--- license: creativeml-openrail-m tags: - pytorch - diffusers - text-to-image - dreambooth-hackathon - animal widget: - text: A photo of vishu cat --- # Dreambooth Model for Animals trained on a custom dataset. This is a Stable Diffusion model fine-tuned on the animal concept with DreamBooth. It can be used by modifying the `instance_prompt`: **A photo of vishu cat** This model was created as part of the DreamBooth Hackathon 🔥. ## Description Model finetuned on the pictures of our cat named Vishu, made for the Dreambooth Hackathon, finetuned on Stable diffusion 2.1 Base ## Usage ```python from diffusers import StableDiffusionPipeline pipeline = StableDiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained('Apocalypse-19/Vishu-the-Cat') image = pipeline().images[0] image ``` ## Examples Some examples of images generated with their prompts are (Guidance scale = 7.5 and Number of Inference steps = 50 for all): Prompt = A photo of vishu cat as a genshin impact character ![a photo of vishu cat as a genshin impact character, high res, infstep=50, gs=7.5.png](https://s3.amazonaws.com/moonup/production/uploads/1673376172445-6366451164bcbbd03e2fcd19.png) Prompt = A photo of vishu cat shaking hands with Donald Trump ![a photo of vishu cat shaking hands with Donald Trump, infstep=50, gs=7.5, no neg prompts.png](https://s3.amazonaws.com/moonup/production/uploads/1673376265681-6366451164bcbbd03e2fcd19.png) Prompt = A photo of vishu cat as a Disney Princess ![vishu cat as a disney princess, infstep=50, gs=7.5, seed=1024.png](https://s3.amazonaws.com/moonup/production/uploads/1673376287080-6366451164bcbbd03e2fcd19.png) Prompt = A photo of vishu cat cocking a gun ![a photo of vishu cat cocking a gun, infstep=50, gs=7.5, seed=1024.png](https://s3.amazonaws.com/moonup/production/uploads/1673376294767-6366451164bcbbd03e2fcd19.png)