{ "chr": "ᎠᎴ ᎾᏍᎩ ᏅᏗᎦᎵᏍᏙᏗᎭ ᏂᎦᏛ ᎠᏃᎯᏳᎲᏍᎩ ᎠᎾᏚᏓᎴᎭ ᏂᎦᎥ ᏧᏓᎴᏅᏛ, ᎾᏍᎩ ᎨᏣᏚᏓᎳᎡᏗ ᏂᎨᏒᎾ ᏥᎨᏒ ᎼᏏ ᎤᏤᎵ ᏗᎧᎿᏩᏛᏍᏗ ᏕᏥᎧᎿᏩᏗᏒ ᎢᏳᏍᏗ.", "en": "and by him every one that believeth is justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses." }
{ "chr": "ᎤᏯᎪᏅ ᎠᏰᎸᎢ, ᎠᏍᎪᎵ ᎤᏍᏆᏄᏤ ᎫᏕᎶᎰᎯᏍᏗ ᏄᏍᏛ ᎢᎪᎯᏛ, ᏩᏥᎳᏉ ᎢᏳᏍᏗ.", "en": "When he was done with the body, he held the head in his mouth and sucked until it held no more flavor than his own spit." }
{ "chr": "ᎠᏎᏃ ᎾᏂᎥ ᎤᎾᏤᎵᏛᎭ; ᎦᎶᏁᏛ ᏧᏓᎴᏅᏔᏅᎯ; ᎣᏂᏃ ᎾᏍᎩ ᎾᎦᎶᏁᏛ ᏧᏤᎵ ᎨᏒ ᎾᎯᏳ ᎦᎷᏨᎭ.", "en": "But each in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; then they that are Christ’s, at his coming." }
{ "chr": "ᎤᏓᎴᏨ ᎨᏎ ᎱᎷᏨᎢ.", "en": "His was a strange homecoming." }
{ "chr": "ᎾᏍᎩᏃ ᏄᎬᏫᏳᏒ ᏗᏓᏘᏂᏙᎯ ᎤᏪᎧᏅᎩ ᎠᏫᏅ ᎠᎴ ᎠᏁᏤᎸᎩ ᎯᎠ ᏄᏪᏎᎸᎩ; ᏞᏍᏗ ᎩᎶ ᎯᏃᏁᎸ ᎾᏍᎩ ᎯᎠ ᎬᏂᎨᏒ ᏂᏍᏋᏁᎸᎢ.", "en": "So the chief captain let the young man go, charging him, Tell no man that thou hast signified these things to me." }
{ "chr": "ᏭᏌᎩᏒ ᎪᏪᎵ ᎣᏍᏓ ᎤᎪᎵᏰᎥ ᎠᏍᏓᏱᏛ, ᏔᎵᏁ ᏄᏪᏒ, ᎦᎸᎳᏗ ᎠᏓᏅᏖᎵᏙ ᎤᏥᎸ.", "en": "He picked the letter up again and studied the signature and said again, Major Cotton." }
{ "chr": "ᎠᎴ ᏞᏍᏗ ᏂᎯ ᏱᏥᏲᎮᏍᏗ ᎢᏳᏍᏗ ᎢᏣᎵᏍᏓᏴᏗᏱ, ᎠᎴ ᎢᏳᏍᏗ ᎢᏣᏗᏔᏍᏗᏱ, ᎠᎴ ᏞᏍᏗ ᏧᏢᏫᏛ ᏱᏂᏚᏍᏕᏍᏗ ᏕᏣᏓᏅᏛᎢ.", "en": "And seek not ye what ye shall eat, and what ye shall drink, neither be ye of doubtful mind." }
{ "chr": "ᎤᏩᏃᏪ ᏫᎵᎻ ᎤᎪᎭ.", "en": "Wilbur trembled all over when he saw it." }
{ "chr": "ᎾᎿᏃ ᏚᎴᏅ, ᏧᏗᏱ ᎦᏓ ᎠᎲᎢ ᎤᎷᏤᎢ, ᏦᏓᏂ ᎠᏍᎪᏂᏗᏢ ᏧᎶᎯᏍᏔᏁᎢ; ᎠᎴ ᎤᏂᏣᏘ ᏴᏫ ᏔᎵᏁ ᎢᎬᏩᏓᏟᏌᏁᎴᎢ; ᎠᎴ ᎢᏳᏛᏁᏗ ᎨᏒ ᏄᏛᏁᎴᎢ, ᏔᎵᏁ ᏚᏪᏲᏁᎢ.", "en": "And he arose from thence, and cometh into the borders of Judæa and beyond the Jordan: and multitudes come together unto him again; and, as he was wont, he taught them again." }
{ "chr": "ᏣᏍᎪᏃ ᎢᎦᏓ ᏦᎯᏍᏙᏗ ᏱᎩ.", "en": "Surely some of them have some superior features." }
{ "chr": "ᎤᏏᏩ ᎨᏎᎢ ᎤᎾᏓᎪᎾᏙᏗ.", "en": "The Fair Grounds were soon deserted." }
{ "chr": "ᎠᎴ ᎣᏍᏛ ᎾᎾᏛᏁᎮᏍᏗ, ᎠᎴ ᎤᏁᎿᎢᏳ ᎨᏎᏍᏗ ᎣᏍᏛ ᎾᎾᏛᏁᎲᎢ, ᎠᎴ ᎠᏂᎦᎵᏰᏍᏗ ᎤᎾᏓᏁᏗᏱ, ᎠᏂᏯᏙᎯᎯ ᎨᏎᏍᏗ ᎤᏂᎲᎢ,", "en": "that they do good, that they be rich in good works, that they be ready to distribute, willing to communicate;" }
{ "chr": "ᎠᎦᏗᏓ ᏚᎾᏓᏚᎯᏍᏕᎢ ᎤᏲ ᎠᏒᎬ, ᏃᎴ ᎤᏩᎬᏘᎶᏓ ᎤᏃᎮᎴ ᏫᎵᎻ ᏄᎵᏍᏔᏁᎸ ᎡᎳᏆᏗ ᏃᎴ ᎤᏁᎸᏔᏅ ᎤᏂᏴᏗ ᏌᎳᏓ ᏃᎴ ᎤᏪᏥ ᎤᎪᏏᏓ ᎤᏲᏨ ᎤᎨᎯᏙᎸ ᎡᎳᏆᏗ.", "en": "There were many complaints about the awful smell, and Wilbur had to tell the story over and over again, of how the Arable boy had tried to capture Charlotte, and how the smell of the broken egg drove him away just in time." }
{ "chr": "ᎢᎸᏍᎩᏍᎪ ᎢᏯᏥᏛᎯ ᎦᎶᏁᏛ? ᏉᎳᏍᎪ ᏓᏓᎿᏩᏍᏛ ᎠᎦᏛᏁ ᎢᏥᏍᏕᎸᏗᏱ? ᎠᎴᏍᎪ ᏉᎳ ᏚᏙᎥ ᏕᏣᏬᏍᏔᏁᎢ?", "en": "Is Christ divided? was Paul crucified for you? or were ye baptized into the name of Paul?" }
