--- license: mit --- ### Simple running code is based on [CoLLaVO-Github](https://github.com/ByungKwanLee/CoLLaVO). You need only the following seven steps. ### [0] Download Github Code of CoLLaVO, install the required libraries, set the necessary environment variable (README.md explains in detail! Don't Worry!). ```bash git clone https://github.com/ByungKwanLee/CoLLaVO bash install ``` ### [1] Loading Image ```python from PIL import Image from torchvision.transforms import Resize from torchvision.transforms.functional import pil_to_tensor image_path = "figures/crayon_image.jpg" image = Resize(size=(490, 490), antialias=False)(pil_to_tensor(Image.open(image_path))) ``` ### [2] Instruction Prompt ```python prompt = "Describe this image in detail." ``` ### [3] Loading CoLlaVO ```python from collavo.load_collavo import prepare_collavo collavo_model, collavo_processor, seg_model, seg_processor = prepare_collavo(collavo_path='BK-Lee/CoLLaVO-7B', bits=4, dtype='fp16') ``` ### [4] Pre-processing for CoLLaVO ```python collavo_inputs = collavo_model.demo_process(image=image, prompt=prompt, processor=collavo_processor, seg_model=seg_model, seg_processor=seg_processor, device='cuda:0') ``` ### [5] Generate ```python import torch with torch.inference_mode(): generate_ids = collavo_model.generate(**collavo_inputs, do_sample=True, temperature=0.9, top_p=0.95, max_new_tokens=256, use_cache=True) ``` ### [6] Decoding ```python answer = collavo_processor.batch_decode(generate_ids, skip_special_tokens=True)[0].split('[U')[0] print(answer) ```