{ "pretrained_model_name_or_path": "stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2-1", "pretrained_vae_name_or_path": "stabilityai/sd-vae-ft-mse", "revision": "fp16", "tokenizer_name": null, "instance_data_dir": null, "class_data_dir": null, "instance_prompt": null, "class_prompt": null, "save_sample_prompt": "a living room with a concrete wall, and a round coffee table with marble top and metal base", "save_sample_negative_prompt": null, "n_save_sample": 4, "save_guidance_scale": 7.5, "save_infer_steps": 20, "pad_tokens": false, "with_prior_preservation": true, "prior_loss_weight": 1.0, "num_class_images": 50, "output_dir": "/content/stable_diffusion_weights/zwx", "seed": 1337, "resolution": 512, "center_crop": false, "train_text_encoder": true, "train_batch_size": 1, "sample_batch_size": 4, "num_train_epochs": 1, "max_train_steps": 5000, "gradient_accumulation_steps": 1, "gradient_checkpointing": false, "learning_rate": 1e-06, "scale_lr": false, "lr_scheduler": "constant", "lr_warmup_steps": 0, "use_8bit_adam": false, "adam_beta1": 0.9, "adam_beta2": 0.999, "adam_weight_decay": 0.01, "adam_epsilon": 1e-08, "max_grad_norm": 1.0, "push_to_hub": false, "hub_token": null, "hub_model_id": null, "logging_dir": "logs", "log_interval": 10, "save_interval": 200, "save_min_steps": 0, "mixed_precision": "fp16", "not_cache_latents": false, "hflip": false, "local_rank": -1, "concepts_list": [ { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a rectangular coffee table with manufactured wood top and manufactured wood base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/rectangular coffee table with manufactured wood top and manufactured wood base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a rectangular coffee table with solid wood top and solid wood base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/rectangular coffee table with solid wood top and solid wood base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a rectangular coffee table with solid wood top and iron base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/rectangular coffee table with solid wood top and iron base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a rectangular coffee table with solid wood top and solid wood iron base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/rectangular coffee table with solid wood top and solid wood iron base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a rectangular coffee table with acrylic top and acrylic base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/rectangular coffee table with acrylic top and acrylic base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a rectangular coffee table with manufactured wood top and solid wood base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/rectangular coffee table with manufactured wood top and solid wood base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a rectangular coffee table with solid wood top and steel base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/rectangular coffee table with solid wood top and steel base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a rectangular coffee table with genuine marble top and marble base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/rectangular coffee table with genuine marble top and marble base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a rectangular coffee table with glass top and solid + manufactured wood steel base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/rectangular coffee table with glass top and solid + manufactured wood steel base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a rectangular coffee table with solid + manufactured wood top and steel base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/rectangular coffee table with solid + manufactured wood top and steel base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a rectangular coffee table with iron top and iron base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/rectangular coffee table with iron top and iron base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a rectangular coffee table with manufactured wood top and steel base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/rectangular coffee table with manufactured wood top and steel base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a rectangular coffee table with manufactured wood top and stainless steel base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/rectangular coffee table with manufactured wood top and stainless steel base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a rectangular coffee table with concrete top and concrete base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/rectangular coffee table with concrete top and concrete base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a rectangular coffee table with glass top and steel base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/rectangular coffee table with glass top and steel base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a rectangular coffee table with solid wood fabric top and solid wood base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/rectangular coffee table with solid wood fabric top and solid wood base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a rectangular coffee table with genuine marble top and metal base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/rectangular coffee table with genuine marble top and metal base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a rectangular coffee table with genuine marble top and aluminum base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/rectangular coffee table with genuine marble top and aluminum base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a rectangular coffee table with genuine marble top and solid wood base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/rectangular coffee table with genuine marble top and solid wood base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a rectangular coffee table with glass top and brass base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/rectangular coffee table with glass top and brass base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a rectangular coffee table with ceramic tile top and stainless steel base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/rectangular coffee table with ceramic tile top and stainless steel base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a rectangular coffee table with manufactured wood top and brass base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/rectangular coffee table with manufactured wood top and brass base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a rectangular coffee table with glass solid wood top and solid wood base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/rectangular coffee table with glass solid wood top and solid wood base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a rectangular coffee table with metal top and stainless steel base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a storage", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/rectangular coffee table with metal top and stainless steel base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/storage" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a rectangular coffee table with steel top and stainless steel base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/rectangular coffee table with steel top and stainless steel base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a rectangular coffee table with glass top and solid wood base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/rectangular coffee table with glass top and solid wood base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a rectangular coffee table with genuine marble top and iron base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/rectangular coffee table with genuine marble top and iron base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a rectangular coffee table with fabric top and solid wood base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/rectangular coffee table with fabric top and solid wood base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a round coffee table with solid + manufactured wood top and solid + manufactured wood base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/round coffee table with solid + manufactured wood top and solid + manufactured wood base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a round coffee table with glass top and solid wood base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/round coffee table with glass top and solid wood base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a round coffee table with solid + manufactured wood top and metal base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/round coffee table with solid + manufactured wood top and metal base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a round coffee table with manufactured wood top and manufactured wood base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/round coffee table with manufactured wood top and manufactured wood base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a round coffee table with solid wood top and metal base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/round coffee table with solid wood top and metal base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a round coffee table with glass top and metal manufactured wood base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a storage", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/round coffee table with glass top and metal manufactured wood base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/storage" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a round coffee table with solid + manufactured wood top and solid wood base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/round coffee table with solid + manufactured wood top and solid wood base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a round coffee table with concrete top and metal base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/round coffee table with concrete top and metal base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a round coffee table with natural top and solid + manufactured wood base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/round coffee table with natural top and solid + manufactured wood base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a round coffee table with resin top and iron base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/round coffee table with resin top and iron base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a round coffee table with manufactured wood top and metal base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/round coffee table with manufactured wood top and metal base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a round coffee table with metal top and metal base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/round coffee table with metal top and metal base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a round coffee table with solid wood top and solid wood base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/round coffee table with solid wood top and solid wood base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a round coffee table with resin top and metal base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/round coffee table with resin top and metal base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a round coffee table with genuine marble top and solid wood