// Copyright 2023 Google LLC // // This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the // LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. $assert (P, H) in [(3, 2)] $assert not PS or (P, H) == (4, 3) $assert DIV in ["DIV", "RECPEADJ", "NR1RECPS", "NR1FMA"] $assert BATCH_TILE % 8 == 0 $assert BATCH_TILE >= 8 $SIMD_TILE = BATCH_TILE // 8 $ABC = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" #include #include #include #include $POLY_SUFFIX = "p%dh%d%s" % (P, H, "ps" if PS else "ts") $DIV_SUFFIX = DIV.lower() $ISA = "aarch64_neonfp16arith" if DIV == "DIV" else "neonfp16arith" void xnn_f16_vtanh_ukernel__${ISA}_expm1minus_rr1_${POLY_SUFFIX}_${DIV_SUFFIX}_x${BATCH_TILE}( size_t n, const void* input, void* output, const union xnn_f16_tanh_params params[restrict XNN_MIN_ELEMENTS(1)]) XNN_OOB_READS { assert(n != 0); assert(n % sizeof(uint16_t) == 0); assert(input != NULL); assert(output != NULL); const float16x8_t vsat_cutoff = vreinterpretq_f16_u16(vmovq_n_u16(UINT16_C(0x4482))); const float16x8_t vmagic_bias = vreinterpretq_f16_u16(vmovq_n_u16(UINT16_C(0x620F))); const float16x8_t vminus_log2e = vreinterpretq_f16_u16(vmovq_n_u16(UINT16_C(0xBDC5))); const float16x8_t vln2 = vreinterpretq_f16_u16(vmovq_n_u16(UINT16_C(0x398C))); const float16x8_t vc3 = vreinterpretq_f16_u16(vmovq_n_u16(UINT16_C(0xBD5B))); const float16x8_t vc2 = vreinterpretq_f16_u16(vmovq_n_u16(UINT16_C(0x4008))); const float16x8_t vtwo = vreinterpretq_f16_u16(vmovq_n_u16(UINT16_C(0x4000))); const float16x8_t vminus_one = vreinterpretq_f16_u16(vmovq_n_u16(UINT16_C(0xBC00))); const uint16x8_t vsign_mask = vmovq_n_u16(UINT16_C(0x8000)); const uint16_t* i = (const uint16_t*) input; uint16_t* o = (uint16_t*) output; $for SIMD_TILE_LEVEL in (SIMD_TILE, 1) if SIMD_TILE > 1 else (1,): $if SIMD_TILE_LEVEL == 1: $ABC = ["" for a in ABC] for (; n >= ${SIMD_TILE_LEVEL} * sizeof(float16x8_t); n -= ${SIMD_TILE_LEVEL} * sizeof(float16x8_t)) { $for N in range(SIMD_TILE_LEVEL): const float16x8_t vx${ABC[N]} = vreinterpretq_f16_u16(vld1q_u16(i)); i += 8; $for N in range(SIMD_TILE_LEVEL): float16x8_t vz${ABC[N]} = vabsq_f16(vx${ABC[N]}); $for N in range(SIMD_TILE_LEVEL): vz${ABC[N]} = vminq_f16(vz${ABC[N]}, vsat_cutoff); $for N in range(SIMD_TILE_LEVEL): float16x8_t vn${ABC[N]} = vfmaq_f16(vmagic_bias, vz${ABC[N]}, vminus_log2e); $for N in range(SIMD_TILE_LEVEL): const float16x8_t vs${ABC[N]} = vreinterpretq_f16_s16(vshlq_n_s16(vreinterpretq_s16_f16(vn${ABC[N]}), 10)); vn${ABC[N]} = vsubq_f16(vn${ABC[N]}, vmagic_bias); $for N in range(SIMD_TILE_LEVEL): const float16x8_t vt${ABC[N]} = vfmaq_f16(vz${ABC[N]}, vn${ABC[N]}, vln2); $for N in range(SIMD_TILE_LEVEL): float16x8_t vp${ABC[N]} = vfmaq_f16(vc${P-1}, vc${P}, vt${ABC[N]}); $for i in reversed(range(2, P - 1)): $for N in range(SIMD_TILE_LEVEL): vp${ABC[N]} = vfmaq_f16(vc${i}, vp${ABC[N]}, vt${ABC[N]}); $for N in range(SIMD_TILE_LEVEL): vp${ABC[N]} = vfmsq_f16(vtwo, vp${ABC[N]}, vt${ABC[N]}); $for N in range(SIMD_TILE_LEVEL): const float16x8_t vts${ABC[N]} = vmulq_f16(vt${ABC[N]}, vs${ABC[N]}); const float16x8_t vsmo${ABC[N]} = vaddq_f16(vs${ABC[N]}, vminus_one); $for