{ "chr": "ᎤᎦᏙᏍᏛᎢ ᏫᎵᎻ ᏚᏲᏎ ᎠᏦᏴᎢ ᏃᎴ ᎤᎵᏌᎵᏓᏁᎢ.", "en": "As Wilbur watched, the spider let go of the fence and rose into the air." }
{ "chr": "ᎤᏁᎷᏁᎢ ᎤᎾᏓᏓᏍᎩ.", "en": "The crowd cheered." }
{ "chr": "ᎡᎶᎯ ᏧᏙᏢᏅ ᏅᏓᎬᏩᏓᎴᏅᏛ ᎥᏝ ᏱᎨᎦᏛᎦᏃ ᎩᎶ ᏚᏍᏚᎢᎡᎸ ᏗᎦᏙᎵ ᏗᎨᏫ ᎤᏕᏅᎯ.", "en": "Since the world began it was never heard that any one opened the eyes of a man born blind." }
{ "chr": "”ᎪᎱᏍᏗ ᏕᏥᎪᏩᏘᎭ,” ᎤᏛᏁ ᎠᏝᏪᎯ.", "en": "“I’m seeing things,” he whispered." }
{ "chr": "ᎯᎠᏃ ᏄᏪᏎᎴ ᎠᎨᏴ; ᏣᏍᎦᏅᏨ ᎡᏣᏙᎵᎩ.", "en": "And he said unto her, Thy sins are forgiven." }
{ "chr": "ᏃᏉᏗ ᎯᏢᎾ.”", "en": "And now, go to sleep.”" }
{ "chr": "ᏍᎩᏴᏃ ᎠᏥᎳ ᎠᎪᎲᏍᎬ ᎯᎠ ᎠᏂᏴᏫ ᏣᎾᏴᎩᏍᎨ ᏗᎧᏃᎩᏓ ᎠᏥᎸ ᎢᏣ ᏗᏓᏅᏫᏍᎩ ᏗᎧᏃᎩᏓ.", "en": "As the fire burned the people heard songs coming from the fire – songs of healing." }
{ "chr": "ᎤᏍᏆᏙᏅ ᎤᎦᏔᎲᏍᎬ ᏄᏍᏛ, ᎤᏅᎦᎸᎲ ᎪᎢᎭ ᎦᏰᏌᏛ.", "en": "When he was done tasting, he scrubbed at his greasy finger with the thumb of the same fist." }
{ "chr": "ᎠᎴ ᎾᏍᎩ ᏥᏫᏍᎪᎢ, ᎥᏝ ᎾᏍᎩ ᎠᏰᎸ ᎤᏙᏢᏗ ᎨᏒ ᏱᏫᏍᎪᎢ, ᎤᎦᏔᎭᏉᏍᎩᏂ, ᎤᏣᎴᏍᏗᏉ ᏱᎩ, ᎠᎴ ᎪᎱᏍᏗᏉ ᎤᏍᏗ ᏅᏩᏓᎴ ᏱᎩ;", "en": "and that which thou sowest, thou sowest not the body that shall be, but a bare grain, it may chance of wheat, or of some other kind;" }
{ "chr": "ᎤᏲ ᎤᎾᏗᏅᏗ ᏪᏙᎰ ᎢᎪᎯᏓ ᏃᎴ ᏓᎪᏩᏘᏍᎪ ᏧᏪᏘ ᏗᎪᏪᎵ ᏗᎪᎵᏰᏗ.", "en": "The rat visits the dump regularly and has access to old magazines." }
{ "chr": "ᎾᎯᏳᏃ ᎤᏒᎯ ᎢᏈᎬᎢ ᏂᎦᏟᎮ, ᎠᏧᏣᏃ ᏒᎦᏔ ᏚᎧᏁᏞᎢ ᎥᎿ ᎤᏩᏅᎦᏢᎢ ᏒᎦᏔ ᎢᏈᎬᎢ.", "en": "That night as the tree slept, the boy tied a big red apple on a branch of the little apple tree." }
{ "chr": "ᏍᎩᏃ ᎣᏍᏓ ᎠᏆᏅᏛ, ᎢᏳᏍᏘ ᎤᎾᎩᎵ ᎠᏂᏲᏍᎨ ᏃᎴ ᎠᏁᎩ ᎤᏂᏍᎦᏅᏨ ᏑᎾᎴ ᏥᏂᎦᎵᏍᏗ ᏣᎾᏂᎩᏍᎨ, ᎠᏌᎻᏓ ᎤᏍᎦᎢᏓ ᎤᏔᏁ ᎤᏍᏗ ᎪᏪᎵ ᏗᏆᏥᎶᏍᏔᏅ ᎠᏥᎶᏛ.", "en": "That, to the best of my remembrance, is why the mounted soldiers and their pedestrian prisoners left after daybreak, Smith navigating nervously by the little scrap of map I had drawn for him." }
{ "chr": "ᏤᏍᏗᏗ ᏱᏙᎨᏍᏗᏉ, ᏫᎵᎻ!", "en": "“Don’t just stand there, Wilbur!" }
{ "chr": "ᎬᏂᎨᏒᎢᏳ ᎢᏰᏨᏁᎸᎯ ᏂᎯ ᎦᎶᏁᏛ ᎤᏤᎵ ᎪᏪᎵ ᎨᏒᎢ, ᎠᏴ ᏦᎩᎸᏫᏍᏓᏁᎸᎯ, ᎪᏪᎳᏅᎯ ᎪᏪᎶᏗ ᎬᏔᏅᎯ ᏂᎨᏒᎾ, ᎠᏓᏅᏙᏍᎩᏂ ᎤᏁᎳᏅᎯ ᎬᏂᏛ ᎤᏤᎵ ᎬᏔᏅᎯ; ᎥᏝ ᏅᏲᎯ ᏗᎪᏪᎶᏗᏱ ᏗᎪᏪᎳᏅᎯ ᏱᎩ, ᎤᏇᏓᎵᏍᎩᏂ ᎨᏒ ᏗᎪᏪᎶᏗᏱ ᎣᎾᏫᏱ.", "en": "being made manifest that ye are an epistle of Christ, ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tables of stone, but in tables that are hearts of flesh." }
{ "chr": "ᎯᎠᏃ ᏅᏥᏪᏎᎸᎩ, ᏣᎬᏫᏳᎯ ᏂᎯ ᎯᎦᏔᎭ. ᎯᎠᏃ ᎾᎩᏪᏎᎸᎩ, ᎯᎠᏍᎩᏂ Ꮎ ᎤᏣᏘ ᎠᎩᎵᏯ ᎨᏒ ᏅᏓᏳᏂᎶᏒᎯ, ᎠᎴ ᎤᏃᏕᎾ ᎠᎩᎾ ᎤᎩᎬᏱ ᏧᏅᎩᎶᎥᎯ ᏧᎾᏁᏬ ᎠᎴ ᏧᏁᎬ ᎢᏧᏅᏁᎸᎯ.", "en": "And I say unto him, My lord, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they that come out of the great tribulation, and they washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb." }
