--- license: cc-by-nc-4.0 language: - en --- These are GGUF quantized versions of [ycros/BagelMIsteryTour-v2-8x7B](https://huggingface.co/ycros/BagelMIsteryTour-v2-8x7B). The importance matrix was trained for 1M tokens (2,000 batches of 512 tokens) using `wiki.train.raw`. The IQ2_XXS and IQ2_XS versions are compatible with llama.cpp, version `147b17a` or later. The IQ3_XXS requires version `f4d7e54` or later. Some model files above 50GB are split into smaller files. To concatenate them, use the `cat` command (on Windows, use PowerShell): `cat foo-Q6_K.gguf.* > foo-Q6_K.gguf`