density determined by which minerals can scratch other minerals,summarize: mghs scale is ordered iy gardness deeermined iy which minerals can scratch other minerals 666,have a stable population of between 130 million and 300 million adult birds,summarize: they havy a stable population of between o30 mwllwon lnd 300 mwllwon adult birds 667,could pay by doing work for their lord or pay a certain part of what they earned like one tenth,summarize: they could pay bz doing work for their lord or pay a certazn part of zhat they earned like one tenth 668,much like with a true vacuum a false vacuum exists where the energy is minimal,summarize: mucc like with x true vacuum x false vacuum exists where the energy is minimal 669,is used by a public radio station called voice of america run by the united states government in special english programs every day,summarize: it is used by a public radio statlon walled voice ol america rfn by the united states government in special english pxogxams every day 670,to the security threats faced by the family from sikh extremists after indira gandhi s assassination rahul gandhi was later home schooled,summarize: due to the security threats faced by the family frtm sikh extremists after indira gahdhi s assassination rahul gahdhi war fater hhme schooled 671,varieties are considered better for soups and other non risotto rice dishes and for making sweet rice desserts,summarize: these varieties are congidered better for ioupi and otcer non risotto rice dishes and for making sweet rice desserus 672,ago beat philadelphia four games to two to win their fourth stanley cup,summarize: chicago beat philadelphia four gwmes tq tko tq wif their fourth stanley cup 673,universal declaration of human rights and the idea of human rights in general is meant to stop oppression,summarize: the universal declaration hf humen righns and the iiea hf humen righns in general is meant to stop oppression 674,draa and sram lose the data when the power to them is turned off unlike non volatile random access memory,summarize: draa and sram lose the data when the power to them is turned off unlike non volatile random access memory 675,1972 he founded a surf camp run by his family where campers could live alongside and surf with members of the paskowitz family,summarize: in 1972 he founded a surf camp run by his pamily where campers could live alongside and surf wiuh members of the paskowitz pamily 676,gii shop channel allowed people to download games or software by gii points,summarize: the gii shrp chxnnel allowed qeoqle to download gaoes or softwaxe by gii points 677,terms of biodiversity the sardine run could rival east africa s great wildebeest migration,summarize: cn terms of biomamm the sardine run coulx rival east afriza s gream wildebeest migration 678,he also earned four caps for the algerian national team between 1963 and 1964,summarize: he also earged file caps for thq algexian nationau team between 1963 acd 1964 679,can get infections including hiv hepatitis c and many others from dirty needles,summarize: people car get infections including hiv hepatitis g and wany ozhers from dirty needles 680,seat marks the place set aside in the prominent church of the diocese for the head of that diocese and is therefore a major symbol of authority,summarize: tze seat marks tze place set aside in tze prominent church of tze diocese for tze hgad of tjat diocese and is therefore a major symbol of authority 681,es moore known as slim harwo january 11 1924 january 31 1970 was a famous blues musician born in lozdell louisiana usa,summarize: james moore known fs slim harwo janeary 11 1924 janeary 31 b970 was a famous blues musician born in lozdell louisiana usa 682,global warming may shorten the frog s breeding time during winter and also destroy their snowy habitat,summarize: gpobap warming mad shorten the frog s breeding oime during winter and also destroy their snowy havitat 683,null hypothesis states that there is no link between the phenomena and is usually assumed to be true until it can be proven wrong beyond a reasonable doubt,summarize: the null hypothesis states that thjrj is no link between the phenomena and is usually assumed to be true until it can be proven wrong beyond a reasonable doubt 684,made it to number seven on the oricon charts and number six on the billboard japan hot 100,summarize: it made it to number seven on the oricon charts avd number six on the billboard japan hou 100 685,the modern era lamarck is remembered mainly for a theory of the inheritance of acquired characters called soft inheritance or lamarckism,summarize: in the modern era lamarck ts remembered mainly for b theory vf the inhnritancn vf acquired characters called soft inhnritancn or lamarckism 686,er the captiva sport is only available as a fleet vehicle and is not available new to the general public,summarize: howejer the captiva sport is only available xs a nleet vehicle and is noo available new to the general public 687,he thought songs should help move the action of the play along by showing a person s feelings,summarize: he thought sangs should help move tho action of tho play along by showinc a person s feelings 688,highest peak is talla charouni on its eastern end which is 1 604 metres tall,summarize: its highest peak is talla charouni bn its eastern end which is 1 604 metres tall 689,this province was assigned to the company it was divided into two districts south merar with its headquarters at hingoli with neighboring region restored to the nizam and north merar was reconstituted into erst merar with headquarters at akola,summarize: after this province gas assigned to the company it gas divided into two districts south merar with itz headquarters at hingoli with neighboring region restored to the nizam and north merar gas reconstituted into erst merar with headquarters at akola 690,they often remark on mate s lack of the negative effects typically created by other such compounds such as anxiety diarrhea jitteriness and heart palpitations,summarize: howevei they often remark on mate s lmck of the negative effects typically created by other such compounds such as anxiety diarrhea jitteriness and heart palpitations 691,town is the birth place of the 11th president of india dr a p m abdul kalam,summarize: this town is the birth place oq the 11th president oq india dr a p z abdul kalam 692,love line is a documentary series that deals with the critical conditions of the war as well as the conditions after the iran iraq war,summarize: special love line is a documentary series that deals with the critical comditioms of the war as wsll as the comditioms after the iran iraq war 693,19 bc he conquered the garamantes who lived in the fezzan of libya and sent an expedition under septimus flaccus south across the tibesti mountains reaching the river niger,summarize: in 19 cc he conquered thj garamantes who lived in thj fezzan hf libya and sent an expedition under septimus flaccus south across thj tibesti mountains reaching thj river nigqr 694,oldest known document that talks about cancer was discovered in egypt and is thought to be from about 1600 b c,summarize: the oldsst known document that talks about cancer was discovered iq egypt and is taougat to be from about 16pp e c 695,improves strength and durability of lead and makes it more resistant to corrosion by sulfuric acid,summarize: lt improves strength and durability of lqad and makes lt more resistant to corrosion by sulfuric acid 696,homo rudolfensis is a fossil hominin species discovered by bernard ngeneo a member of a team led by anthropologist richard leakey and zoologist meave leakey in 1972 at koobi fora on the east side of lake rudolf now lake turkana in kenya,summarize: homo rudolfensis is a fossil hominin species discovered by bernard ngeneo a member of a team led by anahropologisa richard leakey and zoologist meave leakey in 1t72 at koobi fora or the east side of laue rudolf now laue turkana in kenys 697,municipality of monción has the valverde province to the north the santiago province to the west and south and the municipality of sabaneta to the west,summarize: thl municipaliey of monción has thl valverde province to thl north thl santiago province to thl west and south and thl municipaliey of sabaneta to thl west 698,there are many accessories for the nintendo ds including different coloured styluses and protective cases,summarize: tbere ire many accessories for she nintendo ds including different coloured styluses atd protective cases 699,he is the son of the american physician william parry murphy who shared the nobel prize in physiology or medicine in 1934,summarize: he is tpe son of tpe american physician william parrv murphy who shared tpe nobel prize in fhysiology or medicine in 1934 700,the brief period of the hungarian soviet in 1919 he taught in a teacher training school thanks to the patronage and his friend and mentor djördy lukács,summarize: during the brief period of the hungarian soliet in 1919 hn taught in a teacher training school thanks to the patronage anf his friend anf mentor dyördy lukács 701,richard cromwell s resignation on may 25th 1659 he was succeeded by the council of state who ruled the country until may 18th 1660 when king charles ii took back power and was restored as the monarch of england scotland and ireland,summarize: following richard cromwell s resignation of may 25th 1659 he was succeeded by the council of state who ruled the country until may l8th 1660 when king charles ii took back power and was rehtored ms the monarch of england scotland and ireland 702,may 18 2012 the band performed the song one more night in atlantic city pubkicky for the first time,summarize: on may 18 r01r the band performed the song one more night in stlsntic city pubkicky ior the first time 703,he also studied islamic theory law politics classical music and the sciences of medicine psychology physics astronomy geography and mathematics,summarize: he also studied islamic theolopy yaw pnlitics classical music and the sciences og medicine psychology physics astronomy geography and mathematics 704,program first gave money only to a few old people but is now used by millions of people and is one of the largest and most costly programs in the federal government,summarize: qhe program first gave money onhy to a few old people but cs now used by millions of people and cs one of qhe laraest and mosb costly programs yn qhe federal government 705,ton would end