{ "chr": "ᎠᏎᏴᏫᏃ ᏚᏍᏆᎸᏔᏅ, ᎠᎴ ᏚᏬᎵ ᏧᏂᏦᏯᏍᏗ ᏭᎧᎵᎢᏍᏔᏅ, ᎠᎴ ᎦᎾᏍᏙᎯ ᎤᏪᏆᏔᏅ, ᎤᏁᏁᎸ ᎤᏗᏔᏍᏗ; ᎯᎠ ᏄᏪᏎᎢ, ᎤᏁᎳᎩ, ᎢᏓᏙᎴᎰᎯ, ᏥᎪᏃ ᎢᏔᏯ ᏓᎦᎷᏥ ᏓᏳᏠᎥᏔᏂᎵ.", "en": "And one ran, and filling a sponge full of vinegar, put it on a reed, and gave him to drink, saying, Let be; let us see whether Elijah cometh to take him down." }
{ "chr": "ᎠᏴᏫᏯ ᎤᎬᏫᏳ ᎠᏂᏁᎵ ᏫᎦᎷᎬ ᎢᎦ ᏒᎯᏰᏣ ᎠᏗᏔᎯᏙ ᏃᎴ ᎠᏓᏩᏛᎯᏙ.", "en": "He soon began coming around the Indian Queen late afternoons for a drink and a visit." }
{ "chr": "ᎿᏉᏃ ᎠᏂᏯᏫᏍᎩ ᏚᏂᎦᎵᏒᎩ ᎠᏍᏕᏱᏛ ᎤᏍᏗ ᏥᏳ ᎦᏙᏌᏗᏍᏛᎢ, ᎠᎴ ᎾᏍᎩ ᎤᏬᎰᏒᎩ.", "en": "Then the soldiers cut away the ropes of the boat, and let her fall off." }
{ "chr": "ᎠᏎᏃ ᎾᏍᎩ ᏂᏣᏛᎦ ᏕᏥᏍᎦᏅᏥ ᎢᏣᎵᏅᏟ, ᎠᎴ ᎤᏲ ᏂᏕᏨᎦ ᏗᏩᎾᎦᎳ ᏚᎾᏓᏅᏛᎢ, ᎦᎶᏁᏛ ᎡᏥᏍᎦᏅᏤᎰᎢ.", "en": "And thus, sinning against the brethren, and wounding their conscience when it is weak, ye sin against Christ." }
{ "chr": "“ᎨᏍᏗᏗ ᏍᏆᏬᏣ ᏱᎬᏲᏎᎳ,” ᎤᏛᏁ ᎰᎻ.", "en": "“I didn’t ask for a shower bath,” said Mr. Zuckerman." }
{ "chr": "ᎤᏍᏗ ᏚᏄᏌᏛ, ᎠᏎ ᎤᏍᎪᏍᏛ ᎠᎦᎵᏍᎬ ᎦᏲᏟᏉ ᎠᎪᏩᏛᏗ, ᎠᏥᎸ ᎠᏨᏍᏛ ᎨᏍᏗ ᎠᎪᏩᏛᏗ ᏱᎨᏎ.", "en": "His little mustache, faint even in brightest daylight, was invisible by the fire." }
{ "chr": "ᎪᎯᏳᏗᏍᎩᏂ ᎨᏒ ᎠᏏ ᏂᎦᎾᏄᎪᎬᎾ ᏥᎨᏎᎢ, ᏗᎧᎿᏩᏛᏍᏗ ᎠᎲ ᎭᏫᏂᏗᏢ ᏂᎦᏛ ᏅᎩ, ᎡᎩᏍᏚᎲᎩ ᎪᎯᏳᏗ ᎨᏒ ᎣᏂ ᎬᏂᎨᏒ ᎢᎬᏁᏗ ᎨᏒ ᎢᏯᏍᏗ.", "en": "But before faith came, we were kept in ward under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed." }
{ "chr": "ᎤᎾᏓᏅᏘᏃ ᎪᎯᏳᏗ ᎨᏒ ᎤᎾᏛᏂᏗᏍᏕᏍᏗ; ᎩᎶᏍᎩᏂ ᎢᏳᏍᏗ ᎢᎠᏨᏍᎨᏍᏗ ᎠᏆᏓᏅᏙ ᎥᏝ ᎣᏏᏳ ᏳᏰᎸᏎᏍᏗ ᎾᏍᎩ.", "en": "But my righteous one shall live by faith: And if he shrink back, my soul hath no pleasure in him." }
{ "chr": "ᎾᏍᎩᏃ ᎾᏂᎥ ᏚᏲᎱᎯᏎᎴᎢ, ᎾᏍᎩ Ꮎ ᏗᏅᏃᏛ ᏥᎩ ᎪᎯ ᎨᏒ ᎢᏳᏓᎴᏅᏛ ᎤᏅᏒᏉ ᎤᎾᏤᎵ ᎤᎬᏩᎵ ᎤᎾᎴᏂᏓᏍᏗᏱ ᏂᎨᏒᎾ, ᎾᏍᎩᏍᎩᏂ Ꮎ ᎤᏤᎵ ᎤᎬᏩᎵ ᏧᏲᎱᎯᏎᎸᎯ ᎠᎴ ᏧᎴᎯᏌᏅᎯ ᏥᎩ.", "en": "and he died for all, that they that live should no longer live unto themselves, but unto him who for their sakes died and rose again." }
{ "chr": "ᏂᎯ ᎾᏍᏉ ᏗᏨᏂᏗᏳ ᎨᏎᏍᏗ; ᏗᏣᎵᏂᎪᎯᏍᏓ ᏗᏥᎾᏫ, ᎤᎬᏫᏳᎯᏰᏃ ᎤᎷᎯᏍᏗᏱ ᎤᏍᏆᎸᎯᏗ.", "en": "Be ye also patient; establish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord is at hand." }
{ "chr": "ᎢᏥᏁᎬᏍᎩᏂ ᎯᎠ ᏄᏍᏕᏍᏗ, ᎥᎥ, ᎥᎥ; ᎥᏝ, ᎥᏝ; ᎤᏟᏰᏃ ᏥᏂᎦᎣ ᎤᏲᏉ ᎨᏒ ᏗᏓᎴᏂᏍᎪᎢ.", "en": "But let your speech be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: and whatsoever is more than these is of the evil one." }
{ "chr": "ᎠᎴ ᎾᏍᏉ ᏗᎦᏤᎵᎦ ᏩᎾᏕᎶᏆ ᏂᎪᎯᎸ ᎣᏍᏛ ᏧᏂᎸᏫᏍᏓᏁᏗᏱ ᎾᏍᎩ ᎤᏚᎸᏗ ᏂᎦᎵᏍᏗᏍᎬ ᎪᎱᏍᏗ ᎬᏔᏂᏓᏍᏗ, ᎾᏍᎩ ᎠᏂᏁᏉᏍᎩ ᎢᏳᎾᎵᏍᏙᏗᏱ.", "en": "And let our people also learn to maintain good works for necessary uses, that they be not unfruitful." }
{ "chr": "ᎢᏤᏯᏔᎮᏍᏗ, ᎢᏥᏯᏫᏍᎨᏍᏗ ᎠᎴ ᎢᏣᏓᏙᎵᏍᏗᏍᎨᏍᏗ; ᎥᏝᏰᏃ ᏱᏥᎦᏔᎭ ᎢᏳ ᎨᏒᎢ.", "en": "Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is." }
{ "chr": "ᎣᏲᎢᏳᎢᏣᎵᏍᏓᏁᏗ ᏗᏦᏪᎵᏍᎩ, ᎠᎴ ᎢᏥᏆᎵᏏ, ᎢᏣᏠᎾᏍᏗ! ᏂᎯᏰᏃ ᏓᏓᏂᏌᎲ ᏕᏣᏤᎸ ᏄᏪᎵᏍᏛᎾ ᏥᎨᏐᎢ, ᎠᎴ ᏴᏫ ᎦᏚᎢ ᎠᏂᎶᏍᎩ ᎥᏝ ᏱᎾᏙᎴᎰᏍᎪᎢ.", "en": "Woe unto you! for ye are as the tombs which appear not, and the men that walk over them know it not." }
