--- language: - es license: "cc-by-4.0" tags: - "national library of spain" - "spanish" - "bne" datasets: - "bne" metrics: - "ppl" widget: - text: "Este año las campanadas de La Sexta las presentará ." - text: "David Broncano es un presentador de La ." - text: "Gracias a los datos de la BNE se ha podido este modelo del lenguaje." - text: "Hay base legal dentro del marco actual." --- # RoBERTa base trained with data from National Library of Spain (BNE) ## Model Description RoBERTa-base-bne is a transformer-based masked language model for the Spanish language. It is based on the [RoBERTa]() base model and has been pre-trained using the largest Spanish corpus known to date, with a total of 570GB of clean and deduplicated text processed for this work, compiled from the web crawlings performed by the National Library of Spain from 2009 to 2019. ## Training corpora and preprocessing We cleaned 59TB of WARC files and we deduplicated them at computing node level. This resulted into 2TB of Spanish clean corpus. After that, we performed a global deduplication resulting into 570GB of text. Some of the statistics of the corpus: | Corpora | Number of documents | Number of tokens | Size (GB) | |---------|---------------------|------------------|-----------| | BNE | 201,080,084 | 135,733,450,668 | 570GB | ## Tokenization and pre-training We trained a BBPE tokenizer with a size of 50,262 tokens. We used 10,000 documents for validation and we trained the model for 48 hours into 16 computing nodes with 4 Nvidia V100 GPUs per node. ## Evaluation and results For evaluation details visit our [GitHub repository](https://github.com/PlanTL-SANIDAD/lm-spanish). ## Citing Check out our paper for all the details: https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.07253 ``` @misc{gutierrezfandino2021spanish, title={Spanish Language Models}, author={Asier Gutiérrez-Fandiño and Jordi Armengol-Estapé and Marc Pàmies and Joan Llop-Palao and Joaquín Silveira-Ocampo and Casimiro Pio Carrino and Aitor Gonzalez-Agirre and Carme Armentano-Oller and Carlos Rodriguez-Penagos and Marta Villegas}, year={2021}, eprint={2107.07253}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CL} } ```