base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/round coffee table with genuine marble top and solid wood base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a round coffee table with genuine marble top and stone base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/round coffee table with genuine marble top and stone base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a round coffee table with genuine marble top and metal base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/round coffee table with genuine marble top and metal base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a round coffee table with concrete top and concrete base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/round coffee table with concrete top and concrete base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a round coffee table with product type coffee table top and pieces included 1 base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/round coffee table with product type coffee table top and pieces included 1 base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a round coffee table with concrete top and rattan wicker base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/round coffee table with concrete top and rattan wicker base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a round coffee table with genuine marble top and iron base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/round coffee table with genuine marble top and iron base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a round coffee table with faux marble top and metal base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/round coffee table with faux marble top and metal base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a round coffee table with solid wood top and iron base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/round coffee table with solid wood top and iron base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a round coffee table with top and base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/round coffee table with top and base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a round coffee table with glass top and stainless steel base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/round coffee table with glass top and stainless steel base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a round coffee table with concrete terrazzo fiberglass top and concrete fiberglass terrazzo base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/round coffee table with concrete terrazzo fiberglass top and concrete fiberglass terrazzo base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a round coffee table with manufactured wood top and base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/round coffee table with manufactured wood top and base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a round coffee table with solid wood linoleum top and solid wood base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/round coffee table with solid wood linoleum top and solid wood base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a round coffee table with manufactured wood top and iron base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/round coffee table with manufactured wood top and iron base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a round coffee table with stone top and metal base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/round coffee table with stone top and metal base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a round coffee table with concrete top and solid wood base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/round coffee table with concrete top and solid wood base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a round coffee table with glass top and steel base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/round coffee table with glass top and steel base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a round coffee table with aluminum, steel top and steel aluminum base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/round coffee table with aluminum, steel top and steel aluminum base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a round coffee table with glass top and manufactured wood base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/round coffee table with glass top and manufactured wood base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a round coffee table with faux marble top and metal solid wood base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/round coffee table with faux marble top and metal solid wood base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a square coffee table with concrete top and concrete base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/square coffee table with concrete top and concrete base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a square coffee table with solid wood top and solid wood base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/square coffee table with solid wood top and solid wood base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a square coffee table with solid + manufactured wood top and metal base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a storage", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/square coffee table with solid + manufactured wood top and metal base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/storage" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a square coffee table with genuine marble top and iron base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/square coffee table with genuine marble top and iron base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a square coffee table with solid + manufactured wood top and iron base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a storage", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/square coffee table with solid + manufactured wood top and iron base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/storage" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a square coffee table with solid + manufactured wood top and solid + manufactured wood base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/square coffee table with solid + manufactured wood top and solid + manufactured wood base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a square coffee table with manufactured wood top and manufactured wood base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/square coffee table with manufactured wood top and manufactured wood base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a square coffee table with genuine marble top and solid wood base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/square coffee table with genuine marble top and solid wood base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a square coffee table with glass top and iron base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a storage", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/square coffee table with glass top and iron base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/storage" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a square coffee table with resin top and manufactured wood base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/square coffee table with resin top and manufactured wood base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a square coffee table with leather top and iron base", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a table", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/square coffee table with leather top and iron base", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/table" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a sectional with square and recessed arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sectional", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/sectional with square and recessed arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sectional" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a polyester blend sectional with round arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sectional", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/polyester blend sectional with round arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sectional" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a 100% polyester sectional with square arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sectional", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/100% polyester sectional with square arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sectional" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a velvet sectional with square arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sectional", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/velvet sectional with square arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sectional" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a genuine leather sectional with square arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sectional", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/genuine leather sectional with square arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sectional" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a polyester blend sectional with flared arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sectional", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/polyester blend sectional with flared arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sectional" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a 100% polyester sectional with recessed and flared arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sectional", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/100% polyester sectional with recessed and flared arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sectional" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a chenille and corduroy sectional with square arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sectional", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/chenille and corduroy sectional with square arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sectional" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a chenille and corduroy sectional with round arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sectional", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/chenille and corduroy sectional with round arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sectional" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a polyester blend sectional with square and recessed arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sectional", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/polyester blend sectional with square and recessed arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sectional" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a chenille sectional with flared arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sectional", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/chenille sectional with flared arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sectional" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a basketweave sectional with square arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sectional", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/basketweave sectional with square arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sectional" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a velvet sectional with flared arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sectional", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/velvet