--- tags: - bert - adapterhub:dp/ud_ewt - adapter-transformers datasets: - universal_dependencies language: - en --- # Adapter `AdapterHub/bert-base-uncased-pf-ud_en_ewt` for bert-base-uncased An [adapter](https://adapterhub.ml) for the `bert-base-uncased` model that was trained on the [dp/ud_ewt](https://adapterhub.ml/explore/dp/ud_ewt/) dataset and includes a prediction head for dependency parsing. This adapter was created for usage with the **[adapter-transformers](https://github.com/Adapter-Hub/adapter-transformers)** library. ## Usage First, install `adapter-transformers`: ``` pip install -U adapter-transformers ``` _Note: adapter-transformers is a fork of transformers that acts as a drop-in replacement with adapter support. [More](https://docs.adapterhub.ml/installation.html)_ Now, the adapter can be loaded and activated like this: ```python from transformers import AutoModelWithHeads model = AutoModelWithHeads.from_pretrained("bert-base-uncased") adapter_name = model.load_adapter("AdapterHub/bert-base-uncased-pf-ud_en_ewt", source="hf", set_active=True) ``` ## Architecture & Training This adapter was trained using adapter-transformer's example script for dependency parsing. See https://github.com/Adapter-Hub/adapter-transformers/tree/master/examples/dependency-parsing. ## Evaluation results Scores achieved by dependency parsing adapters on the test set of UD English EWT after training: | Model | UAS | LAS | | --- | --- | --- | | `bert-base-uncased` | 91.74 | 89.15 | | `roberta-base` | 91.43 | 88.43 | ## Citation