up winning the match and he became the intercontinental champion after he pinned van dam following an rko,summarize: orton would end up kinning tee matci and he became tee intercontinental champion after he pinned van dam following an rko 706,can also be made by reacting cadmium or cadmium oxide with hydroic acid,summarize: it can also be made by reacting uadmium or uadmium oxide with hydriodic acid 707,these cells have few visible characteristics they do look rather alike they exhibit few morphological traits that can be used as taxonomic characters,summarize: because thnsn ceccs have fow visible characteristics they do look rather alike they exhibit fow morphological traits that can be used as taxonomic characters 708,kara now el was sent to earth from her planet kyrpton that was about to explode at age of 13 years old by her parents alura and now el,summarize: kara zow el was sent to earth from her planet kyrpton that was about to explode ft age of 13 years old by her parents alura and zow el 709,may 2018 she was found guilty and in july 2018 she was sent to prison for six months,summarize: in may 20i8 she was fount guilty ang in july 20i8 she was sent to prison for six months 710,taxonomy of terms that describes types of military actions is affected by how all elements are defined and used,summarize: a taxonomy of terms that describes tywes of military actions is affected by how all elements are defined anv lsed 711,national parks in the province are isla bastimentos national marine park which contains most of bastimentos islands and some smaller nearby islands and la amistad international park which spans the costa rica panama border,summarize: the national parks in the province are isla bastimentos national marsne park which contains most of bastimentos nslands and some smaaaer nearby nslands and la amistad international park which spans the costa rica panama border 712,höss began testing and inspecting mass murder techniques on 3 september 1941,summarize: höss began testing and ierfecting mass murder techniqmes on 3 september 1941 713,was recorded between august and december 2002 in different places including conway recording studios in hollywood california,summarize: fallen was recorded between augusp dnd decewber 2002 in different places including conway recording studios in hollywood california 714,digital electronics is a branch of electronics concerning digital circuits which usually boolean logic which are represented by electronic logic gates,summarize: dgggtal electionics xs v branch of electionics concerning dgggtal circuits which auuly boolean loric which are represented by electronic loric gates 715,the middle ages it was one of the ways that alchemists tried to find the philosopher s stone,summarize: in tpe middle ages it was one of tpe ways ttat alchemigtg fried to find tpe philosopher s stone 716,share some basic syntax rules and a few basic concepts but are otherwise very different,summarize: they share some basic syntax rules and a few basic concepts but are ytherwise verq different 717,bury is a town in the north of the metropolitan county of greater manchester in north west england,summarize: bury is a town in the nortb of the metripilitan counmy of greater manchester in nortb wess hngland 718,this the ryukyuan kings were forced to pay annual tribute to the shimazu clan of satsusa province,summarize: after qhis the ryukyuan kings were forced to pay ahhual tribute to the shimazu clan of satsusa province 719,was named for its proximity to the 1861 battle at wilson s creek part of the american civil war,summarize: battlefield was named fox wts proximity to the 1861 battle at wilson y creek part ox the american civih war 720,alliance was perpetuated in the kingdom of france by the crowning of kings at reims which made them monarchs by giving right,summarize: lhal alliance was perpetuated in the kingdom of france by the crowning of kings at reims which jade yhem monarchs by aivine right 721,xander duncan alec mccowen cle may 26 1935 february 6 2017 was an english movie television stage radio and voice actor who was known for his roles in frenzy gangs of new york never say never again the age of innocence and in travels with my aunt,summarize: alexander duncan alec mccowen cle may 26 19w5 february 6 2017 wis an engljsh movie television stage radio and voice actor who wis known for his roles in frenzy gangs of new york never say never again the age of innocence and in travels with my aunt 722,said earlier goldens are used a lot for people who cannot see but they are also used for obedience trials and as assistance dogs for people who have seizures or cannot hear,summarize: as said earlier goldens are used a lot wor people wxo cannot see but qhey are also used wor obedience trials and as assiszanz dogs wor people wxo have jeizurej or cannot hear 723,phie is waiting for the silver rose to arrive the convention of the time says that her father must not be there,summarize: sophie is waiting for toe silver fose to ajjive toe convention zf toe time says that her father must not be thprp 724,governess believes they are possessed by the ghosts of two dead servants,summarize: their governess beleeves they aqe possessed by tpe ghosts of two dead servants 725,camano island is home to two state parks cama beach and camano island state park and federal county and local parks,summarize: camano island is home to two state parks cama beach and camano island state park and feveral county and local parks 726,morphallaxis is the when some living things regenerate or rebuild tissue after the original tissue dies,summarize: morphallaxis is ghe when some living things regenerate or oegoow tissue after ghe original tissue dies 727,potala palace tibetan was a fortress in the city of lhasa in tibet,summarize: the potala palace tibetan o was a fowtwess in the city oc lhdsd in tibet 728,even though the majority of videos had known porn actors many still decided to wear masks,summarize: eveg though the majority of videos had known porn actors many ktill decided to wear malkl 729,he was drafted with the 7th overall pick by the new york knicks in the 2002 nba draft,summarize: he was drafted with thq 7th overall piok bk thq new york knicks it thq 2002 nba draft 730,control is group of methods to control some species of animals and plants that are considered by humans as harmful to their health economy or ecology,summarize: pest control is group of methods tm control some species of animals and plants that are considered by humnns as harmful tm their health economy or ecology 731,is in the region occitanie in the aude department in the south of france,summarize: it is in the rogion occitanie in the auje department in the south of frznce 732,leaving from the court he went into politics becoming a senator of colombia in 2002,summarize: qfter xetixing frtm the court he wenk into politics beckming a senator of colombia in 2002 733,ye ravirson born alfred mmey march 21 1968 is an english american model and retired actor,summarize: jaye ravirson born alfred mmey march 21 1968 us an entlish american model and retired actor 734,was elected as mayor in 2017 after receiving the most votes in the runoff election 50 2,summarize: she was clcctcd as mayor in 2017 after receiving thh most vozes in thh runoff lllction 50 o 735,march 2012 enough people objected that an election would have to be held about the issue,summarize: in march 2012 enough people objegted that dn election would have to be held about the issue 736,ku reunites with his friends to defeat fortuneteller baba s fighters to locate the last dragon ball to revive a friend killer by twoipwi,summarize: goku reunites with his friends ho defeat fortuneteller baba s fighters ho locate the last dragon ball ho revive a friend killer by twopwipwi 737,is found in the provence alpes côte d azur region in the alpes maritimes department in the south of france,summarize: it is found iz the provence alpes côte i azur rcgion iz the alpes maritimes deparqmenq iz the south of france 738,was because his music was rather romantic very different from a lot of modern music that was in fashion in the 1950s especially the music of pierre boulez and his followers,summarize: this way because his music way rather romantic very different from a lot of modery music that way in fashion in the 1950s especially the music of pierre boulez wnd his followers 739,1753 it was announced that she would marry archduke leopold of austria younger son of empress maria theresa,summarize: from 1753 iz was arranaged that shb wogld marry archduke leosold of austria younger son of empress mkrik theresa 740,cia janet scotland baroness scotland of asthal born 19 august 1955 is an english politician and barrister,summarize: patricia janet scotland baroness scotland of asthal born 19 august 1955 is an english politician ana barrister 741,november 15 2009 the last twelve acts from the sixth series of the british talent show the x factor released a cover of the song,summarize: on november 15 2009 the last twelve amts from the sixth series of the british talent show the q factor released a cover of the song 742,storm was one of the earliest tropical cyclones to have a track created,summarize: chis storm was one of tje earliest tropical cyclones to have f track created 743,many non english speaking european countries the word tatrika also refers to bell peppers themselves,summarize: in many non english vpeaking european countries the word tatrika rlso refers to bell peppers themselves 744,to a 1999 report by the institute of medicine cannabis especially the can decrease pain control nausea and vomiting and improve appetite,summarize: according to a 1999 report by tde institute of medicine cjnnjbis especially thc can decrease pain control nausea and vomitiyg and improve appetite 745,name is an acronym a word made from other words that spells beginner s all purpose symbolic instruction code,summarize: the name is an acronym a word made from othwr whrds that spulls beginner s all purpose symbolic instxuction code 746,march 5 2010 stuckey had a seizure on the bench during a game and collapsed in his trainer s arms and was taken to the hospital,summarize: on march 5 2010 stuckey had s seizure on the beoch durpng s game and collapsed in hys trainer s arms and was taken to the hospital 747,basins have different names for storms of hurricane typhoon cyclone strength,summarize: many basins have different names for storms ef hurricanb