sectional with flared arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sectional" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a polyester blend sectional with square arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sectional", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/polyester blend sectional with square arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sectional" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a genuine leather sectional without arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sectional", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/genuine leather sectional without arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sectional" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a 100% polyester sectional with round arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sectional", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/100% polyester sectional with round arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sectional" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a genuine leather sectional with square and recessed arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sectional", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/genuine leather sectional with square and recessed arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sectional" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a sectional with round arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sectional", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/sectional with round arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sectional" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a 100% linen sectional with square arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sectional", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/100% linen sectional with square arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sectional" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a chenille sectional with square arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sectional", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/chenille sectional with square arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sectional" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a velvet sectional with round arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sectional", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/velvet sectional with round arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sectional" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a corduroy sectional with square arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sectional", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/corduroy sectional with square arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sectional" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a corduroy sectional with square and recessed arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sectional", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/corduroy sectional with square and recessed arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sectional" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a 100% polyester sectional with square and recessed arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sectional", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/100% polyester sectional with square and recessed arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sectional" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a polyester blend sectional with arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sectional", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/polyester blend sectional with arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sectional" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a 100% cotton sectional with square arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sectional", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/100% cotton sectional with square arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sectional" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a sectional with square arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sectional", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/sectional with square arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sectional" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a polyester blend sectional with round and recessed arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sectional", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/polyester blend sectional with round and recessed arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sectional" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a 100% polyester sectional without arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sectional", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/100% polyester sectional without arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sectional" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a rayon viscose sectional with square arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sectional", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/rayon viscose sectional with square arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sectional" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a linen blend sectional without arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sectional", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/linen blend sectional without arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sectional" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a polyester blend sectional without arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sectional", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/polyester blend sectional without arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sectional" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a loveseat with square arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sofa", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/loveseat with square arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sofa" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a polyester blend loveseat with square arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sofa", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/polyester blend loveseat with square arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sofa" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a velvet loveseat with round arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sofa", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/velvet loveseat with round arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sofa" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a chenille and corduroy loveseat with square arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sofa", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/chenille and corduroy loveseat with square arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sofa" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a polyester blend loveseat with round and recessed arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sofa", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/polyester blend loveseat with round and recessed arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sofa" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a 100% polyester loveseat with round arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sofa", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/100% polyester loveseat with round arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sofa" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a chenille loveseat with square arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sofa", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/chenille loveseat with square arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sofa" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a genuine leather loveseat with tuxedo arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sofa", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/genuine leather loveseat with tuxedo arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sofa" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a 100% cotton loveseat with square arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sofa", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/100% cotton loveseat with square arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sofa" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a 100% polyester loveseat with square arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sofa", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/100% polyester loveseat with square arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sofa" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a genuine leather loveseat with square arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sofa", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/genuine leather loveseat with square arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sofa" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a polypropylene olefin loveseat with square arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sofa", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/polypropylene olefin loveseat with square arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sofa" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a genuine leather loveseat with square and rolled and tuxedo arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sofa", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/genuine leather loveseat with square and rolled and tuxedo arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sofa" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a loveseat with recessed and square arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sofa", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/loveseat with recessed and square arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sofa" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a loveseat with round and recessed arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sofa", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/loveseat with round and recessed arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sofa" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a velvet loveseat without arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sofa", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/velvet loveseat without arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sofa" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a boucle loveseat with square arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sofa", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/boucle loveseat with square arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sofa" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a loveseat with tuxedo arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sofa", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/loveseat with tuxedo arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sofa" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a performance fabric loveseat with square arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sofa", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/performance fabric loveseat with square arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sofa" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a 