{ "chr": "ᎯᎠᏃ ᏂᏚᏪᏎᎴᎢ, ᎯᎠ ᎾᏍᎩ ᏥᏂᏨᏪᏎᎸᎩ, ᎠᏏᏉ ᏥᏨᏰᎳᏗᏙᎲᎩ, ᎾᏍᎩ ᏂᎦᎥ ᎾᏍᎩ ᎠᏎ ᎢᏳᎵᏍᏙᏗ ᎨᏒᎢ ᎪᏪᎳᏅᎯ ᎨᏒ ᏗᎧᎿᏩᏛᏍᏗᏱ ᎼᏏ ᎤᏤᎵᎦ, ᎠᎴ ᎠᎾᏙᎴᎰᏍᎩ ᏚᏃᏪᎸᎢ, ᎠᎴ ᏗᎧᏃᎩᏍᏗᏱ, ᎠᏴ ᎬᎩᏃᎮᏍᎬᎢ.", "en": "And he said unto them, These are my words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must needs be fulfilled, which are written in the law of Moses, and the prophets, and the psalms, concerning me." }
{ "chr": "ᎦᎶᏇ ᏭᏴᎮ ᏃᎴ ᏄᏓᎴ ᎦᏚ ᎤᎦᎾᏍᏓ ᎠᏔᎸᎩᏓ ᎡᎳᏆᏗ.", "en": "Avery grabbed his gun and another doughnut." }
{ "chr": "ᎾᏍᎩᏯ ᎠᏗᎾ ᎦᎶᏁᏛ ᎣᏍᏛ ᎧᏃᎮᏛ ᏧᎵᎶᎲᏍᎦ ᏂᏣᏛᏁᎴᏙᎮᏍᏗ; ᎾᏍᎩ ᎢᏳᏃ ᏱᏫᏨᎷᏤᎸ ᎠᎴ ᏱᏫᏨᎪᎥ, ᎠᎴ ᏯᎩᎪᏁᎸᏉ, ᏱᎦᏛᎬᎦ ᏂᏣᏛᎿᏕᎬᎢ, ᎤᎵᏂᎩᏛ ᏕᏥᏙᎬ ᏌᏉ ᎠᏓᏅᏙᎩᎯ, ᏌᏉ ᎠᏓᏅᏖᏗ ᎬᏗ, ᎠᏤᏉᎶᎯ ᎢᏣᏟᏂᎬᏁᏗᏱ ᎢᏥᏍᏕᎸᏗᏱ ᎪᎯᏳᏗ ᎨᏒ ᎣᏍᏛ ᎧᏃᎮᏛ.", "en": "Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ: that, whether I come and see you or be absent, I may hear of your state, that ye stand fast in one spirit, with one soul striving for the faith of the gospel;" }
{ "chr": "ᎾᏍᎩᏃ ᎤᏕᏘᏴᏌᏗᏒᎢ ᏭᎵᏏᎩᏴᎢ ᎤᏒᎯᏰᏱ", "en": "The darkest evening of the year." }
{ "chr": "ᎾᏍᎩ ᎯᎠ ᏥᏌ ᎤᏁᎳᏅᎯ ᏕᎤᎴᏔᏅ, ᎠᎴ ᎾᏍᎩ ᎠᏴ ᏂᎦᏛ ᎣᏥᏃᎮᏍᎩ.", "en": "This Jesus did God raise up, whereof we all are witnesses." }
{ "chr": "ᎯᏅᏏᏓᏍᏗ ᏕᏫ ᎠᎰᎵ ᏨᏔᏅᎯ ᎯᎠ ᎢᏣᏪᏛ ᏥᎩ; ᎦᏙᏃ ᏧᎾᏓᎴᏅᏛ ᏴᏫ ᎤᏂᏔᎳᏬᏎᎢ, ᎠᎴ ᏴᏫ ᎤᎾᏓᏅᏖᎴ ᎢᏳᎾᏛᏁᏗᏱ ᎾᏍᎩ ᎢᎬᏩᎵᏍᏙᏗ ᏂᎨᏒᎾ ᎨᏒᎢ.", "en": "who by the Holy Spirit, by the mouth of our father David thy servant, didst say, Why did the Gentiles rage, And the peoples imagine vain things?" }
{ "chr": "ᎰᎵᎦᏧ?”", "en": "Do you think you understand?”" }
{ "chr": "ᏓᏨᏃᎯᏎᎵ ᏥᎸᏉᏗ ᎨᏒ ᎯᏥᏥ.", "en": "I think it is only fair to tell you that I was devoted to your mother." }
{ "chr": "”ᏂᎬᎾᏛ ᎠᏓᏅᎵᏰᎠ,” ᎤᏪᎷᏁ ᏲᎾ ᎤᏤᏍᏙ.", "en": "“It’s getting all over everything,” shouted Fern." }
{ "chr": "ᎢᏣᏛᎩᏍᎨᏍᏗᏃ ᏓᏅᏩ, ᎠᎴ ᎠᏂᏃᎮᎵᏙᎲ ᏓᏅᏩ, ᏞᏍᏗ ᏱᏣᏕᏯᏔᏁᎮᏍᏗ; ᎾᏍᎩᏰᏃ ᎠᏎ ᎢᏳᎵᏍᏙᏗ; ᎤᎵᏍᏆᏗᏍᏗᏱᏍᏗᏂ ᎨᏒ ᎠᏏ ᎨᏎᏍᏗ.", "en": "And when ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars, be not troubled: these things must needs come to pass; but the end is not yet." }
{ "chr": "ᎾᏍᎩᏃ ᎨᏥᏅᏏᏛ ᎠᏂᏅ ᎢᎬᏱᏗᏢ ᏚᏂᎧᏁᎢ; [ᎨᏥᏅᏛᏃ] ᎤᎾᏓᏙᎵᏍᏔᏅ ᏚᎾᏏᏔᏕᎢ.", "en": "whom they set before the apostles: and when they had prayed, they laid their hands upon them." }
{ "chr": "ᎠᎴ ᏅᎩᏁ ᎠᏍᏚᎲ ᎤᏍᏚᎢᏒ, ᎠᏆᏛᎦᏅᎩ ᎧᏁᎬ ᏅᎩᎬ ᎾᏍᎩ Ꮎ ᎬᏃᏛ ᎯᎠ ᏂᎦᏪᏍᎬᎢ, ᎡᎭᎦᏔᏄᎦ.", "en": "And when he opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, Come." }
{ "chr": "ᏲᎾ ᎤᏤᏍᏙ ᏭᎧᏔᏁᎢ ᎧᏁᏌᎢ, ᎧᏴᏐᎵ ᎬᏗ ᎠᎲᏏᏙᎮ ᎧᏁᏍᎦ.", "en": "Fern peered through the door. Wilbur was poking the straw with his snout." }
{ "chr": "ᎯᎠᏃ ᏂᏚᏪᏎᎴᎢ, ᎢᏤᏯᏔᎮᏍᏗ ᏄᏍᏛ ᎢᏣᏛᏟᎶᏒᎲ, ᎾᏍᎩᏯ ᎡᏣᎵᎾᎶᏒᏗ ᎨᏎᏍᏗ; ᏂᎯᏃ ᎢᏣᏛᎩᏍᎩ ᎡᏥᏁᏉᎡᏗ ᎡᏥᏁᏗ ᎨᏎᏍᏗ.", "en": "And he said unto them, Take heed what ye hear: with what measure ye mete it shall be measured unto you; and more shall be given unto you." }