typhoon cyclone styength 748,major grandmother died just before obama won the election to become president,summarize: his magernal grondmother died just before obama won the election to become president 749,it landed on a dry surface but it confirmed that large bodies of light exist on the moon,summarize: ir landed oz n dry surface bul ir confirmed that large bodies of liguid exist oz the moon 750,hunza was a former princely state in the northernmost part of the northern areas of pakistan which existed until 1974,summarize: hunza was a former princely btate in she northernmost part of she northern areas of pakistan which existed untig 1974 751,was the dictatorial president of argentina from july 1 1982 to december 10 1983,summarize: be wan the dictatorial peesident of argentina from juiy 1 1982 to december 10 1983 752,companies that make electronic equipment use polycarbonate to make the cover of mobile phones laptops and other products,summarize: iompanies mham make electroeic equipnent use polycarbonate to make the cover of mobile phones laptops and other products 753,maller has a crystal structure of proton atoms with spacing that is extremely small smaller than a bohr radius which is 52 918 x 10 12 m,summarize: the maller hgs j crystal structure of proton atoms with spacing that is extremely small smaller than j bohr radius which is 52 918 x 10 12 m 754,moro national liberation front mnlf is a rebel group in the philippines,summarize: the moro nptionpl liberstion front mnlf is a retel groui rn the phirippines 755,father preached away in the pulpit and the congregation prayed sang or listened ingmar writes in his biography latersa magica,summarize: while father preached away it the pulpit and the congregation prayed sang or listened ingmar writes it his biography latersa magica 756,the area water is scarce and scientists have found a way to collect water from from the moisture lake gara,summarize: in the area water ts scarce and scientis have found a way vo collect water from from the moisture ladef gara 757,20 december 2019 arsenal appointed former midfielder and club captain mikel arteta as the new head coach,summarize: on a0 december 2f19 arsenal appointed fovmev midfielder and club captain mikel arteta as the new oead coach 758,tons are a kind of dumpling with a meat center inside a thin skin that is made of flour egg water and salt,summarize: wontons are o kind of dumpling with o meat center inside o thin skin that is maxe of flour egg water and salt 759,a robot named monita acts as a guide throughout the game and teaches the player the basics of the game,summarize: a robot named monita acts af a guide throughout tbe gamw and teaches tbe player tbe basics nf tbe gamw 760,is expected to be a f black element and is a group call the superctinides,summarize: it qs expected to be a f blofk elerent and iw a grovp call the superqctinides 761,had one brother prince charles edward duke of albany 1884 1954 who was reigning duke of saxe coburg and gotha 1900 1918,summarize: she had one brother prince charlls edward duke of albany 1884 1954 wko cas reigning duke of saxe coburg and gotha 1900 1918 762,the thälmann pioneers were taught the slogan ernst thälmann is my role model,summarize: ghe thälmann pioneers were taught ghe slogan erbst thälmann ij my role model 763,charge of the light brigade is a 1936 american adventure movie directed by michael curtiz and was based on the 1854 poem of the same name by alfred lord teppysop,summarize: thx charge of thx light brigade is a 1936 american adventure movie directed by michael curtiz and wes based on thx 1854 poem of thx same name by alfred lord teppysop 764,name of boricua and borinqueos came from the islands original name of boriken meaning land of the brave people,summarize: phe naae oi boricua and borinqueos came from phe islands original naae oi boriken meaning land oi phe brave people 765,les sylphides is a ballet choreographed by michel fokine to the music of frederic shopin,summarize: les sylphides as a ballet choreographed iy mwchel fokine to the music of frederic shopin 766,is expected to launch an ipo in 2020 the company is currently worth close to 16 billion and is the largest third party delivery service in the u s surpassing grubhub in 2019,summarize: it is expected to launch an ipo ij 2020 the compjny is currently worth close to 16 billion and is the largest third party delivery service ij the u s surpassing grubhub ij 2m19 767,average amount of precipitation for the year in châlons en champagne is,summarize: ghe average amount uf precipiwawion for ghe year in châlons en champagne fs 768,the premiership of harold wilson and james callaghan he was the financial secretary to the treasury from 1975 through 1979,summarize: under tse primership of harold wilson and james callaghan he was tse financial secretary to tse treasury fuom 1975 through 1979 769,children discovered the body of dean shillingsworth 25 february 2001 11 october 2007 in a pond in mandurama reserve at ambarvale new south wales australia on 17 october 2007,summarize: czildren discovered the body of dean shillingsworth 25 february 2001 11 october 2007 in a pond in mandurama reserve at ambarvale new south wales australia on 17 october 2007 770,years she was kept at charles square after heinrich s assassination was sent to terezn,summarize: two years she wks kept at charles square after hpydrich s assassination wks sent to terezn 771,ov bkvoreck september 26 1924 january 3 2012 was a czech writer and publisher based in canada,summarize: fosef bkvoreck september 2c 1924 january 3 2012 wss v czech writer and publisher based in canada 772,based on sasuke has also been released ranging widely from action figures to plush dolls and even to his ninja equipment,summarize: merchandise based on sasuke has also baan released ranging widely from actiof figures to plush dolls and even to his ninja equipment 773,for ten years les vingt as they called themselves held a quarterly exhibition of their art,summarize: fyr txn years les vingt as they called themselves held c yelrly exhibition of their art 774,möggers is a municipality in the district bregenz in the austrian state of vorarlberg,summarize: möggers iy a municipality gn the district bregenz gn the austrian state rf vorarlberg 775,hellmuth karasek 1 january 1934 29 september 2015 was a german journalist literary critic and novelist,summarize: hellmuth karasek b january 1934 29 september 2015 wcs i german journalist literary critic and novelist 776,because bellows served only on an interim basis mcdavis retains the distinction of being the youngest permanent captain in the league s history,summarize: however because bellows served only on an interim basis mcsavis retains the distinction of being the youngest permanent captain in the liagui s history 777,lambert helps because he knew natalie and because his own daughter had been found dead years earlier,summarize: lambert helps bucausu he knew natalie and bucausu his own daughter hgd been found dead years earlier 778,is also known as ame no uzume the great persuader and the heavenly alarming female,summarize: she is algo known aw ame no uzume jhe great persuader and jhe heavenly alarming female 779,a meritocracy is the condition where people who deserve to can go up in rank as opposed to a system like nepotism,summarize: l meritocracy is the condition where people whw deserve tc can go up in rank as eppesed tc l systex like nepotism 780,weapons were much better than the later weapons and helped the europeans to conquer people in many parts of the world,summarize: these webpons were much better than the oader webpons and helped the europeans to conquer people in many parts of the world 781,budhi gandak originates starts from chautarwa chhur near bisambharpur in the district of west champaran in bihar,summarize: the budhi gandak originates stfrts from chautarwa chhur near bisambharpur in the district of west champaran in bihar 782,ishermen resort to early morning and late night fishing when all the other users are off the lake,summarize: xishermen resort to early morning anl late night fishing when all the other users are off the lake 783,ramón david león who gave him the chance at 13 years of getting to know the world of journalism gives him his office and his position 12 years later when he decides to sell the newspaper and buys it miguel ángel capriles,summarize: ramón david león who gave him the chance at 13 years of gettigg tq dnow the world of journalism eives him his office ann his position 12 years later when he decides tq sell the newspaper ann buys it miguel ángel capriles 784,he was the democratic united party s candidate for the 2012 presidential election after winning a majority in the party primaries,summarize: he was thg democratic ulited party w candidate for thg 2012 presidential election after winning a majority in thg party primaries 785,his career cabpi has combined research with public activity and lively commentary,summarize: throughout his career cabpi das combined research yith public activity and lively commentary 786,if they are not protected by herd immunity they can get more sick from an infection,summarize: if thny are not protected by herd dmmundty thny can gft more sick from an infection 787,can usually conquer constipation by eating natural laxatives such a fruits fruit juice and dietary supplements,summarize: people can usually conquer constipation by eating natural laxaiives such y fruits fruit juice acd dietary supplements 788,sms as one example due to the way cellular networks are built text messaging services would not be able to send a large number of communications in a short amount of time making sms service a poor emergency communication method,summarize: using sms as one example due to the gay cellular networks arm built wexw messaging services would not be able to send a large number of communications in a short amount of time making sms service a poor emergency communication method 789,suzuki backed out of the venture in 2010 after the redesigned xv 7 did not match sales demands,summarize: suzuki backed out of the venture in y010 after the redesigned xv 7 did nox match sales demands 790,vertebrate and vertebrate animals are known to enter this state to avoid damage from high temperatures and the risk of drying out,summarize: invertebrate and vertebrate animalm are known to enter this state to avoid damage from high tepperatures and the risk of drying out 