--- language: en tags: - machine-learning - reinforcement-learning - sokoban - planning license: apache-2.0 --- # Trained learned planners This repository contains the trained networks from the paper ["Planning behavior in a recurrent neural network that plays Sokoban"](https://openreview.net/forum?id=T9sB3S2hok), presented at the ICML 2024 Mechanistic Interpretability Workshop. To load and use the NNs, please refer to the [learned-planner repository](http://github.com/alignmentresearch/learned-planner), and possibly to the [training code ](https://github.com/AlignmentResearch/train-learned-planner). # Model details ## Hyperparameters: See `model/*/cp_*/cfg.json` for the hyperparameters that were used to train a particular run. ## Best Models: The best models for each of the model type are stored in the following directory: - DRC(3, 3): `drc33/bkynosqi/cp_2002944000` - DRC(1, 1): `drc11/eue6pax7/cp_2002944000` - ResNet: `resnet/syb50iz7/cp_2002944000` ## Parameter counts: - DRC(3, 3): 1,285,125 (1.29M) - DRC(1, 1): 987,525 (0.99M) - ResNet: 3,068,421 (3.07M) ## Training dataset: The [Boxoban set of levels by DeepMind](https://github.com/google-deepmind/boxoban-levels). # Citation If you use these neural networks, please cite our work: ```bibtex @inproceedings{garriga-alonso2024planning, title={Planning behavior in a recurrent neural network that plays Sokoban}, author={Adri{\`a} Garriga-Alonso and Mohammad Taufeeque and Adam Gleave}, booktitle={ICML 2024 Workshop on Mechanistic Interpretability}, year={2024}, url={https://openreview.net/forum?id=T9sB3S2hok} } ```