{ "chr": "ᏫᎬᏲᏪᎳᏏ ᏗᎹᏗ ᎬᎨᏳᎢ ᎠᏇᏥ; ᎬᏩᎦᏘᏯ ᎤᏓᏙᎵᏍᏗ ᎨᏒ ᎠᎴ ᎤᏓᏙᎵᏣᏛ ᎨᏒ ᎠᎴ ᏅᏩᏙᎯᏯᏛ ᏕᏣᎧᎿᏩᏗᏙᎮᏍᏗ ᏅᏓᏳᎾᎵᏍᎪᎸᏔᏅᎯ ᎤᏁᎳᏅᎯ ᎢᎩᏙᏓ ᎠᎴ ᎦᎶᏁᏛ ᏥᏌ ᎢᎦᏤᎵ ᎤᎬᏫᏳᎯ.", "en": "to Timothy, my beloved child: Grace, mercy, peace, from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord." }
{ "chr": "ᎠᏗᎾ ᎢᏨᏂᏗᏳ ᎨᏒ ᎤᎧᎵᏨᎯ ᏧᎸᏫᏍᏓᏁᏗ ᎨᏒ ᏚᎸᏫᏍᏓᏁᎮᏍᏗ; ᎾᏍᎩᏃ ᏂᎯ ᎢᏥᎧᎵᏨᎯ ᎠᎴ ᎢᏥᏃᏍᏛ ᎨᏎᏍᏗ, ᎪᎱᏍᏗ ᏂᏥᎪᎸᎾ.", "en": "And let patience have its perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, lacking in nothing." }
{ "chr": "ᏌᏩᏂᏃ ᏈᏓ ᎤᏍᏓᏩᏛᏒᎩ ᏥᏌ, ᎠᎴ ᎾᏍᏉ ᏅᏩᏓᎴ ᎠᏓᏍᏓᏩᏗᏙᎯ. ᎾᏍᎩ ᎠᏓᏍᏓᏩᏗᏙᎯ ᏄᎬᏫᏳᏒ ᎠᏥᎸ-ᎨᎶᎯ ᎤᎦᏔᎯ ᎨᏒᎩ; ᎢᏧᎳᎭᏃ ᏥᏌ ᎤᏂᏴᎸᎩ ᎤᏜᏅᏛᎢ ᏄᎬᏫᏳᏒ ᎠᏥᎸ-ᎨᎶᎯ ᎦᏁᎸᎢ.", "en": "And Simon Peter followed Jesus, and so did another disciple. Now that disciple was known unto the high priest, and entered in with Jesus into the court of the high priest;" }
{ "chr": "ᏝᏍᎪ ᏚᏳᎪᏛ ᏱᎩ ᏄᏍᏛ ᎦᏓᏅᏖᏍᎨ ᎢᏯᏋᏁᏗᏱ ᎠᏆᏤᎵ ᎨᏒᎢ? ᏥᏌ ᎯᎦᏙᎵ ᎤᏲᎢᏳ ᎢᎩ ᏅᏗᎦᎵᏍᏙᏗ ᎠᏴ ᎠᏆᏓᏅᏘᏳ ᎨᏒᎢ?", "en": "Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with mine own? or is thine eye evil, because I am good?" }
{ "chr": "ᎾᏍᎩᏃ ᎿᏉ ᎤᏂᏣᏘ ᎤᎾᏙᎴᎰᏒ ᏥᏌ ᎾᎿ ᏄᏙᎲᎾ ᎨᏒᎢ, ᎠᎴ ᎾᏍᏉ ᎬᏩᏍᏓᏩᏗᎰᎯ, ᎾᏍᎩ ᎾᏍᏉ ᏥᏳᎯ ᏚᎾᏣᏅᎩ, ᎠᎴ ᎨᏆᏂ ᎤᏂᎷᏨᎩ, ᎠᏂᏲᎲᎩ ᏥᏌ.", "en": "when the multitude therefore saw that Jesus was not there, neither his disciples, they themselves got into the boats, and came to Capernaum, seeking Jesus." }
{ "chr": "“ᎠᏯᏍᎪ ᎠᏆᏓᏅᏖᏙᏗ.”", "en": "“I should worry.”" }
{ "chr": "ᎠᏎᏃ ᎤᏛᎦᏅ ᎠᏥᎳ ᎤᎬᏫᏳᎯ ᎨᏒ ᏧᏗᏱ ᎤᏙᏓ ᎡᎶᏛ ᎤᏓᏁᏟᏴᏍᏓᏁᎸᎢ, ᎤᏍᎦᎴ ᎾᎿ ᏭᎶᎯᏍᏗᏱ; ᎠᏎᏃ ᎤᏁᎳᏅᎯ ᎤᏪᏯᏔᏅᎯ ᎨᏒ ᎠᏍᎩᏓᏍᎬᎢ, ᎨᎵᎵ ᏭᎪᎸᏍᏔᏁᎢ;", "en": "But when he heard that Archelaus was reigning over Judæa in the room of his father Herod, he was afraid to go thither; and being warned of God in a dream, he withdrew into the parts of Galilee," }
{ "chr": "ᎬᏩᏛᏛᏁᏃ ᎯᎠ ᏄᏂᏪᏎᎢ, ᏔᏕᏲᎲᏍᎩ, ᎢᎳᎪᏃ ᎢᏳ ᎯᎠ ᎾᏍᎩ ᏅᏓᎦᎵᏍᏔᏂ? ᎠᎴ ᎦᏙ ᎤᏍᏗ ᎤᏰᎸᏛ ᎨᏎᏍᏗ ᎾᎯᏳ ᎯᎠ ᎾᏍᎩ ᏧᏓᎴᏅᏛ ᎠᎵᏰᎢᎶᎸᎭ?", "en": "And they asked him, saying, Teacher, when therefore shall these things be? and what shall be the sign when these things are about to come to pass?" }
{ "chr": "ᎾᏍᎩ ᎢᏳᏍᏗ ᎢᏨᏔᏲᏎᎭ ᏗᏥᏩᎾᎦᎶᎢᏍᏗᏱᏉ ᏂᎨᏒᎾ ᎠᏴ ᎢᏨᎩᎵᏲᏤᎲ ᎢᏳᏍᏗ, ᎾᏍᎩ ᎦᎸᏉᏗᏳ ᎢᏨᏁᎯ ᏥᎩ.", "en": "Wherefore I ask that ye may not faint at my tribulations for you, which are your glory." }
{ "chr": "ᎠᏎᏃ ᏗᏘᏲᎯ ᏃᎴ ᎤᏓᎾᏂ, ᏃᏉᏃ ᎠᏴᏫᏯ ᎤᎬᏫᏳ ᎤᏩᏌ.", "en": "And yet a lawyer and businessman and now an Indian chief himself." }
{ "chr": "ᏃᎴ ᎠᏏᎾᏌᏂ, ᏄᎾᏓᎴᎲ ᎠᏂᏴᏫᏯ ᎤᏂᎶᏒ ᏧᎷᏫᏍᏓᏁᏗ.", "en": "And he was an expert, for every fraction of Indian in existence had passed through his office." }
{ "chr": "ᎾᏍᎩᏃ ᎾᏍᏉ ᎯᎠ ᏄᏪᏎᎴᎢ, ᏂᎯ ᎾᏍᏉ ᎯᏍᎩ ᎢᎦᏚᎩ ᏣᎬᏫᏳᏌᏕᎩ ᎨᏎᏍᏗ.", "en": "And he said unto him also, Be thou also over five cities." }
