#!/bin/bash text_one=("A painting of a" "A pencil art sketch of a" "An illustration of a" "A photograph of a") text_two=("spinning" "dreaming" "watering" "loving" "eating" "drinking" "sleeping" "repeating" "surreal" "psychedelic") text_three=("fish" "egg" "peacock" "watermelon" "pickle" "horse" "dog" "house" "kitchen" "bedroom" "door" "table" "lamp" "dresser" "watch" "logo" "icon" "tree" "grass" "flower" "plant" "shrub" "bloom" "screwdriver" "spanner" "figurine" "statue" "graveyard" "hotel" "bus" "train" "car" "lamp" "computer" "monitor") styles=("Art Nouveau" "Camille Pissarro" "Michelangelo Caravaggio" "Claude Monet" "Edgar Degas" "Edvard Munch" "Fauvism" "Futurism" "Impressionism" "Picasso" "Pop Art" "Modern art" "Surreal Art" "Sandro Botticelli" "oil paints" "watercolours" "weird bananas" "strange colours") pickword() { local array=("$@") ARRAY_RANGE=$((${#array[@]}-1)) RANDOM_ENTRY=`shuf -i 0-$ARRAY_RANGE -n 1` UPDATE=${array[$RANDOM_ENTRY]} } # Generate some images for number in {1..50} do # Make some random text pickword "${text_one[@]}" TEXT=$UPDATE pickword "${text_two[@]}" TEXT+=" "$UPDATE pickword "${text_three[@]}" TEXT+=" "$UPDATE pickword "${text_three[@]}" TEXT+=" and a "$UPDATE pickword "${styles[@]}" TEXT+=" in the style of "$UPDATE pickword "${styles[@]}" TEXT+=" and "$UPDATE python generate.py -p "$TEXT" -o "$number".png done