

AI & ML interests

Fast ML inference, 100% GPU utilization, HBM3e and fast memory


Posts 2

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Happy to announce -- a sister project to Chatbot Arena by lmsys -- for comparing different text guided image generation models models. Try it natively on HuggingFace: fal-ai/imgsys
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What is the current SOTA in terms of fast personalized image generation? Most of the techniques that produce great results (which is hard to objectively measure, but subject similarity index being close to 80-90%) take either too much time (full on DreamBooth fine-tuning the base model) or or loose on the auxilary properties (high rank LoRAs).

We have been also testing face embeddings, but even with multiple samples the quality is not anywhere close to what we expect. Even on the techniques that work, high quality (studio-level) pictures seem to be a must so another avenue that I'm curious is whether there is filter/segmentation of the input samples in an automatic way that people have looked in the past?


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