{ "chr": "ᏃᏊᏃ ᏅᎩᏁ ᏒᏃᏱ Ꮭ ᏲᎨᏅᏎ ᎡᎵᏏᏍᎩᏂ ᏧᏪᏅᏒ ᎣᎨᏅᏒ.", "en": "About the forth night we did not go, but instead we went to visit my grandmother." }
{ "chr": "ᎠᎴ ᎾᏍᎩ ᎢᏳᏍᏗ ᎠᎾᏓᏙᎵᏍᏗᏍᎬ ᎨᏥᏁᎢᏍᏗᏍᎨᏍᏗ, ᎤᏣᏘ ᎨᏥᎨᏳᏒ ᏅᏗᎦᎵᏍᏙᏗᏍᎬ ᎤᏣᏘ ᎬᏩᎦᏘᏯ ᎤᏓᏙᎵᏍᏗ ᎨᏒ ᎤᏁᎳᏅᎯ ᎢᏥᏁᎸᎢ.", "en": "while they themselves also, with supplication on your behalf, long after you by reason of the exceeding grace of God in you." }
{ "chr": "ᏂᎦᏓ ᎦᎸᏅ ᎤᏂᏰ, ᏣᏉ ᎠᏰᎵᏉ.", "en": "So he left a whole noodle, instead of a half." }
{ "chr": "ᎦᏅᏙᏗ ᎢᏳᏍᏗ ᎨᏎᎢ, ᎠᎴ ᏒᏚᎵ.", "en": "It was a sort of sac, or cocoon." }
{ "chr": "ᏴᏫ ᏚᎾᏓᏅᏛ ᏚᎸᏕᎯᎮᏍᏗ ᏅᏗᎦᎵᏍᏙᏗᏍᎨᏍᏗ ᎠᏂᎾᏰᏍᎬ ᎠᎴ ᎠᏂᎦᏖᏃᎲ ᎾᏍᎩ ᏧᏓᎴᏅᏛ ᎡᎳᏂᎬ ᎤᎾᏄᎪᎢᏍᏗ ᎨᏒᎢ; ᎤᏂᏣᏘᏰᏃ ᎦᎸᎶ ᏣᏂᎧᎳ ᏛᎾᎵᏖᎸᏂ.", "en": "men fainting for fear, and for expectation of the things which are coming on the world: for the powers of the heavens shall be shaken." }
{ "chr": "ᎤᏟᏍᏓ ᏥᏚᏝᏗᏗᏅᏎ!", "en": "Quickly, he jumped away!" }
{ "chr": "ᏂᎪᎯᎸᎾ ᏚᏓᏴᎳᏛ ᎤᏩᏌ ᏗᎪᏩᏛᏗ ᎨᏎ ᏃᎴ ᎠᏂᎾᏁᏍᎬ ᎤᏂᏃᏕᎾ ᎠᏂᎩᏍᏙᏍᎬ, ᏃᎴ ᎢᏳᏓᎵ ᎠᏛᎪᏗ ᎨᏎ ᏩᎦ ᎤᏕᎵᏌᏛᏗ ᎦᎸᎳᏗᏣ.", "en": "Soon there were only shadows and the noises of the sheep chewing their cuds, and occasionally the rattle of a cow—chain up overhead." }
{ "chr": "ᎣᏂᏉ ᎠᏓᏏᏎᎢ ᎡᎳᏆᏗ, ᎤᏂᏴ ᎧᏴᏐᎵ.", "en": "Avery ran after her, holding his nose." }
{ "chr": "ᏥᏌᏃ ᏔᎵᏁ ᎠᏍᏓᏯ ᎤᏁᏨ ᏕᎤᏲᏎ ᎤᏓᏅᏙ.", "en": "And Jesus cried again with a loud voice, and yielded up his spirit." }
{ "chr": "ᎤᏙᎯᏳᎯᏯ ᎯᎠ ᏂᏨᏪᏎᎭ; ᎯᎠ ᎾᏍᎩ ᏂᎦᏛ ᏓᏳᎾᎵᏱᎶᎮᎵ ᎯᎠ ᎪᎯ ᏣᏁᎭ.", "en": "Verily I say unto you, All these things shall come upon this generation." }
{ "chr": "ᏦᎳᏂᎾ?", "en": "Winders?" }
{ "chr": "”ᎭᏩ,” ᎤᏰᎸᏗᏗ ᏗᏁᎶᏗ, ᎠᏓᏏᏓᏍᏗ ᏃᎴ ᎠᏓᎾᏫᏗ ᏃᎵ ᎤᎵᎮᎵᏍᏗ ᎢᏯᏛᏁᏗ.", "en": "“Well,” said Wilbur, “it means to have fun, to frolic, to run and skip and make merry.”" }
{ "chr": "ᎥᏝ ᎠᏂ ᏘᎦᎾ, ᏚᎴᏅᏰᏃ ᎾᏍᎩᏯ ᏄᏪᏒᎢ; ᎡᏍᏕᎾ ᎡᏍᏓᎦᏔ ᎤᎬᏫᏳᎯ ᎠᏥᏅᏅᎢ.", "en": "He is not here; for he is risen, even as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay." }
{ "chr": "ᏒᏃᏱ ᏱᏄᎵᏍᏔᏅ ᏃᏊ, ᎢᎾᎨ ᎠᏇᏓᏍᏗ ᎠᎴ - ᎠᏋᏌ ᎠᏇᏓᏍᏗ.", "en": "When night came, I had to walk through the woods alone." }
{ "chr": "ᎠᏥᎸᏳᎵ ᏩᏆᏅ, ᎠᏉᏢ ᎾᎥᏂ ᏓᎩᏛ ᎦᎶᏇ.", "en": "I went and sat by one of the fires with the muskets on the ground beside me." }
{ "chr": "ᎢᏤᏃ ᏗᎧᏃᎩᏍᏗ ᏚᏂᏃᎩᏒᎩ, ᎯᎠ ᏄᏂᏪᏒᎩ; ᏚᏳᎪᏗ ᏂᎯ ᏣᏁᏍᏗᏱ ᎪᏪᎵ ᎠᎴ ᏗᏣᏲᏍᏙᏗᏱ ᏓᏍᏚᎲᎢ; ᎡᏣᎸᎩᏰᏃ, ᎠᎴ ᎤᏁᎳᏅᎯ ᏧᏤᎵ ᏂᏍᎩᏴᏁᎸ ᏣᎩᎬ ᏍᎩᏩᎯᏍᏔᏅ, ᏫᏗᏍᎩᏯᏅᎲ ᏂᎦᏛ ᏓᏂᎳᏍᏓᎳᏩᏗᏒᎢ, ᎠᎴ ᏧᏓᎴᏅᏛ ᏗᏂᏬᏂᏍᎩ ᎨᏒᎢ, ᎠᎴ ᏧᎾᏓᎴᏅᏛ ᏴᏫ, ᎠᎴ ᏧᎾᏓᎴᏅᏛ ᏓᏁᏩᏗᏒᎢ.", "en": "And they sing a new song, saying, Worthy art thou to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and didst purchase unto God with thy blood men of every tribe, and tongue, and people, and nation," }
{ "chr": "ᎤᏁᎳᏅᎯᏃ ᏅᏩᏙᎯᏯᏛ ᎠᏓᏁᎯ ᏂᏥᎥ ᎢᏤᎳᏗᏙᎮᏍᏗ. ᎡᎺᏅ", "en": "Now the God of peace be with you all. Amen." }
