Qian Liu


AI & ML interests

Cooking cool things



Posts 3

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Introducing Sailor-14B Model and Sailor2 Project 🚢

We're thrilled to announce the release of the Sailor-14B models, including the Base and the Chat versions!

✅Built upon the Qwen1.5-14B model, the Base version follows a similar procedure as our Sailor-7B model.
✅The Chat version is optimized using DPO on our in-house human preference dataset, yielding a better experience than our previous Chat models.

🏠Home: https://sailorllm.github.io
🤗Model: sail/Sailor-14B-Chat
💻Demo: sail/Sailor-14B-Chat

We're also excited to introduce the Sailor2 project, ✨ an open collaboration opportunity for the entire community! ✨

🌐 The Sailor2 project aims to build a LLM with ~30B parameters, optimized for multiple South-East Asian languages, including Cebuano, Indonesian, Khmer, Lao, Minangkabau, Malay, Burmese, Sundanese, Javanese, Thai, and Vietnamese.

🎯The model will undergo continual pre-training from a base model proficient in both Chinese and English using nearly 800B SEA tokens, with an expected performance comparable to the most advanced business models for the above SEA languages.

🤝 Contribute your data, expertise, and ideas to shape the future of open-source LLMs for the SEA region.

🌍 Everyone passionate about the SEA region is welcome aboard! Join the party and get involved by scanning the QR code! 🔍

Let's sail together and enjoy the journey!⚓
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✨ Today, we're excited to share the full data processing script used in developing our Sailor models. The repo provides an end-to-end data processing pipeline for LLM training. 🚀

💻Code: https://github.com/sail-sg/sailcraft
🤗Model: sail/sailor-language-models-65e19a749f978976f1959825
📜Paper: Sailor: Open Language Models for South-East Asia (2404.03608)
🌐Homepage: https://sailorllm.github.io

# Overview 🔍

The pipeline consists of 4 stages🧹:
1️⃣ Initial data cleaning
2️⃣ Near deduplication
3️⃣ Exact deduplication
4️⃣ Second round of data cleaning

A special focus was given to the data cleaning part of South-East Asian (SEA) languages🌍

# Use Case ✨

With this codebase, you can clean your own dataset with:

✅ Get filtered data counts after each processing stage
✅ Easily configure language-specific cleaning rules (we support Arabic, Bengali, Catalan, Spanish, Basque, French, Hindi, Portuguese, Urdu, and optimize for English, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Chinese, Thai, Lao, Malay)
✅ Investigate what data was removed at each processing stage

# Acknowledgement 🙏

The main credit goes to @dreamerdeo , the first author of our Sailor paper ❤️! He put in tremendous effort on the data processing pipeline, enabling the model's great performance. We believe the mini repo will be a valuable resource for researchers working on dataset curation for large language models. 🎉

Sharing the recipe openly aligns with our commitment to open language model development. 💪 And this repo would not have been possible without the contributions from the open community, including the BigScience data cleaning tool, the all-in-one deduplication tool by @chenghao , and the deduplication project from Google. 🧠

# What's Next 🚀

Share your thoughts or leave any comments on what you'd like the Sailor models to do! We also have some exciting news coming soon, and please stay tuned. 🚄