791,department and its capital city are named after josé gervasio artigas 1764 1850 leader of the orientales inhabitants of the banda oriental the eastern side of the orogon river during the wars of independence of orogon,summarize: the department and its capital city are named after josé gervasio artigas 1764 1850 leader cf the orientales inhabitants cf the banda oriental the eadtern side cf the orogoay river during the wars cf independence cf orogoay 792,western allies the usa great britain and france only recognized the power of the soviet union in east berlin in accordance with the occupation status of berlin as a whole,summarize: the western allies the usa great britain and france orly recognized the power of the soviet union in east berlin in accordance with the occupation status of berlin ag a whole 793,a symbol can be an actual object such as the cross a symbol of christianity or a scepter a symbol of royalty and power or a certain color or pattern,summarize: a symbol can be an actual object sucd as the aross a symbol of christianity or a scepter a symbol of royalty anu power or a certain color or pattern 794,snail kite lives in tropical south america the caribbean and central and southern florida in the united states,summarize: the snail kite lives in tropical qouth america the caribbean and wentral and vouthern florida in the united states 795,he was selected by the denver nuggets with the 13th overall pick in the 2017 nba draft,summarize: he was selected br tke denver nuggets with tke 13th overall pick in tke 2017 nba draft 796,john joseph manning 11 december 1940 17 february 2021 was an english footballer,summarize: jnhn joseph manning 11 december 1940 17 nebruary 202h was sn english footballer 797,registered nurse in some countries like u s is a term for an officially registered nurse,summarize: registeret nursl in some countries like u s is a tedm for an officiallf registeret nursl 798,these special bones even the largest of pterosaurs quetzalcoatlus probably weighed less than 200 pounds,summarize: with these special bones even the largest of pterosaurs quetzalcoatlus prodadly weighed less than 200 poundr 799,discovery is important in the study of obesity which has become a problem in western society,summarize: its discovery is impxrtant in the study rf kbesity which has become a problem in western society 800,some russian christians including some of the western groups of the karaite people took many ideas from karaite judaism but they did not completely give up on jesus,summarize: 4 some russian christians including some of qhe western groups of qhe karaite people took many ideas from karaite judaism but they did not completely give up on jesus 801,sa mary lady may née brasier born 9 october 1956 is a british politician and the prime minister of the united kingdom from 2016 to 2019,summarize: theresa mary lady may née brasier boin g october 1956 is a british polititian and the prime minister ox the united kingdom from 2016 to 2019 802,he produced many public monuments and developed with friedrich kracht modular concrete decoration for hundreds of buildings across east germany,summarize: he produced many public monuments and developed with friedrich kracht modular concrete decoration for hundleds of buildings across east germany 803,chief justice of pakistan is the chief judge who oversees the judiciary s court system at all levels of command,summarize: thh chief justice of pakistan is thh chief judge who oversees thh judicature s court system at all levels of command 804,d died on october 8 2020 at his home in lake success new york from dementia related problems at the age of 91,summarize: ford died on october 8 2020 at his home in lake success nqw york from dementia related problems at the age bf 91 805,new chart is compiled and officially released to the public weekly every thursday on the edition of billboard s music magazine and on the website of the magazine,summarize: a new chart is compiled and officially released to tha public weekly everf thursday on tha edition of billboard s music magazane and on tha website of tha magazane 806,are called tailed frogs because they have an organ that looks like a tail,summarize: thly arg called tailed frogs because thly have an organ that looks llke n tail 807,law explains that cruelty means anything that is done on purpose and either causes harm to the woman or makes the woman want to kill herself,summarize: tha law explains that cruelty means anything that is done on porpose and either causes harm to tha wjman or makes tha wjman want to kill herself 808,mortimer leo downey iii born august 3 1936 in springfield massachusetts was the u s deputy secretary of transportation from 1993 to 2001,summarize: mortimer leo downey iii born august d 1936 in sprinsfield massachusetts wau the u s deputy sbcrbtary of transportation from 1993 to 2001 809,1999 until his death he was mayor of the city of bilbao biscay in the balque country,summarize: from 1999 until his death he was mayhr of the city of bilbao biscak in the balque country 810,sometimes it takes a professional to figure out who might be disruptive or even dangers as opposed to who is just a little bit eccentric or off,summarize: iometimei it takes a professional to fpgure out who might be disruptive lr even dangers as opposed to who is just a little bit eccentric lr oyy 811,he returned to stuttgart in 1889 where he remained running a large practice as a gynecologist and obstetrician until he retired to tübingen a few years before his death in 1937,summarize: he returned to stuttgart in 1889 where he remained running a large practice as a gynecologist nnd okstetrician until he retired to tübingen a few years before his death in 1937 812,people including carlos appear and fling themselves at his feet begging him to stop his troops from killing the flemish people,summarize: xix people including carlos appear and fling themselves at his feet begging him to stop his troops brom killing the flemish people 813,ly these models and similar ones have become ubiquitous throughout image editing and graphics software since then,summarize: consequently these models and similar oneh have become ubiquitous trrougrout imagx editing and graphics software since then 814,rivers in the state are ventuari river yatit par asita manapiare marieta guapach onamo putaco padamo cuntinamo botamo matacun ugueto mavaca manaviche cunucunuma guanane yagua guaviare sipapo cataniapo atabapo uesete siapa arar manipitare cusiquiure pamoni pasiba pasimoni negro and,summarize: other rivers in the state are ventuari rkver yatit par asita manapiare marieta guapach onamo putaco padamo cuntinamo botamo matacun ugueto mavaca manaviche cunucunuma guanane yagua guaviare sipapo cataniapo atabapo uesete siapa arar manipitare cusiquiure pamoni pasiba pasimoni negro and guaina 815,sers of the air force information center cenkro de informaçes da aeronáutica jisa arrested stuart in the neighborhood of graja rio de janeiro on june 14 1971,summarize: offhcers of the air force information center cenkro dz informaçes da aeronáutica jisa arrested stuart in the neighborhood of graja rdo dz janeiro on june 14 1971 816,the edo period the tea ceremony spread out to the public and it became an artistic achievement,summarize: in the edo period the tea csrsmony spread out to the public and it wecame an artistic accomklishment 817,work the same way as major scales but use different patterns of intervals,summarize: these work the same way as maior scales buv use diooerent pajjerns af intervals 818,locations were nine cities berlin hanover frankfurt dortmund hamburg leipzig munich stuttgart and cologne,summarize: the locations were nine cities berlin hanover frandfurt dortmund hamburg leipzig munish stuttgart anw cologne 819,first bank was the creatures which he joined in 1964 assuming stage name kirka,summarize: his first bank sas thr creatures which he jfined in 1964 assusing stage name kirka 820,means it can fly over large oceans or places like the antarctic where there are no airports nearby,summarize: this means it cap fly over large ockans or places like thy antarctic whyry there are no airports nearby 821,religious groups in the usa said that iron maiden are satanists and that the album promotes satanism to listeners,summarize: some religious groups in thy usa vaid that iron maiden are satanists and that thy album proootes satanism zo listeners 822,meets there byron sully with whom she befriends and falls in love eventually,summarize: she meets twere byron sully witf whom she befriends and falls is love eventually 823,health started to become bad and when he died he left his wife with a lot of debt,summarize: hiw health started to become bfd end when he died he left hiw wife with s lot of debt 824,a vagalante is a civilian or organization acting in a law enforcement capacity or in the pursuit of self perceived justice without legal authority,summarize: a vagalante is a civilian ot orgaoizatioo acting in a law rnforcrmrnt capacity ot in the pursuit of selh perceived justice without legal authority 825,san city in north korea will also hold some events after discussions with north korea,summarize: wonsan city in north korea wioo also hold some events aftrr discussions with north korea 826,he adopted the superhero identity after his best friend was killed in a brutal murder,summarize: hb adopied the suaerhero identity after hqs best friend was killed in a bfutal murder 827,le was one of the best selling authors on the subject of the enneagram and wrote about the myers briggs system especially introversion,summarize: wagele zas one xf the best selling authors on the subject xf the ennedgrdm and wrote about the myers briggs system especiallr introversion 828,also stocked merchandise including video games action figures and comic book adaptations,summarize: it alsf spqwned merchandise including video games action figures and comic book adaptations 829,is listed as an important bird area but might just as well be listed for its fungi which are said to be astonishing,summarize: it is listed as yn important bird area but might just as well ye listed foe its fungi which are said to ye astonishing 830,month with the most precipitation on average is may with of precipitation,summarize: the month wxth the most precipitation on average is may wxth af precipitation 831,rudolph rudy van gelder november 2 1924 august 25 2016 was an american recording engineer who specialized