{ "chr": "ᎾᏍᎩᏃ ᎯᎠ ᏥᏄᏍᏗ ᎪᎯᏳᏗ ᎨᏒ ᎠᏛᎪᏗᏱ ᏗᏓᎴᎲᏍᎦ, ᎠᏛᎪᏗᏱᏃ ᎤᏁᎳᏅᎯ ᎤᏤᎵ ᎧᏃᎮᏛ ᏗᏓᎴᎲᏍᎦ.", "en": "So belief cometh of hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ." }
{ "chr": "ᎠᏎᏃ ᎡᏆᎭᎻ ᎯᎠ ᏄᏪᏎᎢ; ᎠᏇᏥ, ᎭᏅᏓᏓ,. ᏂᎯ ᎠᏏ ᏣᎴᏂᏙᎲᎩ ᎯᏩᏘᏍᎬ ᏣᏤᎵᎦ ᎣᏍᏛ, ᎠᎴ ᎳᏏᎳ ᎾᏍᏉ ᎠᏩᏘᏍᎬᎩ ᎤᏤᎵᎦ ᎤᏲᎢ. ᎠᏎᏃ ᎿᏉ ᎠᏥᏄᏬᎯᏍᏔᏅ, ᏂᎯᏃ ᎢᎯᎩᎵᏲᎦ.", "en": "But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and Lazarus in like manner evil things: but now here he is comforted, and thou art in anguish." }
{ "chr": "ᎦᏂ ᏕᎦᎸ ᏃᎴ ᏗᏛᏅᎢᏍᏔᏅ ᏧᏂᏍᏔᏲᏍᏗ.", "en": "They were loaded and cocked." }
{ "chr": "Ꭷ, ᏦᏈ ᏘᏅᎵ ᎠᏂᏫᏅ, ᏫᏯᏅ ᏌᏩᏂ ᏈᏓ ᏧᏙᎢᏛ,", "en": "And now send men to Joppa, and fetch one Simon, who is surnamed Peter:" }
{ "chr": "ᎾᏍᎩ ᏗᏓᎴᏂᏍᎬ ᏤᎮᎢ, ᎠᏴ ᎣᎦᏛᎦᏅᎯ, ᏦᏥᎦᏙᎵ ᏦᎬᏔᏅᎯ ᎣᎩᎪᎲᎯ, ᎾᏍᎩ ᏦᎦᎧᎿᏅᎯ, ᎠᎴ ᏦᎪᏰᏂ ᏦᎬᏔᏅᎯ ᎣᎦᏒᏂᎵᏙᎸᎯ, ᎧᏃᎮᏛ ᎬᏂᏛ--", "en": "That which was from the beginning, that which we have heard, that which we have seen with our eyes, that which we beheld, and our hands handled, concerning the Word of life" }
{ "chr": "“ᏣᏛᎦᏁ ᎢᏗᎦᏪᏍᏗ ᎤᏓᏴᎳᏔᏅ ᎧᏅᏂᏍᎩ ᏚᏏᎳᏛ?” ᎤᏛᏛᏁ ᎪᏱᏁᎢ ᏰᎵ ᎤᏩᏃᏫᏍᎩ.", "en": "“Have you heard about the words that appeared in the spider’s web?” asked Mrs. Arable nervously." }
{ "chr": "ᏗᏂᎨᏫᏃ ᎠᎴ ᏗᏂᏲᎤᎵ ᎬᏩᎷᏤᎸᎩ ᏗᎦᎳᏫᎢᏍᏗᏱ, ᎠᎴ ᏚᏅᏩᏅᎩ.", "en": "And the blind and the lame came to him in the temple; and he healed them." }
{ "chr": "ᏥᎦᏔᎭᏰᏃ ᎯᎠ ᎾᏍᎩ ᎥᎩᏍᏕᎸᏗᏱ ᏭᎵᏰᎢᎶᎯᏍᏗ ᎨᏒᎢ ᏂᎯ ᎢᏣᏓᏙᎵᏍᏗᏍᎬ ᏅᏓᎦᎵᏍᏙᏔᏂ, ᎠᎴ ᏥᏌ ᎦᎶᏁᏛ ᎤᏓᏅᏙ ᎥᎩᏁᎲᎢ;", "en": "For I know that this shall turn out to my salvation, through your supplication and the supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ," }
{ "chr": "ᎢᏨᏲᏎᏰᏃ ᎥᏝ ᎿᏉ ᎯᎠ ᎾᏍᎩ ᏴᎦᎦᎵᏍᏓᏴᏓ ᎬᏂ ᎤᎵᏍᏆᏛᎯ ᎨᏎᏍᏗ ᎤᏁᎳᏅᎯ ᎾᎿ ᎤᎬᏫᏳᎯ ᎨᏒᎢ.", "en": "for I say unto you, I shall not eat it, until it be fulfilled in the kingdom of God." }
{ "chr": "”ᎭᏦᎣᏍ”", "en": "“Jump off!”" }
{ "chr": "ᎠᏎᏃ ᎢᏓᎵᏅᏟ ᎠᏆᏚᎵᎭ ᎢᏥᎦᏙᎥᎯᏍᏗᏱ ᎾᏍᎩ ᎫᏓᎴᏅᏛ ᎾᏆᎵᏍᏓᏁᎸᎢ ᎤᏁᏉᎢᏍᏗᏱᏉ ᏄᏩᏁᎸ ᎣᏍᏛ ᎧᏃᎮᏛ;", "en": "Now I would have you know, brethren, that the things which happened unto me have fallen out rather unto the progress of the gospel;" }
{ "chr": "ᏏᏆ ᎭᏫᏯ ᏗᎦᏒᏍᏔᏅ ᏂᏓᎨᏨᏁᎵ,” ᎠᎦᏛ ᎠᏂᏗᎨ ᏏᏆ ᏓᏂᎯᎰ ᎤᏴᏣ ᏱᏄᎵᏍᏔᎾ.", "en": "Turn you into smoked bacon and ham,” continued the old sheep. “Almost all young pigs get murdered by the farmer as soon as the real cold weather sets in." }
{ "chr": "ᎠᏂᏯᏫᏍᎩᏃ, ᏂᎨᏥᏪᏎᎸ ᎨᏥᏁᏤᎸ ᏄᎾᏛᏁᎸ, ᎤᏂᏯᏅᎲᎩ ᏉᎳ, ᎠᎴ ᏒᏃᏱ ᏭᏂᎶᏒ, ᎥᏗᏇᏗ ᏭᎾᏘᏃᎸᎩ.", "en": "So the soldiers, as it was commanded them, took Paul and brought him by night to Antipatris." }
{ "chr": "ᎢᏳᏰᏃ ᎦᎫᏍᏛᏗ ᏧᏛᎯ ᏱᎩ, ᎠᎴ ᎬᏩᏍᏆᏗᏍᏗ ᏂᎨᏒᎾ ᏱᎩ, ᏂᎦᏛ ᎠᏂᎪᏩᏘᏍᎩ ᏯᎾᎴᏅ ᏱᎬᏩᏕᎰᏛ,", "en": "Lest haply, when he hath laid a foundation, and is not able to finish, all that behold begin to mock him," }