N in range(SIMD_TILE_LEVEL): const float16x8_t vemo${ABC[N]} = vfmsq_f16(vsmo${ABC[N]}, vp${ABC[N]}, vts${ABC[N]}); $for N in range(SIMD_TILE_LEVEL): const float16x8_t vepo${ABC[N]} = vaddq_f16(vemo${ABC[N]}, vtwo); $if DIV == "DIV": $for N in range(SIMD_TILE_LEVEL): float16x8_t vy${ABC[N]} = vdivq_f16(vemo${ABC[N]}, vepo${ABC[N]}); $else: $for N in range(SIMD_TILE_LEVEL): float16x8_t vrepo${ABC[N]} = vrecpeq_f16(vepo${ABC[N]}); $if DIV.startswith("NR1RECPS"): $for N in range(SIMD_TILE_LEVEL): const float16x8_t verepo${ABC[N]} = vrecpsq_f16(vrepo${ABC[N]}, vepo${ABC[N]}); $for N in range(SIMD_TILE_LEVEL): vrepo${ABC[N]} = vmulq_f16(vrepo${ABC[N]}, verepo${ABC[N]}); $elif DIV.startswith("NR1FMA"): $for N in range(SIMD_TILE_LEVEL): const float16x8_t verepo${ABC[N]} = vfmaq_f16(vminus_one, vrepo${ABC[N]}, vepo${ABC[N]}); $for N in range(SIMD_TILE_LEVEL): vrepo${ABC[N]} = vfmsq_f16(vrepo${ABC[N]}, vrepo${ABC[N]}, verepo${ABC[N]}); $for N in range(SIMD_TILE_LEVEL): float16x8_t vy${ABC[N]} = vmulq_f16(vemo${ABC[N]}, vrepo${ABC[N]}); $if DIV.endswith("ADJ"): $for N in range(SIMD_TILE_LEVEL): const float16x8_t vey${ABC[N]} = vfmsq_f16(vemo${ABC[N]}, vy${ABC[N]}, vepo${ABC[N]}); $for N in range(SIMD_TILE_LEVEL): vy${ABC[N]} = vfmaq_f16(vy${ABC[N]}, vey${ABC[N]}, vrepo${ABC[N]}); $for N in range(SIMD_TILE_LEVEL): vy${ABC[N]} = vbslq_f16(vsign_mask, vx${ABC[N]}, vy${ABC[N]}); $for N in range(SIMD_TILE_LEVEL): vst1q_u16(o, vreinterpretq_u16_f16(vy${ABC[N]})); o += 8; } if (n != 0) { const float16x8_t vx = vreinterpretq_f16_u16(vld1q_u16(i)); i += 8; float16x8_t vz = vabsq_f16(vx); vz = vminq_f16(vz, vsat_cutoff); float16x8_t vn = vfmaq_f16(vmagic_bias, vz, vminus_log2e); const float16x8_t vs = vreinterpretq_f16_s16(vshlq_n_s16(vreinterpretq_s16_f16(vn), 10)); vn = vsubq_f16(vn, vmagic_bias); const float16x8_t vt = vfmaq_f16(vz, vn, vln2); float16x8_t vp = vfmaq_f16(vc${P-1}, vc${P}, vt); $for i in reversed(range(2, P - 1)): vp = vfmaq_f16(vc${i}, vp, vt); vp = vfmsq_f16(vtwo, vp, vt); const float16x8_t vts = vmulq_f16(vt, vs); const float16x8_t vsmo = vaddq_f16(vs, vminus_one); const float16x8_t vemo = vfmsq_f16(vsmo, vp, vts); const float16x8_t vepo = vaddq_f16(vemo, vtwo); $if DIV == "DIV": float16x8_t vy = vdivq_f16(vemo, vepo); $else: float16x8_t vrepo = vrecpeq_f16(vepo); $if DIV.startswith("NR1RECPS"): const float16x8_t verepo = vrecpsq_f16(vrepo, vepo); vrepo = vmulq_f16(vrepo, verepo); $elif DIV.startswith("NR1FMA"): const float16x8_t verepo = vfmaq_f16(vminus_one, vrepo, vepo); vrepo = vfmsq_f16(vrepo, vrepo, verepo); float16x8_t vy = vmulq_f16(vemo, vrepo); $if DIV.endswith("ADJ"): const float16x8_t vey = vfmsq_f16(vemo, vy, vepo); vy = vfmaq_f16(vy, vey, vrepo); vy = vbslq_f16(vsign_mask, vx, vy); float16x4_t vy_lo = vget_low_f16(vy); if (n & 4 * sizeof(uint16_t)) { vst1_u16(o, vreinterpret_u16_f16(vy_lo)); o += 4; vy_lo = vget_high_f16(vy); } if (n & 2 * sizeof(uint16_t)) { vst1_lane_u32((void*) o, vreinterpret_u32_f16(vy_lo), 0); o+= 2; vy_lo = vext_f16(vy_lo, vy_lo, 2); } if (n & 1 * sizeof(uint16_t)) { vst1_lane_u16(o, vreinterpret_u16_f16(vy_lo), 0); } } }