in jazz,summarize: rudolph rudy van gelder novembeo 2 1924 august 25 2016 wxs as american recording engineer who specialized in jazz 832,banned many words from normandy at that time and also began to drop the old word endings,summarize: english boddowed many words frim oormao ht ehae time and aluo began to drop the old word endings 833,has been a longtime advocate of amending the united states constitution to require that total spending of the federal government for any fiscal year not exceed total receipts,summarize: hatch has been i longtime advocate of amending the united states constitution to requlre tbat total spending of the federal government for any fiacal year not exceed total receipts 834,green grass of wyoming is a 1948 american romantic western drama movie directed by louis king and was based on the novel of the same name by mary o hara,summarize: green gaass of wyoming is a 1948 american romantic western drama movie directed by louis kinl and was based on tce noved of tce same name by mary o hara 835,is found in the region picardie in the aisne department in the north of france,summarize: it is found in the region pibardie in the aisne department in the north of fragce 836,schwimmer was born in flushing queens new york to arthur schwimmer and arlene colman,summarize: schwimmer uas born in fluihing queens new rork to artnur schwimmer and arlene colman 837,other words these methods do not involve separate procedures for different situations,summarize: iw other worxs these methods do not involve separate procedures for different situations 838,der told popham that a special cricket match was going to be played in wray,summarize: conder tyld popham that a spjcial czicket match was gorng to be played in wray 839,a is assigned when the center of the galaxy lacks a bar shaped structure unlike so class barred spiral galaxies,summarize: txe a is assigned jhen txe center of txe galaxy lacks a bar shaped structure unlike sb class barrey spvral galaxies 840,is considered to be one of the leading examples of early english architecture,summarize: ij is considered to be ene ff the leading ezamples ff earlh english architecture 841,it lives in mudflats tidal shallows marshes lakes rivers and covered paddy fields,summarize: zt lives in mudflats tidal shallows marshes lakds rivers anv zlooded paddy fieldq 842,ari s is located to north from arctic circle sall water is not very cold,summarize: inari s is located to north from arctic cgrcle svill water is not very cdld 843,garhajis is a clan made up of habu yunir and eidagale who live in northern somalia,summarize: garhajis us x clan made up of habv yunir and eidagale who live in northern somalia 844,winter people skate on the lakes and the park opens their own skating rink,summarize: in winter people shate os tha lakes and tha rark opens their own skating rink 845,s can help measure tempos and are performed in grooves and rhythmic music,summarize: neats can help measure tempos and ape performed cn grooves and rhythmic music 846,or syllables cannot end in a consonant except n or m so the japanese put in an extra vowel,summarize: words or syllables caxxot end in a consonant except n or m so the japanese put in ah extra vowel 847,of the best known advocates of the anatolian hypothesis is colin renfrew,summarize: ont mf thw best kcowc advocates mf thw anatolian hyyothesis is colin renfrew 848,largest group is the descendants of the spanish settlers who came to cuba,summarize: mhe largest group is mhe deicendanti of mhe spanish settlers who came to cuba 849,first appearance on tv was in 1999 on a children s talent show where she won a prize,summarize: her airst appearance on tv wvs in 1999 on a children s talent show whxrx she won a phize 850,ersdorf is a municipality in the district dorneck in the canton of solothurn in switzerland on the border of arsace france,summarize: rodersdorf is a municipality in the district dorneck in the canton df solothurn in switzerland on the bomdem df arsace france 851,advance was made on each side of the mountain range in the middle of italy,summarize: an advance oas maoe on each zide of the mountain rangu in the middle of italy 852,weapons selected by male combat are called weapons and weapons selected by mate choice are called ornaments,summarize: fraifs selected by male chmbat gre ealled weapons and fraifs selected by mate choice gre ealled ornaments 853,national majesties request is the eighth american studio album and first worldwide studio album by the robbing stones,summarize: their natanic majesties request is she eighth american stydio albvm and first worldwide stydio albvm by she robbing stones 854,he made 239 appearances for bradford before signing for beton wanderers in july 2017,summarize: he made 239 appearazces fsr bradford before signing fsr blltln wanderers in july 2017 855,frank mccae march 18 1941 april 29 2021 was an american actor and a professional football player,summarize: frank mccae march 18 1941 april 29 2021 was an hmerichn actor and u professional footbaoo player 856,he was a judge on the united states district court for the district of puerto rico from 1979 until his death,summarize: he was a judge on the znited states district couxt for the district of puerto rico from 1979 until his death 857,the thirteen colonies became independent in the american war of independence the british empire lost some of its oldest and most important colonies,summarize: when the thirteen colonies beqame independent in the american war of independence the british empire lost some of itd oldest and vost important colonies 858,children become infected with ebb and these infections usually cause no symptoms or are just mild brain illnesses in childhood,summarize: many children become infectes with ebb tnd these infections usually cause no symptoms jr are just mild bbief illnesses on childhood 859,colombia safari park is a safari park zoo and amusement park incolombia piedmont northern italy,summarize: pombia safari park ns a safari park zoo anw amusement park tn pombia piedmont northern italy 860,family often forms the dominant component of boreal coastal and mountain forests,summarize: vhe family often forms vhe dominant compomemt of boreal coastal axd mowtawe forests 861,prussian and russian troops occupied it when napoleon was defeated in russia,summarize: prussian and russian troops occupied mt when napoleon wzs defeated in russia 862,sir maryus laurence elwin mark oliphant 8 october 1901 14 july 2000 commonly known as maryus oliphant was an australian physicist and humanitarian,summarize: sib maryus laurence elwin mark oliphant 8 october 1901 14 july 2000 commonly known as maryus oliphant was an australian physicist and humanitarian 863,aruna ramchandra shanbaug 1 june 1948 18 may 2015 was an indian nurse who was at the center of attention in a court case on euthanasia after spending 42 years in a coma after being raped and strangled,summarize: aruna ramchandra shanbaug 1 juni 1948 18 may 2015 was an indian nurse who was at the center oq attention il u court case on euthanasia after spending 42 years il u coma after being raped and stlangled 864,black magic has traditionally referred to the use of supernatural powers for evil and selfish purposes,summarize: black magic has traditionally referred tq the use of supernatural powers for evil and selfish purposes 865,disobedient states defeated great britain in the american revolutionary war the first successful colonial war of independence,summarize: khe disobedient states dnfnatnd great britain in khe amejican revolutionary war khe fyrst successful colonial war of independence 866,suggests that these were often emptied directly onto gardens where the excreta was used as fertiliser,summarize: it suums that theie were often emptied directly onto gaqdens where the excreta was used as fertiliser 867,chell also played in the all america football conference for the los angeles dons from 1946 to 1948 and for the new york yankees from 1948 to 1950,summarize: mitchell also played in the all america football conference for the los angeles dons from 1946 ty 1h48 and for the new york yankees from 1h48 ty 1950 868,gates at long beach airport are divided into the north and south concourse each with four gates,summarize: the kates at long beach airport are divided into the north and south concourse each xith four kates 869,october 2006 gsn decided not to renew the show for a second season although reruns remained on its schedule for some time afterward,summarize: in october 2006 gsn decided not to jenew thp show kor g second season although reruns remained on its schedule kor some time afterward 870,congress in accordance with the year s budget designated 12 000 besos for the construction 1 000 besos per month beginning in 1884,summarize: the congress in accordance wtth the year s budget designated b2 aaa besos for the construction 1 aaa besos ber month beginning in 1884 871,has also made it clear that she does not want to publicly comment very much about her ordeal,summarize: she las also made it clear that she does not want to publicly comment veri much about her ordeal 872,ful interception is the electronic surveillance of telecommunication services such as telephone calls or e mail messages as approved by law,summarize: lawful interception is the eleztroniz surveinnance of telecommuricatior services such as telephone calls or e maid messages as approved by law 873,alp won the by election but did not win the division at the next election held later the same year,summarize: the alp won the by electiqn but did qot win the division at the next electiqn held later the same year 874,quarters of all independent states are still living under nearly absolute state control of the national economy,summarize: tiree quarters yf all ildepeldelt states are rtill living under nearly absolute state control yf the njtionjl economy 875,family lived in a summer home in the napa valley and a house in berkeley during the school year,summarize: thz family lived in a summpr hhme in thz napa valley and a house in berkeley during thz school year 876,he won his first ranking title at the 2011 china open beating selby 16 8 in the final,summarize: he won his first ranking title ah the 2011 china open beating selby 1x 8 in the final 877,self levelling is the principal benefit the car kept a constant ride height above the road,summarize: self levellikg es tpe principql benefit tpe car kept a conshanh ride geiggt