diff --git "a/Output.txt" "b/Output.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/Output.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,9025 @@ +NL: if self._leftover is true, +ref: if self . _leftover : +Output: if self. _leftover : +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: if instance is not None, +ref: if instance is not None : +Output: if instance is not None : +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: strip value of the first and last element. +ref: value = value [ 1 : - 1 ] +Output: self. strip = [ 1 : - 1 ] +bleu_metric: 63.15552371794036 +---------- +NL: if not, +ref: else : +Output: else : +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: if self.verbosity is greater or equal than integer 1, +ref: if self . verbosity >= 1 : +Output: if self. verbosity >= 1 : +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: second contains: string 'InternalHigh and ULONG_PTR, third: '_offset_union' and _OFFSET_UNION, forth 'hEvent' and HANDLE. call the function POINTER with argument OVERLAPPED, substitute the result for LPOVERLAPPED. +ref: LPOVERLAPPED = POINTER ( OVERLAPPED ) +Output: LazyModule = ( connections [ HttpLAPPED_PATOR ), HttpAP ) +bleu_metric: 13.217947626377288 +---------- +NL: define the method validate with arguments self and value. +ref: def validate ( self , value ) : +Output: def validate ( self, value ) : +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: call the method self.can_read.release. +ref: self . can_read . release ( ) +Output: self. can_read. release ( ) +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: substitute has_header for __contains__. +ref: __contains__ = has_header +Output: __contains__ = has_header +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: called with an argument result of the method self.latest_post_date. if value under the 'ttl' key of the self.feed dictionary is not None, +ref: if self . feed [ 'ttl' ] is not None : +Output: if self. feed [ 'ttl' ] is not None : +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: define the method render with 2 arguments: self and context. +ref: def render ( self , context ) : +Output: def render ( self, context ) : +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: import module datetime. +ref: import datetime +Output: import datetime +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: if size is not empty, +ref: if size : +Output: if size : +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: raise an TypeError exception with an argument string "Non-integer base36 conversion input.". +ref: raise TypeError ( "Non-integer base36 conversion input." ) +Output: raise TypeError ( "Non- integer base36 input." ) +bleu_metric: 81.5756313736075 +---------- +NL: define the method size with arguments self and name. +ref: def size ( self , name ) : +Output: def size ( self, name ) : +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: split ip_str into parts by ':', substitute the result for new_ip. +ref: new_ip = ip_str . split ( ':' ) +Output: new_ip = ip_str. split ( ':' ) +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: from decimal import Decimal and DecimalException into default name space. +ref: from decimal import Decimal , DecimalException +Output: from decimal import Decimal, DecimalException +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: if AttributeError exception is caught, +ref: except AttributeError : +Output: except AttributeError : +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: from django.core import signing into default name space. +ref: from django . core import signing +Output: from django. core import signing +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: __Y is a raw string '(?P\d{4})'. +ref: __Y = r'(?P\d{4})' +Output: __Y = r'(?P\d{4}' +bleu_metric: 86.66346870040672 +---------- +NL: remove value under key key of self dictionary, if it doesnt exists return default, substitute the result for value. +ref: value = dict . pop ( self , key , default ) +Output: value = self. pop ( key, default ) +bleu_metric: 49.19533018641347 +---------- +NL: call the function constant_time_compare with 2 arguments: sig and return value of the self.signature method with an argument value, if it evaluates to true, +ref: if constant_time_compare ( sig , self . signature ( value ) ) : +Output: if constant_time_compare ( k, self. sign ( value ) ) : +bleu_metric: 57.73502691896258 +---------- +NL: return tempdir. +ref: return tempdir +Output: return tempdir +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: raise an TemplateSyntaxError exception with an argument string "'templatetag' statement takes one argument". +ref: raise TemplateSyntaxError ( "'templatetag' statement takes one argument" ) +Output: raise TemplateSyntaxError ( "'templatetag' statement takes one argument" ) +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: substitute pattern.regex.pattern for p_pattern. +ref: p_pattern = pattern . regex . pattern +Output: p_pattern = pattern. regex. pattern +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: if command.verbosity is greater than integer 1, +ref: if command . verbosity > 1 : +Output: if command. verbosity > 1 : +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: if not, +ref: else : +Output: else : +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: split instructions by ',' character, substitute the result for styles. +ref: styles = instructions . split ( ',' ) +Output: style = method. split ( ',' ) +bleu_metric: 72.92571723872932 +---------- +NL: if s is an instance of an object Promise. +ref: if isinstance ( s , Promise ) : +Output: if isinstance ( s, Promise ) : +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: key for 'grouper' and val converted into a list for 'list', for every key and val in result of the function groupby, called with 2 arguments: obj_list and lambda function with an argument obj and return value as a result of the function, self.resolve_expression called with 2 arguments obj and context. return an empty string, +ref: return '' +Output: return '', val = '' +bleu_metric: 33.03164318013807 +---------- +NL: if value under the 'outlog' key of options dictionary is true, +ref: if options [ 'outlog' ] : +Output: if options [ 'outlog' ] : +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: raise an TemplateSyntaxError exception with an argument string "Only 'silent' flag is allowed after cycle's name, not '%s'.", +ref: raise TemplateSyntaxError ( "Only 'silent' flag is allowed after cycle's name, not '%s'." % args [ - 1 ] ) +Output: raise TemplateSyntaxError ( " only'silent' flags is allowed the cycle name, '%s'." % ( name, cycleup ) +bleu_metric: 40.866743637638855 +---------- +NL: 'App label of an application to synchronize the state.' as arguments. call the method parser.add_argument with string 'migration_name', nargs set to charcter '?', help containing string, +ref: parser . add_argument ( 'migration_name' , nargs = '?' , help = 'Database state will be brought to the state after that migration.' ) +Output: parser. add_argument ('migration_name', nargs = '?', help = 'Nominates a database to ' +bleu_metric: 51.47937696062376 +---------- +NL: concatenate package_name, string '.' and module_name, substitute it for full_module_name. +ref: full_module_name = package_name + '.' + module_name +Output: full_module_name = package_name + '.' + module_name +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: call the function sql_all with 3 arguments: app_config, self.style and connection, substitute the result for statements. +ref: statements = sql_all ( app_config , self . style , connection ) +Output: statements = sql_all ( app_config, self. style, connection ) +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: substitute name for handler.name. +ref: handler . name = name +Output: handler. name = name +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: return new_value. +ref: return new_value +Output: return new_value +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: get the bit attribute of current object, substitute it for current. +ref: current = getattr ( current , bit ) +Output: current = getattr ( current, bit ) +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: remove the 'use_natural_primary_keys' key from the options dictionary and substitute it for self.use_natural_foreign_keys, +ref: self . use_natural_foreign_keys = options . pop ( 'use_natural_foreign_keys' , False ) or self . use_natural_keys +Output: self. use_natural_foreign_keys = options. pop ( 'use_natural_primary_keys', None ) +bleu_metric: 52.312236891353415 +---------- +NL: do nothing. +ref: pass +Output: pass +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: if AttributeError exception is caught, +ref: except AttributeError : +Output: except AttributeError : +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: define the function with_metaclass with 2 arguments meta and unpacked list bases. +ref: def with_metaclass ( meta , * bases ) : +Output: def with_metaclass ( meta, * bases ) : +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: call the method commands.update, with an argument dictionary containing entries: app_config_name for name, for every name in return value of the function find_commands, called with an argument path. +ref: commands . update ( { name : app_config . name for name in find_commands ( path ) } ) +Output: commands. update ( { name : find_config_name for name in path. update ( path ) ) if name in app_configs +bleu_metric: 43.3137163030618 +---------- +NL: define the method attach with 4 arguments: self, filename set to None, content set to None and mimetype set to None. +ref: def attach ( self , filename = None , content = None , mimetype = None ) : +Output: def attach ( self, filename = None, content = None, mimetype = None ) : +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: define the function load_command_class with arguments: app_name and name. +ref: def load_command_class ( app_name , name ) : +Output: def load_command_class ( app_name, name ) : +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: call the function quote with 2 arguments: url and safe as bytes string '!*\'();:@&=+$,/?#[]~', substitute the result for url. +ref: url = quote ( url , safe = b'!*\'();:@&=+$,/?#[]~' ) +Output: url = quote ( url, safe = b'*;@@&&+++$' ) +bleu_metric: 35.2446379365893 +---------- +NL: for every ldir in dirs, +ref: for ldir in dirs : +Output: for ldir in dirs : +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: _fields_ is a list containing 2 tuples: first tuple contains: string '_offset' and _OFFSET, second contains: string 'Pointer' and PVOID. +ref: _fields_ = [ ( '_offset' , _OFFSET ) , ( 'Pointer' , PVOID ) ] +Output: _fields_ = [ ( '_offset', _OFFSET', PValueID ], PValueIDID ] ) +bleu_metric: 49.975615696235806 +---------- +NL: call the method self.render, return the result. +ref: return self . render ( ) +Output: return self. render ( ) +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: substitute CheckboxFieldRenderer for renderer. +ref: renderer = CheckboxFieldRenderer +Output: renderer = CheckboxFieldRenderer +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: call the function force_text with 3 arguments: field_name, encoding and errors as a string 'replace', substitute the result for field_name. +ref: field_name = force_text ( field_name , encoding , errors = 'replace' ) +Output: field_name = force_text ( field_name, encoding, errors ) +bleu_metric: 60.28551037090677 +---------- +NL: queryset set to qs and unpacked dictionary kwargs. define the method initial_form_count with an argument self. +ref: def initial_form_count ( self ) : +Output: def initial_form_count ( self ) : +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: skip this loop iteration, +ref: continue +Output: continue +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: define the method __init__ with 3 arguments: self, language and deactivate set to boolean False. +ref: def __init__ ( self , language , deactivate = False ) : +Output: def __init__ ( self, language, deactivate = False ) : +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: raise an TemplateSyntaxError exception with an argument string "Invalid arguments provided to simple_tag". +ref: raise TemplateSyntaxError ( "Invalid arguments provided to simple_tag" ) +Output: raise TemplateSyntaxError ( "Invalid arguments provided to simple_tag" ) +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: substitute val for the value under the cache_key key of the _format_cache dictionary. +ref: _format_cache [ cache_key ] = val +Output: _format_cache [ cache_key ] = val +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: from django.utils.encoding import python_2_unicode_compatible into default name space. +ref: from django . utils . encoding import python_2_unicode_compatible +Output: from django. utils. encoding import python_2_unicode_compatible +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: substitute URLInput for widget. +ref: widget = URLInput +Output: widget = URLInput +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: define the method __init__ with 2 arguments: self and data set to None. +ref: def __init__ ( self , data = None ) : +Output: def __init__ ( self, data = None ) : +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: signal is a string 'signals' +ref: signals = 'signals' +Output: signal ='signals' +bleu_metric: 80.91067115702212 +---------- +NL: convert ret to a boolean, return it. +ref: return bool ( ret ) +Output: return bool ( ret ) +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured into default name space. +ref: from django . core . exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured +Output: from django. core. exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: foreground is a dictionary created with elements: x appended to a string '3' for value under the key x of color_names dictionary, +ref: foreground = dict ( ( color_names [ x ] , '3%s' % x ) for x in range ( 8 ) ) +Output: foreals = dict ( color_names [ x ], "3", x. name ) +bleu_metric: 32.76312372861728 +---------- +NL: return a string "", where '%s' are replaced with self.object._meta.app_label, +ref: return "" % ( self . object . _meta . app_label , self . object . _meta . object_name , self . object . pk ) +Output: return "< DeserializedObject: %s.