import pydicom import sys import os import numpy as np import nibabel as nib import scipy def convert_ct_dicom_to_nii(dir_dicom, dir_nii, outputname, newvoxelsize=None): Patients = PatientList() # initialize list of patient data # search dicom files in the patient data folder, stores all files in the attributes (all CT images, dose file, struct file) Patients.list_dicom_files(dir_dicom, 1) patient = Patients.list[0] patient_name = patient.PatientInfo.PatientName patient.import_patient_data(newvoxelsize) CT = patient.CTimages[0] image_position_patient = CT.ImagePositionPatient voxelsize = np.array(CT.PixelSpacing) save_images(dst_dir=os.path.join(dir_nii), voxelsize=voxelsize, image_position_patient=image_position_patient, image=CT.Image, outputname=outputname) return CT def save_images(dst_dir, voxelsize, image_position_patient, image, outputname): # encode in nii and save at dst_dir # IMPORTANT I NEED TO CONFIRM THE SIGNS OF THE ENTRIES IN THE AFFINE, # ALTHOUGH MAYBE AT THE END THE IMPORTANCE IS HOW WE WILL USE THIS DATA .... # also instead of changing field by field, the pixdim and affine can be encoded # using the set_sform method --> info here: # IMAGE (CT, MR ...) image_shape = image.shape # Separate Conversion from preprocessing # image = overwrite_ct_threshold(image) # for Nifti1 header, change for a Nifti2 type of header image_nii = nib.Nifti1Image(image, affine=np.eye(4)) # Update header fields image_nii = set_header_info(image_nii, voxelsize, image_position_patient) # Save nii, os.path.join(dst_dir, outputname)) #, os.path.join(dst_dir, 'ct.nii.gz')) # def overwrite_ct_threshold(ct_image, body, artefact=None, contrast=None): # # Change the HU out of the body to air: -1000 # ct_image[body == 0] = -1000 # if artefact is not None: # # Change the HU to muscle: 14 # ct_image[artefact == 1] = 14 # if contrast is not None: # # Change the HU to water: 0 Houndsfield Unit: CT unit # ct_image[contrast == 1] = 0 # # Threshold above 1560HU # ct_image[ct_image > 1560] = 1560 # return ct_image def set_header_info(nii_file, voxelsize, image_position_patient, contours_exist=None): nii_file.header['pixdim'][1] = voxelsize[0] nii_file.header['pixdim'][2] = voxelsize[1] nii_file.header['pixdim'][3] = voxelsize[2] # affine - voxelsize nii_file.affine[0][0] = voxelsize[0] nii_file.affine[1][1] = voxelsize[1] nii_file.affine[2][2] = voxelsize[2] # affine - imagecorner nii_file.affine[0][3] = image_position_patient[0] nii_file.affine[1][3] = image_position_patient[1] nii_file.affine[2][3] = image_position_patient[2] if contours_exist: nii_file.header.extensions.append( nib.nifti1.Nifti1Extension(0, bytearray(contours_exist))) return nii_file class PatientList: def __init__(self): self.list = [] def find_CT_image(self, display_id): count = -1 for patient_id in range(len(self.list)): for ct_id in range(len(self.list[patient_id].CTimages)): if (self.list[patient_id].CTimages[ct_id].isLoaded == 1): count += 1 if (count == display_id): break if (count == display_id): break return patient_id, ct_id def find_dose_image(self, display_id): count = -1 for patient_id in range(len(self.list)): for dose_id in range(len(self.list[patient_id].RTdoses)): if (self.list[patient_id].RTdoses[dose_id].isLoaded == 1): count += 1 if (count == display_id): break if (count == display_id): break return patient_id, dose_id def find_contour(self, ROIName): for patient_id in range(len(self.list)): for struct_id in range(len(self.list[patient_id].RTstructs)): if (self.list[patient_id].RTstructs[struct_id].isLoaded == 1): for contour_id in range(len(self.list[patient_id].RTstructs[struct_id].Contours)): if (self.list[patient_id].RTstructs[struct_id].Contours[contour_id].ROIName == ROIName): return patient_id, struct_id, contour_id def list_dicom_files(self, folder_path, recursive): file_list = os.listdir(folder_path) # print("len file_list", len(file_list), "folderpath",folder_path) for file_name in file_list: file_path = os.path.join(folder_path, file_name) # folders if os.path.isdir(file_path): if recursive == True: subfolder_list = self.list_dicom_files(file_path, True) # join_patient_lists(Patients, subfolder_list) # files elif os.path.isfile(file_path): try: dcm = pydicom.dcmread(file_path) except: print("Invalid Dicom file: " + file_path) continue patient_id = next((x for x, val in enumerate( self.list) if val.PatientInfo.PatientID == dcm.PatientID), -1) if patient_id == -1: Patient = PatientData() Patient.PatientInfo.PatientID = dcm.PatientID Patient.PatientInfo.PatientName = str(dcm.PatientName) Patient.PatientInfo.PatientBirthDate = dcm.PatientBirthDate Patient.PatientInfo.PatientSex = dcm.PatientSex self.list.append(Patient) patient_id = len(self.list) - 1 # Dicom CT if dcm.SOPClassUID == "1.2.840.10008.": ct_id = next((x for x, val in enumerate( self.list[patient_id].CTimages) if val.SeriesInstanceUID == dcm.SeriesInstanceUID), -1) if ct_id == -1: CT = CTimage() CT.SeriesInstanceUID = dcm.SeriesInstanceUID CT.SOPClassUID == "1.2.840.10008." CT.PatientInfo = self.list[patient_id].PatientInfo CT.StudyInfo = StudyInfo() CT.StudyInfo.StudyInstanceUID = dcm.StudyInstanceUID CT.StudyInfo.StudyID = dcm.StudyID CT.StudyInfo.StudyDate = dcm.StudyDate CT.StudyInfo.StudyTime = dcm.StudyTime if (hasattr(dcm, 'SeriesDescription') and dcm.SeriesDescription != ""): CT.ImgName = dcm.SeriesDescription else: CT.ImgName = dcm.SeriesInstanceUID self.list[patient_id].CTimages.append(CT) ct_id = len(self.list[patient_id].CTimages) - 1 self.list[patient_id].CTimages[ct_id].DcmFiles.append( file_path) else: print("Unknown SOPClassUID " + dcm.SOPClassUID + " for file " + file_path) # other else: print("Unknown file type " + file_path) def print_patient_list(self): print("") for patient in self.list: patient.print_patient_info() print("") class PatientData: def __init__(self): self.PatientInfo = PatientInfo() self.CTimages = [] def print_patient_info(self, prefix=""): print("") print(prefix + "PatientName: " + self.PatientInfo.PatientName) print(prefix + "PatientID: " + self.PatientInfo.PatientID) for ct in self.CTimages: print("") ct.print_CT_info(prefix + " ") def import_patient_data(self, newvoxelsize=None): # import CT images for i, ct in enumerate(self.CTimages): if (ct.isLoaded == 1): continue ct.import_Dicom_CT() # Resample CT images for i, ct in enumerate(self.CTimages): ct.resample_CT(newvoxelsize) class PatientInfo: def __init__(self): self.PatientID = '' self.PatientName = '' self.PatientBirthDate = '' self.PatientSex = '' class StudyInfo: def __init__(self): self.StudyInstanceUID = '' self.StudyID = '' self.StudyDate = '' self.StudyTime = '' class CTimage: def __init__(self): self.SeriesInstanceUID = "" self.PatientInfo = {} self.StudyInfo = {} self.FrameOfReferenceUID = "" self.ImgName = "" self.SOPClassUID = "" self.DcmFiles = [] self.isLoaded = 0 def print_CT_info(self, prefix=""): print(prefix + "CT series: " + self.SeriesInstanceUID) for ct_slice in self.DcmFiles: print(prefix + " " + ct_slice) def resample_CT(self, newvoxelsize): ct = self.Image # Rescaling to the newvoxelsize if given in parameter if newvoxelsize is not None: source_shape = self.GridSize voxelsize = self.PixelSpacing # print("self.ImagePositionPatient",self.ImagePositionPatient, "source_shape",source_shape,"voxelsize",voxelsize) VoxelX_source = self.ImagePositionPatient[0] + \ np.arange(source_shape[0])*voxelsize[0] VoxelY_source = self.ImagePositionPatient[1] + \ np.arange(source_shape[1])*voxelsize[1] VoxelZ_source = self.ImagePositionPatient[2] + \ np.arange(source_shape[2])*voxelsize[2] target_shape = np.ceil(np.array(source_shape).astype( float)*np.array(voxelsize).astype(float)/newvoxelsize).astype(int) VoxelX_target = self.ImagePositionPatient[0] + \ np.arange(target_shape[0])*newvoxelsize[0] VoxelY_target = self.ImagePositionPatient[1] + \ np.arange(target_shape[1])*newvoxelsize[1] VoxelZ_target = self.ImagePositionPatient[2] + \ np.arange(target_shape[2])*newvoxelsize[2] # print("source_shape",source_shape,"target_shape",target_shape) if (all(source_shape == target_shape) and np.linalg.norm(np.subtract(voxelsize, newvoxelsize) < 0.001)): print("Image does not need filtering") else: # anti-aliasing filter sigma = [0, 0, 0] if (newvoxelsize[0] > voxelsize[0]): sigma[0] = 0.4 * (newvoxelsize[0]/voxelsize[0]) if (newvoxelsize[1] > voxelsize[1]): sigma[1] = 0.4 * (newvoxelsize[1]/voxelsize[1]) if (newvoxelsize[2] > voxelsize[2]): sigma[2] = 0.4 * (newvoxelsize[2]/voxelsize[2]) if (sigma != [0, 0, 0]): print("Image is filtered before downsampling") ct = scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter(ct, sigma) xi = np.array(np.meshgrid( VoxelX_target, VoxelY_target, VoxelZ_target)) xi = np.rollaxis(xi, 0, 4) xi = xi.reshape((xi.size // 3, 3)) # get resized ct ct = scipy.interpolate.interpn((VoxelX_source, VoxelY_source, VoxelZ_source), ct, xi, method='linear', fill_value=-1000, bounds_error=False).reshape(target_shape).transpose(1, 0, 2) self.PixelSpacing = newvoxelsize self.GridSize = list(ct.shape) self.NumVoxels = self.GridSize[0] * self.GridSize[1] * self.GridSize[2] self.Image = ct # print("self.ImagePositionPatient",self.ImagePositionPatient, "self.GridSize[0]",self.GridSize[0],"self.PixelSpacing",self.PixelSpacing) self.VoxelX = self.ImagePositionPatient[0] + \ np.arange(self.GridSize[0])*self.PixelSpacing[0] self.VoxelY = self.ImagePositionPatient[1] + \ np.arange(self.GridSize[1])*self.PixelSpacing[1] self.VoxelZ = self.ImagePositionPatient[2] + \ np.arange(self.GridSize[2])*self.PixelSpacing[2] self.isLoaded = 1 def import_Dicom_CT(self): if (self.isLoaded == 1): print("Warning: CT serries " + self.SeriesInstanceUID + " is already loaded") return images = [] SOPInstanceUIDs = [] SliceLocation = np.zeros(len(self.DcmFiles), dtype='float') for i in range(len(self.DcmFiles)): file_path = self.DcmFiles[i] dcm = pydicom.dcmread(file_path) if (hasattr(dcm, 'SliceLocation') and abs(dcm.SliceLocation - dcm.ImagePositionPatient[2]) > 0.001): print("WARNING: SliceLocation (" + str(dcm.SliceLocation) + ") is different than ImagePositionPatient[2] (" + str(dcm.ImagePositionPatient[2]) + ") for " + file_path) SliceLocation[i] = float(dcm.ImagePositionPatient[2]) images.append(dcm.pixel_array * dcm.RescaleSlope + dcm.RescaleIntercept) SOPInstanceUIDs.append(dcm.SOPInstanceUID) # sort slices according to their location in order to reconstruct the 3d image sort_index = np.argsort(SliceLocation) SliceLocation = SliceLocation[sort_index] SOPInstanceUIDs = [SOPInstanceUIDs[n] for n in sort_index] images = [images[n] for n in sort_index] ct = np.dstack(images).astype("float32") if ct.shape[0:2] != (dcm.Rows, dcm.Columns): print("WARNING: GridSize " + str(ct.shape[0:2]) + " different from Dicom Rows (" + str( dcm.Rows) + ") and Columns (" + str(dcm.Columns) + ")") MeanSliceDistance = ( SliceLocation[-1] - SliceLocation[0]) / (len(images)-1) if (abs(MeanSliceDistance - dcm.SliceThickness) > 0.001): print("WARNING: MeanSliceDistance (" + str(MeanSliceDistance) + ") is different from SliceThickness (" + str(dcm.SliceThickness) + ")") self.FrameOfReferenceUID = dcm.FrameOfReferenceUID self.ImagePositionPatient = [float(dcm.ImagePositionPatient[0]), float( dcm.ImagePositionPatient[1]), SliceLocation[0]] self.PixelSpacing = [float(dcm.PixelSpacing[0]), float( dcm.PixelSpacing[1]), MeanSliceDistance] self.GridSize = list(ct.shape) self.NumVoxels = self.GridSize[0] * self.GridSize[1] * self.GridSize[2] self.Image = ct self.SOPInstanceUIDs = SOPInstanceUIDs self.VoxelX = self.ImagePositionPatient[0] + \ np.arange(self.GridSize[0])*self.PixelSpacing[0] self.VoxelY = self.ImagePositionPatient[1] + \ np.arange(self.GridSize[1])*self.PixelSpacing[1] self.VoxelZ = self.ImagePositionPatient[2] + \ np.arange(self.GridSize[2])*self.PixelSpacing[2] self.isLoaded = 1 print("Convert CT dicom to nii done")