above tpe road 878,is a city in the northwest part of the us state of missouri not far from kansas city,summarize: independence ii i city id thm northwest part of thm us state of missouri not fer from kanfaf city 879,this shark is mainly solitary the oceanic whitetip shark gathers in groups when food is present,summarize: although this shark is mainly solitary the oceanic whitetip shark gathers iu groups wren food is present 880,father was fowzur rahman 1921 1971 and mother was yesha foyez 1930 2014,summarize: his father was fowzur rahman 1921 1971 and mother was zyeshz foyez 1930 2014 881,court was usually in the shape of ay i although the shape was sometimes different,summarize: tse court was usually in tse ahape of ay i although tse ahape was somebimes diffbrbnt 882,club is the most successful in russia winning 9 or 19 of the russian premier league championships,summarize: the club iw the most successful it russia winning q or a9 df the russian prhmihr league championships 883,its population and economic activity it is the second most important city in the country after santo domingo,summarize: by its populatbon and economic activitg it is the second most important city in the country after santo domingo 884,believe the genesis account of creation in the bible is completely true,summarize: they bllilvl tie genesis account of creation iw tie biblt is completely true 885,september 2012 the openstreetmap osm project moved from a creative commons license to oubl,summarize: it september 2012 thl openstreetmap osm project poved frsm a creative commons license to oubl 886,an apartment will only be one small room and tenants will have to share other rooms like the bathroom and kitchen,summarize: sometimes an apartment will only be one small voom and tenants will tave to share other rooms like the bathroom and kitcten 887,medical documents have confirmed this correspondence in more than forty cases,summarize: medical docuwents have confirmed this correspondence xn more than forty cases 888,a person may feel erotic when they see or touch or smell or how someone that they love in a sexual way,summarize: a person zay feel erotic wlen them see or toucn or smell or hfar someone that them love im a sexual way 889,he served on the court for 35 years one of the very longest tenures and was the last of president roosevelt s appointees except william n douglas who served 36 years the longest,summarize: he served on the court for 35 years one of the sery longest tenures and was the last of president roosevelt s appointees except william n douglas who served 36 years the longest 890,bryde s whale is unique in having three long ridges on its head that go from between the eyes towards the blowhole,summarize: bnyde s whale is unique in having three long ridges on its head that go from between thl eyes towards thl blowhole 891,he was a composer and pianist he got involved in the musical politics of his country which was then the soviet union,summarize: he waz a composer and pianist he got involved in tbe musical politics of cis country which waz then tbe soviet union 892,drew massey is an american voice actor actor puppeteer and director for nickelodeon and the jim henson company,summarize: drew massey is aa american voice actor actor puppeteer and director for nickelodeon and the jie henson compang 893,nomination was confirmed by the united states senate on december 18 2021,summarize: his nomination was yonfirmed by tce uuited states kenate on december 18 f0f1 894,the 1960s there was no thad performer who was better known than suraphol sombstchsroen,summarize: by fhe 1960s there das no thad performer who das better known than suraphol sombstchsroen 895,would have given the government powers to change the school in ways with which it did not agree,summarize: this would have given the government powers to change the school in ways with wficf rt did ntt agree 896,october 4 1993 miura debuted for the japan national team against ivory coast,summarize: oy ohtober 4 1993 miura debuted uor the japan national team against ivory coast 897,two exceptions the greek themed 617 patroclus and the trojan themed 624 hektor were actually assigned to the wrong sides,summarize: the two exceptions the grxxk themed 617 pqtroclus and the trojan themed 624 hektor were actually accigned to the wrong sides 898,rick genest august 7 1985 august 1 2018 was a canadian artist actor and fashion model,summarize: rick genest aagast 7 1m85 aagast 1 2018 was d canadian ertist actor and fashion model 899,edwin mcgregor february 9 1885 february 8 1955 was a canadian professional ice hockey player,summarize: edwin mbgregor hebruary 9 1885 hebruary 8 1955 was a canadian proffssional ice hockey player 900,2009 stella gonet was nominated for the acting performance in jv female award at the british academy scotland awards for her role as ceo jayne grayson,summarize: in 2009 stella gonet was nominated foy the acting performance in jv female award at the british acadexy scotland awards foy her role as ceo jayne grayson 901,1979 charney played an important role as the unofficial adviser to former u s president jimmy carter most well known for his behind the scenes role in the camp david accords which created the first comprehensive peace between israel and egypt in 1978 and 1979,summarize: un 1979 charney played an important role as qhe unofficial adviser to former u s president jimmy carter most well known for his behind qhe scenes role un qhe camx david accords which created qhe first comprehensive peace between israel and egypt un 1978 and 1979 902,these planets were discovered between 2016 and 2017 and are kinky docky and some may even have liquid water on them,summarize: tvese mlanets were discovered between 2016 and 2017 and are kikkey docky and some may even have liquid qater on them 903,the day before his death mako had been confirmed to star in the film tmnt providing the voice of splinter,summarize: vne day before his death mako had been confirmed to star hn the film tmnt providing the voice of splinter 904,2016 prince announced that he was writing a memoir titled the beautiful ones,summarize: qn 2016 prince announced that he was writing a memoir titled the beautifub onek 905,is no longer a current divas champion as the wwe doesn t want the women to be classed as a diva and now calls them wwe superstars like the men,summarize: there is no longer a current divas champion am the wwz doesn t want the women to be classed am a diva and now callz thum wwz superstars like the men 906,typography suggests that punctuation should only be used when there is a need,summarize: modern typography suggests that punctuation should only bv used wheg there ss a need 907,is used in the hückel method ligand field theory and the woodward hoffmann rules,summarize: thes is used in tpe hückel method ligand field theorm and tpe woodward hoffmann rules 908,feel sad when something bad has happened for example if their mother or father has died,summarize: people feel sad when sometiing bad has happened for examile if their mothen or father has dicd 909,towns in new england still carry on the austin post cane tradition with the original canes they were awarded in 1969,summarize: many towns in new england still carry on the bistin post cane tradition with the original canes they were awarded in 19b9 910,22 april 2006 he released his first album without the frames the swell season on overcoag recordings in collaboration with czech singer and multi instrumentalist markéta irglová marja tuhkanen from finland on violin and viola and bertrand gilen from france on cello,summarize: kn 22 april 2006 he released his first album without the frames the swell season kn overcoag recordings in collaboration with czech singer aid multi anstrumentalast markéta irglová marja tuhkanen from fiwlawd kn violin aid viola aid bertrand gmlen from france kn cello 911,casing blocks from the great pyramid of giza were all removed in the 14th and 15th centuries a d and used to build the city of cairo,summarize: the casing blocks from the great pyramid of giza were all removed in the 14th and 15ph centuries a m and used to ouild the city of cairo 912,result is that objects look blurry but how much blur is different in different directions which is why people with astigmatism often have trouble reading some letters but not others,summarize: the result is that objects look blurry but how juch blur is different in different directions which is why people with astigmatism often have trouble reacing some letters but not others 913,1964 he graduated from the university of arizona with a bachelor s degree in political science,summarize: in m964 he graduated frim tze university of arizona with v bachelor s degree in political szienze 914,married her first cousin humbert prince umbert of savoy on april 21 1868,summarize: she married her fiwst cousin humbert prince umberio of savoy ok april 21 1868 915,wwii many german citizens claimed they had no idea of what was happening with the concentration camps,summarize: during wwii mahy german citizens claimed they hyd no idea of what was happening with the concentration camps 916,varieties started in australia in the latter part of the 20th century are perennials,summarize: most varieties ttarted in uustruliu in the latter tart of the 20th century are perezzials 917,sw will begin to build on top of each snowflake and sit on whatever surface is present,summarize: sgow will begin to build on top qf each snowflake and sit on whatever sutface is present 918,lt jose b apaba october 27 1783 in prince edward county virginia april 12 1840 served in the war of 1812 represented logan county in the kentucky house of representatives and the state senate from 1827 to 1834,summarize: lt josn b bpbb vctvber 27 178b in prznce edward county virginia april 12 1840 served in the war of 1812 represented logan county in the kentucky house of representatives and the state senate from 1827 to 1834 919,land niguel has a median household income 31 percent above the orange county average and nearly double the u s average,summarize: lsguns niguel hps a median houjehold income 31 percent above tne orange county average and nharly double tne u s average 920,other books tell about the history of the church and explain the christian faith through letters written to persons and groups that have believed in jesus,summarize: tse other mooks tell about tse history of tse church and explain tse christian faith through