from monai.transforms import MapTransform, Transform from monai.config import KeysCollection from typing import Dict, Hashable, Mapping, Optional, Type, Union, Sequence import torch, sys from pathlib import Path from monai.config import DtypeLike, KeysCollection, PathLike from import image_writer from monai.transforms.transform import MapTransform from monai.utils import GridSamplePadMode, ensure_tuple, ensure_tuple_rep, optional_import from import MetaTensor from import FolderLayout from pydoc import locate import numpy as np import nibabel as nib, os from monai.utils.enums import PostFix DEFAULT_POST_FIX = PostFix.meta() def set_header_info(nii_file, voxelsize, image_position_patient, contours_exist = None): nii_file.header['pixdim'][1] = voxelsize[0] nii_file.header['pixdim'][2] = voxelsize[1] nii_file.header['pixdim'][3] = voxelsize[2] #affine - voxelsize nii_file.affine[0][0] = voxelsize[0] nii_file.affine[1][1] = voxelsize[1] nii_file.affine[2][2] = voxelsize[2] #affine - imagecorner nii_file.affine[0][3] = image_position_patient[0] nii_file.affine[1][3] = image_position_patient[1] nii_file.affine[2][3] = image_position_patient[2] if contours_exist: nii_file.header.extensions.append(nib.nifti1.Nifti1Extension(0, bytearray(contours_exist))) return nii_file def add_contours_exist(preddir, refCT): img = nib.load(os.path.join(preddir, 'RTStruct.nii.gz')) data = img.get_fdata().astype(int) contours_exist = [] data_one_hot = np.zeros(data.shape[:3]) # We remove the first channel as it is the background for i in range(data.shape[-1]-1): if np.count_nonzero(data[:,:,:,i+1])>0: contours_exist.append(1) data_one_hot+=np.where(data[:,:,:,i+1]==1,2**i,0) else: contours_exist.append(0) data_one_hot_nii = nib.Nifti1Image(data_one_hot, affine=np.eye(4)) data_one_hot_nii = set_header_info(data_one_hot_nii, voxelsize=np.array(refCT.PixelSpacing), image_position_patient=refCT.ImagePositionPatient, contours_exist=contours_exist),os.path.join(preddir, 'RTStruct.nii.gz')) class SaveImaged(MapTransform): """ Dictionary-based wrapper of :py:class:`monai.transforms.SaveImage`. Note: Image should be channel-first shape: [C,H,W,[D]]. If the data is a patch of big image, will append the patch index to filename. Args: keys: keys of the corresponding items to be transformed. See also: :py:class:`monai.transforms.compose.MapTransform` meta_keys: explicitly indicate the key of the corresponding metadata dictionary. For example, for data with key `image`, the metadata by default is in `image_meta_dict`. The metadata is a dictionary contains values such as filename, original_shape. This argument can be a sequence of string, map to the `keys`. If `None`, will try to construct meta_keys by `key_{meta_key_postfix}`. meta_key_postfix: if `meta_keys` is `None`, use `key_{meta_key_postfix}` to retrieve the metadict. output_dir: output image directory. output_postfix: a string appended to all output file names, default to `trans`. output_ext: output file extension name, available extensions: `.nii.gz`, `.nii`, `.png`. output_dtype: data type for saving data. Defaults to ``np.float32``. resample: whether to resample image (if needed) before saving the data array, based on the `spatial_shape` (and `original_affine`) from metadata. mode: This option is used when ``resample=True``. Defaults to ``"nearest"``. Depending on the writers, the possible options are: - {``"bilinear"``, ``"nearest"``, ``"bicubic"``}. See also: - {``"nearest"``, ``"linear"``, ``"bilinear"``, ``"bicubic"``, ``"trilinear"``, ``"area"``}. See also: padding_mode: This option is used when ``resample = True``. Defaults to ``"border"``. Possible options are {``"zeros"``, ``"border"``, ``"reflection"``} See also: scale: {``255``, ``65535``} postprocess data by clipping to [0, 1] and scaling [0, 255] (uint8) or [0, 65535] (uint16). Default is `None` (no scaling). dtype: data type during resampling computation. Defaults to ``np.float64`` for best precision. if None, use the data type of input data. To be compatible with other modules, output_dtype: data type for saving data. Defaults to ``np.float32``. it's used for NIfTI format only. allow_missing_keys: don't raise exception if key is missing. squeeze_end_dims: if True, any trailing singleton dimensions will be removed (after the channel has been moved to the end). So if input is (C,H,W,D), this will be altered to (H,W,D,C), and then if C==1, it will be saved as (H,W,D). If D is also 1, it will be saved as (H,W). If `false`, image will always be saved as (H,W,D,C). data_root_dir: if not empty, it specifies the beginning parts of the input file's absolute path. It's used to compute `input_file_rel_path`, the relative path to the file from `data_root_dir` to preserve folder structure when saving in case there are files in different folders with the same file names. For example, with the following inputs: - input_file_name: `/foo/bar/test1/image.nii` - output_postfix: `seg` - output_ext: `.nii.gz` - output_dir: `/output` - data_root_dir: `/foo/bar` The output will be: /output/test1/image/image_seg.nii.gz separate_folder: whether to save every file in a separate folder. For example: for the input filename `image.nii`, postfix `seg` and folder_path `output`, if `separate_folder=True`, it will be saved as: `output/image/image_seg.nii`, if `False`, saving as `output/image_seg.nii`. Default to `True`. print_log: whether to print logs when saving. Default to `True`. output_format: an optional string to specify the output image writer. see also: ``. writer: a customised `` subclass to save data arrays. if `None`, use the default writer from `` according to `output_ext`. if it's a string, it's treated as a class name or dotted path; the supported built-in writer classes are ``"NibabelWriter"``, ``"ITKWriter"``, ``"PILWriter"``. """ def __init__( self, keys: KeysCollection, meta_keys: Optional[KeysCollection] = None, meta_key_postfix: str = DEFAULT_POST_FIX, output_dir: Union[Path, str] = "./", output_postfix: str = "trans", output_ext: str = ".nii.gz", resample: bool = True, mode: str = "nearest", padding_mode: str = GridSamplePadMode.BORDER, scale: Optional[int] = None, dtype: DtypeLike = np.float64, output_dtype: DtypeLike = np.float32, allow_missing_keys: bool = False, squeeze_end_dims: bool = True, data_root_dir: str = "", separate_folder: bool = True, print_log: bool = True, output_format: str = "", writer: Union[Type[image_writer.ImageWriter], str, None] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__(keys, allow_missing_keys) self.meta_keys = ensure_tuple_rep(meta_keys, len(self.keys)) self.meta_key_postfix = ensure_tuple_rep(meta_key_postfix, len(self.keys)) self.saver = SaveImage( output_dir=output_dir, output_postfix=output_postfix, output_ext=output_ext, resample=resample, mode=mode, padding_mode=padding_mode, scale=scale, dtype=dtype, output_dtype=output_dtype, squeeze_end_dims=squeeze_end_dims, data_root_dir=data_root_dir, separate_folder=separate_folder, print_log=print_log, output_format=output_format, writer=writer, ) def set_options(self, init_kwargs=None, data_kwargs=None, meta_kwargs=None, write_kwargs=None): self.saver.set_options(init_kwargs, data_kwargs, meta_kwargs, write_kwargs) def __call__(self, data): d = dict(data) for key, meta_key, meta_key_postfix in self.key_iterator(d, self.meta_keys, self.meta_key_postfix): if meta_key is None and meta_key_postfix is not None: meta_key = f"{key}_{meta_key_postfix}" meta_data = d.get(meta_key) if meta_key is not None else None self.saver(img=d[key], meta_data=meta_data) return d class SaveImage(Transform): """ Save the image (in the form of torch tensor or numpy ndarray) and metadata dictionary into files. The name of saved file will be `{input_image_name}_{output_postfix}{output_ext}`, where the `input_image_name` is extracted from the provided metadata dictionary. If no metadata provided, a running index starting from 0 will be used as the filename prefix. Args: output_dir: output image directory. output_postfix: a string appended to all output file names, default to `trans`. output_ext: output file extension name. output_dtype: data type for saving data. Defaults to ``np.float32``. resample: whether to resample image (if needed) before saving the data array, based on the `spatial_shape` (and `original_affine`) from metadata. mode: This option is used when ``resample=True``. Defaults to ``"nearest"``. Depending on the writers, the possible options are - {``"bilinear"``, ``"nearest"``, ``"bicubic"``}. See also: - {``"nearest"``, ``"linear"``, ``"bilinear"``, ``"bicubic"``, ``"trilinear"``, ``"area"``}. See also: padding_mode: This option is used when ``resample = True``. Defaults to ``"border"``. Possible options are {``"zeros"``, ``"border"``, ``"reflection"``} See also: scale: {``255``, ``65535``} postprocess data by clipping to [0, 1] and scaling [0, 255] (uint8) or [0, 65535] (uint16). Default is `None` (no scaling). dtype: data type during resampling computation. Defaults to ``np.float64`` for best precision. if None, use the data type of input data. To be compatible with other modules, squeeze_end_dims: if True, any trailing singleton dimensions will be removed (after the channel has been moved to the end). So if input is (C,H,W,D), this will be altered to (H,W,D,C), and then if C==1, it will be saved as (H,W,D). If D is also 1, it will be saved as (H,W). If `false`, image will always be saved as (H,W,D,C). data_root_dir: if not empty, it specifies the beginning parts of the input file's absolute path. It's used to compute `input_file_rel_path`, the relative path to the file from `data_root_dir` to preserve folder structure when saving in case there are files in different folders with the same file names. For example, with the following inputs: - input_file_name: `/foo/bar/test1/image.nii` - output_postfix: `seg` - output_ext: `.nii.gz` - output_dir: `/output` - data_root_dir: `/foo/bar` The output will be: /output/test1/image/image_seg.nii.gz separate_folder: whether to save every file in a separate folder. For example: for the input filename `image.nii`, postfix `seg` and folder_path `output`, if `separate_folder=True`, it will be saved as: `output/image/image_seg.nii`, if `False`, saving as `output/image_seg.nii`. Default to `True`. print_log: whether to print logs when saving. Default to `True`. output_format: an optional string of filename extension to specify the output image writer. see also: ``. writer: a customised `` subclass to save data arrays. if `None`, use the default writer from `` according to `output_ext`. if it's a string, it's treated as a class name or dotted path (such as ``""``); the supported built-in writer classes are ``"NibabelWriter"``, ``"ITKWriter"``, ``"PILWriter"``. channel_dim: the index of the channel dimension. Default to `0`. `None` to indicate no channel dimension. """ def __init__( self, output_dir: PathLike = "./", output_postfix: str = "trans", output_ext: str = ".nii.gz", output_dtype: DtypeLike = np.float32, resample: bool = True, mode: str = "nearest", padding_mode: str = GridSamplePadMode.BORDER, scale: Optional[int] = None, dtype: DtypeLike = np.float64, squeeze_end_dims: bool = True, data_root_dir: PathLike = "", separate_folder: bool = True, print_log: bool = True, output_format: str = "", writer: Union[Type[image_writer.ImageWriter], str, None] = None, channel_dim: Optional[int] = 0, ) -> None: self.folder_layout = FolderLayout( output_dir=output_dir, postfix=output_postfix, extension=output_ext, parent=separate_folder, makedirs=True, data_root_dir=data_root_dir, ) self.output_ext = output_ext.lower() or output_format.lower() if isinstance(writer, str): writer_, has_built_in = optional_import("", name=f"{writer}") # search built-in if not has_built_in: writer_ = locate(f"{writer}") # search dotted path if writer_ is None: raise ValueError(f"writer {writer} not found") writer = writer_ self.writers = image_writer.resolve_writer(self.output_ext) if writer is None else (writer,) self.writer_obj = None _output_dtype = output_dtype if self.output_ext == ".png" and _output_dtype not in (np.uint8, np.uint16): _output_dtype = np.uint8 if self.output_ext == ".dcm" and _output_dtype not in (np.uint8, np.uint16): _output_dtype = np.uint8 self.init_kwargs = {"output_dtype": _output_dtype, "scale": scale} self.data_kwargs = {"squeeze_end_dims": squeeze_end_dims, "channel_dim": channel_dim} self.meta_kwargs = {"resample": resample, "mode": mode, "padding_mode": padding_mode, "dtype": dtype} self.write_kwargs = {"verbose": print_log} self._data_index = 0 def set_options(self, init_kwargs=None, data_kwargs=None, meta_kwargs=None, write_kwargs=None): """ Set the options for the underlying writer by updating the `self.*_kwargs` dictionaries. The arguments correspond to the following usage: - `writer = ImageWriter(**init_kwargs)` - `writer.set_data_array(array, **data_kwargs)` - `writer.set_metadata(meta_data, **meta_kwargs)` - `writer.write(filename, **write_kwargs)` """ if init_kwargs is not None: self.init_kwargs.update(init_kwargs) if data_kwargs is not None: self.data_kwargs.update(data_kwargs) if meta_kwargs is not None: self.meta_kwargs.update(meta_kwargs) if write_kwargs is not None: self.write_kwargs.update(write_kwargs) def __call__(self, img: Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray], meta_data: Optional[Dict] = None): """ Args: img: target data content that save into file. The image should be channel-first, shape: `[C,H,W,[D]]`. meta_data: key-value pairs of metadata corresponding to the data. """ meta_data = img.meta if isinstance(img, MetaTensor) else meta_data subject = "RTStruct"#meta_data["patient_name"] if meta_data else str(self._data_index) patch_index = None#meta_data.get(Key.PATCH_INDEX, None) if meta_data else None filename = self.folder_layout.filename(subject=f"{subject}", idx=patch_index) if meta_data and len(ensure_tuple(meta_data.get("spatial_shape", ()))) == len(img.shape): self.data_kwargs["channel_dim"] = None err = [] for writer_cls in self.writers: try: writer_obj = writer_cls(**self.init_kwargs) writer_obj.set_data_array(data_array=img, **self.data_kwargs) writer_obj.set_metadata(meta_dict=meta_data, **self.meta_kwargs) writer_obj.write(filename, **self.write_kwargs) self.writer_obj = writer_obj except Exception as e: print('err',e) else: self._data_index += 1 return img msg = "\n".join([f"{e}" for e in err]) raise RuntimeError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} cannot find a suitable writer for {filename}.\n" " Please install the writer libraries, see also the installation instructions:\n" "\n" f" The current registered writers for {self.output_ext}: {self.writers}.\n{msg}" )