Nishith Jain


AI & ML interests

Trying to make AI fun and Easy for Non-Techy.



Posts 14

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Simple method to resolve hallucinations in LLM during long conversations.

But Why LLM's hallucinate in long convo?
The primary reason is that they are not trained for long conversations; instead, they are trained on simple Q&A type datasets which lacks depth of conversations typically humans do.

Use dataset that includes lengthy, simultaneous conversations as humans do with llms.

It's puzzling why this type of dataset isn't utilized more often, given it offers a straightforward solution to such a significant problem.
Thanks for Reading!🤗
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I am pleased to announce 2 amazing AI demos:

1. Chat with Google Agent - This includes three AI models that allow you to converse with an AI, which provides answers by searching Google.
Demo Link: poscye/google-go

2. HelpingAI 9B - A model that surpassed all top AIs with the highest EQ benchmark score of 89.23. It specializes in understanding human emotions and responding in human style.
Demo Link: Abhaykoul/HelpingAI-9B
Model Link: OEvortex/HelpingAI-9B
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