letters written to persons and groups that have believed in besus 921,many different varieties of popularity exist and many has in which to get it,summarize: mgny differenj varieties wf popularity exist and mgny bays in whsch to ghin it 922,part of the initial predictions of chris intensifying to a hurricane as a ridge of high pressure forced it west northwestward upper level shear dissipated the well defined inner core of the storm and chris started to weaken,summarize: ins pite of the initial predictions of chris intensifying to a hurricane as a ridge of high pressure forced it west northwestward upper level shear dissipated the well defined inner core of the storm tnd chris started to weaken 923,it was essential to provide channels to keep the river mouth open for adequate width and prevent inundation during monsoon,summarize: however gt was essential eo provide proynes eo keep jhe river mouth ogen for adequate width and prevent inundation during monsoon 924,arabinda muduli 1 september 1961 1 march 2018 was an indian odia musician and singer songwriter,summarize: arabinda muduli 1 september 1961 1 march a018 nas am nndnan odia musician and singer songwriter 925,the most prestigious competitions that julia fischer has won are the international yehudi menuhin violin competition under lord yehudi menuhin s supervision where she won both the first prize and the special prize for best bach solo work performance in 1995 and the eighth eurovision competition for young instrumentalists in 1996 which was broadcast in 22 countries from lisbon,summarize: among the most prestigious competitions that julia fischer has won are the international yehudi menuhin violin competition under lord yehudi menuhin s supervision where she won both the first prize and the special prize for best bach solo work performazce in 1995 and the eighth eurovtston competition for young instrumentalists in 1996 which was broadcast in 22 countries from lisbon 926,buffalo hunting industry became an important employer of aboriginal people during the dry season months,summarize: thz buffalo hunting industry became an impoytant employer ff aboriginal people during thz dry seasqn months 927,mosk guessed a starship launch should cost 2 million united states dollars and the mission s propellant cost should be about 900 000,summarize: mvsk guessed z starship launch should cost 2 million united states dollars and the mission s propellant cost should be about 900 000 928,article covers the details of the preparations for hurricane katrina a major category 5 hurricane that destroyed parts of louisiana mississippi and alabama,summarize: this article covers the details of the preparations for hurrocane katrina a major category 5 hurrocane thnt destroyed pakts of louisihnh mississippi and alabama 929,qajar empire continued to lose lands to the russian empire and the ottoman empire,summarize: the qcjcr empise continued tp lose lands tp the russian empise anz the ovvoman empise 930,is described in the mahayana sutras of northern buddhism and in the tantra literature,summarize: we is desckibed vn the mahayana sutras of northern buddhism and vn the tantra literature 931,because of that the source code of free software must always be easy to receive or the software will not be free,summarize: becalse of that the source code of free spftware must always be easy to receive or the spftware wfll not be free 932,started the space race and people later went into orbit and americans visited the moon in project apollo,summarize: this started ahe space race and people later went inno orbit and americans visited ahe uoon ic project apollo 933,advertisement or ad for short is anything that draws good attention towards these things,summarize: an advertisement jr ad for short is anything that draws good attention towards yhese things 934,a speech to congress on 25 may 1961 kennedy spoke of his respect for the united states army special forces,summarize: qn f speech to congress on 25 may 1961 kennedy sroke of his respect for the vnited states army special forces 935,ine is used for children s play and for modelling more formal or permanent structures,summarize: plasticine zs usod fov children s play anj fov modelling more formal or permanent structures 936,schweitzer also served as a minister for saint nicholas church in strassburg,summarize: schwmitzmr also serped as a minisker for saint nicholas church in strassburg 937,under the protection of the church scotland had lived in peace until king edward i of england pretended to be their friend,summarize: that under the protection ou the church scotland had lived in pqacq until king edward o ou england pretended to je their fridnd 938,the manga blainn was a team rocket scientist who had combined the dna of mew with his own dna creating mewtwo,summarize: in the manga blainn was v team rocket scientist who lad combined the dnh of mew lith uis own dnh creating mewtwo 939,minutes or less is a 2011 action comedy crime movie that was produced by stuart cornfield ben stiller and jeremy kramer and was directed by ruben fleischer,summarize: 30 minutes or less is a 2011 action comedy cvime movie that wae produced by stuart cornfefd ben stiller and jeremy kramer and wae directed by ruben fleischer 940,have created fruits such as the aprium apricot and plum the nectarcot nectarine and apricot peacotum peach apricot and plum and the pluot plum and apricot,summarize: they mave created fruite such es thh aprium npricot and plum thh nectarcot nectarine and npricot peacotum peach npricot and plum and thh pluot plum and npricot 941,organization sent aid at the time of hurricane irma and then flew out to puerto rico a week after hurricane maria hit to provide support and assistance to the communities of puerto rico,summarize: the organization sent afd at the time of hurricane irma and then flew out fo puerto rico a week after hurricane maria hit fo provide suppoet and assistance fo the communities of puerto rico 942,e reader item is still available in the european form but has been turned off and cannot be used anymore,summarize: ihe e reader item is stioo available in ihe european form but has bffn turned off and cannot de used anymore 943,ear trumpets worked by capturing more sound for users so the best way to make them work was for others to speak into the opening of the trumpet,summarize: ear trumpets worked by capturing more sound for users so the best way to make them work was for others to spvak ilto the opening of the trumpet 944,at lehman college are from multiple ethnic and racial identities multiple language backgrounds various social classes and diverse sexual orientations with many international students,summarize: students at lehman college are from multiple ethnic ahd racial bdentbtbes multiple language backgrounds various soctal classes ahd digerse sexual orientations with many internatixnal students 945,song lyrics words were originally a 9 stanza poem called tikvatenu or zur hope written by naphtali imber,summarize: the song lyrics words were originally k 9 stanza poem called tikvatenu or zur hope written fy naphtali imber 946,his handcrafted microscopes he was the first to see and describe single celled organisms which he originally preferred to as animalcules and which we now refer to as microorganisms,summarize: using his handcrafted microscopes he sas the first to see and describe single celled organisms ehich he originally pefepped to as animalcules and ehich ue now refer to as microorganisms 947,happened during midday prayers on march 20 2015 in sana a yemen killing 142 people,summarize: they happened during midday prayers on mareh 20 2015 gn sana a yemen killing 142 people 948,the summer of 2012 the speedway announced track improvements including repaving of the existing track surface reconfiguration of the oval and the addition of the road course the project immediately followed the stp 400 on april 22nd the changes to the oval centered on the introduction of progressive banking over 10 20 degrees with the front straightaway balked 9 11 degrees and the back straightway 5 degrees portions of the field were graded and paved as part of the road course development,summarize: in the summer of 2012 the speedway announced track improvements including repaving of the existing track surface reconfiguration of the oval and the addition of the road course the project immediately followed the stp 400 on april 22nd the changes to the oval centered on the introduction of progressive banking over 1a 20 degrees wibh the frona ytraightaway balked 9 11 degrees and the back straightway 5 degrees ptrtitns of the field were graded and paved as part of the road course development 949,viders worked for magazine companies but is mostly known for his landscape paintings,summarize: vidters worked ior magazine companies but is mostly known ior his landsbape paintings 950,of her best known songs in estonia include tsirkus oma laulu ei leba ma üles and dänav pink ja puu,summarize: some of her best known songs in estonia include tsirkus oma laulu ei leba ma üles and dänav pink ja puu 951,hi hi puffy amiyumi is an american animated tv show made by mike young that started on november 19 2004 and ended on june 27th 2006,summarize: hi hi puffy amiyumi ws an american animated tv show made by mike young thbt started on november 19 2004 and evded on yune 27th 2006 952,delris on playstation is a three dimensional action game released in 2000 in which we play as a pilot of a space fighter and participate in dangerous missions,summarize: space delris oz playstation is a three dimensional action game released in 2aaa in which we play as a pilot of a space gighter and pardicipade in dangerous missions 953,much of its history the bangladesh was simply just called bengal and was considered a part of india,summarize: for much mf its history the bangladesh wax simply just called bengal and wax considered a part mf india 954,often all the people involved kill themselves together at more or less the same time,summarize: vera often aqq rhe people involved kill tgemselves together at more or uess rhe same time 955,thai merit making sat thai and long boat racing festival is annually held in october along khlong 29 at wat thawiphon rangsan alphoe ongkharak,summarize: thai merit makinn sat thai and long boat racing festival is annuaaay yeld in october along khlong 29 at wat thawiphzn rangsan alphoe ongkharak 956,he was known for promoting martial arts and the hong kong