%s(pk=%s)>" % ( self. _meta. app_label +bleu_metric: 48.468017663373445 +---------- +NL: call the method parser.add_argument with 6 arguments: string '--extension', string '-e', dest set to string 'extensions', +ref: parser . add_argument ( '--extension' , '-e' , dest = 'extensions' , action = 'append' , default = [ 'py' ] , help = 'The file extension(s) to render (default: "py"). ' 'Separate multiple extensions with commas, or use ' '-e multiple times.' ) +Output: parser. add_argument ( '--extensions', '-e', dest = 'extensions', dest = 'extensions' +bleu_metric: 12.641045509579344 +---------- +NL: decorator function register.filter with an argument is_safe set to boolean False. +ref: @ register . filter ( is_safe = False ) +Output: @ register. filter ( is_safe = False ) +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: if response.streaming is True, +ref: if response . streaming : +Output: if response. streaming : +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: call the function force_text with an argument text, split by it word_split_re, substitute it for words. +ref: words = word_split_re . split ( force_text ( text ) ) +Output: words = force_text ( text_split_re ). split ( ) +bleu_metric: 29.645450617418177 +---------- +NL: "%r is not a valid date" formated with date and third element of the result of the function sys.exc_info. define the function parse_http_date_safe an argument date. +ref: def parse_http_date_safe ( date ) : +Output: def parse_http_date_safe ( date ) : +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: from xml.sax import handler into default name space. +ref: from xml . sax import handler +Output: from xml. s import handler +bleu_metric: 48.8923022434901 +---------- +NL: and RemovedInDjango19Warning. get the value under the ' use_natural_foreign_keys' key of the options dictionary, substitute the result for use_natural_foreign_keys. +ref: use_natural_foreign_keys = options . get ( 'use_natural_foreign_keys' ) or use_natural_keys +Output: use_natural_foreign_keys = options. get ( 'use_natural_foreign_keys' ) +bleu_metric: 82.50796367302365 +---------- +NL: return an instance of a class RegexURLResolver created with arguments: raw string '^/' and a list containing an element ns_resolver. +ref: return RegexURLResolver ( r'^/' , [ ns_resolver ] ) +Output: return RegexURLResolver ( r'^/', ns_resolver ) +bleu_metric: 70.67038199929387 +---------- +NL: call the function timedelta with an argument integer 0, return the result. +ref: return timedelta ( 0 ) +Output: return timedelta ( 0 ) +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: call the method self.loaddata with an argument fixture_labels. +ref: self . loaddata ( fixture_labels ) +Output: self. loaddata ( fixture_labels ) +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: define the method __setitem__ with 3 arguments: self, key and value. +ref: def __setitem__ ( self , key , value ) : +Output: def __setitem__ ( self, key, value ) : +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: do nothing. +ref: pass +Output: pass +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: if UnicodeDecodeError exception is caught, +ref: except UnicodeDecodeError : +Output: except UnicodeDecodeError : +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: call the method opts.model, substitute the result for self.instance. +ref: self . instance = opts . model ( ) +Output: self. instance = opts. model ( ) +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: substitute its __name__ field for function name, if it doesnt exists substitute func.__name__ for function_name. call the function generic_tag_compiler, params set to params, varargs set to varargs, varkw set to varkw, defaults set to defaults, +ref: compile_func = partial ( generic_tag_compiler , params = params , varargs = varargs , varkw = varkw , defaults = defaults , name = function_name , takes_context = takes_context , node_class = SimpleNode ) +Output: compile_func, kwargs = generic_tag_comp compile ( params = params, varargs = varargs, varkw = defaults +bleu_metric: 22.34951260997834 +---------- +NL: raise CommandError with an argument string 'Unknown app in excludes: %s', where '%s' is replaced with exclude. +ref: raise CommandError ( 'Unknown app in excludes: %s' % exclude ) +Output: raise CommandError ( "Unknown application: %s" % app_label ) +bleu_metric: 56.132437465972494 +---------- +NL: if data is true, substitute