100% polyester loveseat with recessed and square arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sofa", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/100% polyester loveseat with recessed and square arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sofa" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a polyester blend loveseat with pillow top arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sofa", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/polyester blend loveseat with pillow top arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sofa" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a polyester blend loveseat with tuxedo arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sofa", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/polyester blend loveseat with tuxedo arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sofa" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a genuine leather and polyester blend loveseat with square arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sofa", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/genuine leather and polyester blend loveseat with square arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sofa" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a cotton blend loveseat with tuxedo arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sofa", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/cotton blend loveseat with tuxedo arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sofa" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a polyester blend and cotton blend loveseat with square arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sofa", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/polyester blend and cotton blend loveseat with square arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sofa" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a genuine leather loveseat without arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sofa", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/genuine leather loveseat without arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sofa" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a velvet loveseat with square arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sofa", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/velvet loveseat with square arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sofa" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a velvet loveseat with tuxedo arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sofa", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/velvet loveseat with tuxedo arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sofa" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a chenille loveseat with flared arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sofa", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/chenille loveseat with flared arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sofa" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a velvet loveseat with rolled arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sofa", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/velvet loveseat with rolled arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sofa" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a velvet loveseat with flared arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sofa", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/velvet loveseat with flared arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sofa" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a chenille loveseat with round arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sofa", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/chenille loveseat with round arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sofa" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a velvet loveseat with recessed arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sofa", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/velvet loveseat with recessed arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sofa" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a faux leather loveseat with square arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sofa", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/faux leather loveseat with square arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sofa" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a linen blend loveseat with arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sectional", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/linen blend loveseat with arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sectional" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a cotton blend loveseat with square arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a loveseat", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/cotton blend loveseat with square arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/loveseat" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a polyester blend loveseat with round arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sofa", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/polyester blend loveseat with round arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sofa" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a genuine leather and leather match loveseat with square arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sofa", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/genuine leather and leather match loveseat with square arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sofa" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a genuine leather loveseat with rolled arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sofa", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/genuine leather loveseat with rolled arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sofa" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a polyester blend loveseat with flared arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sofa", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/polyester blend loveseat with flared arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sofa" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a linen blend loveseat with square arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sofa", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/linen blend loveseat with square arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sofa" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a polyester blend loveseat without arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sofa", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/polyester blend loveseat without arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sofa" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a loveseat with arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sofa", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/loveseat with arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sofa" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a sunbrella\u00ae loveseat with tuxedo arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sofa", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/sunbrella\u00ae loveseat with tuxedo arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sofa" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a polyester twill loveseat with square arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a loveseat", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/polyester twill loveseat with square arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/loveseat" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a 100% linen loveseat with tuxedo arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sofa", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/100% linen loveseat with tuxedo arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sofa" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a boucle loveseat with round arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sofa", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/boucle loveseat with round arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sofa" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a corduroy loveseat with square arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sofa", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/corduroy loveseat with square arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sofa" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a linen blend loveseat with recessed and square arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sofa", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/linen blend loveseat with recessed and square arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sofa" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a genuine leather loveseat with recessed arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a sofa", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/genuine leather loveseat with recessed arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/sofa" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a polyester blend and 100% polyester armchair with angled arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a chair", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/polyester blend and 100% polyester armchair with angled arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/chair" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of an armchair with recessed arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of an chair", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/armchair with recessed arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/chair" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a basketweave armchair with round arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a chair", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/basketweave armchair with round arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/chair" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a polyester blend and velvet armchair with recessed and square arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a chair", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/polyester blend and velvet armchair with recessed and square arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/chair" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a faux leather armchair with square arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a chair", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/faux leather armchair with square arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/chair" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a genuine leather armchair with square arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a chair", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/genuine leather armchair with square arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/chair" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a chenille armchair with square arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a chair", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/chenille armchair with square arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/chair" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a 100% polyester armchair with square arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a chair", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/100% polyester