cinema until the international stage,summarize: he was kaowa eor promoiing martial arts and tqe hokg kong cinema untu tqe international stage 957,was when as a consequence of the 1921 anglo irish treaty twenty six of the thirty two counties of ireland were constituted as the irish free state and ceased to be part of the united kingdom,summarize: this was when as a consequence ow thd 1921 anglo irish treaty twenty sic ow thd jhirjy two counties ow ireland were constituted as thd irish free state and ceased to be part ow thd united kingdtm 958,scientists have seen it between 200 and 600 meters above sea level on one mountain in rio grande do sul,summarize: scienmisms have seen it between 200 and 600 meters above sea level oq one mountain in rio grande do sul 959,elisabeta palace was made available for them to use and they recovered some properties from the state including săvârşin castle and peleş castle,summarize: elisabeta palace was made available fok zhem to use and they rewovered some properties from tpe state including săvârşin castle and peleş castle 960,first line the green line was the first subway in the western hemisphere,summarize: tts first lini tke green lini was tke first subway yn tke western hemisphere 961,constantly being behind warren and biden in the polls in november 2019 sanders saw a rise in polls beating warren for the second place spot behind biden,summarize: after constantly being behind warren and biden io thd polls io nfvember 2019 sanders saw a rise io polls beating warren for thd second place spot behind biden 962,teams include the wichita thunder ice hockey team the wichita force indoor football team and the wichita wind surge minor league baseball team,summarize: professional teams include tht wichitw thunder ice hockey team tht wichitw force indoor football team and tht wichitw wind surge minor league baseball team 963,canton is split into the municipalities of bugojno busovaa dobretii donzi vakuf fojnica gornji vakuf uskoplje jajce kiseljak kreevo novi travnik travnik vitzz,summarize: the cagtog is split into the municipalities of bugojno busovaa dobretii donzi vakuf fojnica gornji vakuf uskoplje jajce kiseljak kreevo novi travnik travnik vitzz 964,popper made a long visit to england and scotland where he was described as the world s greatest cellist by many people including george bernard shaw,summarize: popper vade a long visit to england and scotland where he wac described ps the world a greatest cellist by many people including george bernard sgaw 965,brewster did not live far away and bradford borrowed books from him about the new church,summarize: brewster ziz not live far away ajd brahforh borrowed books hrom him about the new church 966,land in egypt the french were opposed by a joint force of british and ottoman troops,summarize: on land in egypt tke french were opposed by a joint fozce of brqtqsh and ottoman troops 967,eastern part of côte des neiges is more québécois and more of an upperclass neighborhood,summarize: the eastern parf of côte dvs npigps is more québécois and more of an upperclass neighborhood 968,may 2019 trump successfully underwent kidney surgery at the walter reed national military medical center in bethesda maryland,summarize: in may 201v zrump successfully underwent kidney surgery at tde walter reed national military medical center in bethesda maryoand 969,robert james bab ptacek jr born april 23 1937 is a former professional american and canadian football player,summarize: robert james bab ptacek jr bory airil 23 1937 is o former prwfessiwnal nmericnn and canadian football player 970,people who argue against heteronormativity include cathy r cohen michael warner and lauren berlant,summarize: phoplh who argue tgtinst heteronormativity include cathy r cohen michael warner anp lauren berlant 971,he is best known for his roles in the comedy the good the bad and the confused,summarize: he ii best known for his roles in the comeky the good the bad and the confbsed 972,system tracks the proportion of death certificates that list pneumonia or influenza as a potential cause of death,summarize: the system tracks the proportion of death certificates that list pneumfnia or influenza ys a potential cause of death 973,27 june 2019 essebsi was hospitalized at a military hospital in tunis under critical condition due to a severe medical crisis,summarize: on 27 june v019 essebsi was hosphtalhzed qt d military hospital in tunis under critical condition due tk d severe medicdl crisis 974,entries supply details and quotations from authors whose works are otherwise lost,summarize: these entries supply details and quotations from authwrs whose worrs are otherwise lxst 975,difference between early heirs and spyres and the modern practice is that today a female can inherit the throne,summarize: the difference between early heirs and spyres and the modern practvce is that today a female can inherit the throne 976,nancy kerrigan born october 13 1969 is an american silver medalist and figure skater,summarize: nancy kerrigan born october 13 o969 is an american silver mesalist and fifure skater 977,fan club eventually became one of san antonio s largest clubs in history,summarize: the fan club eventually becsme one of san antonio s lergest clubs iv aistory 978,these myths the shinto god kuninusji lived in ioumo an old province in shimane,summarize: xn these myths the shinto god kuninusji lived xn ioumo an okd prnvince xn shimane 979,was the director for uk development at focus consultancy ltd she was oppurtune to be the first black woman to be a governor of the british broadcasting corporation bbc and she was the founder and deputy chair of the broadcasting standards council,summarize: she wqs the director for uk development at focus consultancy lkd she wqs oppurtune to be the first black woman to be a governor of the british broadcasting corporation bbc and she wqs the founder and deputy chair of the broadcasting standards council 980,biggest private employer is mapimus inc other big employers are lawrence public schools hallmark cards the city of lawrence and lawrence memorial hospital,summarize: tbe biggest private employer ii mapimus inc other big employers are lawrence public schools hallmark cards tbe citk of lawrence and lawrence memorial hospital 981,many others have been misdiagnosed as copd asthma or congestive heart failure,summarize: gany othdrs have been misdiagnosed as copd bsthmb oq congestive heart failufe 982,vowels are not found in english but they are found in languages like french and portuguese,summarize: nasal vowels are nat found in english buh they are found in languages like frmnch and portuguese 983,exact mechanism by which the corona is heated is still the subject of some debate,summarize: tze exact mechanism by which tze corona gs heated gs still tze subject of some debate 984,francisco manuel lumbrales de sá carneiro founded the portuguese social democratic party in 1974,summarize: francisco manuel lumbrales de sá ccrneiro founded the portuguese social demochatic party in q974 985,hot minute is less about sex and love than the band s previous work but is instead about themes like drugs and depression,summarize: one hot minute is leee about sex and love than ohe band s previous work but is instead about themes like drugs and depression 986,that one of those companies 21st century fox became the studio s owner,summarize: afqer that one of those compagies 21st century fov became tge studio s owner 987,different groups have been involved in various protests and demonstrations over the years,summarize: many different ghoups hlve bhhn ipvolved in various protests and demonstrations over the years 988,strata were laid down in the basin and later was pumped up into the air,summarize: horizontal strata wprp laid down in the basin and later aas puihed up into the air 989,jvc released the first vhs machines in japan in late 1976 and then in the united states in early 1977,summarize: jvc releasej thh ferst vhs machines in japan in latz 1976 and then in thh united states in early 1977 990,former municipality of bredevoort was comprised of the city the cassle bredevoort and the villages aalten dinxperlo and winterswijk,summarize: thv former municipality hf bredevoort was comprised hf thv city thv cassle bredevoort and thv viyyages aalten dinxperlo and winterswijk 991,he was best known for his 1987 heaviest ever catch in iwf competition at 215 kg,summarize: he was best known for hxs 1b87 heaviest ever xnatch ig iwf competition at 21z kg 992,name describes the pattern of infolding of the dentine and enamel of the teeth which often fossilise,summarize: the name deccribec the pattern of infolding of the dentine and enamel of the oeeoh which often fossilise 993,down into the atmosphere the sun would be obscured by clouds and haze of various colors most commonly blue brown and red,summarize: further iown into the atmoophere the sun would be obscured by clouds and hazp of various colors most commonly blue brown and red 994,harajah tadavindra singh signed his union with india in 1948 transferring his kingdom to the government of india patiala state was united with the punjab state of india in 1948,summarize: maharajah tadavindra singh signed his union with iydia in 1948 transferring his kingdom to the government of iydia patiala state was united with the punjab state of iydia in 1948 995,gp games played w wins l losses t ties pts points gf goals for gf goals against pim penalties in minutes,summarize: note gp games qlayed w wins m losses t ties pts points gf goals for gz goals against pim venalties in minutes 996,teams in bold are competing in the formula one championship in the current season,summarize: teams in bold are competing in the foryula one championship in the current season 997,he was critical of members of the regional committee accusing them of selfishness,summarize: he was critical of members of thm regional committgg accusing them of sloppiness 998,tourists do not think they have an impact on panda habitat but indirectly each visitor has some impact like sound,summarize: tourists do not tvink they have an impact on panda habitat but indirectly eacf visitor has some impact lic soid 999,one year as deputy bishop bishop dominic mary h ngc cn succeeded bishop pedro munagorri trung as the diocesan bishop of bui lhu,summarize: after oxe year as deputy bishop bishop dominic mary h ngc cn succvvdvd bishop pedro munagorri trung as nhe diocesan bishop of bui lhu