it for self.data, if not self.data is an empty dictionary. +ref: self . data = data or { } +Output: self. data = data or { } +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: from __future__ import unicode_literals into default name space. +ref: from __future__ import unicode_literals +Output: from __future__ import unicode_literals +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: if form.cleaned_data is true and value under the field key of form.cleaned_data dictionary is not None, +ref: if ( form . cleaned_data and form . cleaned_data [ field ] is not None and form . cleaned_data [ unique_for ] is not None ) : +Output: if form. cleaned_data and form. cleaned_data [ field ] is not None : +bleu_metric: 40.678957166060655 +---------- +NL: call the method self.make_key with key and version set to version as arguments, substitute it for key. +ref: key = self . make_key ( key , version = version ) +Output: key = self. make_key ( key, version = version ) +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: primary_keys is an empty list. +ref: primary_keys = [ ] +Output: primary_keys = [ ] +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: call the method self._populate. +ref: self . _populate ( ) +Output: self. _populate ( ) +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: called with an argument commit, return the result. save.alters_data is boolean True. +ref: save . alters_data = True +Output: save.al_data = True +bleu_metric: 45.180100180492246 +---------- +NL: if value is not contained in result, +ref: if value is not result : +Output: if value is not result : +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: if command.use_argparse is true, +ref: if command . use_argparse : +Output: if command. use_argparse : +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: and third element of the function sys.exc_info result. return attr. +ref: return attr +Output: return attr +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: if num is greater than self._max_entries, +ref: if num > self . _max_entries : +Output: if num > self. _max_entries : +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: called with an argument value, return the result. call the function allow_lazy with 2 arguments: strip_entities, six.text_type, substitute the result for strip_entities. +ref: strip_entities = allow_lazy ( strip_entities , six . text_type ) +Output: strip_entities = allow_lazy ( strip_entities, six. text_type ) +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: call the method self.strptime with arguments value and format, return the result. +ref: return self . strptime ( value , format ) +Output: return self. strptime ( value, format ) +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: dest as a string 'use_default_ignore_patterns', default set to boolean True, and help as a string "Don't ignore the common glob-style patterns 'CVS', '.*', '*~' and '*.pyc'.". call the method parser.add_argument with 5 arguments: string '--no-wrap', action as a string 'store_true', dest as a string 'no_wrap', +ref: parser . add_argument ( '--no-wrap' , action = 'store_true' , dest = 'no_wrap' , default = False , help = "Don't break long message lines into several lines." ) +Output: parser. add_argument ( '--no-ignore', action ='store_false', dest = 'no_ignore', default +bleu_metric: 30.084489831112617 +---------- +NL: from django.core.management.sql import sql_delete into default name space. +ref: from django . core . management . sql import sql_delete +Output: from django. core. management. sql import sql_delete +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: call the method self._deleted_form_indexes.append with an argument i. +ref: self . _deleted_form_indexes . append ( i ) +Output: self. _deleted_form_indexes. append ( i ) +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: if last element of args is not equal to a string "silent", +ref: if args [ - 1 ] != "silent" : +Output: if args [ - 1 ]!= "silent" : +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: self._unget_history is an empty list. +ref: self . _unget_history = [ ] +Output: self. _unget_history = [ ] +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: otherwise if file_name is not an instance of six.string_types and call to the function is_iterable with an argument file_name, +ref: elif not isinstance ( file_name , six . string_types ) and is_iterable ( file_name ) : +Output: elif not isinstance ( file_name, six. string_types ) and is_iterable ( file_name ) : +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: form is an instance of ManagementForm class, created with 3 arguments: auto_id as self.auto_id, prefix as self.prefix, +ref: form = ManagementForm ( auto_id = self . auto_id , prefix = self . prefix , initial = { TOTAL_FORM_COUNT : self . total_form_count ( ) , INITIAL_FORM_COUNT : self . initial_form_count ( ) , MIN_NUM_FORM_COUNT : self . min_num , MAX_NUM_FORM_COUNT : self . max_num } ) +Output: form = ManagementForm ( auto_id = self. auto_id, prefix = self. prefix, formfield_form = attrs, prefix +bleu_metric: 22.046220986166656 +---------- +NL: if receiver is an instance of types.FunctionType type, +ref: if isinstance ( receiver , types . FunctionType ) : +Output: if isinstance ( receiver, types. FunctionType ) : +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: define the method __text_cast with an argument self. +ref: def __text_cast ( self ) : +Output: def __text_cast ( self ) : +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: if not, +ref: else : +Output: else : +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: call the delete method with key and version set to version as arguments. +ref: self . delete ( key , version = version ) +Output: del ( key, version = version ) +bleu_metric: 70.47383863965433 +---------- +NL: from __future__ import unicode_literals into default name space. +ref: from __future__ import unicode_literals +Output: from __future__ import unicode_literals +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: define the function urlizetrunc with 3 arguments value, limit and autoescape set to None. +ref: def urlizetrunc ( value , limit , autoescape = None ) : +Output: def urletet ofrunc ( value, limit, autoescape = None ) : +bleu_metric: 79.16963878457504 +---------- +NL: return boolean False. +ref: return False +Output: return False +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: if self.can_delete is true, +ref: if self . can_delete : +Output: if self. can_delete : +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: call the method parser.parse with an argument tuple with an element string 'else' and end_tag, substitute the result for nodelist_true. +ref: nodelist_loop = parser . parse ( ( 'else' , end_tag ) ) +Output: nodelist_true = parser. parse ( ( 'else', end_tag ) ) +bleu_metric: 93.06048591020996 +---------- +NL: from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe into default name space. +ref: from django . utils . safestring import mark_safe +Output: from django. utils. safestring import mark_safe +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: define the function stringformat with 2 arguments value and arg. +ref: def stringformat ( value , arg ) : +Output: def stringformat ( value, arg ) : +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: get the value under the 'filename' key of the params dictionary, if the key exists substitute it for guessed_filename, +ref: guessed_filename = params . get ( 'filename' ) or used_name +Output: guessed_filename = params. get ( 'filename', None ) +bleu_metric: 69.30977286178778 +---------- +NL: return self.text. +ref: return self . text +Output: return self. text +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: import module os. +ref: import os +Output: import os +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: call the function lazy_number with 5 arguments: ungettext, six.text_type, singular set to singular, plural set to plural, +ref: return lazy_number ( ungettext , six . text_type , singular = singular , plural = plural , number = number ) +Output: return lazy_number ( ungettext, six. text_type, singular = singular, plural = plural, plural = plural_html = True +bleu_metric: 77.71475625141703 +---------- +NL: open_tags is an empty list. +ref: open_tags = [ ] +Output: open_tags = [ ] +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: if name is None, +ref: if name is None : +Output: if name is None : +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: convert elements of defaultdict to list, substitute it for self.blocks. +ref: self . blocks = defaultdict ( list ) +Output: self. blocks = list ( defaultdict ) +bleu_metric: 49.393827371153705 +---------- +NL: return None. +ref: return None +Output: return None +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: clean is a lambda function with self and x as arguments, return value is length of x. +ref: clean = lambda self , x : len ( x ) +Output: clean = lambda self, x : len ( x ) +bleu_metric: 100.0 +---------- +NL: call the method apps.get_model with 2 arguments: string 'auth' and string 'Permission'. +ref: apps . get_model ( 'auth' , 'Permission' ) +Output: return apps. get_model ('auth', 'permissions' ) +bleu_metric: 72.41577342575827 +---------- +NL: template_with_clear is a string '%(clear)s '. +ref: template_with_clear = '%(clear)s ' +Output: template_with_clear = '%(clear)s