Dataset Card for ChrEn

Dataset Summary

ChrEn is a Cherokee-English parallel dataset to facilitate machine translation research between Cherokee and English. ChrEn is extremely low-resource contains 14k sentence pairs in total, split in ways that facilitate both in-domain and out-of-domain evaluation. ChrEn also contains 5k Cherokee monolingual data to enable semi-supervised learning.

Supported Tasks and Leaderboards

The dataset is intended to use for machine-translation between Enlish (en) and Cherokee (chr).


The dataset contains Enlish (en) and Cherokee (chr) text. The data encompasses both existing dialects of Cherokee: the Overhill dialect, mostly spoken in Oklahoma (OK), and the Middle dialect, mostly used in North Carolina (NC).

Dataset Structure

Data Instances

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Data Fields

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Data Splits

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Dataset Creation

Curation Rationale

[More Information Needed]

Source Data

Initial Data Collection and Normalization

Many of the source texts were translations of English materials, which means that the Cherokee structures may not be 100% natural in terms of what a speaker might spontaneously produce. Each text was translated by people who speak Cherokee as the first language, which means there is a high probability of grammaticality. These data were originally available in PDF version. We apply the Optical Character Recognition (OCR) via Tesseract OCR engine to extract the Cherokee and English text.

Who are the source language producers?

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Annotation process

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Who are the annotators?

The sentences were manually aligned by Dr. Benjamin Frey a proficient second-language speaker of Cherokee, who also fixed the errors introduced by OCR. This process is time-consuming and took several months.

Personal and Sensitive Information

[More Information Needed]

Considerations for Using the Data

Social Impact of Dataset

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Discussion of Biases

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Other Known Limitations

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Additional Information

Dataset Curators

The dataset was gathered and annotated by Shiyue Zhang, Benjamin Frey, and Mohit Bansal at UNC Chapel Hill.

Licensing Information

The copyright of the data belongs to original book/article authors or translators (hence, used for research purpose; and please contact Dr. Benjamin Frey for other copyright questions).

Citation Information

  title={ChrEn: Cherokee-English Machine Translation for Endangered Language Revitalization},
  author={Zhang, Shiyue and Frey, Benjamin and Bansal, Mohit},


Thanks to @yjernite, @lhoestq for adding this dataset.

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