armchair with square arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/chair" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a chenille armchair with round arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a chair", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/chenille armchair with round arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/chair" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a velvet armchair with square arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a chair", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/velvet armchair with square arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/chair" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a basketweave armchair with square arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a chair", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/basketweave armchair with square arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/chair" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a polyester blend armchair with square arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a chair", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/polyester blend armchair with square arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/chair" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a polyester blend and velvet armchair with flared arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a chair", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/polyester blend and velvet armchair with flared arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/chair" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a chenille armchair with flared arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a chair", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/chenille armchair with flared arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/chair" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of an armchair with square arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of an chair", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/armchair with square arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/chair" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a velvet armchair with round arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a chair", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/velvet armchair with round arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/chair" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a polyester blend armchair with arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a chair", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/polyester blend armchair with arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/chair" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of an armchair with round arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of an chair", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/armchair with round arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/chair" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a polyester blend armchair with sloped arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a chair", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/polyester blend armchair with sloped arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/chair" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a faux leather armchair with flared arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a chair", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/faux leather armchair with flared arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/chair" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a polyester blend and polyester armchair with square arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a chair", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/polyester blend and polyester armchair with square arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/chair" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a velvet armchair with arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a chair", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/velvet armchair with arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/chair" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a cotton blend armchair with flared arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a chair", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/cotton blend armchair with flared arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/chair" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a faux leather armchair with recessed arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a chair", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/faux leather armchair with recessed arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/chair" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a velvet armchair with rolled arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a chair", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/velvet armchair with rolled arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/chair" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a genuine leather armchair with rolled arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a chair", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/genuine leather armchair with rolled arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/chair" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a linen (100% polyester) armchair with square arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a chair", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/linen (100% polyester) armchair with square arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/chair" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a linen blend armchair with square arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a chair", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/linen blend armchair with square arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/chair" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a genuine leather armchair with recessed arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a chair", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/genuine leather armchair with recessed arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/chair" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a boucle armchair with round arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a chair", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/boucle armchair with round arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/chair" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of an armchair with arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of an chair", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/armchair with arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/chair" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a 100% sunbrella acrylic armchair with arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a chair", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/100% sunbrella acrylic armchair with arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/chair" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a 100% polyester armchair with arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a chair", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/100% polyester armchair with arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/chair" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a polypropylene olefin armchair with recessed arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a chair", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/polypropylene olefin armchair with recessed arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/chair" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a 100% polyester armchair with flared arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a chair", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/100% polyester armchair with flared arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/chair" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a velvet armchair with flared arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a chair", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/velvet armchair with flared arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/chair" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a genuine leather armchair with arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a chair", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/genuine leather armchair with arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/chair" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a polyester blend and linen blend armchair with square arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a chair", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/polyester blend and linen blend armchair with square arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/chair" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a linen blend armchair with recessed and square arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a chair", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/linen blend armchair with recessed and square arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/chair" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a polyester blend armchair with round arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a chair", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/polyester blend armchair with round arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/chair" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a polyester blend armchair with round and recessed arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a chair", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/polyester blend armchair with round and recessed arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/chair" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a wool armchair with recessed arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a chair", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/wool armchair with recessed arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/chair" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a polyester blend armchair with flared arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a chair", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/polyester blend armchair with flared arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/chair" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a linen armchair with square arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a chair", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/linen armchair with square arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/chair" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a polyester blend and rayon viscose and linen blend armchair with square arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a chair", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/polyester blend and rayon viscose and linen blend armchair with square arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/chair" }, { "instance_prompt": "a white background photo of a 100% linen armchair with square arms", "class_prompt": "a white background photo of a chair", "instance_data_dir": "/content/furniture/instances/100% linen armchair with square arms", "class_data_dir": "/content/furniture/classes/chair" } ], "read_prompts_from_txts": false }