# Unity Environment Registry [Experimental] The Unity Environment Registry is a database of pre-built Unity environments that can be easily used without having to install the Unity Editor. It is a great way to get started with our [UnityEnvironment API](Python-LLAPI.md). ## Loading an Environment from the Registry To get started, you can access the default registry we provide with our [Example Environments](Learning-Environment-Examples.md). The Unity Environment Registry implements a _Mapping_, therefore, you can access an entry with its identifier with the square brackets `[ ]`. Use the following code to list all of the environment identifiers present in the default registry: ```python from mlagents_envs.registry import default_registry environment_names = list(default_registry.keys()) for name in environment_names: print(name) ``` The `make()` method on a registry value will return a `UnityEnvironment` ready to be used. All arguments passed to the make method will be passed to the constructor of the `UnityEnvironment` as well. Refer to the documentation on the [Python-API](Python-LLAPI.md) for more information about the arguments of the `UnityEnvironment` constructor. For example, the following code will create the environment under the identifier `"my-env"`, reset it, perform a few steps and finally close it: ```python from mlagents_envs.registry import default_registry env = default_registry["my-env"].make() env.reset() for _ in range(10): env.step() env.close() ``` ## Create and share your own registry In order to share the `UnityEnvironemnt` you created, you must : - [Create a Unity executable](Learning-Environment-Executable.md) of your environment for each platform (Linux, OSX and/or Windows) - Place each executable in a `zip` compressed folder - Upload each zip file online to your preferred hosting platform - Create a `yaml` file that will contain the description and path to your environment - Upload the `yaml` file online The `yaml` file must have the following format : ```yaml environments: - : expected_reward: description: linux_url: darwin_url: win_url: additional_args: - - ... ``` Your users can now use your environment with the following code : ```python from mlagents_envs.registry import UnityEnvRegistry registry = UnityEnvRegistry() registry.register_from_yaml("url-or-path-to-your-yaml-file") ``` __Note__: The `"url-or-path-to-your-yaml-file"` can be either a url or a local path.